Map Thread VI

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You forgot Serbien :D

Also, you can't end "Großdeutsches Reich" with a long s.

Man, am I glad we got rid of this nonsense. Though probably the font simply has the long s as standard s, because, hey, it looks more Germanish-foreign, right? ;)
Inspired by B_Munro's "Let's Get Depressing!" map challenge idea. Yes, the Axis are the "good" guys in the scenario; I already have quite a few ideas as to who the bad guys are and how they operate. And the Axis haven't mellowed out much, either.

Damn you that is AWESOME!

Though the Western Axis kind of succumbs to the superimposed Swastika. You can hardly make out the borders of the Greater German Reich.

Maybe do it more like the Rising Sun over in the East, somewhat "behind" the map?
Very nice! Is this an alliance of Germany, Japan and the USSR? Because the Soviet soldiers rather look like they're attacking Germany.

Yes, it's Germany, Japan, USSR. I'll look for some Soviet soldiers who don't look like they're ready to attack Germany.


You forgot Serbien :D


Man, am I glad we got rid of this nonsense. Though probably the font simply has the long s as standard s, because, hey, it looks more Germanish-foreign, right? ;)

Yeah, it's the font's fault. I'll change it for the world version to make it more accurate.

Though the Western Axis kind of succumbs to the superimposed Swastika. You can hardly make out the borders of the Greater German Reich.

Maybe do it more like the Rising Sun over in the East, somewhat "behind" the map?

Ah, good idea. That can be arranged.
A map, still WIP. This is a preview.

"The World War saw the Entente and Quadruple Alliance far too closely matched for either side to win, with too long of fronts. After 8 years of combat communist revolutions broke out across Russia, with Germany and France to soon follow. The remaining powers were stretched even thinner trying to put down revolutions in allied territory while still trying to fight the enemy, and soon experienced revolutions of their own. In Canada the military managed to take control as communism was less popular amongst its people. They then moved to put down rebellions across the nation, resulting in nearl 40 000 casualties amongst civilian rioters. By 1923 they had managed to stabilise and moved in to help the US as they saw it's slave oriented government as less dangerous than a communist one. Soon afterwards they moved in and secured most of Britain's empire along with the British Isles themselves, placing this new territory under martial law.
"With so much territory occupied they were beginning to run low on troops so they got American and Japanese support to save the Netherlands and Spain from the communists. In the end they still had a great deal of trouble but managed to develope nukes by 1931 and successfully forced the Commintern to accept peace.
"This lead to a viscious cold war, between the Stalinist Comintern and the alliance of the slavery based US, Imperial Japan (with YTL WWII nastiness), rather ruthless fascists in Europe and Fascists Imperialist Canada which treated non-provincials horribly and their only chance to gain provincial status was four years of active combat duty, usually border control keeping refugees on the right side of the border."



Similar but not.;)

Let's see what MSPaint's Paint dropper says:


Chinese state

Flipping identical. I was just assuming they were too similar, like the US-like Norway colour on some maps, but those are the same colour!
Nice job, but a 'Federal Kingdom of America'?????? My brain just exploded............and not from any awesomeness, I'm sad to say :(.{Please don't take any offense, I think you are pretty talented. ;)}

It's supposed to be a puppet of Mexico, who got the land in a war with the United States. It was too far away from the capital, and filled with americans, so they made it an autonomous Kingdom. The plan is to fill the place with immigrants from Mexico, who would then ask for annexation.
Let's see what MSPaint's Paint dropper says:


Chinese state

Flipping identical. I was just assuming they were too similar, like the US-like Norway colour on some maps, but those are the same colour!
I didnt realize they were the same colour. Nice job.
Trying out a new map style. I think it worked out pretty well. This is a map from a TL where the Avars are basically the 6th century's Huns, and Bayan is their Attila the Hun.

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