Map Thread V

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A continuation and development from the last map I posted.

Few would have thought that the Trent Affair would have such far ranging consequences for a conflict that for the most part was confined to the North American continent. However, with the defeat of the United States in mid 1863, it allowed for the Napoleon III to enforce his position in Mexico without much due interference from the U.S. By 1865 the Mexican republican rebels had been defeated but a growing insurgency had ensured that in turn, by the following year almost 150,000 French troops were deployed to the country in a bid to enforce law and order. In the U.S., the better part of the next decade is spent trying to use military forces to hold down various attempts to secedes, ranging from the Second Mormon rebellion to Californian secessionism and even an attempt by various Indian tribes to form a nation in the Dakota and Montana regions. However, the U.S. weathers the storm and survives, if only just.

In 1866, with the defeat of the Austrian army all but complete at the hands of the Prussians and with French attentions directed to the Americas, Bismarck and his Generals have the confidence to march on and occupy Vienna. In the ensuing chaos central Hungary goes into open revolt and secedes from the Empire. The war ends with the Treaty of Linz which stipulates that:

  • The Kingdom of Hungary shall be a free and independent nation in its own right.
  • Galicia and the Free City of Krakow shall become protectorates of the Russian Empire.
  • Ethnic Romania regions of Galicia shall be given to the Principality of Moldavia.
  • Venetia and Dalmatia shall go to the Kingdom of Italy.
  • The Archduchy of Austria shall consist of Austria, Bohemia, Moravia, Southern Carinthia, Istria South Tyrol (the last two of being some gripe to the Italians).

Following the War, Austria suffers a bout of economic depression and extreme conservatism from which it would not recover from until the mid 1890’s. The government starts a long period of Austrianisation (Germanisation), expelling thousands of Italians (many who settle in Dalmatia) while many other ethnic groups leave for a better life in Places like Western Europe, North America and Australia while at the same time, million of ethnic Germans from across the former Austrian Empire are settled in their place. By 1900, even places like Bohemia; German has become the predominant language.

In 1868 in Spain, Queen Isabella II is deposed and sent into exile. In 1870, the Spanish Approach Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen to be their new monarch and Prussia, more confident in its military strength and with a large proportion of the French military still tied down in Central America, allows him to take up the position. Naturally the even causes outrage in France who fears being encircled by hostile nations. Negotiations fail and threats quickly follow. In 1871 it comes to war. Despite early French successes in Spain where they almost reach Madrid thanks to a disorganised Spanish army and Carlist rebels who oppose Leopold. Shortly after the Confederate States of America declare War on Spain and attempt to invade Cuba, which they do but incur terrible losses, more to disease than the battlefield. However for France it is all in vain as Prussian Forces defeat their armies and reach Paris where ironically they end up putting down a socialist uprising in the city in order to aid the French government after the monarchy collapses and the third republic is declared. In Eastern Europe, Russia uses the distraction of the war to annex outright its new protectorates directly into the Empire.

In the Americas, despite the fall of the French empire the Republics new government chooses to continue to support the puppet government of Maxamillian while at the same time attempting to expand their support in South America too. At the same time, the new German Empire turns its attention to countering the French Latin American growth, sparing the beginning of the “Latin Race” in which various colonial powers (mostly France, Germany and to a much less extent, Great Britain) vie for political and economic dominance over the region. Germany gains a stronghold first in Venezuela, using its historical attempts at settling the region as leverage against the French. They also gain a strong position in Argentina and Chile (along with Britain). Argentina it particular becomes somewhat expansionist, annexing some of its lesser neighbours and ending up at odds with Brazil (particularly over the annexation of Uruguay). However, the short British invasion of Bolivia in order to ward off Chile and Argentina invading the country over its nitrate deposits cuts the Argentinean expansionism short in the 1880’s. After the Trent War, interest in building a Nicaraguan canal start to develop between Britain, France and the Confederate States. After various attempts at gaining building rights in the region fail, France and the C.S.A. somewhat rashly invade and annex the small nation along with its neighbours who had banded together to form the “Central American Alliance.” The War causes outrage in the United States but war is averted by the threat of British intervention and the poor states of the U.S. armed forces which have been largely neglected since the end of the Trent War. It does however, after the war push America closer to Germany in an effort to modernise their country, developing a Prussian type military and dealing with secessionist problems amongst the Native Americans in a manner similar to how the Germans deal with the Poles.

The Ottoman hold on the Balkans was forever broken when in 1876, a poor harvest led to large scale riots and rebellion in place s like Bulgaria and Serbia. Russia, ever the enemy of the Turks and ally of the Slavs engaged in a long and brutal war that saw the establishment of several new nations in the Balkans. However, Anglo-French intervention prevented the Russians from taking control of the Dardanelles and ensured that the new greater Bulgaria did not come at the expense of Greece. The result for the ottomans is disastrous and in 1880, Egypt declares its independence as an independent Empire, taking everything for the Sinai to Tunisia with it. The following year Egyptian forces occupy the Suez Canal Zone and declare the canal Egyptian territory and start charging ships extortionate fees for passage. This prompts an Anglo-French invasion in which France occupies Tunisia and Britain seizes Egypt and Tripoli while the canal is jointly administered.

The Scramble for Africa began with the Belgian occupation of the Congo and was formalised in the Vienna Conference where new spheres of interest set out. Due to their goings on in South America, France and Germany largely loose out, (not that it really bothers Bismarck who never really wanted colonies anyway) mostly to the benefit of France and Italy who make several gains and even allows them to be more aggressive in their policy towards other powers (such as Britain’s policy towards Belgium and Portugal and Italy’s invasion of Abyssinia, claming sovereignty over all ethnic Somalis in the country.

In Asia, the accidental sinking due to a mine of the Japanese Cruiser Shogun results in war between Spain and Japan with the latter seizing the Philippines and the Island of Guam.

The year is now 1912 and the world has formed into two large power blocks, with Germany, the U.S.A., Austria, Italy and Spain on one side while the other consists of Great Britain, France, Russia, the C.S.A., Hungary and the Balkan Alliance (a series of Balkan nation’s allied to the Russian Empire). A pro German coup in the previously pro French nation of Colombia has led to the French republic invading the country, sparking strong protest from Germany and many now think that war is on the horizon.

Global Britannia World Map 1912.PNG


Here's my entry for MoF 3. :)G]

Nice style, but some of those borders strike me as very, very convergent for a map based on a no-Peninsular War POD (e.g. Germany's eastern border being the Oder-Neisse Line and the arbitrary Egypt/Libya border being exactly the same as OTL)
A map of Europe from my current Victoria game as France.


Some Info on the game:

I switched to a republic shortly after my victory in the Franco-Prussian war, Scandinavia formed, and Germany is currently being competed over by me, Austria and Prussia (who all have a stake in there as you can see). North German Fed and Luxembourg are my two satellites. Prussia is allied with Italy and Hannover though...which caused a bit of trouble during the war.

Around the world colonization is proceeding in a relatively historical manner (I control Northern and Western Africa, Madagascar, Gabon, Annam, French west Indies, and some pacific colonies, etc.....ahistorically I control Shanghai, Taiwan, New Guinea and Mexico is still my satellite). I put the breaks on a lot of ahistorical Prussian colonization in West Africa during the war. Russia somehow managed to grab a portion of Canada though and the US is in a war with UK that may result in them taking the rest
(Canada wasn't released as a dominion).
If I may ask, what's that line green line in the Levant running right next to the magenta meter guage, slightly inland?

And surely Alanya or some other southern Anatolian port ought to have a connection to the main line, right? Bulgaria and Black Sea Anatolia seem to have more trackage than the land along the Mediterranean coastline.

Antalya, Mersin (called Icel on this map) and Iskenderun are all connected. The region doesn't have a massive population, and there are formidable mountain barriers, and the above three are the only major ports on the South coast. Bulgaria is more densely populated, industrialized, and strategically vulnerable, so it can support a denser rail network - plus the terrain is way, way easier. Bosnia, off the map, also has a dense rail network, although only the main line is standard, as the terrain made anything but narrow-gauge uneconomic. The north coast of Anatolia is more heavily settled, and the northern line parallel to the coast is meant to open up that area to economic development. The Westernmost port is Zonguldak/Eregli, which is where the coal fields are, and the Easternmost is Trabzon, which is the outlet for Persian trade, plus it's an important strategic point for moving troops to the Eastern front. This system was actually projected in OTL, but wasn't built due to WWI, and wasn't the highest priority for the Republic, so it never got built.

The green line is a standard-gauge route connecting the Anatolian systems to the Egyptian State Railway. It's part of the Constantinople to Cairo Express (or Kostantiniyye'den Kahire'ye - either way you get the alliteration!) It was built to avoid the double transshipment through Syria. It has commercial value, but the principle impetus for its construction was strategic.
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And 1940. The Baltic states will be taken care of, don't worry about that. The colors will start to change too, especially when the Cold War starts up.

Soviet Wank 1940.PNG


North America, circa 2028.
One of the main issues in the Federal Republic of America during the 2025 general election was the annexation of Mexico. The Federal Unionist Party, the party of the incumbent President Charles Compton, largely supported annexation; they argued that the American military presence in Mexico was such that if they pulled out, the country would fall to chaos once more. As well as arguing that illegal immigration from Mexico, which had declined significantly snce 2011, but was still ongoing, would become non-existent. Whereas the Libertarian Party and Republican Party disagreed, but for widely different reasons; the Libertarians saw it as another drain on tax dollars to support Mexico's frail economy even more than they already were, and Republicans opposed the inclusion of more Spanish-speaking Catholics than there already were.

In the 2025 campaign, the Federal Unionists made annexation their primary goal, turning the issue into the central one of the election, along with NHS reform. The Federal Unionists won handily, gaining many more seats in the Congress, and Charles Compton won the presidential election with more than 63% of the vote. His first act was to work with the Mexican government to enact staggered plebiscites in Mexican states. Gradually, over the next two years, Mexico became part of America. New organised incorporated territories and full-fledged states are formed, raising the states in the union to 62.

North America 2028.png
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