Map Thread IV

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In my European History class last semester, we role played the nations of Europe just after the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum to Serbia. We were supposed to try to negotiate an acceptable settlement to avoid war, but instead we we just started WWI with completely different alliances (it's Britain, France, Ottomans v. Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy). The situation inspired me to (roughly) plan out the war, and this is what the world looked like after the war was over with (i.e. after the revolts in Britain and the former Ottoman Empire ended).

What the hell? There's no way Scotland would become independent in that scenario.

Also, how the hell do you end up with Russia on the same side as the Austrians with a POD that late?


The only way that Russia could ally with Germany would be if the tariff issues it had with the the Germans earlier on could have been avoided. The two nations used to be allies.

I also have a hard time seeing AH and Italy, the rivals, together.

And is India independent? Well, at least the British-ruled India cliche was avoided.

I wish we could do stuff like that in history class.
Why didn't the Soviet Union take Bornholm in the Baltic - you've made it Swedish.
How come Denmark and Norway is one country?
And if the Soviets were able to conquer all of Germany why not secure the entrance of the Baltic and gobble up Denmark?
A number of Norwegian islands have gone independent as have Northern Ireland while the republic have rejoined Britain???

The Faeroe Islands and Shetland have also declared independence and there have been an exchange of islands between Greece and Turkey!!! :eek:

Ummm... errors... maybe too many, since I rushed the map.
*feels st00pid*
This map contains every cliche That I like to put on my maps.
Austro-German Empire, Kingdom of Hungary, Greater Bulgaria, small Poland, Independent Greater Finland, Romania with Bessarabia, Independent Ukraine, Belorussia, and Baltic countries with a separate Lithuania.

In my European History class last semester, we role played the nations of Europe just after the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum to Serbia. We were supposed to try to negotiate an acceptable settlement to avoid war, but instead we we just started WWI with completely different alliances (it's Britain, France, Ottomans v. Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy). The situation inspired me to (roughly) plan out the war, and this is what the world looked like after the war was over with (i.e. after the revolts in Britain and the former Ottoman Empire ended).

my class actually did something incredibly similar. WWI scenario. so, if someone wants, i could draw up that map and how things would have worked out.
A random map I just came up with tonight, of a Europe in 1100 AD.

Oh, the purple nation between Navarra-Castile and Barcelona is Aragon. Not sure what the green country in Persia is. :p

EDIT: Some of the map is inspired by situations in my games of Crusader Kings.

Random map 1200.png
my class actually did something incredibly similar. WWI scenario. so, if someone wants, i could draw up that map and how things would have worked out.

While we're at it, I remember when our history class did the Congress of Vienna; at the start of the section, we were divided into groups (one for each of the UK, France, Austria, Prussia, and Russia) and had to work out a treaty. We'd all just had a week of classes on the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, so in theory everyone knew the situation, but as I was basically the only one who knew anything about the actual congress, Austria (my team) had... uh... a bit of an advantage. IIRC Austria ended up with its OTL borders. Except in Poland, where we kept the 1793 partition lines. And Parma. And Modena. Oh, and Bavaria, too. And Hapsburgs on the thrones of Naples and Tuscany. :D

...Damn, now I need to make that map. Please is there a decent, free MSPaint clone for Mac?
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While we're at it, I remember when our history class did the Congress of Vienna; at the start of the section, we were divided into groups (one for each of the UK, France, Austria, Prussia, and Russia) and had to work out a treaty. We'd all just had a week of classes on the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, so in theory everyone knew the situation, but as I was basically the only one who knew anything about the actual congress, Austria (my team) had... uh... a bit of an advantage. IIRC Austria ended up with its OTL borders. Except in Poland, where we kept the 1793 partition lines. And Parma. And Modena. Oh, and Bavaria, too. And Hapsburgs on the thrones of Naples and Tuscany. :D

...Damn, now I need to make that map. Please is there a decent, free MSPaint clone for Mac?

Nice. i'm a little busy with school now. i'll post the map of my WWI scenario tomorrow. i need the OTL Borders of Europe in 1987. using my posted map as a base, but all internal borders (internal and external) should be in 50% gray instead of black. Please, someone do this for me...

*looks to Q* :eek: (this is my pleading face)
What the hell? There's no way Scotland would become independent in that scenario.

Also, how the hell do you end up with Russia on the same side as the Austrians with a POD that late?

The Scots (and other Celts) revolted once the Germans made landfall in a WWI equivalent of a-sea-mammal-that-shall-not-be-named:rolleyes:

And Russia's basically trying to outflank Austria in diplomatic relations with Germany, but also hoping that Germany will be checked in strength by the British and French (cloak and dagger politics, essentially)

The only way that Russia could ally with Germany would be if the tariff issues it had with the the Germans earlier on could have been avoided. The two nations used to be allies.

I also have a hard time seeing AH and Italy, the rivals, together.

And is India independent? Well, at least the British-ruled India cliche was avoided.

I wish we could do stuff like that in history class.

In the role play I was Russia, and I managed to convince Germany to stay allied was that we would guarantee Germany access to the Ottoman supply routes, as long as they supported us in a war against them. It's probably not that probable a reason, but that's how I convinced the person playing Germany to ally with me against the Ottomans, so there ya have it.

Italy is a tough one. In OTL, Italy was part of the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria before WWI, but didn't join in right away because it felt Germany and Austria were the aggressor nations, and thus it wasn't obligated to step in. Here, because Serbia doesn't start the war, but some later trigger, it's possible Germany and Austria ended up not being the war instigators in Italy's eyes.

Yep, India's independent, anti-British (anti-European actually), and will become a major regional power over the years.

(did anyone else notice that the U.S. owns Formosa and has a sphere of influence in China?)

Germany and the United Kingdom sign a peace treaty and a non-agression pact in late 1940, after the fall of France. This gives Germany the ability to launch a way more powerful and concentrated Operation Barbarossa earlier on February-March 1941, which succeeds in capturing Moscow, with Joseph Stalin dying in the city; the USSR is pushed into Siberia. Germany becomes the master of Europe, annexing the entire eastern Europe in their campaign to purify and germanize the continent without opossition, and liberating nations of western Europe (Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, France) as German Satellites.

Italy obtains Greece and Albania with help from Germany in 1941, along with a good part of Northern Africa. Italy becomes the master of the Mediterranean Sea.

In 1945, Japan declares war against USA, but Germany does not. Japan quits the Axis. USA and UK declare war against Japan.

In 1942, the USSR starts to collapse as a German-friendly Russian Empire emerges; Germany actively supports the Russian Empire insurgents within the USSR.

In 1943 the European Union is formed by Germany and it's satellites; along with Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Turkey. The Axis Block is made of Germany, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey, Portugal, Spain, and Italy.

In 1945, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are attacked by the US with nuclear weapons. Japan surrenders, however, with diplomatic pressure from Germany to the US, Japan gets to keep some ofr it's conquests and is not disarmed.

1947. The USSR collapses and the Russian Empire emerges, the Russian Empire is allowed into the Axis but not ihn the European Union. The Republic of China wins the civil war against the People's Republic of China with help from Germany, and is pressured into the Axis by Germany.

1950. The Cold War begins between the US, the UK and it's colonies and dominions, and Germany and the Axis.
Turkey is ruled by pieces of transparent cloth?! :eek: :D


Apart from that typo, excellent and original map.

Seconded... :cool:

Here's another map I just finished! And this time I'm satisfied with it. :)

Semi-Generic Germany wins WWI map, with some extras. Italy joins the Central Powers, and Russia is knocked out early and quickly signs a peace treaty. Some smaller territory is annexed from France to Germany, and there is an occupied zone as shown. Flanders and Wallonia is under German control, and the Netherlands are under German economic supervision. Austria-Hungary collapses a few years after the war ends, and is broken up.

Coolness... :cool:

Shame for Austria, though... :(

Feudal America


Another map from the same series:



Now all we need is a Norman Byzantium. :D


I am thinking of writing it, but the inter-dynastical marriages of this time makes me dizzy... Why couldn't they intermarry more orderly?:D

Never! European dynasties must marry even more randomly for crazy personal-unions(TM)... :D


GAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! :eek::eek::mad::mad::mad::mad:

A random map I just came up with tonight, of a Europe in 1100 AD.

Oh, the purple nation between Navarra-Castile and Barcelona is Aragon. Not sure what the green country in Persia is. :p

EDIT: Some of the map is inspired by situations in my games of Crusader Kings.

What! No random emirates(TM)... :eek::D:D:D

No comments on my map? Too terrible for words? It's so good it's got you speechless? Please, I'd like feedback, either good or bad.
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