MAP CONTEST: First map challenge.

Oh, I can post it...

Allies lost World War One because of US siding with the CPs. Over several "accidental" submariene attacks. (The POD is in 1901 when the Admirality decides to build subs) After WW1 Ireland was made independent. After World War 2 Scotland was made independent. After several nukes were dropped, by Germany, on several armies.

Nukes were developed by both the USA and Germany at roughly the same time. The OTL equivlants are obvious, except A-H has an occupation zone. Like maps at the "Federal Republic" is referred as the real nation. Hence the pink puppet coloring surrounding Irish and American England. Names are what the nations are popularly called. For example, Érie has Irish England due to the common lack of knowledge of the adjective form of Érie.

Germany acts as the USSR. The little bit of the Netherlands was annexed by purchase.

Celtic groups were blamed for the loss and economic downturn post World War One. They were also the cheif victims of the Holocaust. Scotland is the Israel of the TL, but doesn't cause as much upheaval. Currently there is talk of an independent Welsh state.

The Inset of London is to show the deatails of the city.

The map is set roughly at the end of the London Airlift.

The Title, The End signifies the true end of every last conquest of the British Empire, all in less then 50 years.

So, hope you like it. :)

NOTES: This isn't meant for extreme plausibility, it is more likley than other ATLs but it isn't anywhere close to likely.

Also, this is meant for the artistic perspective, hence the "finalized" look.

Finally, I mean no offence to British citizens or British sympathizers.

My entry, at last...

During the Civil War, a battalion of Mexican soldiers is sent to reconquer the provinces of New Spain. They were soundly trounced by both sides, and after the war, the US is newly aggressive towards Mexico. No butterflies - other than more anti-Mexican foreign policies.

In 1917, the Mexicans receive a telegram from the Germans, as in OTL. They respond in the positive, and attempt to punish the Americans for their crimes. The Yankees once again trounce them, and annex most of Northern Mexico, creating two nations - the Federal Mexican Republic, and the Republic of Yucatan. (The flag used for Yucatan is an OTL flag of Yucatan dating from the 1840's, and widespread pressure is on the Mexican authorities to make this the Yucatan State flag.)

Baja California and Sonora have just been integrated into the states as the 49th and 50th states in the Union, conveniently, as this means the OTL flag for 2006 can be used. :p

If Yucatan seems a bit big, think Polish Corridor. :D

Zimmerman Telegram.PNG
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I hope this isn't too late.

Basically, the Battle for the Inonu River goes a little differently, and the Greeks are still pushed back towards the coast, but they (the Greeks) manage to wheel to the side a little, and maintain a beachhead long enough that it's a fact on the ground when peace negotiations (at the behest of Churchill's PM and King) begin.

This map shows the borders one year after the death of the King of Greece (monkeybite, same as OTL)....October 1921.

{I apologize for how the mapmaker seems to have gotten some blood on the corner of the map}
Screeching in
The Sikhs have revolted for an independent Kalistan
The Tamil Tigers used this opportunity to take over Sri Lanka, but they didn't stop there, marching into South India. The Sikhs press forward and India's forces run thin.



I hope this isn't too late.

Basically, the Battle for the Inonu River goes a little differently, and the Greeks are still pushed back towards the coast, but they (the Greeks) manage to wheel to the side a little, and maintain a beachhead long enough that it's a fact on the ground when peace negotiations (at the behest of Churchill's PM and King) begin.

This map shows the borders one year after the death of the King of Greece (monkeybite, same as OTL)....October 1921.

{I apologize for how the mapmaker seems to have gotten some blood on the corner of the map}
Uh. Where's da map?
Can I enter?

Nazis do better on the Eastern front and the Battle of Britain; though the US still joins the fight, Germany gets the Bomb by '45 and the war ends in a cold status-quo stalemate, the beginning of a long struggle between the Free World (which happens to include Zhukov's Soviet Union and Mao's China) and the Axis.

Can I join?

Future history c. 2020

Britain leaves the EU, which splits into three parts, each of which unites into a confederacy.

The CIS also becomes a confederacy and admits Serbia and Montenegro.

Might as well post my map now, since everyone else has.

An alternate WWI, which ends up in a stalemate. A peace treaty is signed, however, it favors the Central Powers.

Why does Austria-Hungary lose Transcarpatha?:confused:

Can you explain this "Holand" to me also?
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Europe Circa 1940.


Unlike in our Modern World, the Treaty of Versailles ending World War I is far more lenient upon a new Democratic German regime, with American and British Diplomats persuading the French to accept Germany's Indemnity Payments and its return of Alsace-Lorraine instead of their initial demands which would have severly restricted Germany. Furthermore, due to the growing concern among the Allies of the spread of Communism into eastern and central Europe, both the German and Austrian Governments are permitted to retain large military forces (although they are limited in terms of the technology and equipment permitted by the Allies) so as to prevent the heart of Europe from falling to the Bolsheviks, which, since 1917, had subdued all remaining vestiges of Democratic forces in Russia and was now intent on spreading its influence into former regions of the Russian Empire.

Using the forces still mandated to him by the Treaty, Austrian Emperor Karl I moves swiftly to consolidate his control over his Empire now on the verge of collapse. Although nearly bankrupt, Vienna manages to subdue major rebellions in Bohemia and Hungary, whilst deposing Regent Miklós Horthy and establishing an Imperial Confederation with Karl as its Emperor.

Meanwhile, the remaining Slavic groups of the Balkans (not including the Greeks) found the "Land of Southern Slavs" or Yugoslavia and appoint King Peter of Serbia as its Head of State.

Over the course of the 1920's and 1930's, Europe develops into two armed camps. In the west, Britain and France continue to assume the role as the leaders of a Democratic Europe, ensuring that regimes to the east do not fall prey to the Communist menace.

The Wiemar Republic, having repayed the majority of its debts (while borrowing significant amounts of money from the United States), begins to thrive as a modern multi-party Democracy, with radical parties like the Communists and National Socialists greatly marginalized. Austria-Hungary, too, manages to stabilize itself by the late-1920's after securing poritions of Transylvania and Slovenia from the Yugoslavians and Romanians.

Italy, disillusioned by their meager rewards at the end of the Great War and plagued by economic hardship, falls under the Control of Benito Mussolini and his Black Shirts, forming the first Fascist Dictatorship in world history (although King Emmanuel III continues to rule as a puppet of Il Duce). A similar regime would eventually take hold in Portugal several years later while Spain, with its failing monarchy, would attempt to stave off both Facsist and Socialist influences.

In the east, though, a very different world was emerging. Under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Trotsky, the Soviet Union had grown to encompass the majority of the former Russian Empire and, by 1930, had also subdued Democratic governments in Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. In 1932, they would again march to war against the Conservative Republic of Finland. Two years later, border disputes with the young Turkish republic would also culminate in war.

By the mid-1930's, the West finally realized the dangerous potential of the Soviet war-machine as Turkish and Finnish armies were routed by experienced Soviet units. In 1936, so as to prevent Finland from falling under complete Soviet control, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark establish a joint zone of control in Northern Finland, shielding the surviving Finnish government from further Russian assaults. As a direct result, Soviet forces move on Norway, quickly over-running Finnmark while Soviet submarines and aircraft harass Scandinavian shipping lanes.

Afraid of re-immersing itself into another major war, both France and Britain fail to commit military forces, instead providing immense amounts of funding and supplies to Scandinavian and Turkish forces. Germany, also sensing its eastern borders now in danger, begins to Mechanize and rearm itself, violating the terms of the Treaty of Versailles (although the Great Powers fail to take action for fear of provoking a increasingly Socialist Germany into joining the Soviets).

Finally the match is lit and tensions explode when 2 Million Soviet troops simeltaneously invade the Wiemar Republic and Austria-Hungary on March 1st, 1940, provoking Britain and France to declare war a day later.

The United States, although worried as to what the future might bring, remains neutral.

[Bah! 12 minutes late. Oh well, nevermind.]
Drum roll please...


And the winner is by a unanimous vote ....



Congrats EdT, and for all the other participants there were a lot of good maps submitted for our first contest that I know I had a hard time choosing. Next round starts this coming Friday at 6 PM EST. The contest challenge will be issued then.

Best of luck and hope everyone tries again.
Thanks all! :D Some real competition there too- particularly liked Thande's, Highlander's and Theloneamigo's contibutions...

Looking forward to the next round, am I allowed to enter now or will I just have to be a spectator?
Looking forward to the next round, am I allowed to enter now or will I just have to be a spectator?

You can continue to enter. We the judges have contingency plans in case of a single individual winning multiple contests. So keep on map making you budding cartographers! :)
congradulations EdT!

hurries off to practice using photoshop CS...

Awww, we've gotta wait until Friday :( :p

But guys, common. We got beatout by a newcomer - this cannot stand! :p ;)

well, EdT has been here longer then most of us, although i beat him by a couple of months:p