Invent Your Own Ideology

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"Marsism"/"Utopiasm"/"Nueva Humanitariansm" or something along those lines.

It has many variations but two main tenents, which focus on the fact that humanity in its current form, and in current society, can never create a truly moral, egalatarian and selfless society.

It is inevitable genetically for human society, no matter where it is established and no matter the structure of the society, to become corrupted. Murder, rape, suicide, racism, bribery, war, hostility, selfishness, greed, prejudice, religion and blind desire are unavoidable due to our DNA, unless it is forced upon us. Any organization which forces these virtues on society will become corrupt itself, thus corrupting the society. The primary desires(reproduction, sex, hunger, self-serving greed, power and factionalism) all have negative impacts on the ideal society, for one reason-they are primary because they are in line with the genetic model:"the survival of the fittest". The onnly none damaging primary desires are survival, the avoidance of pain, and according to some versions reproduction/sex.

The ideal democratic, egalatarian society should be based along the Secondary desires (relating to aesthetic values such as art, less "physical" values such as happiness, love, friendship etc., and the desire to help others at no benefit to yourself) are the ideal model society should built on, along with the the non-negative primary values, intellectualism, a high degree of individualism(but limited to allow only limited selfeshness;the ideology does however acknowledge that the organism of primary importance in terms of survival should be oneself, but much higher emphasis should be placed in avoiding detriment towards others, even if their are negative effects on ones self), as much independance from society and ones own mental and genetic structure as is possible, and an orientation towards (sustainable) growth and development. Peace should be an ideal aspired to unless one would be destroyed otherwise, but war is intolerable if it is for gain that is not needed for societies survival. Logic and reason are inherent values, while myth, illusion and religion are considered detrimental.

Essentially such a society would be a hybrid based on several stuctures:

-that of the insectoid hive, such as the ant and bees, with the main emphasis on the common good(ie. the queen). The "queen" would not be a object or leader though, but the various values above, foremost an emphasis on avoiding detrimental action towards others and against the greater society)

-that of the Bonobo, as opposed to the Chimpanzee, which resolves to solve internal and external problems with "peaceful love" as a first route, and violent conflict as a last resort. The Chimpanzee, on the other hand, is egoistic and resorts to conflict without thought.

-the ideal of a "philosopher race" were knowledge and truth are both desired and accepted, as opposed to avoided when unpleasant. Additionally, knowledge, fact and "relative equity"(a concept that is not laid out and can be percieved as anything from communist to a more equal capitalist. The philosophy also suggests the concept of money would be replaced with another reward system as standards of living reach a plateau), the arts and other "philosophical" avenues of society should replace baseless faith, myth, stratified society "primitive sport" and other "primitive" avenues society. What exactly constitutes prim-tive as opposed to philosphical avenues is much disputed.

-that of the evolution structure, but envisioning "guided" evolution in line with the principles outlined. Not just in regards to genetics, but society and the area it encompasses.

-A somewhat missionary element, supporting the adoption of this model and integration of as many people into it as possible(although avoiding conflicting methods to bring this about)

The Resolution:
Although these ideals are impossible to adopt due to are DNA, a solution is proposed: genetic engineering, naturally as limtied as possible, but in a uniform stlye for all members of society. In addition to these ideals, various proponents of the philosophy support "immortality"(naturally only in potential terms, as a person with the capacity to live forever would still die due to chance), an end to reproduction to be replaced with "test tube" babies, thereby ending the respective imbalances between male and female, and end to sex or even gender, and an end to visible race(considered a needless division). So naturally it is a futuristic.

The common viewpoint adopted by propnents are that these are the ideal traits of society in its modern day form, and would evolve with time. However, due to the slowness of natural evolution, we must intervene so as to reach our ultimate destiny.

Another POV is that natural evolution is inherently flawed and selfish, and so it is our responsibility to end it and guide it with a logical and moral hand.

OK, due to length, I will post the rest in another post...;)



It is argued that due to our location on earth, such a society would be inevitably swamped by negative influences. Even if a commune system is adopted, with growing population and intrusive govenment, it would be unsustainable. Top-down corruption would fliter in. Most importantly any gentic modification may be lessened or die out as the altered few intermate with the masses.

Therefore, the only option is to move to Mars:eek::eek::eek:

(You can guess what time period this is set in).

So, an analysis:
-This is somewhat racist, adovocating a super race, and may indeed draw inspiration from Nazism, but it is long after WW2 and memories of the Holacaust are dwindling. Despite sounding rather sinister, it is at heart an optomistic and utopian concept.

-Communes, and even large and independant cities and states are plausible by this time(on mars), or pehaps even self sustaining space stations.

-With the people increasingly frustrated, as the ideals constantly espoused by the government of fairness, improvement of their lifes and accountabilty take a downturn, as does democracy, and global warming seeming set to make things worse, many people are asking "why?" haven't the ideals of the 19th century delivered a utopia? I could see "immortality" and high standards of life actually being denied to the lower classes to encourage economic growth as they strive for these gains-a totally satisifed populace will not be productive, and the example of the the Social Democratic states of Europes failure to overcome this obstacle will be fresh. The idea that it is due to genetics and location that Utopia has not evolved, as opposed to it being truly impossible, may appeal to the populace....much like earlier socialism. We might see this philosophy at the core of a drive to immigrate to the "new new world", the new land of opportunity. And while the old one eventually delivered sustainable republicanism and democracy(through the US), the new one may deliver utopia for its inhabitants. Enough to support a mass exodus in pursuti of these goals? Perhaps.
I've got another one; Foundationism

It's a radical ideology that aims to bring modern America back to its roots through the guiding principles and eternal wisdom of its Founding Fathers! (through its own rather strict, unorthodox and sometimes onesided interpretation of what the Founding Fathers said)

It advocates;

- Isolationism. It favors only friendly diplomatic and economic relations with foreign countries, complete withdrawal of all military forces stationed outside U.S. borders and withdrawal from military alliances like NATO and political alliances/commitments to countries like Israel.

"The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop."

"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world; so far, I mean, as we are now at liberty to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing infidelity to existing engagements."
- George Washington

- Limitations on/Abolition of standing armies and transfer of most of the roles traditionally played by the Army to the (reinstated) state militias. Also, reversal of the Militia Act of 1903, the National Defense Act and the National Guard Mobilization Act, effectively converting the National Guard back into being state militias and merging it with several existing State Defense Forces and creating new ones for states that have none. These new "state militias" play a role similar to the current State Defense Forces rather than the traditional state militias of early America, only they aren't regulated by a National Guard Bureau. These new state militias like the State Defense Forces are commanded by the governor.

"Hence, likewise, they will avoid the necessity of those overgrown military establishments, which, under any form of government, are inauspicious to liberty, and which are to be regarded as particularly hostile to Republican Liberty." - George Washington

- Full Second Amendment rights for everyone.

"Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of."

"Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."
- James Madison

"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any bands of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States"
- Noah Webster

"The great object is that every man be armed" and "everyone who is able may have a gun." - Patrick Henry

- Several Social Democratic policies like universal social security, welfare, and healthcare and the creation of powerful Government bodies that regulate and limit the powers of private enterprises (especially banking institutions, weapons manufacturers, oil companies and media companies).

"It is not charity but a right, not bounty but justice, that I am pleading for. The present state of civilization is as odious as it is unjust. It is absolutely the opposite of what it should be, and it is necessary that a revolution should be made in it. The contrast of affluence and wretchedness continually meeting and offending the eye, is like dead and living bodies chained together.

I care not how affluent some may be, provided that none be miserable in consequence of it. But it is impossible to enjoy affluence with the felicity it is capable of being enjoyed, while so much misery is mingled in the scene."
- Thomas Paine

"Drive thy business or it will drive thee." - Benjamin Franklin

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a moneyed aristocracy that has set the Government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."

"Advertisements... contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper."

"No government ought to be without censors & where the press is free, no one ever will."

"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers."
- Thomas Jefferson

- An increase in funding for alternative energy and fuel research.
Mostly because it wants to end American dependence on foreign oil.

Also, it is conservative in its stance on issues like abortion and gay marriage.
The state is seen as a (potential) child and Childrenism want the citizens to have a big influence in the running of the state and be responsible parents to the state. Citizens are encuraged to to pay taxes to support the state but not to much, it might spoil the state. They also support institutions that helps the citizens to guid the state in the right direction such as democracy, freedom of speach and transparancy.

(I heard that the most sucessful ideologies has the family as a metafor. I decided to put it on it's head.)
Here is one I wrote when I was younger (it's not very much an ideaology, more of a government type):

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Ypakracy[/FONT]​

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Ypakracy[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif](from Greek υπακρατία (ypakratia), υπακοή (ypakoi) obedience + κρατειν (kratein) to rule + the suffix ία (ia), literally "rule by obedience"), also known as “Execracy”, is a system of government where the leader has less power, and the people, especially political minorities, have more. It resembles presidential democracy greatly, and is referred to by some as a form of it. In general, it's based on an elected leader acting on agreed orders from all political parties.[/FONT][/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]In Ypakracy, generally, the leader is elected out of several neutral candidates, and is to follow the people's will. In Ypakracy, instead of the leader controlling the people, the people control the leader. There are usually two political parties (there is an option for more, though too many parties would cause the system to overload), each party, bases it's actions and ideas on it's ideology, people relating to that would become part of the party. Whenever a matter comes to hand, each party develops it's own opinion, until the time comes for the parties to convey. The two or more political groups must then find common grounds, and agree on a solution which would be equally fair to all; once this has been done, the parties would turn to the elected leader to perform their concluded order in the best manner possible.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]In case the political factions can find no common ground what-so-ever, the leader must obey the majority, or largest faction.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]There are no historical examples of Ypakracy, since it's a relatively new concept of government. Although, some see the USA as an Ypakracy – those views are however dispersed by experts.[/FONT]​


And this one is pretty-much what I believe in right now:

The complete annhilation of privately-owned or publicly-traded enterprises. The establishment of any means of production as a cooperative, i.e. a corporation owned equally by all of it's workers, no matter their position.
The government, in turn, must be composed of economical interests, such as representatives of the cooperatives or of seemingly unnecesary labor unions. There must also be representatives of local interests, and to a minor extent: political and religious ideaologies. Opressed groups, such as Jews, Blacks, or Homosexuals, may also have parties. Eter-state nationalism is completely out of the question. Government officials should regulate the production and economic efficiency of the system. The government should be a blind investor, supporting poor sectors while rationally and proportionally taxing the richer sectors.

High minimum wages. Existing maximum wages. Free education, transportation, healthcare, basic needs (food, water, gas, electricity) for all.

And how would this socialist utopia be achieved?
Revolution is not the key. At least not a violent one. Even a democratic overthrow is dangerous, since the tides of democracy are unsteady and fragile. Before one can think of bringing-about the change, there are two prequisites to be met:
  1. Uncomprising Justice:
Self-administration on a large scale to every district and county. Return of all occupied territories to their majority ethnic group and their sovereign state. Destruction of corrupt infastructure. Banishment of the capitalist elite.

2. Unconditional Peace:
Disarmament for all. No more wars, no more bloodshed. Civilized conventions and agreements.


Named after its founder, Martin Van Rijn, Rijnism essentially posits that the various lengthy constitutions and legal procedures present in all nations condemn them to eventual stagnation and/or decline, and that the only way to be truly flexible is to adopt the Three Principles of Rijnism:
  1. Fair and unbiased elections must be held every 6 years, and the voters [all those above 21 not inside a padded cell - even Negroes, Chinamen, women and other dregs of society] shall not be directly coerced to vote in any one direction.
  2. The interests of Rijnism must override all concerns bar the Elections.
  3. The interests of one's Race-Brethren must override all concerns bar the Elections and the interests of Rijnism.
The latter Principles are in that order to prevent petty ethno-sparring before Rijnism has become inextricably linked with the concept of government, although wars after this point would be seen as simple survival of the fittest and befitting the genetic stock of the human race as a whole, since the dominant country would be run by the dominant race, which would spread into the burnt husks that comprise the rest of the world at the Rijnist End-of-History scenario.

Van Rijn goes on to suggest that the idea of a state-wide company that ran all aspects of life would be a suitable form of Government, as companies have the innate flexibility that Rijnism promotes - examples include the various EICs, and how John Company effectively conquered the entirety the Indian subcontinent, bar a few ports owned by other European nations. He considers the effectiveness of "Six-Year Plans", as he calls them, to set targets for the population.

In 1874, two years after the publication of Van Rijn's book, Derde Weg or Third Way, the Dutch monarchy was overthrown in a bloody coup, and the Dutch Union established to oversee the administration of the Dutch race. Belgium and Luxembourg fell to Rijnist rebels some months later, and were subsumed into the Dutch Union. Rijnists in Norway-Sweden and Denmark found sympathisers in various pro-Scandinavia groups, while one closet Rijnist was appointed to a high position in the British embassy to China...
Imagine a world in which Mesoamerican cultures emerged in a really supreme way. Like, let's say human sacrifice was an integral part of world politics, and that it was common for countries to have wars of flowers, as well as actually militarily aggressive wars? It could be very deeply honor-based, have many elements of fascism - I can see a state that is quite corporatist, maybe, with a lot of ties between state and religion (which would not be monolithic, but would instead be a variety of sects, cults, and groups that share just a few ideas and concepts). Although royalist segments might fade out in time, you'd have a lot of coups as groups loyal to one sect, or one god, compete against another's god's influence.

This is very basic, so far. Just inkshedding, but I think it could be done.
Plutocratic Republic

The basic setup is that the only tax is a poll tax and you can buy as many votes as you can afford. For example if the price is $100 per vote then someone can buy 100 votes by giving the state $10,000. The idea is that the people who make the most money are the ones most valuable to the state and eliminates bribery to a large extent because the people who can afford bribes will most likely buy votes instead. The problem is that encourages massive trade restrictions as those who have the money and the vast majority of the votes don't want the competition for power and wealth so pass all sorts of restrictions. I would expect huge monopolies by the super-rich.
Slavic Unity Socialism-After the Russian Empires and its Ally Prussia defeat by the western powers(F-UK-D-I) many Russians felt betrayed, dismayed and in total ruin during this period multiple parties left and right started bidding for power, eventually the Slavic Unity Socialist party became dominant the party takes many of its roots from Pan-Slavism, Anti-Communism, Anti-semitism, Anti-german/nordicism and inspired by Italian Fascism. Not only did this party dominate Russia but many chapters formed in other Slavic nations(becoming ruling parties in Belarus, Serbia, Bulgaria and holding a strong influence in Croatia and the Ukraine)
Hybridism, a 19th century ideology emerging from pan-germanism. In the 19th century, nationalism developed a certain school of thought based on the following assumptions:

1. Europeans are superior to other races
2. this is due to them being a mixture of different peoples: Celtic, German, Slavic, Romans, Jews. Jews have proven superiority due to surviving in a hostile europe for centuries.
3. it is the destiny of the Europeans to develop an even better people of internationally mixed origin and thus to integrate all other races.

In the following years, hybridists gained significant influence in European politics. The european powers struggled over who integrates more Africans and Asians, massive migration movements occured. 1932, the first black became head of government in Europe - Barack von Stetten, a German Baron whose mother was black (he was married to a Chinese immigrant to Germany...) became Chancellor of the German Reich.

Conflicts during Argument
If someone is debating you, regardless of your views, if the other person makes a point you cannot challenge, you must go to their view.
Ideology that deals primarily with population control. Like the earlier ideology I posted, Radical Environmentalism, quotas are used to limit the population. Wehn a quota in a particular city or town is exceeded, the excess people, based on whoever has the lowest social standing, are executed.
Name: None offically. Called 'Socio-Anarchist Hackerdom' by most governments.
Ideological Points: At first it's simply uninformed 'virtual anarchism' and Freedom of Information activists but turns into..
To turn the backbone of the (nation specific local) internet into a gocvernment funded megaproject similar to the Superhighways of the last century.
To create in each nation a group much like the space agencies for the research and development of non-copywritten/controlled internet infranstructure. These groups goal would be to eventually provide enough BW that all humans can have as much as they want and companies will have enough free BW that BW will not be a impediment to small net buisness'.
Freedom of Information and the repostingof any restricted material. (Virtual Anarchism. The connection with the uninformed roots of the ideology. Point 3 is basicly the latter half of Point 2 restated for clarity.)
Symbol: A short snaking line with flames on top. ("The Internet on Fire.".)
Nations of Origin: Russia. France. Canada. Small communes in the United States and South East Asia. China (heavily suppressed.)
Nations with this Ideology in Government: Arguably Sealand*.

Sealand was purchased by 'The Pirate Bay' in 2005 when Prince Roy sold it for .5 billion dollars.
Local Direct-Democracy Federative Absolute-Monarchy:
The country is splitt into various counties, provinces, communes or what ever you like to call them. There a direct-democracy is practised, and the county is almost self-ruling BUT the countries central government is a absolute-monarchy.

Not to be confused with anarcho-capitalism. Goverment by drug dealers, with currency backed by China White heroin rather than gold and a ruthless variant of laissez-faire capitalism as the basis of the economy. Drug consumption encouraged by "Just say yes" programs, as it is vital to keep the economy afloat.
In my alternate history type thing I'm working on, the leading ideology is Unionism, an ideology that promotes democracy, nationalism, and self-rule, as well as the leading ideology that people of similar ideologies or ethnic backgrounds should be united, hence the name.


How about Libertarian evilism?

Fascism means having the state decide who is desirable, libertarian evilism however means removing any legal framework meant to protect the weak.
In the view of this -ism, such laws is what allows the gene pool to degenerate through protecting the weak and dumb from themselves.

95% undenatured alcohol, weed and amphetamines sold in cornershops, no gun laws, lethal burglary-protection, legalization of prostitution....

Let the cleansing begin! The meek shall perish!

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