Greatest religions that never were

Apparently Taoism actually was able to spread into Korea and Vietnam. Perhaps if you could get it to remain the dominant religion/philosophy of China rather than Buddhism or Confucianism it would have a better chance of sticking and growing in those countries as well.
In the Ancient World, initial objects of worship of the common people everywhere were the forces of nature. Hence personifications of the forces of nature were the first gods in all the ancient cultures whether in Egypt, Mesopotomia, India or China.Thus the gods of the Sun,the Moon,the fire,the water, the wind etc. originated. In course of time, when the clans and the tribes came together to form villages and towns,in the field of religion/worship also a tendency to move from "the many" to "the few" and ultimately to "the One" came about. Then it was a natural development that one god dominated others to become The God.The Sun, as the giver of light and heat and the one who sustained life was the natural claimant to this position.An invisible supreme being was unlikely to develop as a concept in the minds of the common people.Hence it was quite natural for Akhenaton to select the Radiant Orb as the Aten, his God.It was the most intelligent selection of that period.The reason of the opposition of the priests was their fear of the possible loss of their perks and privileges.Hence the concept of Atenism was a revolutionary idea, ahead of times.
When Islam came to Central Asia, it found peoples who had buddhism, zoroastrism, etc...

An 'heretic' schismatic form of Islam who had mixed in such influences would have been interesting to witness...
"Christianity" without Jesus. That is to say the Jesus movement fizzles out or is preempted by another messianic figure who ends up founding a Christian religion separate from Judaism. It could still be called Christian since Christ is just the Greek word for "messiah". This becomes especially interesting since it could have almost any tenets (look how different Christian doctrine can be from Judaism). Building off of Jewish mysticism, apocalyptic literature, Hellenistic Jewish writings, etc. are probably good starting points.
An earlier Rastafarianism could develop if the Ethiopian royalty decides to have a more major role in the Ethopian Coptic Church. By the way, I was told not to revive things more than 6 months dead.
I've always enjoyed the idea of a Sikhism analogue emerging in the Balkans from the collision of Christianity, Islam, and residual folk traditions. It would take root among Albanians and spread throughout the Ottoman realm. Like Sikhism it would emphasize martial values, prersonal honor, freedom, and hospitality -all concepts that would resonate with Balkan peoples. This religion would form a cultural bridge between Europe and Asia, and between Christianity and Islam.