Creating an Anbennar color scheme

The Anbennar fantasy setting is a fairly popular one, so I've gotten started on creating a color key for Anbennar's various polities.
Here's the current WIP :

This is in large part aided by having the original colors from the mod, although there's only so far you can go with those.
Working my way down Western Cannor for now, and I'll post the updates here rather than the WIP thread, because I assume that one is for maps.
Tentative is name so far is Draco's Anbennar Color Organiser.
Generic unifiers / puppet states are based on region colors, for everything else I've been trying to use tag colors.
Alright, I'm done with Western Cannor. I've added all the formables I could find that aren't purely cosmetic. That means the content of my second column is likely to be Gerudia and Escann.

Here's the key with the second column. Gerudia, Escann, and half the Deepwoods.
Did you know that if you spawned the Greentide (B01) with the console and own_core, its ruler was Korgus Dookanson ? Poor Corin.
The colors for adventurers are (mostly) the same as the ones of the nations they form, but they have an outline of the culture that spawned them. Losing their outline means as they integrate into Escanni culture their origins become less important.
The outline for the Empire of Anbennar is Moonhaven Blue. If Anbennar is the tolerant human empire, Castanor will be used for an intolerant human empire.

I am currently in a rush to finish the color scheme before the Sarhal update drops, but it's nearly done ! Only North Aelantir left to touch. I'll cross-post it between Discord, DeviantArt, here, and Reddit.
DAK'S 15 (Children of Ruin)

> Common Features
Outlines : Adventurers tend to get outlines, and so do megastates. Why ?

Well, to put it simply, the devs tend to reuse colors for megastates, such as Castanor and Anbennar both being pure white, or Black Castanor and the Black Demesne both being very black. Not only do they need to be differentiated, but they can be made meaningful. The bicolor outline of the Jadd Empire prefigures the Deioderan, for instance.
Adventurers, too, is because they tend to reuse their color for their formable. Their outline is thus meant to reflect their origin, most often by grabbing the color of the primary culture of their origin culture; with the loss of the outline thus reflecting their assimilation into their surroundings.
For non-Rianvisa Aelnar, they keep the Venail outline, because the Rianvisa was incredibly traumatic.

> Some countries/tags aren't there !
Well, yeah, I can't be sure I ran through all of the tags, and to be honest I'm not going to drop the seven acolytes of the Black Demesne into this. I'm happy I found the breakaway tags of the Deioderan, Salgae, and Ameion civil war in time. Do tell me which so I can include them in the Update 16 version.

> But you put all those Aelnars !
They have different focus trees, and they are playable. Well. Not a couple of them, but that's up to the mods. Also I played Aelnar.

> It's not really complete !
No, but I was kinda short on time. You can use SUCK (Skallagrim's Unexpurgated Color Key) to make up the bits that are missing. DAK'S for Update 16 will be more complete.
Hmm, this thread is bringing back old memories.
I remember having once years ago (when I had much more free time) worked on that mod, producing several countries (Sugamber, Landshark Clan, Ovdal Tungr) and creating national ideas for them. However, this eventually stopped; maybe because I had began with my studies and had less time on my hands.
I see a lot has been added whilst I had been gone.
Hmm, this thread is bringing back old memories.
I remember having once years ago (when I had much more free time) worked on that mod, producing several countries (Sugamber, Landshark Clan, Ovdal Tungr) and creating national ideas for them. However, this eventually stopped; maybe because I had began with my studies and had less time on my hands.
I see a lot has been added whilst I had been gone.
You're right and, recently, the deve added a new update including all of Sarhal. So far, only the haflings of the southern islands have available mission trees, however the reat of the continent looks amazing