Cesare Borgia: A Restored Rome Timeline
Cesare Borgia: A Restored Rome Timeline

Act 1 Cesare Borgia Part 1: The Young Prince

‘While you are the mighty representative of God on Earth, after your passing there will be no glory, no hope for our house, for land determines glory in this age of might makes right.' Cesare Borgia, 1491, departing from Rome after talking to his father.

Cesare Borgia, the Roman Prince, was born in 1475 to Cardinal Roderic Llançol i de Borja and his mistress Vannozza dei Cattanei in the holy city, the eternal city, Rome. While the boy’s early life was shrouded in mystery, it is known that as soon as he was able, he was described and seen as intelligent, shrewd, brave and decisive by all men around him. It is once said that he would stand up to oppression wherever he went, stating ‘God made us equal, so you shall respect God’s wishes’. He read books on the art of the Sword, whether it was mentioning the ancient ‘Gladius’ or the modern ‘Bastard Sword’. With his father as Cardinal, it seemed he would be perfect for religious affairs, for he was the son of a representative of the Lord. However, while he somewhat enjoyed becoming a Cardinal himself, the papacy fascinated him too with its thousand year of history based off the final glory days of Imperial Rome, his true ambition however, was Pax Romana. He read books for hours, listening to tales of the old Romans of Augustus and Trajan, Hadrian and Julius from librarians and his father. He would question why these great men, as noble as any great crusading king, would be damned to hell before Christ’s message could be known. He was fascinated with how a civilisation so many years before him was just as advanced, if not more advanced than the current world he lived in. Where was all the progress of Christ’s society? Despite his father’s powerful religious position, and many attempts at persuasion he instead chose blood and arms over the cross, by convincing his father that he sought land for their house, stating ‘While you are the mighty representative of God on Earth, after your passing there will be no glory, no hope for our house, for land determines glory in this age of might makes right’. By 19 he created a local band of Mercenaries he called the 'Purple Company' and headed north to secure himself glory. (POD: Going for Military Career instead of following his father, 1491).

Cesare stood outside the palace, awaiting his carriage in the crisp February morning, his father, now Pope Alexander II pleaded him to stay on the steps of the Great Peter's Basilica.

‘Cesare, you are but a man of god, a servant of the Lord. Why must you leave on such a lowly and sinful path to obtain a dream? I hoped my offer of men and nobles to your cause would shock you into realisation of these craven acts. Why does thee persist?’

‘While you are the mighty representative of God on Earth, after your passing there will be no glory, no hope for our house, for land determines glory in this age of might makes right. I wish to restore a realm which predates the birth of Christ for our house and our dynasty, therefore it is superior task than simply being God’s servant, for I am not God’s servant. I am his Knight. This shall be my cause.’

Cesare’s Company moved into the square, their swords and pikes glistening in the morning Mediterranean sun. He strode towards them in his plate armor, a red cloak attached to it. The men raised his name up ‘Cesare!’ ‘Cesare!’ He almost chuckled at the old Roman tradition of shielding, the historical irony making him smile. How his name sounded so much like the old name for Emperor. It must be a sign. Lifting himself onto the horse, the hooves banging on the stone square as his band got ready to move. He waved goodbye to his father and headed north, in search of lands and fortune.


Cesare leaving the Vatican in 1493

Italy Prequel Prequel.png

A map of Italy prior to Cesare's Conquests.

Hope everyone enjoyed! More to come soon!
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Cesare Borgia: A Restored Rome Timeline
Cesare Borgia: A Restored Rome Timeline

Act 1 Cesare Borgia Part 2: Savoyard Rome

‘A storm is brewing over our great land, and with the strength of lions and the cunning of owls and friends by God do I intend to take my prize.' Cesare Borgia, 1496, talking with Blanche.

Cesare needed land. He ended up forming his first plan, to meet and marry the beautiful and respected Blanche of Montferrat, also known as Blanche Palaiologos, the last remaining Byzantine heir to take control of Savoy.

In preparation for a campaign in Italy by the French, he marched the Purple Company of 2,500 men up to Chamberlium at her palace, greeting her with a grand display of his Company, the smooth and confident attitude that he is known for, and his bold ideas and inspiring words, they soon they fell in love. Due to her widowed nature, being married off at 12 to a man who died when she was 18, she had refused the standard medieval practice of ‘beneficial’ marriages as one of the few women powerful enough to do so, in favour of a man she truly loved and wanted. She married Cesare within six months, changing their names to Borgia-Palaiologos as a reflection of their grand union, Greek, Roman, Savoyard and Italian and a few months after that, she became pregnant with Marcus Borgia-Palaiologos (Later known as Marcus ‘Africanus' Borgia-Palaiologos) in 1495.

The French kings of Valois had summoned him to fight in April, 1495. The battles he faced were more strategic than he expected, involving far more ideas of supply lines and clever manoeuvres than hard-fought battles, for Italy lived in a time of relative peace. He aided the French in sacking Mordano and attempting to defeat the League of Venice in 1495, however this ends in a stalemate. However, it secures a tie between the Valois kings and Cesare, who see him as a worthy ally after two years of hard campaigning, and despite the defeat at the battle of Parma they had both gained significant loot from the campaign but no land or titles to be claimed. It was also shown to all Italians how effective of a general Cesare could be, after the near devastation of enemy forces due to lack of supplies. After this, he felt tired of all of these campaigns with no proper victory except gold, troops and supplies, at least for now. He returned to Chamberium with his Purple Company in time to see his son for the first time, and formally adopted Charles II in 1496, the original son that Blanche was regent for. However, Charles II then died falling by his bed, and with approval from his father the Pope, Cesare was now the ruler of Savoy.

Cesare relaxed at Chamberium with Blanche on a warm summer’s day in 1496, in the courtyard of the Château de Chambéry, his sword at his side. He smiled at his son, knowing he’d make a great ruler. He was a handsome newborn, with Blanche often joking he got his charming looks from her rather than Cesare.

‘What do you wish to do after the recent conflict? Help to raise your son to be a great duke? Teach him the ways of impressing court women?’

Blanche smiled at him, awaiting his reply.

‘No, my love, while many others of great houses would wish for powerful duchies and princedoms, I intend for our son to be a great king, and teach him the ways of impressing Queens’

She looked moderately surprised, knowing he was an ambitious man, but this? This was too ambitious. No man had united Italy since the Iustinianus.

‘How does thee intend on creating a kingdom? A crusade?’

‘No, I wish to unite Italia. A storm is brewing over our great land, and with the strength of lions and the cunning of owls and friends by God do I intend to take my prize'

After some further conversation, they both rose from their chairs, leaving the vineyards and pavilions of the Chateau. Cesare sat on his desk, with Blanche at his side, and planned for the future of Rome.


Here is Blanche of Montferrat in white in 1496, titular queen of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia, and true heir to the title of Autocrat of the Romans and Bulgarians.

Italy Prequel Prequel Sequel.png

The red here is the realm of Cesare Borgia, the Prince of Rome.

Hope you enjoyed! The next part probably won't come out till quite a bit later, but I feel since I made 2 parts in a single day is enough to get the party started! :D

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He returned to Chamberium with his Purple Company in time to see his son for the first time, and formally adopted Charles II in 1496. However, Charles II then died falling by his bed, and with approval from his father, Cesare was now the heir to Savoy

Small detail - but surely this would make Cesare the Duke of Savoy rather than the heir? He would be heir by virtue of adopting Charles II.
Small detail - but surely this would make Cesare the Duke of Savoy rather than the heir? He would be heir by virtue of adopting Charles II.

Great point, as I forgot that Marcus still wasn't born until a few months later, so he can't be the heir so it HAS to go to Cesare. Thanks! What did you think about the rest?

Edit: Just fixed that now.
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Great point, as I forgot that Marcus still wasn't born until a few months later, so he can't be the heir so it HAS to go to Cesare. Thanks! What did you think about the rest?

Edit: Just fixed that now.

:D I loved it. So much unabashed ambition!

An aside : Can you mark some cities on the map? It sounds daft, but I couldn't find Chamery for a while - and it'd be good to know where the main events are on the map!
I find this interesting. But please don't use thees and thous if you can't use them properly. Simple language is best.