Call of Duty: Eternal


I'd like you to imagine that, in 2017, Activision did not publish Call of Duty: WWII but instead Call of Duty: Eternal. This is a story which is very much the same as what Call of Duty: WWII transpired as but with a couple of significant differences. For a start, it's not set during World War Two - it's set in a fantasy world with a 1940s/50s level of technology. A global war is raging between mankind and Orks, with the Orks having conquered great tracts of the world, and the story opening with the efforts by humanity to retake "Albion" from Ork occupation. I like to imagine the faces of Call of Duty fans when the first trailer came out and, seeing what looked like D-Day, got excited that at last the franchise was going back to its roots - only to see that the enemies are Orks and the main character is a Lenape woman.

To help with this imagining - below you'll find the full script for the first mission of Call of Duty: Eternal, based on the first mission of Call of Duty: WWII. The rest will gradually follow.

You might find it useful to follow along using this video - a walkthrough (no commentary, thank God) of the actual first mission in Call of Duty: WWII to help with visualising it.

Call of Duty: Eternal
Mission 1

Text slowly appears on-screen:

The world is bathed in flames.

The Ork clans, united for the first time in centuries, are on the march.

Man faces extermination.

A human skull is shown before an Ork boot comes down on it, shattering it.

Radio broadcast: With unmatched ferocity, the Ork war machine has launched its onslaught against the world… mankind faces the abyss.

The camera pans up on the Ork boot to show an Ork soldier as, behind him, Ork soldiers and tanks move through a devastated city.

Radio broadcast: As we brace for our darkest hour, we must summon our strength to be the bulwark against oppression.

Ork bombers are shown bombing London, recognisable for the Thames if not for the architecture. They are four-engine bombers, like B-17s, and the camera closes in on a propeller which shifts to a ceiling fan.

Radio broadcast: The Ork onslaught will be the greatest test we'll ever face.

The camera pans down from the ceiling fan Mona Kanti, a young Lenape woman and the protagonist, is shown joining the Imperial Armed Forces. She stands in a line in a recruitment office as a recruitment officer stamps her papers.

Radio broadcast: But face it and defeat it… we must.

To punctuate the “we must,” a sudden cut to black with the sound cut out. Then, we hear the voice of the Ork Primarch. A speech plays, meant to mirror FDR’s D-Day Prayer, with shots of the Ork war machine we’ve been hearing so much about.

Primarch: With this war we set upon a mighty endeavour.

Fade from black to show huge lines of Ork soldiers in formation, like big Nazi rallies, are shown.

Primarch: A struggle to restore our civilization…

Ork soldiers on one knee in this rally are shown, closer up, dressed in battle gear and their faces daubed in war paint.

Primarch: …and to set free a suffering people.

A view from the rear of the rally, with the vast architecture of the Primarch’s palace shown looming over it all, resembling the Palace of the Soviets.

Primarch: Our Sons. Pride of our Clans.

Another panning shot of the assembled Orks, this time from the side.

Primarch: May the Mother lead them straight and true.

An Ork mystic, on the balcony overlooking the assembly, blesses the troops with hands raised to the sky.

Primarch: The road will be glorious. Men's souls will be broken with the beauty of war.

A shot from behind the mystic, seeing the assembled troops stretching towards the horizon.

Primarch: In this time of fire and blood…

The face of one Ork soldier is shown up close.

Primarch: …we shall prevail.

With the slightest of grimaces, the Ork uses a knife – and, in the background, we see the others doing the same – to ritualistically slice his forehead and let blood trickle down.

The cutscene then shifts to the Imperial Navy ships, including battleships of a scale similar to the Super Yamato, that are heading for the beaches of Albion. Mona Kanti is writing a letter to her sister, Luna Kanti, and we hear her voice-over as we view shots of the fleet.

Kanti (narrating): Luna. Oh, I wish you could see this, sister. An armada from one horizon to the next. I turned sixteen too late to help free Ériu. But not Albion – and it’s gonna be tougher. Much tougher. You know, I think I could bear the blood, and the misery… and the Orks. But the waiting… well, that’s a whole other battle.

Inside the troopship living quarters. We are now in first-person as Kanti. Kanti is sat at a table, hanging out and talking with her squad-mates Kinsi Rei (female Somali; shaved head), Thea Adlai, (female Swedish; ginger, freckles, glasses) and Ren Tao (male Chinese). Ren Tao is eighteen – the others are all sixteen. Bunks are stretched out behind them and other soldiers, of all ethnicities and sexes, walk by throughout. Rei is holding court while playing with a knife, every now and then jabbing between her fingers.

Rei: So she asks me for my watch and I'm thinking, "what in the Nether do you want my watch for; your parents make like fifty times mine!" But I turn around, and I felt this punch. And it's cold like ice.

Some of the dialogue is drowned out by Kanti’s narration. Every now and then, Kanti glances down at her fingers as she snaps them, but whatever she’s trying to do with that isn’t happening.

Kanti (narrating): Believe it or not, I managed to make some half-decent friends in Basic. All scared as can be. But nobody’s letting on.

Rei keeps playing her knife game as she talks.

Kanti (narrating): I hated Rei when I met her – and now she's my best friend. Funny how that works. She's always looking for trouble. If there wasn't already a war on she'd be off trying to start one.

Rei offers her knife to Thea Adlai and, though we can’t hear her given the narration, seems to be asking her if she wants to try the knife game. Adlai refuses.

Adlai: Besides, I gotta keep all my fingers if I'm gonna take photo of the year.

Kanti (narrating): Adlai says she's gonna be a photographer for a fashion magazine. She’s got a good eye. Except when she takes off her glasses – then she can’t see shit.

Rei offers her knife to Kanti and Kanti turns to Ren Tao.

Kanti (narrating): Tao's the vet but, if I’m honest, he's what kokomi would call “a bit of a bumpkin.”

Ren Tao is tempted to play Rei’s knife game.

Tao: Okay, okay. Let's make this interesting.

Rei: It’s not interesting? Kanti – what’re you doing?

She says this in reference to Kanti’s finger-snapping.

Kanti (narrating): I swear I used to be able to do this…

Tao: So you keep saying.

Tao take off his talisman and dangles it in front of Rei.

Tao: Xu Yaling. Spirit of war.

Adlai: And sex, right?

Tao: Sssh. (Rei and Adlai laugh) He's had my back since Sabha. And, yeah, that’s real gold. (drops the talisman down on the table) Rei, three times in ten seconds, and he's all yours. (Sits back down)

Rei: I don't know.

Tao: Oh, you could always wimp out. That’s a choice, too.

Kanti: My money's on Rei.

Rei: Okay. Okay, I'm in.

Adlai: I can't watch.

Tao: I can.

Rei looks to Adlai.

Rei: Just time me when I tell you. Back to my story – me and my girls, we muscled our way into this chess game that the wrestling team had going. We had a bona-fide genius among us – but it was me playing. We worked out a system where she can signal to me what moves to make. You should have seen the Head Girl’s face when I took that pot. (To Adlai) You ready? That's what happens when you try to hustle a hustler. Now…

Rei plays the knife game while Adlai times her and wins the bet in a few impressive seconds.

Rei: Checkmate!

Tao: There ain’t no way!

Kanti (narrating): Tao had enough fight in him for two men.

Rei: Much obliged.

Rei offers to shake hands with Tao.

Tao: My mother told me never touch a Nube.

Rei doesn’t flinch but you can tell she’s ready to throw hands. Instead…

Rei: That's not what she said last night.

Rei winks and Tao shakes her hand.

Kanti (narrating): And enough bigotry for six.

Tao: Meh, who needs a stupid talisman anyway.

Rei: Apparently, you did. Here, have it back.

Tao: You won it.

Rei: It’s fake gold.

Tao: What? No, no, no, that’s as real as you or I.

Rei: A hustler always knows.

Tao: Ah, whatever, if it’s fake I don’t want it. I'm gonna get something better. A real trophy. You'll see.

Rei: Good luck with that.

Kanti snaps her fingers and finally produces what she wanted – a finger of flame, like a lighter, appears.

Kanti: I did it! Look, look, I did it!

Rei: Well, by Baphometh, isn’t that something?

Tao: That’s very pretty, Kanti. You’re ready to take on the Primarch, I should think.

Rei: She was always ready. Right Kanti?

Tao: You got any healing spells we could use or is it all evil magic with you?

Kanti: Well-

Rei: Oh, go on, tell him, Kanti! Tell him about that thing you can do!

Adlai: What thing?

Rei: And there’s no such thing as good and evil magic. Just good and evil people.

Kanti: It’s not that I can do it; it’s just that it happens sometimes. When someone’s dead I can kinda, you know, see into their past. But they have to of died recently. And I can’t do it with most people.

Tao: Well, we’re invading Fortress Albion, my friend. Good time to find yourself some corpses.

Rei: Maybe even your own.

Adlai: Hey, Kanti, do that spell again for the camera.

Adlai raises her camera then, seeing her watch, realizes that they are late for the mission briefing.

Adlai: Oh! Never mind, briefing’s at 18:00; we're gonna be late!

Adlai jumps up and runs from the room. The others also stand.

Tao: Run, little mouse.

Rei: I got us covered Kanti; don't worry about it (Showing the pendant to Kanti and winking). It is real gold.

As Kanti and Rei leave the living quarters, they encounter Khand, their turban-wearing sergeant, and in terms of personality very much a cranky sergeant stereotype.

Khand: Briefing's about to start; what in the Nether are you idiots doing?

Kanti (narrating): Then there's Sergeant Khand. He’s a sweetheart.

Khand: Oh, you think you're special, huh? The Orks are gonna eat you alive.

Rei: No, not me, sergeant. I’m high in salt.

Khand: Watch your lip, Rei. On me.

Khand leaves. The other two move to follow.

Rei: Since I'm obviously on a lucky streak, whatever happens, stay close. First Albion, then the Great Pale, then home in time for tea and medals. We got this, Kanti.

Scene fades out.

All of the 66th Infantry Division troops are on the deck of the ship as the rain pours down and Colonel Kitwana, a Swahili man, gives his pre-battle speech. As he does, we see the soldiers assembled watching him.

Kitwana: Today… we embark on an operation of unparalleled importance. To establish a beachhead in Albion… and roll back the Ork horde... that has terrorized the world since before many of you were born. We are all that separates the world from darkness. This is so much more than a chance to be heroes in our own lifetimes. If we prevail… our triumphs will be etched into the hearts and minds of a grateful world for untold generations. I'm talking about glory. True glory.

Kanti narrates her letter to Luna and soldiers begin to climb down the cargo net on the side of the ship into landing craft. These craft start making for the Albion coast.

Kanti (narrating): Colonel Kitwana can give a nice speech. His pep talk reminded me of the one Coach Pakwa gave us on our Mother’s Night game against Susquehanna. I'm sure you remember we lost by 67 points. (Focuses on Sokolov and Khand) Always looking over Khand’s shoulders is Lieutenant Sokolov. He's got him on a tight leash. But if Khand breaks free, we'll all get bit. Ever since I found my gift, I wanted to be like you, Luna. You've always been a tough act to follow. But I'll do my best.


We are now in first-person again as Kanti.

Kanti (narrating): It's now or never.

Kanti is writing in her notebook, the photo of Luna pinned to a page, as their landing craft drives for the Albion shore. Kanti is interrupted by Rei.

Rei: Hey! I wish I was coming home to her!

Kanti: That’s my sister! Just wait ‘til we hit Lutetia. Enough girls for the rest of your long life.

Rei: I’m starting to realise how far away it is.

Kanti take a quick glance at her notebook and closes it before tucking it into her pack.

Sokolov: Remember. No digging in at the shore. You advance. You need to stay low and do not bunch up. Stick to your training and you're gonna make it through.

Khand: Most of you, anyway.

Medium bombers pass by overhead, resembling the Junkers Ju 88 (in this universe known as Dragons) on a heading towards Albion.

Tao: Alright! Give em hell, boys!

Text appears across the screen.

Lùnastal 17th, 397 NE
Rheged, Northern Albion

Rei: The beaches are meant to be flattened, right?

Khand: You sound scared, Private.

Rei: No, sir.

Khand: You should be.

Driver: Hey, you! You!

Kanti turns to look at the landing craft’s driver behind her.

Driver: Got a light?

Kanti: Sure thing.

Kanti snaps her fingers a couple times and produces the flame again.

Driver: Oh – you’re one of them.

Soldier: Never trust a witch.

As the driver lights his cigarette on her finger, a bullet hits the boat’s machine gunner in the throat; he falls, flailing, with blood spurting out of his neck like in a Tarantino film. Shells start to fall.

Driver: Bastards!

Sokolov: Everyone down!

Rei: This is it!

Ork artillery lands in the grey ocean all around, spraying the craft with water. Kanti crouches with the rest of the troops.

Soldier: Watch out!

Bullets bounce off the landing craft’s armour.

Soldier: This isn’t fun!

Driver: Five hundred yards!

Another shell lands nearby and sprays the craft with water. Kanti trips but is held up by Khand grabbing her arm.

Driver: We’re gonna have to pull off!

Sokolov: No, we stay on mission! You're taking us in!

Driver: We must have drifted! I can't see the landmark!

Khand: You heard the lieutenant. Full speed!

Sokolov: Incoming!

An artillery shells blows up the neighbouring landing craft.

Soldier: By the Gods!

Sokolov: Hold tight!

An artillery shell, again, lands near the boat.

Kanti: Damn it!

Driver: Two hundred yards!

Looking up, a Dragon bomber is visible coming down with an engine on fire.

Driver: Twenty seconds!

Sokolov: Remember the plan! Get to the seawall!

Khand: Ceres! Aradove! Get the bangalore to the wire, fast! Everyone ready? Here we go!

Sokolov: Drop the ramp!

Driver: There's no cover!

Khand: That was an order, damn you! Drop it!

The ramp drops just as a landing craft consumed with flames comes crashing into theirs.

Rei: Oh, shit!

Kanti is knocked off her feet by the impact. Looking up, she watches as machine gun fire from the clifftops chops down a number of soldiers on the boat now that the ramp has been dropped. One has his head blown off and his neck is left spouting blood over Kanti as others are also cut down.

Sokolov: Over the sides! Now! Now!

Kanti follows as the survivors climb over the boat’s side. She stays underwater for a few seconds before being helped to her feet by Sokolov, spluttering.

Sokolov: I got you, child!

Just behind him, the beach is consumed by fighting and the noise of war is deafening.

Sokolov: Get your head down and keep moving!

Sokolov leads Kanti out of the surf, a burning soldier falls screaming from another landing craft and into the water, while carnage reigns all around. Bodies are floating all about and the water is red with blood.

Sokolov: Kanti; on me!

Running through the sand as explosions go off all around, artillery can be seen curling from the Ork lines towards the beach. Sokolov and Kanti hit the deck in front of some Ork tank traps.

Sokolov: Demolition team is dead! Take the bangalore and get to the seawall! We need to clear a path to the bunkers!

Kanti temporarily looks away, back to the water, and witnesses the bloodshed of soldiers dying, and a number running out of a landing craft on fire, while a warship close to shore opens fire on the coastal defences. Sokolov gets Kanti’s attention.

Sokolov: Kanti!

An explosion goes off nearby, half-soaking Sokolov’s face with gore. Someone just blew up.

Sokolov: This is your job! You got that?! Now pick up the banger!

Kanti moves the severed arm of a dead soldier to retrieve the bangalore. She looks upon the dead soldier’s corpse and, suddenly, her vision fades away and she sees his memories. This is the first of the Internal Vortex collectibles which can be found throughout the game, whereby additional lore is provided through Kanti’s ability to tap into the memories of certain corpses (human and Ork). In this case, the accessed memory tells a brief story of the soldier (Private Omid Afshani) and how he was part of a traditional military family and all his brothers have already fallen, told he would be a general someday, how he was born on a ship evacuating Persia (which goes some way to explaining why the Imperial military is so multiethnic – the whole world evacuated to the Americas) and how his last letter home from the ship told of how “I can’t wait to hear the birdsong again.”

Afterwards, she returns to lucidity.

Sokolov: Kanti! Kanti! You with me?!

Kanti: Yes!

Sokolov: You can do this!

Sokolov stands and starts running up the beach. Kanti watches after him.

Kanti: I hope so, sir!

Kanti looks at the dead soldier that was carrying the torpedo bangalore, and with one hand closes his eyes.

Kanti: Sorry.

Kanti takes the body’s R7 Remi rifle (comparable to the M1 Garand) and proceeds up the beachhead, trying not to get killed. The machine gun nests in the clifftop fortifications will open fire on the soldiers then wait for a few seconds to reload. This will be the player's chance to move up to avoid taking damage. The player moves from cover to cover – tank traps, the wreckage of vehicles such as half-tracks and light tanks, and shell craters, mostly.

Khand: Hurry before they reload! Move it!

Sokolov: Kanti! This way! Hurry! Stop and you’re dread!

Tao: Shit!

Sokolov: Those MGs are killing us! Get off the beach!

Khand: Private Kanti – get to the seawall!

Rei: Get to the seawall! I’ll meet you there!

A couple of armoured vehicles – light tanks resembling Soviet BT-7s, here called LT-5 Termites – are now also moving up the beach and providing fire support. One blows up.

Sokolov: Keep low. When there’s a break in the fire, run for it!

There’s a break in the fire – you run for it.

Sokolov: Kanti, get the bangalore!

When Kanti reaches the seawall, which is made up of a big mound of sand lined at its top by barbed fire and burning gasoline, she falls against it. Her fellow soldiers fall in alongside her or are already there. A lot of wounded are also there, being treated by medics as machine gun fire flies over their heads. Rei falls next to Kanti, her face covered in dirt and blood.

Rei: Kanti! Use the banger; I'll cover you! After we breach, keep pushing toward the bunker!

Kanti: You’re covered in blood.

Rei: It’s not mine. Focus!

Kanti sets up the torpedo bangalore, made up of two cylindrical rods, with the second able to fit inside the first. Her handling is shaky and she drops one rod. Rei picks it up for her and gives it back.

Rei: We're nearly there!

Kanti pushes the torpedo bangalore into the seawall.

Rei: Pull it! Pull it!

Kanti: Fire in the hole!

Kanti scrambles backwards and the bangalore explodes, tearing a hole in the seawall for the soldiers to pour through, dirt pouring down like rain.

Sokolov: Weapons ready! Fix bayonets!

Kanti fumbles for her bayonet and fixes it to her rifle. You can now use this as a melee weapon against enemy infantry.

Rei: Ready to see your first Ork?

Sokolov: Attack!

Sokolov leads the troops through the hole – and many, though not Sokolov, are cut down.

Rei: Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!

Sokolov: Push forward!

After passing through the hole, you are faced with a clearing sprinkled with tank traps and barbed wire. After that, trenches, and then the bluffs with fortifications spitting machine gun fire.

Rei: Into the trench! Hurry!

Soldier: Orks!

You now face your first Ork drones as you push towards the trenches. Once you get into the trench, you slowly clear it and a mortar position, presumably losing Health as you do. Once done, you turn a corner deeper into the trenches where Rei is located.

Rei: That wound looks bad! Here, take this!

Rei throws a health pack to Kanti. The player can now call on Rei, when the squad meter fills, to add a pack for a total of four.

Kanti: Many thanks!

The player moves through the trenches, clearing out Ork drones. Friendly troops leap across the trenches. The player then gets to the end of the trenches and reaches the bluffs covered by Ork fortifications. A slope goes uphill between the bluffs but machine gun fire pins the friendly troops down and makes it impassable.

Khand: We can't advance with those MGs firing on our position!

Sokolov: Hold tight. Fire support incoming!

Khand: Kanti, mark the target!

Khand throws a canister to Kanti. Kanti catches it and throws it uphill towards the Ork bunkers. Red smoke emanates. Sokolov is shouting into a radio.

Sokolov: Kestrel, target is lit up! Hit it now and hit it hard!

Radio: Roger, we have your smoke visual. Attack run inbound.

Explosions hit the MG bunker as rockets from a trio of dive-bombing jets which resemble de Havilland Vampires (in this universe called Banshees) come in and obliterate the fortifications. The jets pass by close overhead.

Tao: That's it! Let 'em have it!

Adlai: MGs are dead!

Kanti: (laughs) They tore them to shreds!

Sokolov: Get to the top!

You and your squad move up the hill – a wounded Ork, both arms missing, stumbles from the smoke and still tries to fight by biting at Sokolov. Sokolov shoots it down.

Sokolov: Crazy bastards.

More Ork infantry advance.

Ork: I shall wear your hide as a coat!

After defeating these Orks, the player advances to the top of the hill through which additional trenches burrow.

Sokolov: Kanti; I need you and Rei to take point and clear those bunkers! Go!

Rei: Had to be us!

You move in with your squad. There are five bunkers to clear. The first has a clearing full of mortar positions, where Ork infantry defend, and there’s more firing at you from inside the bunker itself.

Sokolov: Orks are dug in. Kanti, get a grenade in that bunker!

You break into the bunker and clear it out, including the machine gun post covering the beach.

Rei: First one’s down!

Sokolov: Bunker’s clear – everyone out.

You move on. Taking the adjoining trenches, you come across an Ork Officer – larger and more heavily armoured than the Drones you’ve been fighting so far – holding a human soldier by the neck. Assuming you shoot him in the head, the only non-armoured part, he’ll go down and the soldier is saved.

Soldier: Thanks! I owe you!

If not, and your bullets bounce off the Officer’s armour, he crushes the man’s neck in his hand and comes for you.

After that, you drive on through the trenches, killing a few more Orks, before turning and entering an underground bunker. Inside, the entry is covered by a machine gun post.

Khand: MG's pinning us! Someone toss a smoke!

You can do that, or you can perhaps kill the machine gunner. Up to you. Afterwards, you drive on through the underground bunker. It’s a bit of a catacomb full of dormitories and a radio room. Eventually, you clear it.

Khand: Bunker's clear. Let's go!

Sokolov: Everybody out, bunker's clear!

You head back outside, 2 of 5 bunkers complete. You continue through the trenches, meeting fresh Orks.

Rei: There’s artillery hitting the beach! The next assault wave won’t make it!

Khand: Keep pushing! That artillery is hammering our ships!

Kanti: On it, sir! Yeah, I can do this, I can do this…

You carry on through the trench. Some Banshee jet fighters screech overhead. Reaching the entrance to the next bunker, you see a friendly – Corporal Lieu – with an F3 Inferno – a backpack flamethrower. He fires it down the bunker at unseen enemy troops before being gunned down.

Kanti: I'm going in!

Rei: Careful!

You enter the bunker – you can pick up the F3 Inferno as you do, which doesn’t last long but which is fun to use.

Ork: Come, little men!

You clear the bunker. As you reach the machine gun post, you enter into a quicktime moment. Kanti gets ambushed around a corner by an Ork soldier, who grabs her by the throat and pins her to the wall, but she jams her combat knife into his neck. Falling from his grasp, she sees the machine gunner just as a shell from a ship offshore hits the bunker dead-on and blows it, and him, to smithereens. Rei appears from the dust and helps Kanti to her feet.

Rei: Shit! Fucking Navy. Don’t they believe in us?

Returning from the machine gun nest, some Orks have shown up to try and retake the bunker. Take them out and then the bunker’s cleared.

The next bunker is just a hop from this one – you enter, at first finding nobody, before discovering an Ork pinning an Imperial soldier to the wall.

Soldier: Somebody help!

You, I should hope, kill the Ork.

Soldier: Thanks! Oh, hey, a girl…

Kanti: You wish.

You drive into the bunker, in the heart of which is a mortar position, and take out the Ork defenders. With that, the bunker is cleared.

Khand: Move up, move up!

Everyone rallies at the big steel door at the end of the bunker.

Khand: Adlai. Tao. With me. Kanti, you and Rei clear the next bunker. Rally at the top of the bluff, and for fuck’s sake try not to get yourselves killed.

You interact with the big steel door and open it, before going with Rei down some more trenches.

Kanti: Alright, Rei. One more!

Rei: We got this!

You turn a corner into a clearing before the bunker. There’s Orks both defending it on the ground and a sniper on top of the bunker itself. After dealing with this, you head inside, Rei behind you.

As you enter the bunker, Kanti is ambushed by an Ork Major – she is thrown to the floor and the Ork stands over her, pulling out a knife.

Ork: Never did fear smell so sweet.

Rei jumps onto its back and holds onto him around the neck. The Ork manages to throw Rei onto the ground before stabbing her through the belly.

Kanti: Rei! Oh, shit, no!

The Ork soldier leaves the wounded Rei, knife still sticking from her stomach, and approaches Kanti.

Ork: Stand and face me, woman. Show some honour.

Kanti stands and fights the Ork, which through its superior strength easily ends up on top of her, taking away her knife and now pushing it down towards her with both hands. Then, Kanti’s hands light up and the flames return – her whole hands are on fire. The Ork roars in pain and surprise and backs away, looking at its burned hands, before Kanti runs at him as the flames go out and tackles him to the ground. The Ork is still stronger and goes back to throttling her – but they’ve fallen near Rei, who yanks the knife out of her belly and jams it into the Ork’s chest.

Ork: The glory…

The Ork dies. Kanti climbs off and approaches Rei, who suddenly brandishes a pistol.

Kanti: Whoa, Rei…

Rei: Duck!

Kanti does so and Rei shoots the unseen Ork which was behind her. Kanti looks back to Rei, who is dealing with quite a lot of pain.

Kanti: Come on, you’re okay, you’re okay.

Rei: I can't walk.

Kanti pulls up Rei’s uniform to see her stomach – the wound is gushing blood.

Kanti: Oh, shit…

Rei: That bad?

Kanti: It’s not great.

Rei: Would you mind getting me out of here?

An explosion, presumably artillery – Kanti looks down the bunker to see it shudder, rubble falling from the ceiling.

Kanti: Yeah, course, no problem Kinsi, just stay with me, okay? Can you do that?

Rei: I’m gonna have to try. Pulling that knife out was pretty fucking stupid, huh?

Kanti: No comment. Come on.

The player starts dragging Rei out of the bunker and outside. Across a pretty dangerous clearing are friendly lines.

Kanti: We've gotta get back to friendly lines!

Kanti starts dragging Rei across the grass

Rei: On your left!

Kanti shoots the Orks which appear from the left with her pistol and keeps going.

Rei: You’re gonna… have to tell me… how you did that fire thing.

Kanti: I will when I figure it out myself!

They keep going.

Kanti: Not much further. Just keep pressure on that wound.

Rei: I’m trying!

Kanti drags Rei to a wall of sandbags and clambers over them.

Kanti: We gotta take cover!

Rei, in what is pretty clearly a painful endeavour, follows suit and lays in the mud. With her pistol, Kanti faces the Orks now coming for them.

Ork: Tasty, salty man-flesh!

Rei: How many?

Kanti: Too many!

Once the Orks are dispatched, Kanti looks back down at Rei.

Kanti: We're clear! Come on!

Kanti starts dragging Rei through the mud.

Rei: You call that fuckin' clear?

They skirt the edge of the trenches – an Imperial soldier with a flamethrower is dousing a group of Orks in fire. They continue along the edge of the trench, which is lined with barbed wire and so inaccessible, at least for Rei.

Rei: I'm losing too much blood. I think. You need more than half, right?

Kanti: Just hang in there! I gotta find a clearing to get in the trench!

Kanti places Rei down as smoke canisters pop, obscuring the next Ork wave to come their way.

Ork (from somewhere in the smoke): The clan will feast on you!

Kanti: Keep your head down!

Rei: Did you get 'em?

Kanti: They keep coming! How many of these fuckers are there?!

After taking out four or five, Kanti turns back to Rei.

Rei: Watch out!

Rei, with her sidearm, shoots down an Ork drone running at them from behind.

Rei: Still got it.

Kanti: Now’s our chance!

Kanti keep dragging Rei along the edge of the trench, smoke from the Ork canisters obscuring everything. As she goes, an Ork grenade lands at her feet.

Kanti: Fuck!

Kanti throws grabs it and throws it away. She sees an open area in the trench.

Kanti: Bingo!

Kanti jumps down into the trench, up to her ankles in mud, then turns back to Rei.

Kanti: I got you!

Rei rolls off the edge of the trench and lands in the mud at Kanti’s feet. A few more Orks appear from the smoke and Kanti shoots them down. She then looks down at Rei, who’s on the edge of losing consciousness, and then looks down the trench where more Ork infantry are coming at them.

Kanti: Oh, give us a break!

Kanti takes them out. Then, she turns back to Rei and starts dragging her down the trench.

Rei: Oh, wow, I'm actually bleeding out.

Kanti: Just keep pressure on it!

Rei: I’m trying! I’m trying!

Kanti: Almost there!

They reach some concrete steps – a friendly soldier is at the top.

Soldier: Come on up here! Move, move!

Kanti starts dragging Rei up the stairs – the soldier runs down and helps.

Soldier: I got you!

Two Orks come around the corner – someone on the top of the stairs shoots them both down. They reach the top of the stairs and find themselves in the middle of a friendly improvised triage centre. Kanti lays Rei down, whose face is very dazed, as she flicks off her helmet, blood trickling from her mouth.

Kanti: Okay. Stay with me. Healer!

Nobody comes – everyone’s busy.

Rei: I need morphine. All the morphine.

Kanti takes out a syringe of morphine, pulls off the cap with her teeth, and injects Rei in the thigh. Rei’s breathing is strained and painful. Kanti puts a hand under her head as a pillow.

Kanti: You gotta hang on. Those girls in Lutetia are waiting for you.

Rei: Really?

Kanti: Of course.

Rei: I… uh… how about another look at your sister?

Rei manages a smile, sniggering through the pain, and Kanti laughs, too.

Kanti: You’re infuriating.

Rei: It's okay. I can't see shit. I'm just gonna rest right here.

Rei’s eyes close.

Kanti: No, no, no, you need to stay awake. Hey.

Kanti puts her hand against Rei’s face, slapping her awake, and Rei’s eyes open.

Rei: Mona…

Kanti: I'm here.

Rei makes eye contact.

Rei: Help me.

Kanti: I need a fucking Healer!

A Healer finishes treating a wounded soldier and rushes over, taking over from Kanti in trying to stop the bleeding.

Healer: I got this! Go!

Kanti looks back down at Rei.

Kanti: But… but I…

Sokolov appears, standing over them.

Sokolov: Kanti! He'll take care of her. I need you with me. (to others) Listen up! There's an Ork cannon just a little up the road. It's tearing up the beach – we’re gonna stop it. Let's roll!

Kanti looks back down at Rei, who’s reaching out to her. Kanti takes her hand for a moment.

Kanti: Just stay alive, okay?

For a moment, with Rei on the very edge of death, little flickers of her memories flash before Kanti’s eyes. We see her mother telling her she’s a disappointment, Rei sitting in a prison cell, and then being told by a recruiting officer that “the Army’s running out of men – we need some ladies ready to be heroes.” Then Kanti returns to lucidity and Rei’s face.

Rei: I promise.

Their hands part and Kanti stands, grabbing a rifle, and joins the rest of the squad.

Sokolov: Check your ammo and grenades!

Khand: You heard him! Up the road, now!

Kanti and the rest of the squad move out of the top of the bunker, along a field pock-marked with craters, then go onto a dirt road leading towards a farm.

Kanti: Moving up!

Khand: Let's move!

Sokolov: Be ready – these Orks don’t look like the surrendering type!

You keep moving up the road, finding some dead cows as you go.

Khand: Move fast! They're shelling the beach to shit!

You reach the target – a machine-gun nest is set up in a half-destroyed farmhouse and starts shooting at you as you appear.

Sokolov: MG in the hay loft! Take cover and take it out!

After taking out the machine gun, you keep moving up to fight Orks among the farmhouses and hay bales. A large artillery cannon is in the centre and you move to clear it and secure the area, moving in a couple of the farmhouses to do so.

Adlai: Where’s all the civilians?

Khand: In the Ork’s stomachs, probably!

Once you’ve cleared everything, silence seems to fall.

Soldier: Orks coming in from the south! A lot of them!

Sokolov: They’re gonna try to retake the cannon! We gotta hold this position!

Khand: Not a step backwards!

The squad defends the position as a couple waves of Orks swarm towards them. You can use the machine gun posts in the upper floors of the farmhouses to help fight them off.

Adlai: There’s too many of them!

Khand: Hold! Have courage!

Still the Orks swarm the field to the south – until explosions start to blow them away. Termite tanks appear from the left, their 45mm guns tearing through the Orks, which are either slaughtered or flee.

Tao: Our boys are coming in!

Adlai: Look at them scatter!

Sokolov: Alright, everyone. We mopped them up good. I don’t think they’ll be back.

Khand: Clear! Destroy that cannon!

Kanti goes to the cannon and crouches down behind it. An Imperial soldier appears next to her.

Soldier: Thermite!

The soldier carries a number of thermite charges inside his helmet like a bucket and empties them out in front of Kanti. Kanti lights one of them.

Kanti: Fire in the hole!

Everyone backs away – you probably should too – and the thermite explodes. The cannon is destroyed.

Sokolov: Excellent work, Kanti. Alright, everyone, rally on me to the assembly point. Khand, I'll need a casualty report. We lost so many.

Khand: But we took the beach.

Sokolov: What a price.

At the rally point, Rei is on a stretcher on the ground, a cigarette in her mouth as Tao is knelt next to her.

Rei: Kanti...

Rei tries to sit up and Tao puts out a hand to encourage her to lay back down. Given the pain on Rei’s face, that’s probably a good idea.

Tao: Man, I thought I'd seen everything…

Kanti: She gonna be okay?

Tao: Yeah. They taped her up pretty good.

Rei: I should’ve stayed on the boat.

Tao: Oh, now she tells us.

Kanti: Hey, what you did back there… I owe you. Big time.

Rei: I’d say we're even.

Kanti: We'll see this through.

Rei smiles.

Rei: To the end. I guess.

Kanti: Whenever that may be.

Sokolov and Khand walk by behind Rei; Sokolov addresses everyone. Kanti glances up at them, then back at Rei, who just gives her a knowing nod, then stands as she looks back at their superiors.

Sokolov: Beachhead's secured. We'll bivouac at the second hedgerow after the ridge. It’s not over, everyone.

Behind them, a couple of dead Orks are being examined. Adlai is taking photos of one while a soldier gently kicks the head of another.

Soldier: Stop kicking it.

Soldier #2: I don’t wanna.

Khand regards Kanti. There’s blood in his beard.

Khand: Welcome to the Smiling Sixty Sixth. You're a long way from home, farm girl.

Khand walks off. Sokolov watches Kanti, then approaches when Khand is out of earshot.

Sokolov: That’s his way of saying he’s grateful. You did well. Not bad for your first day.

Kanti: Thanks, sir. I, uh…

Sokolov puts a hand on Kanti’s shoulder.

Sokolov: You'll be alright, child.

Kanti: Yes, sir.

Sokolov pats her shoulder, nods, then walks off. Kanti looks down at her hands, covered in dirt and blood, which hold each other before slowly separating.

Kanti: Course I will.

The level ends.

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