August Wind

UK is acting like the USA did prior to WW2

It is my understanding that the USA prior to entering WW2 stretched their neutrality status pretty far to help Britain. Some of the naval actions seemed to be trying to create an incident so the the USA claim Germany attached them.

I am interested in see how far Britain is willing to go to help France in this timeline.

It would also be interesting to see what the USA does in this timeline.


London August 21 1914

David Lloyd George was waiting for the election results to come in at the moment. After the fall of the Asquith as the leader of the Liberal Party David was one of two people buying for the job as leader of the party. The other had been the former Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Gray. The central question during the election to be the leader of the Liberal Party was what role the British Empire should take in the current European Conflict. Gray like Law’s Conservative Party was calling for war with the German Empire no matter what. However Gray had little support and lost badly in the leadership election with only a few like Winston Churchill supporting him.

George had ran on all aid short of war for France and Russia. He also made it clear he would honor of commotions the British had already made but not make no new ones. That allowed George to win the leadership election with a clear majority. It was to the point it was a landslide election for George to be the next leader of the party. The question was now what would the voters think of this. The answer would be here shortly George knew as he waited for the counts to come in. George knew the election was going to be close like it had been in December 1910, the question was how close.

As he was waiting for his answer George was reading the newspaper about the current war in Europe. The British did have a few military observers with the French Army, but the French were less than willing to help the British. After a few incidences where it seemed like the French were trying to get the Germans to kill the British officers, Asquith who was still the PM at the moment was force to put limits on how far forward the observers could go. That limit was Corp Level HQs and no farther. Ever since then the French officers who were assigned to the British observers had been less than willing to give information. It was one of the reasons George who could be the next prime minister of the British Empire was forced to read the newspaper about the course of the war in Europe. Even then George could tell by the newspaper article the French were putting everything through a high level of censorship. They were claiming vast victories, but names and dates were strangely missing.

Just as he was finished reading an article which he doubted any of it was true Christopher Addison came into the room George was sitting in waiting for new of the election. Christopher didn’t look happy and George spoke first “Christopher did we lose the election?”

“We didn’t get a majority again. We have another hung Parliament.”

This was the last thing George needed. Christopher gave him the details on the election. The Liberal Party won the most seats again and this time edging out the Conservatives in terms the popular vote, but not by much. But all it netted them was 277 seats in the House of Commons. Only a three seat pick up over December 1910. The Conservatives lost four seats but Ulster had broke clearly for the Conservatives. John Redmond’s Irish Parliamentary Party picked up four seats all of them coming from defeating All-for-Ireland Party. Labour had picked up the other seat that had been lost by the Conservatives.

George knew he would have to form an alliance with Redmond like Asquith had. Maybe he could bring Labour into his government as well. However George knew his work was cut out for him in the coming days as he tried to form a government.
Franco-German Frontline August 29 1914

Leutnant Erwin Rommel gripped his Luger Pistol a little tighter as he was waiting with his platoon. They were about to launch a counterattack against French I Army. It was part of an effort to push the French back to Meurthe River by the 6th and 7th Armies. It was part of a larger planned counterattack planned by Berlin to drive the French back and retake the limited areas the French have taken of Alsace-Lorraine in their failed offensive.

The French had launched Plan XVII on the 7th of August. It had so far been a total cluster fuck for the French Army. Rommel didn’t have the whole story, but it hadn’t ended well for the French by the time the French finally ended their attacks yesterday. Rommel had already seen a lot of combat since the start of the war. He had seen a lot of action at Sarrebourg in the early parts of the war. During the first stage of the counterattack Rommel had led his platoon brilliantly. It was too the point he was told by his battalion commander he had been put in for the Iron Cross 2nd Class for his actions.

Rommel then heard the artillery slack off and he knew what was coming next. The whistle blew seconds later tell him and his men to move forward into battle once more. He jumped up from his position he had been in and started leading his men from the front as he push on to his objective. The 6th Wurttemberg Infantry Regiment had been tasked to a key crossroads needed to take the objectives of the 6th Army.

The French started to fire back as soon as the Germans started their advance. Rommel acted. He yelled for his platoon to follow him to cover in a shallow ditch. Once there he quickly looked up to see the sight of a French machine gun nest that was causing all kinds of hell for the men of his regiment. Rommel watched as another platoon within his regiment tried to charge right into it. It was stupid Rommel thought. But he saw threw that platoon leader’s stupefied that there were two other machine guns in that nest. He found his Feldwebel and gave him his orders. The Feldwebel grinned at the orders.

Rommel then started to move in quick movements with part of his platoon as he advanced on the machine gun nest. It was quick movements because any more than a few seconds standing up right would mean death at the hands of the French machine guns. Once in position he waited for a few minutes to give his Feldwebel and the other half of his platoon time to get into positon then he blew his own whistle and moved again.

The French heard the whistle but didn’t know what happened till they got caught in the cross fire of Mauser Rifles and hand grenades. Rommel had his Luger in hand and took aim as well. He dropped one of the French soldiers with a shot to the head as he moved into the nest. Soon through the survivors of the French machine gun nest were throwing their hands up to surrender to the Germans.

Rommel quickly took a head count of the prisoners, 29 enlisted men and two officers that were taken as prisoners. There were even more dead. There were a few dozen rifles and three machine guns in the position he just took. However Rommel and his platoon only stayed in this position long enough to hand off the prisoners and link back up with their regiment.

Actions like this were taking place across the Franco German front Dieuze to the Swiss border. The French were already regrouping from their failed assault to reach the Rhine. The Germans were holding the 3rd Army in reserves to use to take advance of any break through that were made by the attacking 6th and 7th Armies.
Wow three updates and nothing?


I only just found this, and find it very enjoyable and interesting. I really wonder how the politics will play out in the end. But this already is a really different beginning of the war.

But I have one question, how did Ludendorff end up as chief of staff for the eightth army? If I remember things correctly, he was deputy chief of staf of the second at the start of the war.
Currently Souchon was nearing Philippeville Algeria which was one of the embarkation ports for the XIX Corp which was currently being loaded up to be moved to France to take part of Plan XVII which was getting ready to start.

Might want to brush up on your grammar, but I am loving the TL so far.
Well war it's going more or less as many thought, with the French launching their attack and failing and the German remain defensive in the west (at least for th moment) and with skirmish around the colony and the world between the two empire...risking (or giving excuse) to bring the neutrals in the war.

France will be in a way pissed for the British stance as they expected direct military help but nevertheless the fact that they keep they former military agreement and the 'all aid short of war' line mean that the material and financial support for the Franco-Russian will be high and this can sooth the anymosity.
British diplomacy will be on frenzy at the moment courting the neutrals and try somekind of economic war against Germany, after all London it's still the economic center of the world.
Speaking of money, well not having to actively wage war mean that there are a lot more resources available to support the enemy of Germany and US financial and economic rise can be staunted as it will be British industries that will have the bulk of contract by the Entente (plus the British merchant will be a little more safe due to Berlin desire to avoid giving London some excuse for entering the no USW).

For now the neutrals are the key

Romania and Italy can go both way but at the same time are the target of A-H as they want some 'border adjustment'...more Romania if the war goes well for the CP.
The Ottoman can be easily convinced to pile up against the Russian, expecially if the British are not involved...maybe a later agreement with Bulgaria and/or Italy regarding Greece.
Greece it's hard, as OTL it will be deeply divided but the British will probably redouble their effort to convince them to be at least unfavorable or total neutral towards the CP, expecially if/when Bulgaria join the fray against Serbia.
Japan will do the usual snatching and Sweden can enter the war by accident as almost happened in OTL and the rest of the neutrals are too little to matters as UK will cowed them in comply.
London September 3 1914

Sir Edward Gray was wondering what Prime Minister David Lloyd George wanted in this meeting. Gray had fallen out power and had almost taken up an offer to join Law and his party in opposition from George’s government. However he stayed with the Liberal Party even though he was a back bencher now. Edward had formed with Winston Churchill a small group who wanted the British to join the war currently being fought in Europe on the side of the Entente and help maintain the balance the British had always maintained in Europe. Well this group was really only Edward himself, Winston, and former Prime Minister Asquith himself.

Edward was shown into the office where the meeting with Prime Minister Lloyd George. Edward wasn’t surprised to see the Prime Minister in the office as he was the one who called for the meeting. However Edward was surprise to see Earl Kitchener in the room as well. Lord Kitchener was the Secretary of State for War. Lloyd George’s tapping Earl Kitchener for the job did surprise some within the party, but no one couldn’t admit there wasn’t a better man for the job than Lord Kitchener.

The Prime Minister started off the meeting, “Thank you for coming today Sir Edward.”

“Yes, Prime Minister. I was a bit surprised you would ask for this meeting however.” Sir Edward said.

“That’s understandable Edward. Maybe it would be best to let Lord Kitchener give you the outline of the way he see things.”

At that Lord Kitchener cleared his throat then spoke, “Edward the British Empire like it has for hundreds of years holds the scales of the continent. You helped lay the ground work so the British would hold the scales yet again when this war broke out but you were left holding the bag when the Kaiser cancelled the invasion of Belgium at the last minute. Now the ability to hold those scales is being threaten. The Germans had just won a decisive victory at Tannenberg just days ago where they destroyed a whole Russian Army. Now they are moving to do the same to two other Russian Armies.”

Edward want to scream. But he kept his best poker face, “If that is not the case why not go to war now?”

The Prime Minister spoke first, “Its not that simple Edward. If we when to war like you and Law’s Conservatives want we would be taking a divided nation into war. There would be a sizable selection of the nation who wouldn’t want to fight for the maintaining of the balance of power on the continent. We need something to unite the nation together for any war against the Central Powers to be victorious.”

Lord Kitchener picked up where the prime minister left off. “This is not going to be a short war like everyone is thinking it will be. This is going to be a long war that will put everything at stake and our victory is not guaranteed. This is a war that will destroy nations and monarchies will be toppled by it. There hasn’t been a war like this since the age of Napoleon over 100 years ago. If we stay out of the war the Central Powers will win. Russia will be forced out by 1916 as they undergo a repeat but on a worse scale of 1905. However this time the Czar will not survive this. With her forces in the east free, Germany will turn everything on the French and they will be lucky to last another year.

Even with the efforts that Prime Minister Lloyd George is taking it will not hurt the Central Powers bad enough to help the Entente. We are already seeing signs in Italy of their naval marshalling shipping for a large operation. We know the Bulgarians are deeply routed in revanche after the Second Balkan War and are already in talks with the Central Powers about joining them. The Turks will jump on the anti-Entente bandwagon once they are sure the Russians will fail possibly sooner. The economic measures we are taking will hurt Germany and the Central Powers but it will not stop them from destroying the Entente.”

The Prime Minister picked back up, “As I said. I will not take a divided nation into war Edward. Not with everything that is on the line in this war.”

Edward spoke, “It can’t be that bad?”

“Yes it is.” Lord Kitchener said. “The army isn’t ready for war of this scale. This isn’t chasing some wildly Dutch Farmers in South Africa or another colonial campaign. This is a war that will test the will of the nation like nothing before. Taking a divided nation into a war with everything on the line is foolish at best.”

“I agree with what Lord Kitchener has said. Its one of the reasons I gave him a free hand to reform the army and get her ready to fight in Europe. But that’s not why I asked for you to come here today Edward. As I said I will not take a divided nation into war. But I will honor any commitments we have already made. We have such commitments with the Japanese. They are hungry for their own empire. I want you to go to Japan and see what it will take to get Japan to attack the Germans in the Far East. Then we can go into Westminster with a good enough reason for the nation to rally behind and we can help check the growth of the Central Powers.”

Edward through about what he had heard for a few seconds before answering. “When to I leave for Tokyo?”
Sound reasoning, problem it's the more wait and the more will be difficult beat the Germans and the CP in general.

Germany it's not under a blockade so she can commerce with the rest of the world, sure UK will try to block or at least make all more difficult, like hoarding material and start bid war, still it will be better than OTL.
The big problem it's the increased pressure on Russia, basically a somewhat more supplied Germany is throwing more assets than OTL towards her and there is still the risk the Ottoman enter the fray (this time without Gallipoli or arab rebellion, at least not widespread arab rebellion as i think the British will continue to finance/support anyone that had some problem with the Porte).
Not counting the fact that Italy seem to be intentioned to enter on the side of the CP (the belpaese can now be the place for a diplomatic war, with both side making offer for remain neutral/enter at her side and help journalists and politicians
that support their position) and if this happen France it's not in a very good position.

Frankly the best option for Great Britain at the moment is to continue to give everthing short of war to the Entente and menace to declare war so to force the CP to give at France a very lenient peace treaty and later try to forge a true alliance to face Germany with the remaining powers.
Simpsonhafen (Rabaul) September 6 1914

Vizeadmiral Maximilian von Spee was currently in the capital German New Guinea. Von Spee had within here his flagship SMS Scharnhorst, SMS Gneisenau, and SMS Leipzig. Also in port at the moment was HMS Good Hope. HMS Good Hope had found von Spee and his small squadron he was sailing around the Southwest Pacific at the moment a week ago and has followed him where he when. Von Spee had even dinned with Rear Admiral Christopher Cradock last night after they both had docked in Simpsonhafen last night. Von Spee wasn’t a fool, he knew Cradock was tailing his squadron and reporting back to London who would then pass on the information to Paris. It was one of the reasons be believed he hadn’t sighted a French or Russian merchant ship in the past 11 days.

When this war started, von Spee knew his main task, well before the orders he just received, would be to hunt down Entente merchant shipping. He hoped that he would draw French naval units away from Europe to give the Hochseeflotte a freer hand around Europe. He knew outside a few worthless islands he really couldn’t take anything currently held by France that held value. It seemed that Großadmiral Alfred von Tirpitz had agreed with von Spee’s belief that outside a few worthless islands that von Spee’s Ostasiengeschwader wouldn’t be able to do any of worth besides hunting down Entente merchant shipping.

Indeed, von Spee had the rest his force doing the very same his ships had been doing since the start of the war. Currently he had the other light cruisers of his squadron sailing up and down the Chinese coast hunting down Entente shipping with some success. Between his China operations and his journey so far he had captured or sunk a total of 31 Entente merchant ships. He had one auxiliary cruiser as well that had been added to his force since the start of the war. This was the SMS Prinz Eitel Friedrich. Von Spee was using her as a sole hunter between the Marianas and Hawaii. She had either captured or sunk 3 merchant ships since she had been commissioned into the navy.

However von Spee came back to his new orders. It seemed that someone in Berlin about growing Germany’s Pacific outpost. They were sending a small squadron to reinforce von Spee’s current squadron. This force was centered on SMS Prinz Heinrich and two cruisers of the Gazelle Class. All three were badly outdated and dated from the turn of the century. There were also four more auxiliary cruisers in the squadron being detailed to him. They were being escorted by three battlecruisers till they reached the Panama Canal and entered in the Pacific Ocean for the second leg of their journey. But what was notable about his reinforcements was the 6th Bavarian Reserve Division was being sent to the Pacific.

With his reinforcements von Spee and his squadron were tasked with clearing out New Caledonia and Kouang-Tcheou-Wan and taking them for the German Empire. He was also being tasked to take the worthless islands he could already take. His orders didn’t give any time tables for von Spee to do his assigned task but he knew that with these reinforcements which were set to sail in two week’s time he was to have this task done sometime by the spring of 1915.

Little did von Spee know this was an opening move of Germany to spread the war to the colonies. It was being done with great care as to keep the British out of this war. However plans were being drawn up in Berlin and Naval high command for these expeditionary forces for Africa as well. But like what von Spee was getting they were getting old ships and second rate units. However the Kaiser put his foot down when it came to the possibly of taking French Caribbean Colonies at the moment. He made it clear that he wanted to keep both the British and Americans out of this war. Even through he didn’t fear the Americans like the British he didn’t want to add to Germany’s plate as he understood Germany couldn’t fight everyone at once and he was happy to keep his nation on the better side of the foreign policy issues as it was already paying dividends.
Russian First Army HQ September 14 1914

At the moment General[1] Paul von Rennenkampf and the Russian First Army were in a position no army wants to find itself in. They had the German Eight Army setting on it’s line of retreat and was facing the German First Army pushing in from the east. Von Rennenkampf knew he was in deep. The Russian Second Army had been destroyed in the very same way only two weeks ago around the town of Allenstein. Only at Allenstein, Samsonov had been destroyed by the smaller German Eight Army. But now the Germans have reinforced the Eastern Front were moving to destroy his army.

There was still some hope held by von Rennenkampf and his staff they could pull out their army out of the pocket around the Masurian Lakes. The Russian Tenth Army under General von Sievers was advancing north in an effort to breakout the trapped army under the command of von Rennenkampf. Von Rennenkampf was also trying to punch through the German lines and link up with the Russian Tenth Army. Once that was done he would make a quick march to the forts on the German-Russo frontier and wait for reinforcements. He knew do well his army was going to be in no shape for an kind of offensive for some time. Even more so because von Rennenkampf knew he was going to have to leave behind his heavy guns so he could march even faster.

As von Rennenkampf was looking at his map table one of his wireless telegraph operators came running in. The Russians were still sending their messages in the clear as they didn’t have enough equipment or train operators to send it encoded. This same message would soon be in the hands of the German staffs of the First, Second, Eight, and Ninth Armies where were pushing hard. As von Rennenkampf read it the color drained from his face. The Russian Tenth Army wasn’t coming.

The Russian Tenth Army was one of the smaller field armies in Russian and it was only about six divisions strong at the moment. It was being attacked by the German Second and Ninth Armies and was withdrawing just as quickly as it could so it could keep from being encircled like von Rennenkampf’s Army was. The fact the Russian Tenth Army wasn’t coming to save von Rennenkampf’s bacon hurt his plans but it was still possible to save his army from the mess it was currently in.

Four hours later, von Rennenkampf knew this was how Samsonov felt at Allenstein. He had just been handed a report that XX Corp’s efforts to breakthrough German lines had met with failure. It had also caused heavy losses to XX Corp leaving it in no position to try again. His supplies of ammo for most things were almost spent. There might be a day’s worth of shells and ammo left, but that was it. He was in no position to breakout now and he knew it.

Von Rennenkampf knew he would be blamed for the failure here at Masurian Lakes as well as for the disaster at Allenstein. He knew if he was lucky he would spend the rest of his life counting trees. And that was if he was very lucky. More than likely he would have to report to Czar Nicholas II and Nicholas would have been put up against the wall and shot. Either way life as he knew it was over. It was the reason there was an open bottle of vodka on his desk. Right beside the vodka was a Nagant M1895 revolver. It had one bullet loaded into it. Von Rennenkampf wasn’t going to screw his troops any more. After getting drunk as quickly as possible but still having enough ability to pick up the revolver and make sure it did its job, von Rennenkampf reached for the revolver.

Seconds later everyone in the HQ of the Russian First Army heard a single gunshot. The Russian invasion of East Prussia had turned into a total disaster and leaving the door open for a German invasion of the Congress of Poland.

[1] I have been trying to use the right ranks in their native tongue, but I can’t figure out how to write in Russian so I when with the best English name for the rank I could. If someone could tell me how to get Word to write in other languages beside English I would be thankful.