Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes IV (Do not post Current Politics Here)

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Liberals, Conservatives divided on new Overmountain diplomatic initiative

Regulators defy Electoral Commission, affiliate independent candidates in coastal north

Casualties fall to four-year low as election day approaches

Conservatives win control of alliance; peace in our time?

Not Nevada. Clark County has about 2/3 of the state's population and it went for Obama. Even with a mere 63-member state EC, Clark decides it. OH and PA, perhaps, but too sleepy now to check.

I just checked both Ohio & Pennsylvania.

Both would have went to Romney under this system (OH: 89-44, PA: 146-107) despite Romney losing the popular vote by 3% & 5% respectively.
Liberals, Conservatives divided on new Overmountain diplomatic initiative

Regulators defy Electoral Commission, affiliate independent candidates in coastal north

Casualties fall to four-year low as election day approaches

Conservatives win control of alliance; peace in our time?

I take it Tennessee is under martial law or not represented in the Senate?
I take it Tennessee is under martial law or not represented in the Senate?

Cease-fire holds along Appalachian Front

PubSec dissolves for new elections to answer peace initiative

Veritas, Minutemen reject 'inadequate' political reforms; Grimm open to further talks

Volunteers sweep to victory; dozens killed in coordinated terror attacks on Charlotte gov't district

Cease-fire holds along Appalachian Front

PubSec dissolves for new elections to answer peace initiative

Veritas, Minutemen reject 'inadequate' political reforms; Grimm open to further talks

Volunteers sweep to victory; dozens killed in coordinated terror attacks on Charlotte gov't district


Tabitha looks rather young...
With waves of criticism attacking many kennel clubs over concerts of heavy inbreeding, the common 'stocky pug' was gradually discarded in favor of the modern 'lean pug', a long-legged breed closer to its classic roots and much more similar to their "relatives", the Molossers.
Oh my, have I started a trend?! :eek:

The pug as we know it going extinct makes a lot of sense, honestly. IIRC there's a similar movement away from the ultra-squished faces of the Persian cats.

I really appreciate these dog boxes, @conchobhar and @InfernoMole; they're clever and a nice change of pace. Good work, guys. :)
Thank you! I'm glad people are enjoying this little series, too.
I continue to maintain that any such box that does not take into account Trump replacing Melania with a younger model or three is a failure.

Yeah, add in a few more wives, a few more kids, several more Vice Presidents and at least $40 Billion to his net worth, and then you get closer to a more plausible infobox.
Through A Mirror, Darkly

The War Manpower Commission was established by President Robert Shriver after the beginning of the Great War in order to better coordinate and balance the labor needs of the uniformed services, industry, agriculture and burgeoning service sector. With nation-wide conscription in place, manpower shortages were becoming acute on some worlds, necessitating the need for coordination. The WMC's most important job is to administer the Selective Service System and to promulgate draft regulations that are enforced by local draft boards. Placements and deferrals can be appealed through the WMC's administrative law judges. The War Manpower Commission also oversees the Training Within Industry, the Summer Agricultural Assistance Program, the Vocational Apprenticeship Program and the Office of Industrial Information. Planetary War Manpower Commissions have been established with local chairs appointed by the federal WMC and local representatives to further manage local affairs. There are more than 4 million local draft boards encompassing neighborhoods, towns, cities or entire counties. Membership on local draft boards is extremely prestigious, and is generally limited to members of the American Legion, Gold Star Families of America, Daughters of the American Revolution or Sons of Confederate Veterans.

All Americans register for the Selective Service System upon their 16th birthday with their local draft board, at which point they are given their first physical for the Selective Service. During their sophomore year of high school, all students take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test to determine their future military occupational specialty. All conscientious objector and preference forms must be submitted before their 17th birthday, at which point a student will undergo an additional physical along with an interview with the draft board and a psychiatric evaluation. Determinations for placement and potential deferrals are mailed at the end of January before their high school graduation. Draftees will serve for twenty four months in peacetime followed by a term of four years in the reserves, or for the duration during wartime (not to exceed 72 months), but they may reenlist for two, three or six additional years, though many are discharged early due to injury or by their Advanced Service Rating Score that is determined by months of service, months of service overseas, combat awards and dependencies under the age of 18 (the ASRS starts to accrue after 2 years of service). Draftees may not serve away from their home world if they do not volunteer to do so, and on many worlds, most American teenagers receive draft deferrals and are never called to service, but on worlds ravaged by war, most teenagers are drafted and serve for the duration, losing the best years of their lives to the Great War.

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Fair. Though, with California, it is already a Semi-Closed Primary where if you're registered to a party you have to vote in that primary, but if you're an Independent you can vote however. The only catch is the million people who accidentally registered for George Wallace's American Independent Party, thinking they're registering as Independent, but...I kind of think that's on them for not reading the form. There's also an argument to be made that if Nevada and Iowa were primaries than Hillary would have won them more decisively, thus halting the Bernie train before it got too far.

I do have a Google Sheet where I tracked the primary results. Maybe I'll do an experimental All are Open primaries to see the results. This wouldn't affect momentum or whatever, but it might make an interesting box.

538 shows if every state had an open primary.
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