Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes III

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I prefer Boris Johnson myself, then again I supported the Brexit so it was either him or the monstrous Nigel Farage. Pretty easy choice there.

And Johnson isn't monstrous???
I'm not a brit, and I know very little about their politics. Pretty much all I know about him is that he supported Brexit, has a moderately conservative stance on immigration and supported affordable housing as mayor. What horrors have I missed? :p

He is Britain's Trump.

In general his politics are opportunistic and his popular appeal is rather hard to pin down, he is slippery.
"We REJECT the plunder of Russia's wealth by globalists and oligarchs.
We REJECT the divisive diktat and rhetoric imposed by the Liberal Regime.
We REJECT the position of lapdog to the decadent Zentrum and its masters.
We REJECT the incitement of anti-Russian violence by the Liberal Regime in order to suppress the wishes of the people.
We REJECT the end of Russian greatness.
We REJECT the decadent West that fears and hates us, and the conniving East that manipulates and patronizes us.

We EMBRACE Russia, the true center of the world.

HAIL Russia. HAIL the Majority of the Russian Nation.

DEATH to the Liberal Regime."

~St. Petersburg Declaration of 2052

"Being that sovereignty lies within the Russian people, and that the sovereignty of the people must not be divided and degraded...,
  • that the voice of popular will be invested in the Majority Party of the Russian Nation
  • that all citizens of the Russian nation will be enrolled in the Majority Party of the Russian Nation upon birth.
  • that no organization other than the Majority Party of the Russian Nation may sponsor candidates for election to the State Duma or Regional Governorship.
  • that no candidate not sponsored by the Majority Party of the Russian Nation may stand for election to the State Duma or Regional Governorship.
  • that no other institution be granted charter or recognition as a political organization."
~ Chapter 1, Article 5 of the Russian Constitution of 2054.

"The party rejects the concept of Democratic Centralism in its operation or structure. All members of the party are free to express and promote any opinion that benefits the Russian nation."
~Kuzma Voronkov, 2nd Chairman of the Strategic Committee of the Majority Party of the Russian Nation. Intra-party memorandum, 2041.

"The party is the voice of the Russian nation, yes. But this is Stalingrad, not the Kremlin, and here, I am Czarina. Let the party speak as they like, but all ears here belong to me."
~Army General Milena Samsonova, of the 2nd Guards Tank Army. Private interview, May 2065.

"To all nation-loving residents of Kazan: Reporting of terrorist activity is mandatory. You are responsible for building up Russia. If you have any information, please report this to your Popular Soviet offices."
~Public Service Announcement to Kazan, following 11/13/62 fire-bombings.

"In conclusion, the behavior and operation of the United Russia party has been abominable in securing Zentrum interests in the Russian Federation. However, the commission does not recommend for ties to be immediately severed. If a foothold is to be made inside the Bolshevik Party, then it is nesecary to maintain the illusion of working with other parties in order to allow for a more secure infiltration and subversion of the Party. To this end, we recommend officially extending the membership review process indefinitely."
~ Report of the Membership Review Commission for the United Russia Party. Zentrum International, April 2056.

"Russia is gone. The maps are lying to you; might as well cross out its name and write 'Here there be Dragons.'"
~ Michael Abramoff, author of Once, We Were a Glacier. Interview, May 2067.


More colloquially know as the New National Bolshevik Party, or simply the Bolshevik Party, the Majority Party of the Russian Nation is the ruling party of Russia's one-party state. Originally founded in 2035, the New Bolsheviks were a response to the calcification of United Russia's technocratic, Neo-Putinist rule and Zentrum hegemony over the country. While swiftly banned in 2037, the New Bolsheviks rose in the ranks of the underground anti-government resistance. They were able to build bridges and triangulate between the various factions of the resistance, serving as arbitrators between the various ideologies and ideologues. Their unofficial leadership gave them a great deal of influence among the resistance, and by 2045 they were the largest anti-government movement in Russia.

In 2047, waves of unrest, incited by the resistance, forced the Regime to allow for banned parties to re-register for recognition. While the barriers were set arbitrarily high, the New Bolsheviks were one of the few banned parties to be able to pass them, immediately becoming the public face of anti-establishment politics. The legislative elections of 2051, while only partially-free and battled over between government and anti-government paramilitaries, still resulted in the New Bolsheviks becoming the second largest party in the state Duma, with 158 seats, forcing United Russia to enter an embarrassing coalition with the faux-opposition Liberal Democrats to form a government. In response, with the sign-off of their Zentrum advisers, the regime instituted radical anti-synth legislation prior to the 2052 presidential elections, hoping to use the anti-synth crackdowns and violence in order to crush political opponents and secure the presidency. This quickly backfired, as the anti-synth pogroms were quickly subverted by the resistance. The Zentrum-written slogan of "Death to the fake Russians," was swiftly perverted to "Death to the fake Russian regime." The government appealed to the military to intervene, but the army, disinterested in politics and concerned with its ever-growing control of the Russian economy, ignored the government pleas. The presidential elections continued as plan, save with resistance paramilitaries "protecting" the polls. On March 3rd, 2052, New Bolshevik party spokesman Gregory Zotov was elected as President of the Russian Federation. On March 4th, 2052, 231 United Russia and Liberal Democrat deputies issued their immediate resignations and left Russia in exile, giving the New Bolsheviks a super-majority in the State Duma.

The New Bolsheviks quickly got to work on consolidating their power, drafting up a new constitution and arranging it to be approved by plebiscite. To secure their rule, the New Bolsheviks sought to appease the military and subjugate the other resistance factions. The military was re-assured of their autonomy, with the generals free to administer their fiefs as they pleased. As for the resistance, the Religious Populists, Paleoliberals, and Anti-Revisionists were brought into the party, while the Monarchists, Islamists, Left-Anarchists and Liberal Ultra-nationalists were vilified. With the constitution approved by a popular landslide, the New Bolshevik regime was in firm control of the Russian Federation. The Presidency and Federal Council were abolished, with the State Duma being expanded to become a unicameral, first-past the post legislature. While the military was loyal to the state in name only, Popular Militias were raised to restore order and defend Bolshevik rule.

Today, the party's claim to rule Russia are laughable. Only Moscow and Leningrad remain under firm Bolshevik rule. The rest of the country is effectively administered by the generals, criminal organizations and private companies. The decision to bring in other resistance factions into the regime may have helped to divide and conquer, but it ultimately backfired, with vicious factionalism deadlocking the Duma and preventing real governance. Monarchist, Anarchist and numerous other forms of terrorism ravage the country and constantly clash with security forces and the Popular Militias, with countless civilians caught in the cross-fire.

While there are notable factions in the New Bolshevik party, the largest tendencies are as follows:

The Black Faction can be considered as the true believers of the New Bolshevik platform, with their ultimate vision being the abolition of the state and the self-rule of the Russian people through their soviets, militias, and trade union syndicates. While their influence over the party has waned sharply since their rise to power, these radicals have a disproportionate influence in the Popular Militias, a factor that leads other factions to tread with caution.

The Brown Faction is comprised of the various religious populists and political Christianist movements that were folded into the party. Fiercely traditionalist and Ultra-Orthodox, the Browns desire a complete dissolution of barriers between the church and state, and ultimately a church-state aligned to the patriarchate.

While it's unknown to what degree the Blue Faction is compromised by the Zentrum, the Blues are most certainly the Zentrum vehicle in Russia. While distrusted by the other factions due to these ties, the Blues have been able to couch their rhetoric and proposals in such away that makes the it difficult for the government to remove its deputies. At this point, the Zentrum has little faith in being able to restore a friendly regime. Instead, the faction's modus operandi is to delay and divide. While disliked by most Russians, including regime critics, Zentrum organizing and business interest has allowed them to win elections.

The White Faction are one of the few voices calling for moderation and cooperation in Russian politics. They are ignored.

The Red Faction, originally comprised of Anti-Revisionist Stalinists, the Russian parlimentary Left has largely converted to Synthesis Marxism. While sending delegates to the Fifth International would be considered treason, the Reds do have "friendly observers" that sit behind the Right Caucus. At this point, the question remains whether the Reds will try to launch a Marxist revolution, or simply build up their own institutions to make a bid for power when the Russian state finally collapses.

Continuation of Our Father's Stars.
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I'm sorry for the wall o' text here, but this is definitely an AH first. You'll see what I mean :p

A Rainbow Fades: 1990 California Gubernatorial Election

The first two years of George Bush's administration were divisive. Many shook their heads at the changes in policy from the Reagan years into the Bush years. Bush had campaigned mostly on a continuation of the policies of the Reagan administration. This was quite the change when considering his initial primary run in 1980, where he referred to Reagan's economic plan as "voodoo economics". The first two years of Bush's administration seemed to be a return to this stance, as Bush began to attempt to roll back many of the "Reaganomics" policies. This drew the ire of many within his own party, especially younger Republicans who had joined the party to support Reagan. On top of this, Bush supported a surprising amount of socially conservative policies, which earned him the everlasting hatred of the liberal wing of his own party and the Democratic party (of course, this shift did not satisfy Senators Keyes or Helms). He had lost a startling amount of support among Independents as well, most of them upset at both shifts.

One of these Independents was furious. He had long been dissatisfied with the party on social issues, but had supported Reagan's economic policies and had let it slide. He was not a career politician, but he had held public office and had enough connections to make his anger at the administration felt. Seeing an opportunity in the near-collapse of the Democratic party, this man opted to attempt to transform the dying party. He would use his influence to make it a respectable party and viable opposition again. This man was actor Clint Eastwood.

It was in late 1989 when Eastwood announced that he had registered with the party, and further announced his run for Governor of California. He had also made sure to emphasize his intentions of bringing back fiscal sense and "down to earth" policies to the party. The press conference left many in the media in utter shock. Eastwood was seen as somewhat conservative to the press and his switch to the Democratic party had left many thinking he had early senility. What baffled them further was the amount of support he had managed to gain within the state Democratic party. In the primaries he emphasized his social stances (which were relatively liberal) and de-emphasized his economic stances. He won the nomination with nearly 40 percent of the vote, and far-left House Rep Ron Dellums announced his independent candidacy the next day.

Most polls at first had Republican Pete Wilson winning in a landslide against his divided opposition, but slowly his lead began to erode. Ron Dellums started off surprisingly strongly, holding on to about 20% in the polls. However, this base was severely weakened when Dellums received the endorsement of LaRouchite and Sun Myung Moon follower James Bevel. This could've been downplayed, but Dellums' opponents latched onto it and refused to let go. Meanwhile Eastwood performed very well in the polls, occasionally leading Wilson by upwards of 5 percent. Still the media tended to dismiss Eastwood, saying he was running on his fame or as just a publicity stunt.

The people of California did not agree.


Eastwood took his coalition of Democrats, frustrated Independents and anti-establishment Republicans straight to the capitol. It was unclear if he would make a good governor, but what was clear was that a political realignment was on the horizon.

A Rainbow Fades
United States Presidential Election, 1988
United States Congressional Elections, 1988
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You chose a really good picture of Cameron for this. There's just something about it that seems casual and unassuming, which is a good fit for his much-lower stature ITTL. It really helps illustrate how different Cameron's career and perception is.

Majority Party of the Russian Nation
Your vision of the future continues to be wholly original and deeply worrying. Keep it up!
It's good to see a continuation of this, @machinekng

Russia doesn't seem like a too pleasant place but doesn't seem too far from OTL as it is :p

@machinekng nice :) although Russia doesn't sound very nice.

Your vision of the future continues to be wholly original and deeply worrying. Keep it up!


I was kinda inspired to get back to work by the Brexit craziness. I had originally thought that a Leave vote would be the POD for my FTL, but I guess I'll have to push it back. Hopefully no farther than November. :oops:
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