A World Without- A Timeline

I can help with postwar leaders. I saw a list of Soviet leaders you had planned for this TL. How about when Kosygin becomes Soviet leader, he puts his reforms into practice, liberalizing the Soviet economy.
Timeline, Mark 4


In the Battle of the Somme, a young man is killed by a piece of shrapnel severing his femoral artery. A young man named Adolf Hitler.

Almost a month after his death, the Battle of the Somme ends indecisively- the Germans are pushed back 40 miles, while the Entente enjoys a favorable tactical and strategic advantage.

Despite the amount of casualties inflicted on both sides, the Germans are not as demoralized as the British High Command originally thought.


February 1: The German government, suffering from food shortages, restarts their unrestricted submarine warfare against Entente vessels.

April 6: the Unite States formally declares war on the German reich, sending reinforcements and supplies to the weary British and French.

April 9-12: Meanwhile, a joint British-Canadian army attacked the German position at Vimy Ridge. After three brutal days, with almost 4,000 casualties for the British-Canadian divisions, Vimy is taken by the Entente.

The Entente continues to batter the Central Powers, winning in Passchendaele (at a high cost and for a tactical victory only), Cambrai and the taking of Jerusalem.

November 2: The British government issues the Balfour Declaration, and the declaration declares its intention to "view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people."


March 21- July 18: Despite the German successes, the Spring Offensive remained a strategic German failure and ended unifying the Allied command under Ferdinand Foch. The Germans ended up with exposed positions and severely exhausted with manpower shortages.

The Entente endures through the war, as American forces help the battered British and French (who have endured four years of war), and win the battles at the Marne, Amiens and the Hundred Days Offensive. Following the Hundred Days, the Germans sign an armistice with the Entente powers on the November 11th, 1918.

The Great War was over.

1919: The British government reforms the proposal of the Government of India Act, establishing independent "Dominion"-style Indian states bound under the banner of the Confederation of Indian States.

The Confederation is comprised of Ajmer-Merwara, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Assam, Baluchistan, Bengal, Burma, Bombay, Madhya Pradesh, Coorg, Sindh, Delhi, Dravida Nadu, Peshawar, Bihar, Orissa, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. The princely states are granted nominal independence, but are under the authority of a British viceroy and a representative of the Confederation.

1922- The British government carves off almost 80% of the Palestine Mandate and places it under the rule of the Hashemite clan. The remaining 20% of the Mandate is agreed to be the subject of the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and the subsequent League of Nations laws.

Jewish immigration to Palestine reaches into the tens of thousands, particularly from Eastern Europe and Germany.

Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck is declared the Army Chief of Staff, Hermann Göring is declared the Air Chief of Staff and Karl Dönitz as the Commander-in-Chief of the Reichsmarine.

1926- The Balfour Declaration of 1926 is approved, affirming the British Dominions (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Newfoundland and Ireland) as autonomous communities within the British Empire.

1929- In October 1929, the collapse of the stock exchange in New York City triggers a worldwide economic collapse, thrusting the world into the Great Depression.

1930- The Imperial Conference in the British Empire decides to begin Imperial Preference, where the Dominions would have free trade with each other but coordinate tariffs against other nations.

1931 to 1934-

Action Francaise and Croix-de-Feu, under the direction of Charles Maurras and Francois de la Rocque, band together into “le Grande Coalition de les patriotes”- the Grand Coalition of the Patriots.

6 February 1934: Various French fascist groups manage to overthrow the French government and establish a fascist dictatorship. Jean, duc de Guise, is proclaimed His Majesty Jean III of the House of Bourbon.

Most of the smaller right-wing parties are absorbed into “le Grande Coalition de les patriotes” to, as de la Rocque puts it, “to unify the far-right under a single ruler, a single ideology, a single hope and a single dream.”

1935- The Grand Coalition of Patriots assumes total control over the French Third Republic and reforms it into the French Corporatist State. Charles Maurras officially declares himself Director-President of the French State, while his partner Francois de la Rocque assumes control over the French State Council and the Senate.

Despite the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy, total power lies with the Director-President and the President of the French Senate and Council.

Cabinet and Government of the French Corporatist State:

King of the French Corporatist State- His Majesty Jean III
Director-President: Charles Maurras (GCP)
President of the French Senate and Council: Francois de la Rocque (GCP)
Foreign Minister- Gaston Henry-Haye (GCP)
Minister of National Defence- Philippe Petain (GCP)
Minister of the Interior- Pierre Pucheu (GCP)
Minister of Finance and Commerce- Paul Baudaoin GCP)
Minister of Labour- Eugene Deloncle (GCP)
Minister of Food and Labour- Alexis Carrel (GCP)
Minister of Justice- Joseph Darnard (GCP)
Minister of Merchant and Military Navy- Francois Darlan (I)
Minister of Air- Joseph Vuillemin (I)
Minister of National Education- Abel Bonnard (GCP)
Minister of French Family and Veterans- Paul Touvier (GCP)
Minister of Agriculture and Supply- Henry Coston (GCP)
Minister of Colonies- Jacques Doriot (GCP)
Minister of Corporations- Francois de la Rocque (GCP)
Minister of Education and Propaganda- Marcel Bucard (GCP)
Postal Minister- Henry Coston (GCP)
Minister of Public Works and Transmissions- Pierre Étienne Flandin (I)

1936: The members of the Peel Commission set sail for Mandatory Palestine to propose changes for the British Mandate following a worse outbreak of the Arab Revolt.

11 November 1936: The Peel Commission, headed by the Earl Peel, arrives in Palestine to investigate the reasons behind the uprising.

18 January 1937: The Peel Commission returns to Britain to give the reports of their findings. According to the report, Arab allegations against the Jewish residents and their land purchases in Palestine are unfounded.

Until the independence of Mandatory Palestine, it will remain under direct British rule, Jews and Arabs may purchase land in Palestine without fear or intimidation, the final status of the Mandate will not be decided until 1947.

In the eventuality of the independence of Palestine, Jews and Arabs (who voluntarily remain and swear to be loyal citizens in the proposed Jewish state) shall be granted equal citizenship and rights before the law.

Many Arabs in Palestine denounce the British move to recognize Palestine as the Jewish state and move to Transjordan, leaving a larger Jewish population. The Yishuv, the Jewish leadership, issues a declaration vowing to respect the rights of the Arab residents who voluntarily remain. Most of the Arabs who choose to immigrate to Transjordan have the transfer overseen by the League of Nations.

1938: The Grand Coalition institutes the “Les lois concernant la santé raciale et politique de l'État corporatiste français” (The laws concerning the racial and political health of the French Corporatist State). Jews, Freemasons, political leftists, métèques (foreigners) and French Huguenots were now deemed “enemies of the state”, and were slowly stripped of their political and religious rights.

Some French Jews begin immigrating to Mandate Palestine to escape the Grand Coalition, while most refuse to believe what is unfolding before their eyes. Those who do not leave will make the worst mistake of their lives.

1939- After the end of the Arab revolt in Palestine, the Arab residents of Palestine are given the option of staying in the future Jewish state or voluntarily moving to Transjordan.

Camps are being constructed in rural France, under the orders of Charles Maurras. These camps will deal with the internal enemies of the State...permanently.

The world will know the true meaning of "hell on Earth" in a few years.

1939, con't: After the end of the Arab revolt in Palestine, the Arab residents of Palestine are given the option of staying in the future Jewish state or voluntarily moving to Transjordan.

Most of the Arabs choose to immigrate to Arab Transjordan and the move is overseen by the League of Nations, rather than the British. Despite fears, the population transfer goes without incident.

1940: Grand Coalition France begins to establish paramilitary organizations to fight alongside “l’Armee Nationale de France” (The National Army of France). The French Foreign Legion calls for regular criminals to join, in absolution of their crimes so long as they swear loyalty to the State, the Director-President and the King of the French State. Many agree to this, simply to get out of prison.

Francois de la Rocque, Philippe Petain, Charles Maurras and Xavier Vallat and Louis Franchet d’Esperey, the Commander-in-Chief of the ANF and Marshal of the French Corporatist State, begin invasion plans against the Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Britain and Italy.

Few French Jewish refugees manage to reach Mandate Palestine, seeking refuge in the proposed Jewish state.

1941: The ANF began a “coup de foudre” against Germany and pushes deep into the Saar Basin and the Rhineland. The DNVP-Zentrum Germany, despite paramilitary organizations standing guard on the Franco-German border, is caught off guard by the French. Humiliated and defeated, they are forced back across the Rhine deeper into Germany.

The French, continuing their drive, push into the North German Plain and take large swaths of territory. By the end of the year, the French have seized the Saarland and the Rhineland Palatinate. Italy declares neutrality in the conflict, though they sell weapons and hardware to the Germans and Austrians.

German Jews flee through Austria and Italy for Palestine, aided by the Italian "Duce" Benito Mussolini at the behest of his mistress, Margherita Sarfatti.

1942: As the French hunker down in their German territories, several dozen divisions of the ANF move northward against Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Despite their best efforts, the three nations fall to the French.

The Belgian, Dutch and Luxembourgian royal families flee together to London and establish a joint government-in-exile. The British declare war on the French state and begin mobilizing Empire and Commonwealth forces.

1943: The French initiate another coup de foudre against the Germans, pushing the small German army and paramilitaries out of North Rhine-Westphalia and the lower half of Lower Saxony.

The first few divisions of the British Empire and Commonwealth (British, Indian, Canadian and ANZAC) arrive in Germany to fight alongside the Germans. The Soviet Union, taking advantage of the lack of attention, seizes the Baltic States and annexes the three states in the Union.

The Austrian government declares war on France and begins instant mobilization.

The French gendarmerie and the French Foreign Legion begins rounding up Jews, Freemasons, Huguenots, metics [1], gypsies and leftists, deporting them to the camps in the French countryside.

The French government, realizing that even their best efforts would not be enough to break the Germans, signs an agreement with the Soviet Union. Despite both sides ideological differences and hatred of the other, they agree to cooperate and divide Europe between them.

The treaty divides Europe into two areas- French dominated Southern, Western and Central Europe and Soviet dominated Eastern Europe and Middle East.

The Soviet war machine surprises the Polish and Germans by driving through their lines like a hot knife through butter. Within a matter of weeks, the Polish government flees to Britain and the Germans are now fighting a two-front war.

1944: The Germans and Austrians are now completely overrun on both the east and the west. On 20th of April 1944, the Germans surrender to the Franco-Soviet combined forces. The Austrians surrender a week later. The French establish their control over Germany and Austria (OTL French and British occupation zones as well as the western half of the American occupation zone), brutally cracking down on partisan activity.

Aided by the British Empire and Commonwealth troops (who also escape via Hamburg), the DNVP-Zentrum coalition government flee to Britain, narrowly escaping Soviet forces. They quickly establish a government-in-exile, alongside the Polish.

To ensure better collaboration between British and Dominion, the Westminster government establishes the Imperial Council- which will be comprised of delegates from Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, South Africa, the Confederation of Indian States, Australia and New Zealand.

The Soviets establish their control over eastern and southern Germany and eastern Austria, dividing it into the People's Republic of Prussia and the German Democratic Republic.

Despite the Treaty of St. Petersburg (Franco-Soviet collaboration), the French begin mobilizations of their paramilitaries and military forces near the Soviet occupation border, preparing for Operation Napoléon [2]- the French invasion of the Soviet Union.

1945: French forces breach the Soviet zone, using Belgian, Dutch and Luxembourgian soldiers as cannon fodder. Despite their heavy casualties, the French push the Soviets back and occupy all of former Germany. German partisans begin a war of terror against the French occupiers, killing hundreds and tying up thousands.

While the Soviets still have designs for Eastern and Central Europe, countless thousands of Soviet soldiers conveniently "lose" their weapons and ammo for the Germans to find.

In response to the terror campaign, Francois de la Rocque declares the Germans inferior, “life unworthy of life”, and allows French soldiers to massacre the Germans wholesale.

By the end of the year, the French and their collaborators are in complete control of former Germany and parts of Poland. Nearly 800,000 Germans have been killed by the French regime, with more sent to newly-constructed death camps across occupied Germany.

1944: The Germans and Austrians are now completely overrun on both the east and the west. On 20th of April 1944, the Germans surrender to the Franco-Soviet combined forces. The Austrians surrender a week later. The French establish their control over Germany and Austria (OTL French and British occupation zones as well as the western half of the American occupation zone), brutally cracking down on partisan activity.

Aided by the British Empire and Commonwealth troops (who also escape via Hamburg), the DNVP-Zentrum coalition government flee to Britain, narrowly escaping Soviet forces. They quickly establish a government-in-exile, alongside the Polish.

The Soviets establish their control over eastern and southern Germany and eastern Austria, dividing it into the People's Republic of Prussia and the German Democratic Republic.

Despite the Treaty of St. Petersburg (Franco-Soviet collaboration), the French begin mobilizations of their paramilitaries and military forces near the Soviet occupation border, preparing for Operation Napoléon- the French invasion of the Soviet Union.

1945: French forces breach the Soviet zone, using Belgian, Dutch and Luxembourgian soldiers as cannon fodder. Despite their heavy casualties, the French push the Soviets back and occupy all of former Germany. German partisans begin a war of terror against the French occupiers, killing hundreds and tying up thousands.

While the Soviets still have designs for Eastern and Central Europe, countless thousands of Soviet soldiers conveniently "lose" their weapons and ammo for the Germans to find.

In response to the terror campaign, Francois de la Rocque declares the Germans inferior, “life unworthy of life”, and allows French soldiers to massacre the Germans wholesale.

By the end of the year, the French and their collaborators are in complete control of former Germany and parts of Poland. Nearly 800,000 Germans have been killed by the French regime, with more sent to newly-constructed death camps across occupied Germany.

1946: French forces seize all of Poland, placing it under direct military occupation. Countless Poles (either supporters of the French or opportunists) join up with the French to fight against the Soviets. European Catholics are encouraged to fight alongside the French, but are denounced by the Pope and the Vatican.

The French war machine swells to several million and, on 15 August 1946, begins the second phase of Operation Napoléon- the invasion of the Soviet Union proper. In addition, French colonial militias and armies "liberate" Southern Europe from "tyranny" under France's "benevolent" leadership. By the end of 1946, all of Europe (save Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Switzerland) will be under French control.

The French occupational government establishes the Free Republic of Hanover, the Free Republic of Holstein, German Free State, the Independent State of Bavaria and the Free Republic of Baden. These German states are forced to hand over countless thousands of citizens as cannon fodder for the French armies.

In North Africa, French colonial armies (most of whom are fighting in Europe) begin the massacre of Arab Muslims, led by Xavier Mallet and Jacques Doriot. While the former commands the colonial armies, it is Doriot who gains the title "The Butcher of the Maghreb".

The British accept Japan’s claim on Manchuria (and negotiate an end to the Second Sino-Japanese War) in exchange for Japanese assistance in taking French Indochina and contributing to the war effort against France.

Charles Maurras decries the Soviet invasion, saying that the French’s hated enemy is already beaten and that the need to fight the Soviets is not there. Francois de la Rocque, seduced by the power he commands and delusions of grandeur, murders Maurras and declares himself the new Director-President of the French Corporatist State.

French, (collaborationist) Belgians, Dutch, Luxembourgian, "German" and Polish begin the invasion of the Soviet Union, beating the Soviets back. While in France and the occupied territories, Jews, Muslims, Freemasons, Huguenots, Germans and political leftists are being slaughtered by the tens of thousands.

1947: The French and their collaborators reach the city of Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad. Despite their best efforts, the cities refuse to fall. De la Rocque, is now mad with power, refusing to listen to his generals on the ground. As a result, the French and collaborators are forced back by the Soviets across the European plains. Italy declares war on France, partly out of humanitarian efforts to save Jews and Germans in Occupied Europe and Muslims in French Africa.

The British, Italians, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, Indians, and Free German partisans initiate Operation Sealion [3]- the largest naval invasion force the world has ever seen. Landing in Normandy and Provence-Alps-Cote d’Azur (PACA), they push the French back in their own land. Coupled with the Soviet advance and assisted by Polish, German, Hungarian and other European partisans, the French are forced back across Europe.

The Soviets, now furious with rage, massacre thousands of French and collaborators during the “Great Defeat”. De la Rocque, mad with power, demands his generals to keep fighting the war [4].

1948: By the end of the year, the defeat of France is inevitable. Rather than prolong the war, Alphonse Juin, Marshal of France, overthrows the Corporatist State with the approval of His Majesty Jean III and the support of the French Army. De la Rocque, refusing to come quietly, duels Juin in the bombed out ruins of the Elysee Palace [5]. Juin wounds the man and takes him prisoner.

Instantly, Juin issues a communiqué to all French armies in either Occupied Europe and Africa to surrender, as well as France’s formal declaration of surrender to the Allied Powers.

The DNVP-Zentrum coalition government, the legitimate government of Germany, returns to Berlin to assume control of the German state and people. Rather than being welcomed back with open arms, they are literally ripped apart by rabid Germans and Soviet soldiers.


The Allied High Command formally occupies the former French state and issue the following orders:

• The former French Corporatist State is disassembled and banned from ever unifying into a united French state.
• The Grande Coalition de les patriots is hereby banned for reforming, as well as the parties of Action Francaise, Croix-de-Feu or any member-party of the Grande Coalition.
• Jacques Doriot, Xavier Mallet, Francois de la Rocque and all other members of the GCP shall be tried for crimes against humanity.
• All collaborators of the French regime shall be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.
• All persons persecuted by the French state and their allies shall be granted immediate medical assistance and aid.
• Any and all Jews who wish transport to Palestine shall be granted that right without delay.
• All French colonies shall be administered by the British Empire and Commonwealth, the Kingdom of Italy or the Spanish State.
• All Arab Muslims in North Africa, who had been under French colonial rule, shall be granted independence no later than 1950.

1949: The Soviet Union establishes the People’s Republic of Alsace, People’s Republic of Picardy and the Democratic Republic of Burgundy out of the ashes of Eastern France.

The Allied powers establish the Republic of Normandy (OTL Lower and Upper Normandy), Free State of Poitou (OTL Poitou-Charentes and Pays-de-la-Loire), Republic of Aquitaine (OTL Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrénées), State of Linioges (OTL Limousin and Central regions), the Republic of Marseilles (OTL Provence-Alps-Cote d'Azur) and the Republic of Languedoc (OTL Languedoc-Roussillon).

Despite Soviet pressure, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg (BeNeLux) re-establish sovereign rule (with British and Commonwealth military presence in the countries to deter the Soviets). Paris is divided between the British and the Soviets- West Paris to the British, East Paris to the Soviets.

The Jewish survivors of the French genocide flee to Palestine, and are welcomed openly by the British government. The Arab Muslims of North Africa, also brutalized during the French rule, establish friendly relations with Jewish Palestine out a shared sense of pain.

The State of Israel is declared with 2.3 million Jewish citizens (either refugees or sabras [6]). The Soviet Union is the first government to recognize the Jewish state. The Israeli state stretches from the Mediterranean to the Dead Sea, from the Gulf of Aqaba to the Golan Heights.

The Soviets establish as their puppet states-
• People’s Republic of Poland
• Czechoslovak Republic
• East Prussian People’s Republic [7]
• German Democratic Republic [8]
• People’s Republic of Austria
• People’s Republic of Hungary
• People’s Republic of Bulgaria
• People’s Republic of Romania
• Democratic Federation of Yugoslavia
• People’s Republic of Albania
• People’s Republic of Alsace (the OTL regions of Alsace, Lorraine and Franche-Comte)
• People’s Republic of Picardy (the OTL regions of Nord-Pas de Calais, Picardy and Champagne-Ardenne)
• Democratic Republic of Burgundy (the OTL regions of Burgundy, Auvergne and Rhone-Alps)

1950: The British Empire and Commonwealth, the Kingdom of Italy and the Soviet Union assume control over the remains of Europe. The French people, now battered by war and having lost nearly half their population, resign themselves to Soviet-Italian-British-Commonwealth control.

The Magreb Union gains independence from British provisional rule, with its capital in Algiers. They will remain dependent on the British and Commonwealth for decades. The State of Israel extends tentative diplomatic relations to the Maghreb Union. The Maghreb government accepts the move and officially recognizes the State of Israel as the Jewish and sovereign state.

1951: The Soviet Union cracks down on German partisan activity, killing hundreds. Despite British and Commonwealth protests, the Soviets reassert their control over the German Democratic Republic.

1952: Elizabeth II ascends the throne of the British Empire and Commonwealth. Her official title is: Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas Queen, Empress of India.

1953: The Government of the United States passes the 'Defense of the Country' bill- which effectively outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and grants the President near-unlimited power to defend the country from the Communist threat.

1954: Joseph Stalin dies, leaving a power vacuum in the Soviet Union. After a bitter political fight, Nikita Khrushchev assumes power as the new Soviet premier. He begins a series of liberalization, while denouncing Stalin’s past horrors. He decides to maintain the alliance with the State of Israel, allowing countless thousands of Soviet Jews to make aliyah to Israel.
[1] Metics, according to Charles Maurras, refers to the peoples of North Africa. In this instance, it refers to the Arab Muslims. The Berber and Kayble peoples are considered "lost French".

[2] While Maurras despised the Revolution, Napoleon was emulated for his ability to conquer most of Europe. Naturally, power seduces everyone and convinces Maurras and de la Rocque to go even further than Napoleon- to conquer Russia.

[3] Yeah, that's right. I made the British initiate Operation Sealion. Fear me!

[4] De la Rocque was seduced by the prospect of unlimited power and went insane. He will make the same mistakes that Hitler made in OTL.

[5] Why a duel? Duels make everything fun.

[6] Native-born Israelis.

[7] OTL East Prussia and Prussia east of the Oder-Neisse Line

[8] OTL Germany
This is the list so far for US presidents:

William McKinley (1897-1901)
Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)
William Howard Taft (1909-1913)

Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)
Alexander Mitchell Palmer (1921-1929)
Robert Latham Owen (1929-1932)
William Gibbs McAdoo (1932-1940)
Walter Franklin George (1940-1948)
Robert Alphonso Taft (1948-1956)
Francis Eugene Walter (1956-1964)
George Smathers (1964-1972)
Richard Joseph Daley (1972-1976)

What kind of events are you talking about?
For Kosygin's Politburo, I can see Fyodor Kulakov, Volodymyr Shcherbytsky, Pyotr Masherov, Grigory Romanov, Eduard Shevardnadze, Nikolai Tikhonov, Victor Grishin, Victor Chebrikov, Alexander Yakovlev. More or less, a lot of liberal-minded Soviet politicians.

Any help for other political events would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking for British summits similar to Imperial Conferences. For the British Empire-Commonwealth, it will effectively be bound as a NATO/EU style confederation and I made a list of "Lord Presidents" of the Imperial Council.

Lord Presidents of the Imperial Council of the British Empire

Jan Christaan Smuts- 1935-1940
Winston Churchill- 1940-1945* [1]
Winston Churchill- 1945-1950
Winston Churchill- 1950-1955

Robert Menzies- 1955-1960
Louis St. Laurent- 1960-1965

Keith Holyoake- 1965-1970
Alec Douglas-Home- 1970-1975

* concurrent to Churchill's term as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
[1] Only member of the Imperial Council to be elected three times and in succession.

Blue= Imperial Conservative Party
Red= Imperial Labour Party
Interesting idea with Britain keeping it's empire.

As for Kosygin when he's in power, how about Kulakov as Premier, and Romanov as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet? Not sure who Kosygin could have as ministers of defence, foreign affairs, or KGB chief. How about there's a summit meeting at some point between Kosygin, and the leaders of the US and Britain?
Thank you :D

I had originally planned the US to be incredibly isolationist, since I didn't have them enter the Second World War. Basically, after Palmer assumes power, he helps ensure American "splendid isolationism" as well as an incredibly paranoid and anti-Communist country.

Summits between the British Empire-Commonwealth and the Soviets though sounds interesting. There's not a lot of strong Western powers, though, so the British would have to either bring in the Italians (the logical choice) or the Japanese (to counterbalance Soviet influence in Asia/Pacific)

Kulakov as premier and Romanov as head of the Supreme Soviet? That could work. Romanov was considered a possible successor to Chernenko and rival to Gorbachev in OTL. I'll have to do some research on who would be for defense, foreign affairs or for the KGB.
Loving the Commonwealth - Soviet cold war. Although the communist Europe and the authoritarian America is kind of scary. Also just wondering what are the Anglo - American relations. oh and is there any chance of a map?
Anglo-American relations are tenser than OTL, almost like relations after the War of 1812. Intensely and deeply troubled. Just wait until the next update, which will go up until (at least so far) to the mid-1980s. I will also say, there is a reason the US president list I made only goes up to 1976.

I'm also using a Mac and I don't have a map-making program like MSPaint. If anyone wants to make a map, I'll gladly accept it and appreciate it.

Does anyone know a good program for a Mac?
How about while Kosygin is Soviet leader, he has the KGB "replace" Stalinist leaders in the Warsaw pact with reformers like himself.
That sounds good. Encouraging leaders like in Prague Spring or in the Hungarian Revolution to assume power in the Warsaw Pact would ensure liberalization of the various communist regimes.
you keep talking about rounding up the Huguenots, does that mean this is a papist fascist dictatorship?
It also means that they will try to kill off more than half the poulation of both the Netherlands and Germany because i can imagine they will try to kill any protestant. And if that becomes clear, it will be highly unlikely that that rather WASP (white, anglosaxon, protestant) country stays out (the US). it will become a very very nasty war.
For Foreign Affairs, I'm thinking Andrei Gromyko. Viktor Chebrikov for the KGB (he actually started an anti-corruption charge with Andropov when he was appointed in the '80s). And defense minister, Dmitriy Ustinov.