A Thread for Alternate US State Flags

Alan Hardy

Nevada is supposed to have a Colbalt Blue field. Wiki puts this to an exact figure of 0-71-171, unlike any colour yet used. This rework harks back to the 1905 Silver and Gold flag. Silver being (192-192-192) and the gold being fittingly being Vegas Gold (197-179-88).

know what?
the blue is not deep enough to cope.
would black be good?

no it wasn't

but Reno City have a strong shade, (0-0-128) just one shade away from Aussie Blue...

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Alan Hardy

Yet another Oregon revision. Still two colour, Gold (255-215-0) and Blue (but which is darker displaying Lum of 60 so twice the 120Lum of the Gold) (0-33-128). So tricky to sort out the best solution for states that you have never been to, or hardly ever seen on the TV. Still I've misappropriated a logo from Parks Canada and revised it in a few ways. Profile fully redrawn. Longer teeth, and the Beaver's tail shows 32 small blue stars the 33rd is high in the canton. Removed tree branch details and the outer ring reads as an "O" for Oregon.

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here it is

very good idea @Laqueesha

Alan Hardy

Nebraska, the 37th state, replacing the blue bed sheet with boring gold and silver seal. N for Nebraska with arrangement of 13 stars. 1 large gold double fimbriation in sliver and blue for the state. 12 horizontally split blue/white stars placed on the joints of a 24 blue and white checked pattern. This pattern echo's out the international pattern for the flag signal for the letter "N". 13+24=37.

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Alan Hardy

Did a revise of Vermont the other day. Still with 14 stripes, with colours twice as wide as the metal. Aim to fully separate metals and colours. Still a mix of USA, bedsheet blue and Green Mountain Boys flags. Deer now drawn in the same Maple colour as per the Bear Flag, because like the Canadians, Vermont produce Maple syrup too. White fimbriation to lift the look of the stain colour.

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Maybe make the center stripe blue, for the Columbia River.
"you mean like dis!" --D-Trix

this looks nice as f*ck! and i like how this flag is just a request flag where we keep on adding on and making improvements, it is good cooperation!
"you mean like dis!" --D-Trix
this looks nice as f*ck! and i like how this flag is just a request flag where we keep on adding on and making improvements, it is good cooperation!
HatKirby said "the center stripe," I think he meant like this:

I changed the yellow to white because no one in Washington considers yellow to be a state color. Most of our sports teams use green-white-blue, as do many city and county logos. As a Washington state resident, I had to give this a shot. I changed the blue and green to be a bit darker and easier on the eyes. The stripe widths were also reduced to ensure that green is the dominant color.