A Spanish Civil War hypothetical


Someone's posted a thread in Chat about British Muslims fighting for the Taliban and whether that constitutes treason. It got me thinking about whether this could happen with a "community" (to use New Labour Speak and then wash my mouth out with listerine) that is not visibly distinct on grounds of race and religion, which complicates matters.

So how about this: what if, for some reason, either the British or French governments in the 1930s decide to back the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War (and let's assume Germany and Italy are not involved or only involved in a minor capacity). Perhaps due to a more successful and intimidating Soviet Union and greater '20s Red Scares, maybe. But I want to emphasise that the British and French governments are no more right-wing, or not much more, than they were at that point in OTL: they are still moderate and democracy is still a strong institution. (So it's not the same as if the fascist Italians or Germans captured Italian or German International Brigaders in OTL, which may have happened, I don't know).

Anyway: so what if Britain and/or France sends troops to fight alongside the Nationalists (in secret, or preferably openly for the sake of the comparison) and on the other side we have the same International Brigades drawn mainly from British and French leftist volunteers that we had in OTL?

Say some of these Brigaders are captured in battle. Are they considered traitors by governments which, remember, are still pretty moderate and democratic? What happens?
Hmm, two democratic states making war to another democracy in order to help a militaristic coup d'état is a really exceptional situation, but I don't want to mar your parallelism.

Some International Brigades volunteers in OTL had problems when they returned to home, and not only germans or italians but also people from moderate democracies. The swiss volunteers lost their nationality because on the eyes of their country they had broken the swiss neutrality. The american volunteers had also problems because they were seen as communists, specially under the McCarthyism. Many of them were hounded by the F.B.I. for many years

So, in your exemple, with their countries being belligerant powers in the conflict, I'm afraid that if they are captured in the battlefield they will have a hard time back in home. I don't know if they would be imprisoned or executed, but probably they would have a permanent social stigma and political/police pressure the rest of their lifes.
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