A Map Thread

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Here's something I've been playing around with, possibly as a plane for Alterverse. Here, there was never a Genghis Khan; the Mongols never united, and the Shahdom of Khwarizim blossomed into a mecca of learning and culture on par with Umayyad Spain. With no united Mongol presence, the Jin Chinese Empire never falls, and goes on to become the major power in the East. The Song are still in control in the south, and the Dual Empires are bitter enemies.

In the west, Saladin's Ayyubid Caliphate remains in place in Egypt and controls the Arabian peninsula as well. To conquer Muslim affluence, the Holy Roman Empire has evolved into a true empire - no longer is the Pope a major player in the political arena. In fact, religion overall is a much less-heated subject than in OTL. With greater prosperity in the middle east comes less need for expansion into Europe. For the last century or so, cultural exchanges between the Christian and Muslim worlds have been growing and there is a cautious camaraderie developing. In this world, the great enemy is looking more and more to be the Jin Empire.

Excellent map, Diamond. I know you posted the blank version of it somewhere, but where exactly is it?


It might be in this thread, but I'm not gonna search for it! :D
I'll repost it again when I get home from work.


Thanks Othniel. Just something I knocked up while considering the import of a 'Britain and France get quickly bulldozed and end up as half unwilling allies of Germany' type timeline.

Here's my take on a Different Dark Ages map, circa 1200 AD (please excuse awful Latin):

Another go, labelled.GIF


Here is an updated version of my 'Orange' timeline, circa 1940. (Does anyone have a name for a Dutch-populated but now independent Australia that isn't New Holland or Australia?

Orange World 2.gif


Faeelin said:
Diamond: Interesting map, but surely the Song would be the ones with overseas colonies, not the Jin?
Maybe, but I thought it made more sense to have them as Jin, since they (presumably) control the northern routes across the Pacific.

Thande said:
Does anyone have a name for a Dutch-populated but now independent Australia that isn't New Holland or Australia?
What about 'New Frisia' or 'Greater Frisia'? I've used both in various TLs.

Welcome back, BTW!


Gloriana V1.0

I'm reading Moorcock's 'Gloriana' right now. Here's a first version of a world map for it. I'll post V2.0 when I'm done with the book.



Fourteen actually. There's a Pacific Alliance made up of Pacific islands connected by underwater complexes built in the 22nd century, but it doesn't appear on the map.

Antarctica is neutral and the former seat of government until it was relocated to the Moon.

BTW, what are people's opinions on the name 'Padistan' for central Asia?
I'd think the US would control a Latin American union due to loss of Canada-US trade advantages. You should have some Caribbean islands as part of the European Union.
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