八紘一宇 - Hakkō Ichiu

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Interesting. I guess remained civilian control of government created a very different atmosphere in Japan. I'm curious about religious aspect, although reading about State Shinto caused a bit of a headache. What religion does Mary follow?

Presumably, the Anglicanism of the Royal Family.


Mary was forced to marry Lascelles because in the aftermath of WWI most of the suitable Protestant Princes were too German, therefore a suitable match to a very wealthy British Lord was considered as the only suitable alternative.

Mary did marry her OTL husband, but he died in an accident a few years in, much like Hirohito's wife.

There was also the Japanese reaction to a foreigner marrying into the Imperial family and how this would have been accepted.

I did note within my post that the Japanese genrō and aristocracy are scandalized by the Emperor's decision--but the Emperor is now using a vested interest of drawing public support for him and his new wife to keep them from being too finicky about it.

Of course, the situation in Europe and Asia with the resurgent Mongol Empire and Communists across the Channel might have them consider the need of scelling an alliance as so.

This is my justification for saying 'hey, this may kinda work'--the British are scared of a violent communist state across the Channel, Japan is afraid of the racist xenophobic ultranationalist Mongolia across the South China Sea. So, a marriage would perhaps pan out in some sense; despite the sentiments against it by many in both courts.

Japan and Britain's more conservative elite permit it entirely on the premise of containing communism and creating a deeper alliance against them and the Mongol state.

A much more plausible marriage would have been to a British actress or socialite, I think even a daughter of a titled family would have been scandalous.

TBH I had no idea who else to pick--I was considering having Hirohito just marry a commoner in Japan (much like his son did IOTL), any suggestions perhaps I may replace her with?


Married into the Imperial Family, can Mary/Kimiko follow Anglicanism?

Well, the current Empress Consort of Japan was born into a Catholic family. Her marriage to Akihito was heavily opposed by the Empress Consort of the time, and many people even threatened to kill her over it. She did convert to Shintoism, but it's not like any of her sons or daughters are elligible to rule Britain as it is; so if she did convert, oh well.
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TBH I had no idea who else to pick--I was considering having Hirohito just marry a commoner in Japan (much like his son did IOTL), any suggestions perhaps I may replace her with?

I think someone like one of the British socialites known as the "Bright young things" during the 1920s. Someone with a more independent personality (unlike the Princess Royal). I'm thinking someone not averse to the scandal of marrying a Japanese Prince, but who at the same time can endear herself to both the Japanese and British public.

I almost wonder why the Japanese Imperial family did not even try to marry someone of the Korean ruling house, as this could have been more useful in perhaps making Korea somewhat more agreeable to Japanese rule, but it seems that even Koreans with whom they share more DNA were thought of as "too foreign".
@Asami - I really like the idea. And given that the Japanese were at one point considering having a princess marry into the Ethiopian imperial family, I don't see them having a problem with a Brit ;)
I'd need to dig the reference out again...there was actually a thread in this very forum about it, a while back. But the upshot was, a Japanese princess was apparently going to marry the Crown Prince of Abyssinia, but it fell through.

In Europe it was mistakenly reported that there was to be an Imperial match between Japan and Ethiopia, when in reality the proposed marriage was between Lij Araya Abebe, nephew of the Ethiopian Emperor with Masako Kuroda, daughter of Viscount Kuroda Hiroyuki.

The Ethiopian Emperor had sought at one point to modernise his country and even bring Japanese immigrants to the country. The first Japanese envoy to the country arrived in 1930 for the coronation of the emperor, and signed a Treaty of Friendship between the two Empires. The following year, an Ethiopian envoy including Prince Lij Araya Abebe visited Japan and he began seeking a Japanese bride. Advertisements were circulated around Japan in search of a bride, but it does not seem that any Japanese princess was ever considered.
World Map, 1929



The World in 1929


I decided to change the woman Hirohito marries. I decided to have him marry a literal fascist. Ought to make things fun.
I decided to change the woman Hirohito marries. I decided to have him marry a literal fascist. Ought to make things fun.

Why? I don't see how would they make a connection, especially with the different political views. But she may still change her mind, Mitford din't become a real fascist until the 1930's, when she had a relationship with no other than Oswald Mosley. TBH I prefer Princess Mary, both for political and compatibility reasons, but it's your story.


Will be retooling Chapter 19 again. I need to think of a really good companion for Emperor Hirohito whom is preferably a foreigner. Princess Mary makes a good connection, but isn't necessarily a realistic choice; Diana is even more outlandish...
Will be retooling Chapter 19 again. I need to think of a really good companion for Emperor Hirohito whom is preferably a foreigner. Princess Mary makes a good connection, but isn't necessarily a realistic choice; Diana is even more outlandish...
Really, Japan is xenophobic, IIRC, so really, any foreigner would be met with a fair bit of disdain.

Maybe someone from Korea, as was suggested earlier? Tie 'em together, and a bit more palatable for the natives.
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