
  1. WI: UK Labour Wins in 1970

    What if Labour had won the 1970 UK General Election as expected?
  2. WI: Labour Wins the UK General Election of 1992

    What if, as expected, the Labour Party had won the UK election of 1992? By win, I don't necessarily mean win a majority - most contemporary expectations were for a hung Parliament with Labour holding the most seats. But what if Labour outvoted the Tories and gained at least a plurality of seats...
  3. George III permenantly mad in 1789; long term consequences?

    So I've been reading Janice Hadlow's excellent A Royal Experiment, a biography on the marriages of the Hanoverian Royal line,just finished the chapter on George III's 1788-89 madness and its got me thinking; what if, instead of recovering, George III went permanently mad in 1789? How would...
  4. DBWI: British Rail privatised

    WI British Rail had been privatised by the Conservatives in the 90s? What would the British railway network look like today?
  5. WI Gordon Brown Calls 2007 Snap Election, Loses Majority

    What if, as current UK Prime Minister Theresa May recently did, Gordon Brown called a snap election in 2007 but this backfired on him? The conventional wisdom is that Brown should have called a snap election and would likely have won a workable majority. That is possible, but as the recent snap...
  6. AHC: Tories fall into third place

    With a PoD no earlier than 2nd May 1997, find a way for the Conservative Party in the UK to fall to third place in the House of Commons, behind Labour and the Liberal Democrats (or some other party). Please no ASB or any silliness, but you can be adventurous. A Labour/Lib Dem wank is probably...
  7. DBAHC: Make the Labour party primary opposition to the Tories

    Yesterday, Britons voted in an election which elected the Conservative party and took out PM Clegg, with the Labour party loses 30 seats This made me wonder, how could the Labour Party be the primary opposition to the Conservatives?
  8. AHC WI: John Redwood wins 1997 Conservative leadership election

    I was thinking for my New Labour wank idea that maybe a split in the Tories isn't possible under Hague. For all his flaws he avoided a split on Europe and the issue wasn't ripping the party apart in 2001. So maybe a different leader, maybe John Redwood, could split the Tories and weaken them...
  9. Ides of March - After Enoch

    Based on the story What if Gordon Banks Had Played? by Anthony Wells, with some differences. The point of divergence: during the 1970 World Cup, England's goalkeeper Gordon Banks was able to play their quarter-final match against West Germany. England went on to win the match 2-1, and advanced...
  10. Gonzo

    TLIAPOT: Blinded by the Light

    "Blinded by the light. Revved up like a deuce Another runner in the night. Blinded by the light. Revved up like a deuce Another runner in the night." -Manfred Mann's Earth Band, Blinded by the Light --- Oh - look what the cat dragged in. Uhh... Hi...? It's you again. Yes it is...? Have you...
  11. What if Callaghan won?

    What if Jim Callaghan won the UK election and defeated Thatcher, either by calling a 1978 election or winning in 1979? What would be the effects? How would the UK economy have been effected? Would Thatcherism still be put in lace at some point(though probably under a different name) or would Uk...