
  1. Instead of the Scythian Empire becoming subdued, it reaches new heights, uniting under a legendary warrior king. What would it look like 0 AD?

    I'm curious about this alternate timeline, although I don't know much about history. I've tried to research it a bit. It's hard to do! My guess is that military and trade would be the biggest advantages they'd have. I'm not sure how it would play out, but I want to know what it would take to...
  2. WI Scythians pull a mongol

    The Mongol Empire was founded by Genghis Khan who is United Mongolia for the first time in history. It developed in the course of the 13th century through a series of victorious campaigns throughout Eurasia. At its height, it stretched from the Pacific to Central Europe. the Mongol Empire was a...
  3. Question:When did the Slavic and Turkic expansions to Europe and the Eurasian Steppe?

    When did the Slavic And Turkic expansions began ? What I mean is when did the Turks move to central Asia and Europe and when did the Slavs starttheir expansion to Poland ( not the Balkans)?Also do you think Peoples such Huns , Avars and Hephthalites were Turkic (or anything that comes from...
  4. SunKing105

    WI: Darius dies in Scythia?

    In 513 BC, Darius I the Great, King of Kings of the Achaemenid Empire, embarked on a campaign in Scythia after stabilizing his empire and instituting several economic, military, and administrative reforms. The Scythians forced Darius to pursue across their lands, where they famously said that if...
  5. SunKing105

    WI: Darius dies in Scythia

    In 513 BC, Darius I the Great, King of Kings of the Achaemenid Empire, embarked on a campaign in Scythia after stabilizing his empire and instituting several economic, military, and administrative reforms. The Scythians were a nomadic people, and forced Darius to endlessly chase them across...
  6. AHC: Save the Scythians and Sarmatians

    Your challenge is pretty much what the title says: ensure the Scythians and Sarmatians survive for at least a while longer.
  7. AHD: The 'Kushan' dynastic cycle/ The Other Lords of the Aryans
    Threadmarks: Layout/// I: Origins of the Kushan Empire

    In history and on the forum, we frequently discuss topics in alternate history related to empires who through their durable imperial agenda or culture, we see that their empires occur in cycles. That is, what may be interpreted as a single empire, appears as numerous polities that succeed each...
  8. AHC: Neo-Assyrian Empire

    Your challenge if you choose to accept it, is with a POD in 625, during the reign of Sinsharikun (627-614 BCE), for the Assyrian Empire, already over extended and damaged, to fight off all of its foes and restore itself during the reign of Sinsharikun. This is a very difficult task, I realize...
  9. WI the Scythians (Alans) survived

    Now this timeline explores how & what impact there would be had "Scythians" or at least their descendants survived into the modern day. The point of divergences in this timeline comes in 1238 AD. In this timeline the Mongols convince the Alans to break their alliance with the Cumans & align...
  10. Crying

    AHC: Iranian Dynasty in China

    Your challenge is to have an Iranian people serve as the royal and noble family of a state in modern China, excluding Tibet and Xianjiang. They don't have to actually control China - they might simply be a claimant to the Mandate of Heaven during one of the country's many 'broken up' periods -...
  11. A Bosporan Sun: The Rise and Fall of the Bosporan Kingdom
    Threadmarks: prologue

    On the windswept Steppes of the Pontic Steppe, a King Surveyed the Carnage he had wrought. Eumelos I, Basileus of the Bosporan Kingdom had taken his armies across the Steppe in a bid to reconquer territories that had broken away during the destructive civil war he and his brothers had engaged...
  12. WotanArgead

    Non-Iranian Shahs or other scenarios "Rise of the White Huns"

    As you probably know, Practical Lobster "unfolded" Ephtalites-Chionites toward the Sassanid Empire, bringing India escaped another wave of invaders, and the Middle East has changed beyond recognition. I noticed that there were more people of India pokorvshie similar way. Greco-Bactrian kings...