religious conversion

  1. Possible Byzantium with a Muslim Emperor?

    As the title says, i want to know if there was any chance for a Muslim to become the Emperor of Rome. I dont mean someone like the Ottomans taking the title of Byzantine/Roman Emperors, i mean a Muslim guy manages to outwit the Byzantine powercenters and insert himself onto Emperorship. It...
  2. American colonists convert to native religions

    This probadly belongs in ASB but in a reversal of history what if conquistadors and colonists (across the contients) instead of converting the locals to christianity instead converted to their religion instead. Obviously this would probadly require a very different european religious zeal but...
  3. The_Persian_Cat

    WI: Ambedkar converted to Islam instead of Buddhism?

    Hello all, BR Ambedkar, author of the Indian Constitution, hated Hinduism. As a member of the untouchable dalit caste, Ambedkar faced adversity all his life, and publicised debates with Gandhi and eventual conversion to Buddhism prompted dalits to convert to Buddhism en masse. What if Ambedkar...
  4. AltoRegnant

    Why Was Islam So Good At Conversion?

    The caliphates spread from arabia to Spain to Pakistan, and the islamic faithspread farther, into india, central asia, subsaharan africa, and indonesia, converting people from native pagan faiths, Hinduism, buddhism, zoroastrianism, and christianity. My question is, why? I know about the tax on...
  5. WI: Buddhism in the Horn of Africa

    There has been trade between South Asia and the Horn of Africa since antiquity. What if Buddhist missionaries went there and their teachings caught on among the locals?
  6. WI: Ghana Empire doesn't convert to Islam?

    What if the Ghana Empire didn't convert to Islam? How might that have affected things?
  7. WI: Kingdom of Kongo doesn't convert to Christianity?

    What if the Kingdom of Kongo hadn't converted to Christianity? How might it affect things?
  8. Alternate large-scale religious conversions

    I think it's interesting to speculate about different polities and/or peoples ending up adopting different religions than IOTL, and what might happen if they did. Maybe the Ghana Empire converts to Christianity, or maybe the Kingdom of Kongo converts to Islam. Do you have any thoughts about...