native american

  1. What If... The Solutrean Hypothesis Happened

    For those of you who are not aware the Solutrean Hypothesis is an increasingly discredited human migration model that states Mesolithic Europeans from modern day France were able to hug the Glacial coast across the north Atlantic and populate the Northeast North American continent some 5-6,000...
  2. GameBawesome

    Indian Territory Independence after CSA Victory

    (Based off an old thread I made years ago, and part of old Napoleonic Timeline I read long time ago) The Indian Territory (Or modern-day Oklahoma) during the Civil War was an interesting story. Most of the tribes in the Indian Territory sided with the Confederate Government, one famous person...
  3. AHC/WI: A Native American "Great Migration" to the cities?

    Native Americans have gotten an incredibly raw deal from the United States, and were systematically pushed from their native lands onto non-arable and undesirable lands where oftentimes there isn't clean running water, electricity, heat, or jobs. What could make a Native American version of the...
  4. SunKing105

    WI: Peten Itza as a British protectorate?

    The polity of Peten Itza, it's capital at Nojpeten, was one of the last Maya states to fall to the Spanish. While the kingdoms of the Yucatan and Campeche were conquered relatively quickly, it was the Peten basin, and it's deep jungles, that continued Maya resistance even as other kingdoms fell...
  5. PrinceTanglemane

    Numbered Treaties

    Does anybody know how I could reproduce this map to a WorldA patch by Hadaril? I am trying to figure where to put the borders and such, but I'm poor at making maps. Only good at making flags. Not sure if this is the right forum and I just need this patch only Numbered Treaties map was made by...
  6. AHC: Largest possibile Native American US population by 1900

    As asked in the title, the challenge is to come up with an alt-US (Roughly with OTL's borders) that has the largest possible Native American population. I was thinking that an earlier smallpox vaccine could be useful, but, considering it more slowly, I don't want a POD too early on to...
  7. SunKing105

    WI: No Tecumseh's Confederacy?

    Let's say that Tecumseh dies in an early raid against American settlers, while Tenskwatawa dies from alcohol overdose. Their confederacy is stillborn. How does this affect the War of 1812? How does this affect Harrison's career?
  8. SunKing105

    AHC: Have a state that is majority native and dominated by natives to rule over a substantial non-native population

    While there are quite a bit of threads trying to change the historical fate of the various native tribes and kingdoms of the Americas, I want to go one step further. Your challenge is to find a way for a state that culturally is undisputably Native American in government and population, rule...
  9. SunKing105

    WI: No King Philip's War?

    To clear things up, I am referring to the attempt by Metacom, sachem of the Wampanoag, to defeat the Puritan colonists in Massachusetts Bay. Despite the fact that the Wampanoag and other associated tribes took grevious losses from European diseases, and were even further disoriented by the...
  10. SunKing105

    AHC: Have a Pre-Columbian city reach 500,000 people.

    With any POD you choose, have a city founded by and inhabited by any of the natives of the Americas to reach 500,000 people in the pre-industrial era. It can be located anywhere, though I suppose that Mesoamerica and the Andes are the easiest places to pull this off. The requirements of the city...
  11. SunKing105

    WI: Ironworking invented in the Americas?

    Despite having very impressive cities, advanced agricultural techniques, and engineering, the civilizations of the Americas were still hampered by the fact that they didn't have any beasts of burden, except for the Llama in the Andes, and only a few food animals, and the fact that they didn't...
  12. Petike

    Plausibility check: Any realistic way to foster Native American boat and sailing tech on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts ?

    Exactly what it says in the title. What would be the natural barriers to Native Americans developing seagoing boats and seagoing traditions in the Atlantic Ocean ? Winds ? What would be the necessary technological leaps for Native Americans from the eastern coast of North America, or even the...
  13. Why were the Inuit the only Native American civ with Iron prior to Columbus?

    Why were the Inuit the only Native American civilization with iron working prior to Columbus? Was it due to the Old Norse? It seems almost no other Native American civilization had iron prior to the arrival of Columbus in 1492? I'm wondering. Iron working was widespread in the Old World, but...
  14. Petike

    Cross My Heart, This Is My Crossbow: An Allohistorical Tale of Amerindian Arbalists
    Threadmarks: Invention

    Cross My Heart, This Is My Crossbow An Allohistorical Tale of Amerindian Arbalists INVENTION ---- mid 10th century AD, North America, spring ♫ During the first few weeks, he struggled with the sudden twist of fate he now had to live with. Possibly to the end of his days. The medicine...
  15. SunKing105

    AHC: Have the US have a majority native population

    The hard part here is getting the natives powerful and populous enough to remain in the majority despite the diseases and depopulation, not getting swamped by European settlers, while still being weak enough that a nation descended from those same European settlers can form, at least on the East...
  16. What Point(s) of Departure Would the Native Americans Need to Sail Across the Atlantic and Colonize Europe?

    Just a few days ago on DeviantArt, I found this map by MoshiDungo: The title of the map is What if the Americas colonised Europe? As the title explicitly implies, it shows a pre-Columbian Europe being colonized by American sailors, rather than the other way around. Unfortunately, the...
  17. SunKing105

    AHC: Have a major world religion develop in the Americas

    With any POD, have a major world religion with over a billion followers or more originate out of the pantheons and spiritual practices of any of the native peoples of the Americas.
  18. The (Native) American Dream: The Complete History of Tahkoxia and Xuyuba
    Threadmarks: Early Humans and Domestication

    The (Native) American Dream: The Complete History of Tahkoxia and Xuyuba Early Humans and Domestication Given the fact that humans originated and evolved in Africa, it seems rather interesting that some of history’s most powerful civilizations would in part of the world that was an...
  19. AHC/WI: By 1492, the Americas are at an OTL 1750-1800-ish European tech level

    Is this plausible or ASB? When Columbus reaches America in 1492 he comes across a technologically advanced civilization, similar to Captain Cook in the Green Antarctica timeline when he becomes the first non-Tsalal to reach Antarctica. The Natives in this TL aren't industrial and don't know...
  20. What would the effects of an earlier Maritime trade between Asia and North America be?

    So, I did some researching and came across the existence of the Maritime Fur Trade between the Pacific Northwest of North America and Asia, with furs and other goods sold in China. This trade was pioneered by Russians working from Siberia, but I was wondering what would happen if a thousand or...