
  1. Mr.420IQAltHistGodEmpChad

    AHC: No Zoroastrianism (POD of 600 BC)

    AHC: No Zoroastrianism (POD of 600 BC) In this alternate history challenge you need to find a way to prevent Zoroastrianism from existing, What would happen if Zoroastrianism never existed? How will this effect the Pre-Islamic Iranian Civilizations or the cultures surrounding it? Would it...
  2. ThecrownPrince

    Constitutional monarchy Iran WI

    During the Iranian revolution Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi made Shapour Bakhtiar his Prime minister before departing the country. But What if the shahs first choice the founder of the second national front Gholam Sadighi became prime minister? Could the monarchy survive and evolve into a...
  3. Best case scenario for Iran

    Although a similar thread is already made. But as the title says, what'll be the best case scenario for Iran after 1900s? It can remained as Imperial, Republican or even the Islamic Republic we know.
  4. AHQ: Safavid restoration in 18th century?

    As the title says, is it possible for the Safavids to become shahs of Iran again, succeeding the Afsharids? How would this impact on Iran if it continues to be ruled by the Safavids? Well, the Safavid rule ended in 1736 by Nader Shah of Afsharid Dynasty. But the Safavids did tried to restore...
  5. GauchoBadger

    WI: Nader Shah never rises to power?

    Based on an older thread from 2017 that i made. Nader Shah Afshar, founder of the Afsharid Dynasty, was a prominent 18th century Persian historical figure noteworthy for his spectacular military accomplishments, his ruthlessness, and the short life of his empire. His resumé includes beating the...
  6. Best case scenario for Imperial Iran

    Like the title says, what could've been the best case scenario for Iran? What Iran could've been like if things played out right for them? For an ancient country which once a mighty empire in the ancient world, Iran didn't seemed to have good luck in modern times.
  7. Ottoman-Persian Ezafe ("-i" suffix) adopted across Mediterranean

    In many Iranian languages, the suffix -i or -e is used, roughly equivalent to the English word "of". This is called ezafe. Ezafe was intentionally adopted into Ottoman Turkish and Urdu as the Turco-Persian tradition spread. It convergently resembles the Arabic genitive. By coincidence, ezafe...
  8. GauchoBadger

    WI: No 1979 Iranian Revolution; Effects on the world?

    According to an article by Business Insider, the death knell of the Pahlavi monarchy in Iran was Shah Mohammed Reza's lymphatic cancer, which he acquired in 1973. As his health got worse, Reza became more paranoid and feared that his regime wouldn't outlive him. His modernization program was...
  9. GauchoBadger

    WI: Operation Ajax fails (1953)

    Operation Ajax, known in Iran as the Mordad Coup, was a coup d'état orchestrated in Iran by the Shah, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, British oil companies, and elements of the CIA and MI6. It deposed the populist-nationalist and allegedly pro-Soviet prime minister of the country, Mohammed Mossadegh, and...
  10. WI: Soviet annexation of Iranian Azerbaijan, or soviet satellite in Northern Iran

    So, what was the possibility of the Soviet Union annexing the rest of Azerbaijan to the Azeri SSR after WW2, instead of just retreating from Iran and leaving it a western ally? And, stretching it a little more, was there any chance the Soviets would set up some kind of Iranian People's Republic...
  11. Happers

    Question: Cult of Immortality

    Why did many ancient cultures have a cult of immortality. I mean the Britons had naked warriors who would run out to battle wearing nothing but shorts. The Dacians and Thracians had Falx and Rhomphilia warriors who would run out wearing nothing but pants. I've read that Gauls, Berbers, Iranians...
  12. Crying

    Help me create some Religions

    Alright, so I've got the beginnings of a TL in my mind, with a POD taking place around the Bronze Age Collapse (12th Century BC). This obviously means that most, if not all, of the religons from OTL will not be made ITTL. And while I probably could make up a bunch of the 'replacement' religions...