elizabeth ii

  1. WI: Olav V takes the British throne?

    Olav V was 14th in the line of succession to the British throne on the 21st November 1938. Assume the following changes: Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester killed in France in May 1940. Prince George, Duke of Kent dies in cocaine overdose in late 1920s; hushed up by royal family. Mary, Princess...
  2. WI: The British royal family continued to only marry other royals/nobles?

    With Elizabeth marrying Philip, it marked the last instance of the British monarchy marrying relatively close to their station... what if that wasn't the case? Who would Liz and Phil's kids marry, if their spouses required titles themselves? How about William and Harry (other, lower down the...
  3. The_Persian_Cat

    WI: George VI was killed during the Blitz?

    Hey all, So, George VI refused to leave Buckingham during the Blitz, opting instead to stay in London with his subjects. On 13 September 1940, the King and Queen were very nearly killed, when a German bomb exploded in the courtyard at Buckingham Palace while they were still there. What would...
  4. DBWI: HM the Queen hadn't had a breakdown on national TV

    So, everyone remembers the kerfuffle that was the year of 1979, when Prince Philipp entered a coma after falling over a balcony in Buckingham (of which he would wake up only in 1988), the British Government and economy were in basically freefall (fromw what I understand, I'm not actually...
  5. Impact of a Greek victory in the Turkish War of Independence on the British Royal Family?

    You could write a book on what a Greek victory would've meant for Europe, you could even write a book on why a Greek victory was impossible, but those aren't the subjects I want to discuss. If Greece had won the Greek monarchy wouldn't have been abolished. That means that Prince Andrew never...
  6. Names of British monarchs

    Not discussing how alternate successions to the crown could have gone; rather, what other names the monarchs that did reign could have taken. A King of Queen can take either their first name, or a middle name. The current monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, uses her first name (Elizabeth Alexandra...
  7. Teriyaki

    Princess Margaret Becomes Queen Margaret of England - 1952

    Queen Elizabeth the II has ruled England for 65 years. Elizabeth's only sibling was Princess Margaret. Margaret was a bit of a scandal to the Royal Family during her lifetime. Considered a bit of a "loose woman", Margaret was known to have had multiple affairs during her lifetime. When her...
  8. AHC: Abolish the Monarchy

    Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to abolish the British Monarchy with a POD after January 1st 1918. But you have to avoid a POD in 1936 or a POD involving Mosley/Nazis.
  9. A question/ WI about Prince Phillip

    I have a question about Prince Phillip. wish had been a casualty in WWII? He could have been killed at the Battle of Crete or perhaps more interestingly, the Battle of Okinawa, it doesn't really matter where he is killed. It is well documented that Her Majesty has only loved him, that she met...
  10. British Royal PoDs -- Elizabeth II

    So I started watching The Crown on Netflix; a few episodes in, and I already have several AH questions: What if George VI had died in surgery a few months before his OTL death (September 1951)? More generally, would anything have changed if Elizabeth II had started her reign under a Labour...