david owen

  1. Events, Dear Boy: A British Political TL
    Threadmarks: Update #1 – 1981 Labour Party deputy leadership / 1982 Gower and Peckham by-elections

    Events, Dear Boy A British Political Timeline So, an idea I've had for a while, but one I'm only just finally getting around to putting into an actual timeline. The POD for this TL is that Tony Benn, instead of Denis Healey, wins the 1981 UK Labour Party deputy leadership contest. This TL...
  2. (TLitW) The Joker in the Pack: Alan Clark and the SDP

    Possible Questions and Likely Answers: Q: Wait, Alan Clark joins the British Social Democratic Party (SDP)? A: No, although that would be very fun (if very highly implausible) and I would want someone to write that timeline. In this timeline Alan Clark causes several PODs and butterflies...