cold war

  1. KMT_Enjoyer

    Firestorm of Vienna - 1913

    Firestorm of Vienna - 1913 On an unusually warm day of winter, 1913, in a slum in northern Vienna, a lamp was dropped onto the floor by a strong wind, instantly setting fire to the wooden floor of the men’s dormitory. The window was left opened by a small time Austrian painter, too tired to...
  2. TLIAW: In The Rough

    IN THE ROUGH Eisenhower was a figure like no other. He was so popular not even a heart attack and advanced age could hurt his re-election chances. That being said this timeline will explore if that heart attack did stop his assured re-election and in fact his presidency in its tracks. This is...
  3. Schwabauer

    What if the Western Allies launched Operation Unthinkable?

    In this scenario the Western Allies, being United States, United Kingdom and her Commonwealth , France, the Dutch, Swedes, and Norwegians launch Operation Unthinkable, which will be referred to as Operation Heliacan Freedom in the timeline, in 1946 to neuter the spread of Soviet influence...
  4. The Greatest Campaign: A George Wallace TL

    Hey! I've been thinking about this for a while, and formed an account to write this. I apologize if its a bit ASB-y, but basically the POD is a combination of Lurleen Wallace not getting cancer in 1961 and the US's population being a bit more conservative on civil rights in the late 1960s. This...
  5. WI Reversed cold war result?

    The Cold War was a complex era with a lot going on, so I am going to work on really simplified and perhaps not 100% parallelisms here. A very simplified examination of the cold war leads me to observe 3 big phenoma: 1. In small global conflicts accross mainly the third world, the US was losing...
  6. Expanded and improved Warsaw pact

    What would an expanded and improved Warsaw pact or something like the Warsaw pact look like? And what would NATOs reaction be? ideas #1. Expand to places in and outside of Europe. #2.Expanded and improved Warsaw pact would have a more professional army navy and air force. #3.Expanded and...
  7. Ace009

    Could ATGMs and A-10s stop a Soviet tank rush in the 1980s?

    Exactly what it says on the tin. You’re free to decide whether you want to go with 1983 or 1989 as the year hostilities break out.
  8. Ace009

    WARNO: How realistic is it?

    So, I’ve been playing WARNO for some time lately and I’ve been thinking: how realistic is the game’s timeline anyhow? :/
  9. jhuro

    WI: Tactical Nuclear Weapons Normalized

    I was just rereading For All Time again, in which nuclear weapons, even strategic ones, have no taboo and are used copiously. It’s an extremely dystopian alternate history, and it left me wondering what a more moderate version might look like: Tactical nukes are considered acceptable, but the...
  10. Enigma-Conundrum

    TLIAW: Camelot Lost
    Threadmarks: A Foreword

    ***** When it comes to the men on white horses who dot American history, John Fitzgerald Kennedy ranks highly among them. There’s plenty of reasons why this might be the case. Maybe it’s the seminal moments of his presidency: his steady leadership through the Cuban Missile Crisis, his...
  11. WI: The East and West make a deal that avoids the Berlin Wall being built.

    As some of you may no, I'm currently writing a story that takes place before the construction of the Berlin Wall. I've reached a point in the story (link in my signature) where America and the Soviet Union are negotiating over the mass migration to West Germany. But I've found myself a bit...
  12. HistoryGunsFreedom1776

    Man, Moment, Machine: The Lobster War of ‘63

    May 2nd, 1963, in the South Atlantic, a transatlantic fishing dispute had escalated into a confrontation and in time the standoff between two respectable navies would lead to global repercussions in a shot heard around the world, one in which would change international maritime law forever. The...
  13. Onedotman

    Sukarno stays in power after 1965, what's next?

    The Indonesian government's official stance on what happened in 1965 was that a failed communist coup happened as a result of Sukarno's flirting with the PKI, which prompted Suharto and the military to seize full power. However, there is much evidence that the coup was a false flag operation by...
  14. TheDoofusUser

    AHC : Have the USSR remain a viable threat to NATO in the 80s, leading to a Conventional WW3

    In our timeline, the USSR, after years of being the main rival of the United States, fell into economic and technological stagnation and soon that evolved into military stagnation with Afghanistan as Nixon was able to further divide Russia and China with his 1972 trip to China. Eventually, the...
  15. SingularityG3

    Glorious Dawn: The Two Paths of Spaceflight
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - Seeking Remote Globes

    Chapter 1 - Seeking Remote Globes “It is a plain road from the Earth to the stars, though mortal feet cannot tread it.” September 6, 1958 - South Atlantic Ocean The USS Norton Sound, having left the Californian port of Hueneme last month, now remains stationary amidst the frigid waves...
  16. Soviets win Berlin Blockade via horse trading: what deals could be had?

    So the Berlin Airlift was widely considered to be near impossible by many a military planner. Let's say Truman got a persuasive enough argument to that end that made him skeptical about doing it, but rather than hand the Soviets a total victory, or worse, risk another war by sending a convoy to...
  17. The Prague Spring endures?

    Suppose that the higher ups in the USSR decide against invading Czechoslovakia for whatever reason, and so Alexander Dubcek stays in power and continues to carry on with his reformist agenda. How would a more democratic Czechoslovakia affect political developments in the East Bloc, and how would...
  18. How could Patrice Lumumba survive?

    The first prime minister of an independent Congo (Kinshasa), Patrice Lumumba's short tenure was wracked by turmoil, with a mutiny by the army, an attempt by the mineral-rich state of Katanga to secede, and very hostile relations with his country's former overlord, Belgium. To make matters worse...
  19. China WI: Xiong Xianghui gets caught?

    Xiong Xianghui was a CCP spy who worked as a secretary to Hu Zongnan, one of the Nationalists' top generals, sending all sorts of important information regarding KMT moves to the Communist leadership. His biggest contribution to the Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War happened in early...
  20. jhuro

    Cold War politics with a free Poland

    Let’s imagine a different, more successful Warsaw Uprising, leading to the Polish resistance liberating itself akin to Tito’s Yugoslavia. The Polish government-in-exile returns, but is forced by the WAllies to agree to the OTL postwar borders in order to appease Stalin. What happens next? Would...