byzantine emperor

  1. WI John Komnenos become emperor instead Constantine Doukas?

    What if John Komnenos, Isaac I's brother, become emperor instead of Constantine Doukas? Imagine the Doukid dies during the exile in which the Orphanotrophos sent him, no Doukids would be placed by him in so many civil or military places as emperor. I think that John Komnenos would have the right...
  2. Germanus overthrows Justinian

    One of Justinian's generals Artabanes was refused marriage to Justinian's niece Praejecta. This disseffected general plotted to assassinate Justinian, and elevate Justinian's cousin Germanus on the throne instead. The conspirators approached Germanus's son Justin first, and revealed to him the...
  3. Possible Byzantium with a Muslim Emperor?

    As the title says, i want to know if there was any chance for a Muslim to become the Emperor of Rome. I dont mean someone like the Ottomans taking the title of Byzantine/Roman Emperors, i mean a Muslim guy manages to outwit the Byzantine powercenters and insert himself onto Emperorship. It...
  4. WI: How successful could Justinian II's second reign be?

    With a POD during his exile or after his return to the throne, how successful could his second reign be? I presume, much like IOTL, he'd want to reconquer lost roman territories, but how feasible would that be? Is a reconquest of North Africa/Italy possible (I assume by this point Egypt and...
  5. TheWitheredStriker

    WI: The ERE never becomes iconoclast.

    I'm honestly surprised to see that this PoD seems to be so rarely discussed; the majority of threads are about iconoclasm completely succeeding, sometimes even in Western Europe. But anyway: Suppose Leo III Syrus is successfully overthrown during his reign, either by Agallianos Kontoskeles in...
  6. Count of Crisco

    AHQ: Varangian declares himself emperor?

    Could a member of the guard have ever declared himself emperor? And if he did so what would the reaction have been within the empire, government, army, and public? And what would the guard have done?