british east india company

  1. EIC In A British Revolution

    Princess Victoria dies an infant then during the reform riots things get worse with King William assassinated causing Ernest to gain the throne and his unpopularity spuring on the British Revolution
  2. Just in Time- An Independent India Timeline
    Threadmarks: The Battle of Panipat

    In the midst of January 14, 1761, an air of tension and desperation grips the Marathas as they muster their forces to break the siege at Panipat. They understand the immense stakes at play, realizing that victory is their only path to survival. The battle commences with a fierce clash between...
  3. The Adventure by Jayant Narlikar: the only Indian alt-hist short story

    So I was looking for a good alt-hist story centred around India when I came across this one by Jayant Narlikar, who's famous in India as an astrophysicist and author of science fiction, but not someone I'd expect to write alt-hist. Then I read it and found that it was actually science fiction...
  4. AHC: Provide foreign aid to the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857

    I am studying more about the Rebellion in India against the British East India company starting in 1857. As well as other wars involving the British Empire around that time in such as the First Anglo Afghan War, the First and Second Anglo-Sikh wars, Crimean war, Anglo-Persian War, 2nd Opium war...
  5. Consequences of Britain losing India in the 1850s?

    Suppose that the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny or whatever is TTL's equivalent of it is much more successful than OTL, completely expelling the British East India Company from the Indian Subcontinent by the end of the 1850s. The how is irrelevant here, only the end result and its consequences. So? India is...
  6. PODs for a more successful Sepoy Mutiny?

    Like it says on the tin. What PODs, from, say, 1830 onward could help the rebels score more victories or at least hold out against the British for longer? Two good ones could be keeping the Delhi arsenal from being blown up and getting John Nicholson out of the picture somehow, since he saved...
  7. EIC conquers Qing during Taiping rebellion

    What if EIC used destabilization of china during Taiping rebellion to conquer it in the same way they conquered India
  8. How did BEIC regulation change history?

    Basically -- how could different parliamentary regulation of the British East India Company, between 1784 to 1857, have changed the history of the subcontinent, the British Empire, or the world at large? To go into more detail: see linked thread
  9. Mughal resurgence after 1750?

    I'm quite aware that this is a very, very tall order. By the mid 18th century the glory days of Akbar and his successors were a distant memory. The Marathas were expanding in the south after decades of costly war, Delhi was sacked by Nader Shah in 1739 and the British would soon take over...
  10. How far could Mysore go?

    The Kingdom of Mysore was a powerful, wealthy and expansionist state located in southern India. At its apogee, under the reigns of Hyder Ali and his more famous son Tipu Sultan, it stretched from the Eastern Ghats to Malabar and from the Krishna River to the borders of Travancore and the...
  11. SouthernWind

    AHC/WI: The Indian Rebellion of 1857 goes better for the Sepoys...

    Hello again, you beautiful persons! For a long time, I have been writing an alternative history tale which, although it focuses mainly on the American Civil War and the Confederate States of America, will not fail to show events in Europe, Africa and Asia. In particular, the Sepoys Rebellion in...
  12. GauchoBadger

    How to make the 1857 Indian Rebellion succeed in kicking out the BEIC?

    Overall, the Indian ("Sepoy") Rebellion of 1857, which started as an army mutiny but snowballed as grievances piled up onto the declarations of the rebels, was hampered politically by internal discord within the rebel camps, the incompetence of the rebel Indians' political leaders (Mughal...
  13. GameBawesome

    Which company can survive to modern day? VOC VS BEIC

    Which Charted Company, the BEIC or the VOC, can survive to the modern day? The Dutch East India company went bankrupt and defunct in the 1799 The British East India company survived for a while until the Indian Rebellion and it’s defunct in 1874 Which of here can survive to the modern day
  14. GameBawesome

    AHC: Surviving Companies

    AHC: Have Companies such as the Dutch East India Company, and the British East India Company, and a few minor ones, like the Swedish, French, and Levant Companies, survive till Decolonization
  15. Zachariah

    WI: Kingdom of Mysore conquers Travancore in 1790?

    Let's say that the pivotal twenty-man Travancorean ambush in the Battle of the Nedumkotta, led by Vaikom Padmanabha Pillai, is thwarted ITTL- instead of successfully killing Tipu Sultan's army chief Meer Qamaruddin Khan in the ambush by a group of twenty Travancoreans, and inflicting lasting...
  16. New Albion in New Guinea

    Here, here and here is information about BEIC trading settlement of Fort Coronation, modern West Papua. I have three options for its alternate history: a) If New Albion succeeded, but its area was ultimately confined to regions 2 and northern half of the region 6 (leaving Steenkool in its...
  17. To what extent would a British defeat at Plassey delay/prevent their conquest of India

    Scenario: Nawab Siraj ud-Daulah doesn't fail to bring a tarpaulin sheet, and so the Bengalese gunpowder is not ruined by rainfall. Or, alternatively, the British are less effective at stirring up treason within his ranks and so lose the war . The BEIC therefore fail to conquer Bengal, and...