alt ussr

  1. A hardliner ATL Soviet Union doesn't withdraw from Afghanistan, results?

    I find it confusing to what could happen Afghanistan if the Soviets never had withdrawn. And I have read these threads and...
  2. The Supreme Soviet: What if Trotsky, Bukharin and Stalin collaborated in the leadership of the USSR after Lenin's death?

    In this timeline the point of divergence is the 26th February 1924. Stalin recognises that, although he could further his own influence by destroying those around him, it would be more beneficial for the USSR if he, Lev Trotsky and Nikolai Bukharin collaborated with other influential Soviet...
  3. WI: Premier Ivan Smirnov

    Let's say Lenin's testament gets out (as well as Lenin criticizing Stalin out loud in front of witnesses), thrashing Stalin's reputation and path to power but without anyone being willing to support Trotsky either. When Lenin dies the USSR goes a few years without a recognizable face but...
  4. Aluma

    AHC: Medieval Soviet Union

    Okay, I know the title sounds ASB, but hear me out. By "Soviet Union" here I mean a counterpart, not a ISOT or anything of the sort. Your challenge, if you decide to take it, is to create a pan-slavic state during the period between the fall of Rome and the fall of Constantinople. Said state...
  5. The Fatherland's Red Banner - An Alternate Cold War TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter I

    The Fatherland's Red Banner - An Alternate Cold War TL Excerpt from Seized Opportunity: Why Economic Reforms in Russia have Succeded by Marshall Irwin Goldman (1994) Chapter I - Historical Backround Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov held the post of General Secretary of the Communist Party of...