1. AltoRegnant

    WI: This 1917 German Victory?

    "so close and yet so far" describes german chances in ww1 perfectly imo. the two front war would ultimately be thier doom, but not before they struck russia a blow from which they only recovered because of Germany's failures in the west. OTL, Germany was advancing far into Russia, and the...
  2. A worst Spanish crisis of 1917

    What would have been the outcome for Spain if the crisis of 1917 had been worse? For those who do not know, in 1917, despite the economic benefits that neutrality brought to Spain, the social and political situation was too tense, with a significant deterioration in the quality of life in urban...
  3. The_Persian_Cat

    WWI: was German defeat inevitable after the US entered the war?

    Hello all, So, the US entering the First World War in 1917 on the side of Britain and France is often considered the deciding factor in Central Powers' defeat. However, after the US had entered the war, Russia would surrender and collapse into civil war. In the West, Germany would launch a...
  4. ComradeLenin22

    La révolution d'avril

    La révolution d'avril April 25th, 1917 The Nivelle Offensive which started 9 days prior but to no avail so far. Three years into WW1 and the war seemed still far from done, "Home by Christmas" is a joke but makes no one laugh. This reality falls hardest on no one more than the French Army...
  5. "What would WW1 have looked like had the US joined the Central powers in 1917?" Binkov video

    Sooo... What do you think? I'm honestly kinda puzzled how could such conclusion be reached...
  6. thezerech

    July 1917 Kadet Coup against Kerenksy?

    More or less what it says on the tin, I'm curious about the plausibility of, in the aftermath of the Kerensky offensive and the July Days, a Kadet-backed coup (a la Kornilov affair, perhaps with Kornilov) during the tail end of July 1917. At the time of the July Days another revolt was happening...
  7. Bomster

    WI: Russian Provisional Government doesn’t continue the war?

    After the February Revolution, the Tsar abdicated and Russia became a provisional republic led by Alexander Kerensky. Despite the deep unpopularity of the war effort the Foreign Secretary Pavel Milyukov affirmed the new government’s commitment to continuing to support the Entente and an...
  8. No US, no Kerensky Offensive; how will WWI end?

    In my last post I asked what the effects might be of US neutrality on the immediate events of 1917. It seems that one major change would be no Kerensky Offensive, since US loans were a major part of convincing the Russians to try it. Had the offensive not taken place (and failed), Russia...
  9. Appo

    Is there a way that the February Revolution could result in an early Russian Civil War?

    In early 1917, the February Revolution led to the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II. However, I've recently been wondering if there is any way that this revolution could have became an early civil war in Russia on the scale of OTL's Russian Civil War.
  10. AHC: The Russian Revolution of February 1917 is crushed by alied soldiers who were told that the revolutionaries were aiding Germany.

    I had this idea since high school. Back when I was going through a Russian Empire phase.
  11. WI: Russian Provisional Government agrees to sue for peace in March 1917

    What if, after the February Revolution, Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet agreed to sue for peace in March 1917? Germany wouldn't have to send Lenin in April 1917, would they? Would Russia thrives or would a Soviet Coup still happens?
  12. Salvador79

    Feeble Constitution - A Red-and-Green Russia 1917 Timeline
    Threadmarks: One: Lvov Resigns (April 1917)

    Hello everyone, this is my first timeline in the After 1900 section, and I'm still somewhat insecure about it all. I have a lot of ideas for this timeline, but this is part of history where, even though I have spent the last months reading up, others are way more knowledgeable than me, and...
  13. WW1 ends in 1917

    So just another WW1 topic. If WW1 ends in 1917 because the german spring offensive works and the German Empire prposed acceptable terms fora peace treaty (i know both a close to ASB). There is a return to the 1914 western european borders, Belgium stays independed and the are no reparation...
  14. Kornilov's coup succeeds

    Lavr Kornilov was a Russian general during WWI. After the February Revolution, he wanted to establish a temporary military dictatorship in Russia because of it's political unstableness under Kerensky's rule and a fear of Bolshevik's rise to power which he was right. His attempt at overthrowing...
  15. Capitalist Russia

    As you may know, after the 1917 Revolution; Russia for the whole 20th century remained as a socialist nation which sparked many changes and an infamous Cold War. But what if instead of a communist Marxist-Lenin revolution there was just an anti-war settlement rebellion that had an intention just...
  16. How would history change if Soviet Union never existed?

    Let's say either October Revolution doesn't happen or the Whites win Civil War, what would happen? What would've happened to former Russian Empire territories? What condition would Russia be after the end of it's empire? Would've Hitler rose to power? How would WW2 go? Would there be a different...
  17. An alternate WWI

    This scenario could use some revision, but the basic premise is as follows: Franz Ferdinand is not murdered in 1914. Instead, AH military spending has grown 5-10% from 1906-1911, and and continues to slowly grow from 1912-1916, after which the now "triple monarchy" (really a unified country...
  18. Whiteshore

    DBWI: Russia fell to Communism

    As the 100th anniversary of the failed October Revolution approaches, where the Bolsheviks tried to overthrow the Russian Republic but failed, I wonder whether the October Revolution could have succeeded. What PODs might be neccessary for the Bolsheviks taking over Russia? Kerensky not making...
  19. Zulfurium

    WI: Lenin killed in July 1917

    In July 1917 Lenin was being chased around St. Petersburg by the Kerensky government and the Bolsheviks were being attacked in the Duma. While in hiding the leading Bolsheviks debated whether Lenin and Zinoviev should surrender themselves, but Stalin was convinced that they would be killed if...