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  1. Morrow fails to broker an end the Cristero War.

    What would the long term effects of a failed attempt by Dwight Whitney Morrow? So lets say Mr. Morrow fails to bring the two warring parties to agreement and the war escalates. The Mexican government continues its assualt of the Catholic Church and the Mexican peasantry and the Criteros...
  2. What effects does a longer WWI have on the US military as a whole?

    I woke up about an hour ago because I had to vomit, seeing as I'm sick, and while cleaning up the mess the idea came to me. I have been reading up on the performance of American forces during WWI, I have to say the indivdual American Marine, and Solider performed well and recived much praise...
  3. Yamamoto killed by radical naval officers.

    Ok so I've taken an interest in the life and death of Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku and while reading about his opposition to the alliance with Germany and Japan and how many younger officers threatend to kill him the idea poped into my head, what if a young naval officer tried and succeded? So what...
  4. Effects of Ellis Arnall having a second term?

    What if he was able to convince the Georgia State Legislator to allow him to run for a second termin 1948? Or what if Carter (like the idiot he was) didn't run and steal the votes Ellis Arnall needed to win in 1962? Could Arnall have been able to fight through more reforms in Georgia? If so...
  5. Minor what if: US adopts M1885 Remington-Lee.

    I know its a minor POD, but I'm curious about the knock off effects of the US moving towards a modern army with reapeating arms early on in the mid and late 1880's. I was thinking that maybe, just maybe I know I'm pushing it and its border line ASB, that the US military would become focused on...
  6. Yom Kippur War what if.

    What if the US supports Isreal in the last hours of the war letting Israel destroy the Egyptian 3rd Army? What if the US stares down the Soviets as per OTL and lets the Israel continue to press the offensive while still funneling arms and munitions? Now Israel in this situation would succed...
  7. Effects of a Polish-Soviet war in 1936

    Ok I know this idea has been done to death, but here is the idea for what ever reason the Soviets invade Poland in 1936 but the Poles put up a damn good fight a hold the Soviets in eastern Poland, well with a flood of western assistance for Poland combined with the incompetence of the Soviet...
  8. Could the Meunier have made a any difference?

    Ok so we all know the French adopted the Meunier rifle in 1910 but the French high command dicked around about the ammunition the rifle used and it really didn't get off the production line till 1913 and even then only 1000 were ever made. Now what I propose is what if there was limted...
  9. Longstreet as a different man.

    In OTL James Longstreet converted to Catholicism after the war and this had a huge impact on him as a person and he came to embrace reconstruction ideas like integration and an end to racism. Now my question to you is what if he converted to Catholicism pre-war and it had a similar impact on...
  10. Turkish controlled Warsaw, possible?

    I was talking to an old friend today, she is going for her masters in college and we got talking about her history class she taking and we got to talking about the Balkans, Eastern Europe, and the Ottoman Empire and we both spent about three hours happily carving up Europe and the rest of the...
  11. Defense of the Constitution: The Poles fight on.

    I've been reading up on the period, and I've got a crazy idea in my head. What if the Poles fought on? Could they have fought the Russians to a draw? Maybe even won? Lets say King Stanisław II August Poniatowski decided to fight on? Could Kościuszko and Poniatowski pull it off? Now going down...
  12. A post 1900 events that you feel are under used?

    For me it would be the Battle of Blair Mountain, the definitave battle that changed American labor relations for ever. It in one fell swoop forced reform in America, yeah sure managment may have one the battle but it was Pyrrhic victory and they ended up losing the labor war. The redneck army...
  13. AH Challenge: Majority Roman Catholic population in Appalachia.

    The challenge I present to you is have a POD that ends up creating an America in which at least 70% of the people living in the region of the US known as Appalachia be Roman Catholic. A map of the Appalachian region of America.
  14. The Long-Lost Liu

    I got my copy of America's 1st Freedom and they had a short article on an interesting Chinese rifle. In the turbulent years surrounding World War I, many nations experimented with upgrading the traditional bolt-action rifle. One such Semi-automatic was the Chinese Liu. While in charge of the...
  15. Long term effects of Bolivian victory during the Chaco War?

    I was reading about conflicts between WWI and WWII and I came across some stuff about the Chaco war, and I got to thinking about what a Bolivian victory would mean for the make up of the region for the next four or five decades. Other than the fact Bolivia gets the entire mineral rich Gran Chaco...
  16. Weird idea, American sub spots Japanese fleet steaming towards Pearl Harbour.

    Ok so the basic premise is an American sub on patrol spots the Japanese fleet thus warning the Americans of the impending attack. The idea revolves around either the Japanese striking against prepared American defenses or the Americans attacking the Japanese fleet before it has a chance to...
  17. AH Challenge: American backed Chinese modernization in 1870's and 1880's

    I challenge you to find a way for the US to actively invest in building China into a market for American weapons and heavy industrial equipment like factory machinery and trains. Basicly its a trade off the US helps modernize China and the Chinese give America a number of naval bases along its...
  18. How large can the Austro-Hungarian Empire get?

    I had an idea in which a much stronger Austria is able to fully get its hands on the whole congress of Poland after third partition, I don't know how realistic that is though, as well as later taking and holding most of the Balkans except Greece, Albania, and southern Bulgaria and Macedonia from...
  19. AH: Catholic Church a mouth piece of radical revolutions.

    Chalange: With POD between the 16th and 19th centuries come up with a way for the Catholic Church to become a mouth piece of its own brand radical Republicanism.
  20. Effects of Italian victory during First Italo–Ethiopian War?

    I'm not sure how the Italians pull it off, but they do and manage to bring Ethiopia into the Italian Empire. What are the economic and social effects in Italy?