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  1. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    2001 NEWS FROM Q1 2001 HASBRO SELLS INTERACTIVE BRANCH In a surprising announcement, Japanese publisher, Square has picked up Hasbro’s interactive division for $55 million. Included in the deal are the video game rights to Hasbro products such as Dungeons & Dragons and Transformers...
  2. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    GAMEFORCE REVIEW HIGHLIGHTS OF 2000 Air NiGHTS (EVO): 9 “Air NiGHTS delivers the most visually stunning experience on the Nexus.” Dinosaur Planet (UNES): 9.5 “The perfect platformer for the holiday season.” Duke Nukem Forever (WX): 8.5 “Duke’s new game is a satisfying experience.”...
  3. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    I noticed I didn't really mention the following two huge games in the last generation, so I will add them now. Gran Turismo is a franchise released by Konami on 3DO consoles The Legend of Dragoon is released by Square for the Ultra Nintendo
  4. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    Yes, lots of news for the Q is coming in 2001.
  5. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    Q4 2000 MICROSOFT BUYS DIGITAL ANVIL Apple Inc. has announced its acquisition of Digital Anvil. The studio is working on several games for GameCore and Mac due over the next couple of years. INTERPLAY ACQUIRES VOLITION Interplay Entertainment has bought developer Volition, Inc. They are...
  6. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    Yeah OTL IX is now VIII since OTL FFVIII became Guardian Force in this TL. Forgive me, I don't fully understand the question. The Tales series so far has been similar to OTL but on the UNES. Mother 3 came out. It was on the release list for Q2 2000. Fire Emblem will be coming to the Amaze and...
  7. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    Q3 2000 APPLE ACQUIRES BUNGIE After an impressive showing at E3, Bungie, the studio behind Halo, has been acquired by Apple. It was rumored that other companies such as Sega and Microsoft were looking to buy Bungie to nab Halo, but it seems Apple will hold on to its game of the show. SEGA...
  8. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    Actually more like PS2 to Xbox. I made a comparison graph and I also updated the E3 post with pictures if there is any interest.
  9. The Five-Year Plan: Paul Heyman's TNA Wrestling

    EDIT: I changed the show back to Thursday nights for this timeline. I believe that you are right that Heyman wouldn't go for that. I apologize, I try not to retcon too much, but in this case it felt necessary. Anyway, a new update will be coming soon. Stay tuned and thanks for reading.
  10. The Five-Year Plan: Paul Heyman's TNA Wrestling be defended until then, so let’s start the A in TNA, let’s start the action. (Heyman and RVD walk back up the ramp, leaving the stage) ***** Matches and Promos TNA Knockout Championship ODB vs Tara: Tara defeated ODB with the Widow’s Peak and a pinfall, retaining her championship...
  11. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    Ninja Team still exists, its just within the Virtua Studios umbrella, which also allows team members to move freely between projects. Itagaki was offered to head the next Virtua Fighter for moving into Virtua Studios. Yu Suzuki is hard at work on Shenmue II, since the original moved over 3...
  12. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    Q2 2000 ACTIVISION ACQUIRES MAXIS After the breakout success of The Sims, Activision has fully acquired developer Maxis. Activision’s partnership with Maxis didn’t start out so smoothly with the release of SimCity 3000, but The Sims has been a completely different experience, moving over 2...
  13. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    There are rumors that Nintendo will reveal their new console at E3. DQVII was on the 1999 release list. It came out in the first quarter of 1999.
  14. The Five-Year Plan: Paul Heyman's TNA Wrestling

    IT’S OFFICIAL: PAUL HEYMAN JOINS TNA WRESTLING October 2009 Rumors have been flying around for the last few weeks of former ECW head and WWE personality, Paul Heyman would be joining TNA Wrestling. Today, those rumors were confirmed and in addition, Paul Heyman will become part-owner of the...
  15. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    Q1 2000 SNK GOES OUT OF BUSINESS, CAPCOM ACQUIRES ASSETS SNK Corporation has officially gone out of business and while it is sad to see the company go, Capcom has acquired the SNK name and assets. DISNEY BUYS REVOLUTION SOFTWARE Revolution Software, the developer behind the Broken Sword...
  16. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    Sorry, but Knuckles' Chaotix was butterflied away due to several factors such as no 32x. That would make for some interesting gameplay though. His concept could show up in a future game, perhaps ;)
  17. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    Total Consoles Sold Worldwide by the end of 1999 3DO: 21.3 Million Sega Evolution: 29 Million Ultra Nintendo: 22 Million 3DO M2 (consoles and add-ons): 6.7 Million Apple GameCore: 700,000 Game Boy Color: 21 Million Game Gear Touch: 650,000 Top Selling Games of 1999 1. Madden NFL...
  18. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    Haha that was the intention. Thanks :)
  19. Beyond the Genesis-An Alternate Video Game History

    GAMEFORCE REVIEW HIGHLIGHTS OF 1999 Alien Breed: Collision (GC): 8.5 “A great first-person shooter debut for the GameCore. It shows off the power of the GameCore and delivers a good campaign.” BioForge 2: Black Raven (WIN/MAC): 8.5 “BioForge 2 takes place directly after the original and...