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Could the russians kept more territory after the Ostkrieg? If yes how?

Could have germany claim african colonies, maybe taken from france .how would they be administred?

If the napoleonic empire survives,I assume they would adopt a more african identity over time.In the future if the they are strong enough,industrialized would they still claim mainland France? If an oppurtunity arrises (Germany is distracted ,mainland france gains independence etc) would they launch an invasion if they feel they have an advantaje.
What if Himmler had Heydrich assassinated before the coup attempt against Hess?

What if Himmler's coup had been successful?

Well, Himmler's coup was not exactly for Heinrich to become Führer, but for him to eventually become one by ridding Hess of his allies, Heydrich was able to achieve that halfway but his greatest mistake was forgetting Wegener and instead killing Klopfer in the second night of the long knives. If Himmler's coup succeeds, he can rid himself of Goebbels and the Control Faction, intimidate Speer into cooperation and get rid of the traitors in the Wehrmacht all at once in the best case scenario while all Hess will know is that reactionary officers in the military killed all those people and Himmler saved him.

Himmler will seek to fulfill his ambitions in expanding the SS to every aspect of German Society as an elite force to serve as the Vanguard to National Socialism. Through the "Circle of Friends of the Reichsführer-SS" and with Speer forced into "deepening" his SS partnership on Himmler's terms, the economy would be taken over by the SS with the leaders of some of the most powerful corporations on planet being members of the SS and with Himmler achieving his dream of creating the SSF by officially merging the Police and the Security Services. He had a proper vision for the SS in his mind that Heydrich mostly copied just for his own selfish goals to become leader one day. The Werhmacht would be slowly scaled down while the Waffen-SS would be built up as a replacement instead of being just a few divisions scattered around.

Eventually by the mid 50s I can see Himmler getting rid of Hess, a typical plane crash like the one that killed Todt, or Balbo, or Almirante...

When he becomes Führer, things will be harsher, Himmler will increase the pursuit of natality policies in the east which can lead to many relations of dubious consent at best with any Aryan-looking woman with SS men through programs such as the Lebensborn. I don't even need to say it but not only would Generalplan Ost not be stopped, but it would likely be intensified and centralized under Pohl's office of economic management in the SS as the offices of the SS become the de facto ministries of Germany. The Wehrmacht will end up fully replaced by the Waffen-SS over the course of the decade with nazified officers of the new Generation being put in charge of the new military force. There would be more incentive towards Pan-Europan ideals in the Pakt and Himmler would use Darnand's rule in France as an example, recruiting (by force if needed), millions of people from other states to serve a time in the Waffen-SS forces and eventually return home as ideal examples of the New Europe ideals that will be propagandized by the Pakt.

There is no question about it, Israel would be destroyed, maybe even during the 50s themselves shortly after the conquest of Iraq, a joint German-Italian-Syrian-Iranian-Arab force which would strike from all sides and eventually end up destroying the Jewish State and implement the Final Solution in there. I can also see the Ural War happening out of ideological goals, if Himmler will stand a better chance than Hess is... questionable, on one hand the armed forces will be unified and he will grant greater resources than Wegener could as the Reich is under his tight shadow grip, on the other, many competent Wehrmacht officers would have been gone. Similarly to Göring, I see the SS using the Black Market and controlling it rather than cracking down on it like Goebbels, Wegener and Speer would have wanted, there would not be an invasion of Portugal but the German influence over it would only grow through their connections in Lisbon.

About the Church, Himmler certainly was personally the most opposed to Christianity, but he was not as radical in how to fight it like the Control Faction and Goebbels would do, he probably would follow Hitler's instructions from the Table Talks and only keep a soft suppression for Christianity to "eventually fade". He would be fine with the Status Quo and the 1956 purges would likely be in a much smaller scale and less public, at most he would work it from a legalistic perspective and accuse the more outspoken priests of crimes such as sexual abuses and corruption. If Stephen X still comes up and starts to denounce Germania, he will work to undermine him and perhaps to assassinate him in a quiet way, sending a message to the Conclave to elect a more "reasonable" leader. Himmler would be overall much more insidious than Goebbels was, the way he approached the Holocaust compared to Goebbels shows that (Death Camps compared to the Kristallnacht, a more quiet, industrial and "impassionate" massacre compared to a non-stop pogrom).

Himmler would be a supporter of the Arabs and likely seize the chance to fight Britain, would he go ahead for a Third World War? It is very probable, but also he would prioritize his self-preservation and would keep postponing the war indefinitely due to the risks involved. People show their true character when backed into a corner and we do have an example in our world, when facing defeat and death, Himmler was willing to sellout Hitler and made secret plans for his own preservation instead of continuing a suicidal struggle in Berlin like Goebbels did. People like Goebbels are more dangerous than people like Himmler, because they are so fanatic that they have no sense of self-preservation, no way of talking them out of unleashing a nuclear war if that is what they believe is righteous.
1. what would have happened if Naumann's coup had succeeded.

2. what would happen if Magda Goebbels told her husband about the assassination plan.
For the first one, the Naumann Conspiracy came very close to fruition, like a few inches closer to the side and Goebbels would be killed which makes Naumann the Führer by Goebbels' testament. If Naumann takes over, there will be no Angriff killing millions in German Society, but he would use the Volkssturm liberally against his own internal enemies. Naumann would, naturally, keep up his affair with Magda Goebbels, but other than that he would not be that much of a radical change from Goebbels' course except for not wishing a Nuclear War. There will still be an invasion of Israel, reaching either a Stalemate or he would escalate the conflict in order to try to destroy Israel by sending more forces which would be in the detriment of his eastern defenses. But even so, without the Day of the Four Führers, either the Russians will not strike or have a more limited success in Operation Poltava.

Overall, I think Naumann would be a consolidation of Goebbels' policies without the brutal Angriff between 1962 and 1966, which means it would not be as thorough, there would be a cult of personality around Goebbels as Hitler's true successor and Naumann as the successor of Goebbels. Call him a "Goebbels-lite", he would still pursue much of the same policies in the education, arts, culture and media, but he will not be the paranoid narcissistic madman that Goebbels became after his life attempt.

If Magda warned Goebbels, little would actually come from it, he will still be irate over a betrayal of her having an affair with Naumann over all these years, he will still grow paranoid that there is a Jewish infiltration in Germany, he will still lose trust in his ministers. The difference is that he would be more phisically intact and be able to make public appearances during the Angriff, which will lead to uncanny events such as the Führer hosting a TV show justifying this week's mass lynching of a family of four in Hannover.

He will still be obsessed over Klara Hitler and lose any care he might have had for Magda, that would lead to some great Historical Drama TV series about Magda, Eva, Goebbels and Klara all having this bizarre game in their isolated island while people are massacred on the streets. Eventually Goebbels will probably get rid of anyone staying between him and Klara Hitler because of the latter's surname and the former's obsession in forging a legacy linked to the mentor he is obsessed with.
If Magda warned Goebbels, little would actually come from it, he will still be irate over a betrayal of her having an affair with Naumann over all these years
I think it might be a case where she doesnt tell him about the affair and just lets him know that the guy attempted to court her "friendship" to initiate the coup, so still keeping his trust on her
But yeah I dont think it would make for much of a difference in the long run
I think it might be a case where she doesnt tell him about the affair and just lets him know that the guy attempted to court her "friendship" to initiate the coup, so still keeping his trust on her
But yeah I dont think it would make for much of a difference in the long run
Yeah, Goebbels is still going to be VERY suspicious about her being "courted" by a man trying to kill him. He has the SD in his pocket, finding his Wife's love poems in Werner's possession would take just a few hours for him to shut down her lie. Goebbels was a narcissist who was okay with himself having affairs all around but he was very jealous whenever one of his girlfriends or his wife were ever even close to someone else.
Will the German public ever find out that Klara killed Goebbels? If so, what would the reaction be?
"The righteous princess of Germany with a heavy heart did what had to be done and followed her father's will by getting rid of that rapist jewish goblin that dared calling himself Fuhrer"
Also, what if Vargas never died in his car crash?
Then Brazil would follow the path of our world until 1942 when significant divergences would happen. I see the Estado Novo lasting much longer in a world where Authoritarianism, rather than Liberalism, is legitimized. Without the bombing in it's legitimacy by having the military fight a war against regimes Vargas was inspired by, the army under men like Monteiro and Dutra won't turn on him, they were Germanophiles until they started going to meetings with the American military staff. At most I see Vargas declaring war on Japan out of solidarity, but other than that he will be playing both sides between the US and Germany during the 40s.

One funny thing would be his relationship with Long. Here we have two men born in the late 19th century from small towns, both from land owning families while playing humble to the public, both being lawyers, both becoming Governors in 1928 (through quite different means), both taking power and becoming national figures in the 30s, both using heavily dictatorial methods, both winning over the masses through Populist policies, both facing powerful enemies from the establishment, both being Nationalists and supporters of "Class cooperation".

The meeting of these two slimy snakes would be one for the ages for sure, I'm not sure who would come out on top of such negotiation.

The Estado Novo likely will see its constitution put in effect without an urgent war with Germany going on, which means elections every 6 years which Vargas will keep winning, not only because of how rigged the game is but because he was genuinely beloved by the people. When he announced he was stepping down in 1945, there was a mass movement calling up for him to stay in power. When he was ousted, the military was so scared of a popular reaction that they let him live a luxury life in his ranch. He was elected in 2 different states as a Senator and over a dozen more as Congressman without ever even announcing his campaign (this was the same year he was put out of power by a coup), he single handedly elected Dutra, who was several points behind the lead candidate of the 1945 election, just by making an open letter to the Brazilian workers to vote for him, and he won the 1950 election with ease.

I see Vargas staying in charge until his heart problems affect him in the mid-late 50s and he retires to let a protégé take charge, another populist like him. In the meantime he would play as a neutral and rip off both Nazis and Americans like he did in our world. This will be a Brazil more focused in a forced industrialization which would develop the country's economy faster than the Integralists' "organic" methods, it would be similar to the Monteiro regime if it was less Pro-German and more popular.
Then Brazil would follow the path of our world until 1942 when significant divergences would happen. I see the Estado Novo lasting much longer in a world where Authoritarianism, rather than Liberalism, is legitimized. Without the bombing in it's legitimacy by having the military fight a war against regimes Vargas was inspired by, the army under men like Monteiro and Dutra won't turn on him, they were Germanophiles until they started going to meetings with the American military staff. At most I see Vargas declaring war on Japan out of solidarity, but other than that he will be playing both sides between the US and Germany during the 40s.

One funny thing would be his relationship with Long. Here we have two men born in the late 19th century from small towns, both from land owning families while playing humble to the public, both being lawyers, both becoming Governors in 1928 (through quite different means), both taking power and becoming national figures in the 30s, both using heavily dictatorial methods, both winning over the masses through Populist policies, both facing powerful enemies from the establishment, both being Nationalists and supporters of "Class cooperation".

The meeting of these two slimy snakes would be one for the ages for sure, I'm not sure who would come out on top of such negotiation.

The Estado Novo likely will see its constitution put in effect without an urgent war with Germany going on, which means elections every 6 years which Vargas will keep winning, not only because of how rigged the game is but because he was genuinely beloved by the people. When he announced he was stepping down in 1945, there was a mass movement calling up for him to stay in power. When he was ousted, the military was so scared of a popular reaction that they let him live a luxury life in his ranch. He was elected in 2 different states as a Senator and over a dozen more as Congressman without ever even announcing his campaign (this was the same year he was put out of power by a coup), he single handedly elected Dutra, who was several points behind the lead candidate of the 1945 election, just by making an open letter to the Brazilian workers to vote for him, and he won the 1950 election with ease.

I see Vargas staying in charge until his heart problems affect him in the mid-late 50s and he retires to let a protégé take charge, another populist like him. In the meantime he would play as a neutral and rip off both Nazis and Americans like he did in our world. This will be a Brazil more focused in a forced industrialization which would develop the country's economy faster than the Integralists' "organic" methods, it would be similar to the Monteiro regime if it was less Pro-German and more popular.
The blessed future we were deprived off
Adeus Emperor Vargas ;^;
What if Doug Mac never resigned as occupier in chief of Japan to run for president?

What if MacArthur did not run for president and stayed in Japan would he have made a difference?
Well, that brings up the question of what if Long was not President, the Republicans in large part killed a great chance to win the White House in 48 by putting in an unpolitician-like warmonger as their candidate basing off his prestige as the main US General in the war, publicly. Only because of the comparison to him did Long/Wheeler's kind of isolationism appeal to voters post-WWII, people had no taste for an invasion of Europe.

But let's assume Long wins, what changes in Japan? I can see reconstruction being better managed by MacArthur, who was much more tolerant than Halsey was. Does that change that the incoming Emperor hates Americans with a burning passion beneath the surface? No. But I see Mac working better with men such as Prince Nobuhito and Kuribayashi in suppressing radical remnants such as the Orphans of Showa.

Post War Japan in this world will still be in a worse position than it was in our world, but I see the Americans not gaining the same fame of vengefulness that they did under Halsey, even if individual soldiers will still be on average more resentful of the Japanese people during the occupation than in OTL.

Japan would stand firmly as an American ally by 1952 and, if the cards are played right and the previous level of restrictions is lessened, I don't see Nishi taking over the country. Mac probably would not allow Socialist groups to gain as much influence in 1950s Japan due to the threat of Maoist China, he is still MacArthur.
Okay here's two downright evil ones

What if Goebbels managed to get a heir with Klara?

This one is pretty disgusting, but it was a possibility

And, what if a nuclear exchange did take place and Germany actually "won"?

Like Im absolutely sure the country and the Northern Hemisphere in general would be left in ruins, but what would have been their "best case scenario"(other than not launching the nukes) so to speak and would it have taken place during Hitler's late tenure, Hess's or Goebbels's?

Well, if she did have a child, they would just be born after Goebbels' death, if anything, being pregnant would only encourage Klara more to kill Goebbels when he speaks of a nuclear war with Remer. Remer still will become the Führer while her pregnancy is kept hidden. I'm not sure if she would be pressured to abort, maybe she would, but if not then Goebbels gets a last laugh from beyond the grave as his dream of a union between him and Hitler's blood becomes a reality. It would be interesting to see how that child would grow up, descended of two different Führers and with the stigma of their birth after Klara reveals the truth about how Goebbels treated her in the Reichstag.

Now, that said, let's talk about the German plan.

The German plan is to win a Nuclear War with Britain and the United States through a first strike using their large stockpile of missiles (which are relatively more advanced than the American and British ones), but also depended on who led Germany and who were the enemies.

Take Hess for instance, he neglected the production of short-range missiles in favor of ICBMs in the late 50s because he never saw Britain as an enemy, his goal was to cripple the United States and he believed that would force Britain to capitulate to a Nazi world order and that way London would cast off the shackles of Jewish domination and ally with the Reich as an almost-equal partner.

While Hitler did not believe the United States would go to war and, since the British did not have nuclear weapons in 1951, a first strike with a sizeable arsenal to cripple the Royal Navy would allow for an invasion of Britain itself. His goal in the war he planned was to consolidate his rule in Europe and use the British Isles as a naval base for a large scale naval war in the Atlantic against the US fleet while the Heer would finish off the weakened Russians west of the Urals and conquer the Middle East with the help of the Syrians.

Goebbels did show his plans for a first strike in one of the chapters, he spent almost 3 years building up the Nuclear Arsenal and preparing the neglected anti-missile defenses in the Atlantic Wall against the British. Britain does have the third largest arsenal with between 150 and 200 devices to be fired. Goebbels' plan was to launch a coordinated strike between Submarines and ICBMs on the US Eastern Seaboard while using short range strikes against the British Air-Naval-Nuclear facilities. As for the counter-strike, he expected to have to sacrifice several cities if needed but also trusted that the German defenses would be able to shoot down at least half of the enemy counter strike, while also the German population would be hidden in places such as the Alps or Eastern European plains. Naturally there would also be a large scale strike against the Russians to prevent them from attacking the east while the Germans "recover".

If this came to happen in Goebbels' mind, say if Klara didn't kill him and Remer followed through with Sealion II, within hours there would be tens of millions of deaths in the Northern Hemisphere, Social and Economic collapse, and a war in Britain as prepared German forces launched an assault on the Island (or what's left of them after a British counter strike). Goebbels believed that the Angriff was also a preparation of sorts as the best of the German people was meant to live and when the Reich is reborn, with him as leader of course, it will be a society willing to sacrifice anything and be completely desensitied on violence and harshness (it was also part of his Blood and Soil Policy that guided the settlement of Germans in the East during the Goebbels Era).

The German Eastern colonists were expected to survive the first strike and re-establish German control over the East, defending it as a buffer against any attempts by Russian commanders to claim the Eastern lands. In Germany itself, the Volkssturm would lead the reconstruction and re-establish order by being absolutely ruthless against any perceived weak and traitorous elements in society, against any criminal or dissidents that show up. If Germania cannot be salvaged, the idea would be for the new Reich to be centered in Linz (Hitler's body would have been evacuated for sure) or in the Alps. Goebbels would reemerge with the new Reich while other societies will have collapsed due to internal strife and the fallout of the war. From there, the new Reich would rule over the ashes of the old world.

At least that was his plan.
What if India entered a civil war from a worse mutiny? Or what if India went fascist?

What if Bonaparte never took over free France?
I am not sure how there could be a Civil War in India after Bose's defeat. At most you would see a fight between Hindus and Muslims if the tensions between them grew enough. The Mutiny was never really much of a threat to cause a Civil War in the subcontinent, more an expression of dissatisfaction with the British.

For Free France, they would probably stagnate under de Gaulle who would be unwilling to make needed reforms to adapt the Free French State for a long-term stay in Africa, instead he would remain obsessed with returning home. On the bright side, he would likely have struck during the Ostrkieg to claim French North Africa. On the bad side, this could lead to a further escalation and maybe even War.
What if America supported manchukuo to fight the communists. I imagine Russia would also be friendly towards them given their history
That would be one sure way to get Chiang and Mao to keep the United Front alive for a while longer, maybe add in some reconquest of Hong Kong and a new Boxer rebellion.

There is no way in hell that the Chinese will allow their most industrialized territory to continue ruled by Japanese collaborators after 1947, especially when that collaborator is none other than the former Emperor Puyi.

And good luck getting American soldiers to agree to fight the Chinese. Honestly the idea of China and the US fighting one another would make the Japanese decide to fight on after Sendai simply because Anami would have exactly what Hitler wanted in our world.

And yes, the Chinese WOULD go to war and reclaim Manchuria, no matter what the Americans say, and I doubt the British will want to follow Thurmond in this nonsense. The only place the Americans would back Manchukuo is in the delusional dreams of Pujie and the Conspirators.
I was thinking about this last night, and I decided to list each potential Canadian Prime Minster in this timeline after what would have been a significant election loss for the Liberals for losing WW2. These are my honest thoughts; I don't know if this is canon:

William Lyon Mackenzie King 1926-1930, 1935-1945 Liberal Majority government
John Bracken 1945-1953 (retires) Progressive Conservative Majority government
John Diefenbaker 1953-1959 Progressive Conservative Majority then a minority government which loses a confidence vote after the Social Credit withdraw support
Lester B Pearson 1959-present
Liberal minority government with the support of the CCF
I was thinking about this last night, and I decided to list each potential Canadian Prime Minster in this timeline after what would have been a significant election loss for the Liberals for losing WW2. These are my honest thoughts; I don't know if this is canon:

William Lyon Mackenzie King 1926-1930, 1935-1945 Liberal Majority government
John Bracken 1945-1953 (retires) Progressive Conservative Majority government
John Diefenbaker 1953-1959 Progressive Conservative Majority then a minority government which loses a confidence vote after the Social Credit withdraw support
Lester B Pearson 1959-present
Liberal minority government with the support of the CCF
You know, Duplessis fits perfectly as an Integralist in Quebec, don't you think?
I think it's very possible the quiet revolution never occurs ITTL. It would be interesting to see how that would affect Canadian politics.