Map Thread XV

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PoD - Islamic Caliphate collapsed after the death of Muhammad. It was revived a generation later, and made the great campaign to the east.

Not showing the full world makes me sad. :'(

I would also like to see the rest of the world.
If only to see more Byzantine purple upon it. ;)
Do not worry. Map of the world will be in a week or two.:)

And no one have be able to overthrown them? Wow, those poor arabs and jews.
They live in the richest country in the world. And they have their own state. I would not say that these peoples are poor.

Please show us the rest of the world. Would love to know who colonised Elysia(Americas) and Antipodia (Australia).
Map of the world will be soon. You do not guess the names of the Americas and Australia. But the options are good
Oh man, Iran. :(

What are Dicaists? Dicks, I assume?

Noooo:) Dicaist are derived from the Greek "dikaiosýni" (justice). In many ways this is an analogue of communists and fascists in our world. Something in between. More details will be together with the whole map of the world, I hope
And their flag looks like this


The Southern Zhou dynasty in 1800. Successful Revolt of the Three Feudatories.

In case you're wondering how the Mac are back, Mac princes held out in a small province of northern Vietnam well into the 17th century, and the last Mac lord held the support of the Ming. The Qing withdrew this support, but even when the Mac were driven entirely into China, they were still able to mount an invasion to attempt to reconquer Vietnam as late at 1677. In this timeline, the Southern Zhou support them as a counter to the pro-Qing Trinh lords and the Mac invasion, with Zhou support, is successful. This period is known as the Later Mac in Vietnamese history. The Mac would be lionized by the people as defenders of nation following the Lan Xang invasion of Annam during the Trinh-Nguyen civil wars, while the Trinh would be demonized due to their short-sighted internecine conflicts. The early Mac would also come to be viewed in a much more sympathetic light to history, such is the nature of those who write it down, and the dynasty generally recognized as the legitimate and natural successors to the Later Le.

Zhou cropped.png

This is part of a larger scenario I'm working on. Here is a description of the Later Sui state that will be part of that:

The Rebellion of the Han Banners was a 1731 revolt of much of the western flank of the Qing defenses on the southern frontier. Dissatisfied with Qing and Manchu rule, the mostly Han soldiers of the western armies took control for themselves of Chang'an and the surrounding region, negotiating Southern Zhou lines to a truce. The Zhou Shaanxi Army, however, was commanded by the general Yang Guo. Yang, who spent his early life in the trading towns of the Hexi corridor during Ming times, sided and fought with Wu Sangui, now the Zhaowu Emperor during the Three Princes Rebellion, but lamented that the Southern Zhou state in Honghua Era was looking increasingly inward and forgetting the dream of the conquest of the north. Sent by the court in Shaojing not to embrace the rebellion but to kill his Han bretheren to pacify the border, so as not to cause diplomatic incident with the Qing, he tore up his mission as soon as he and his forces of men loyal to him set out. Finding the rebel Han Bannermen under siege by the Qing forces in the east commanded by the great Manchu general Niohuru Yende, Yang Guo successfully broke the siege and drove the Qing forces from Chang'an. Both the Shaanxi Army and the rebel bannermen acclaimed him as Emperor. Yang declared the first day of the lunar year the beginning of Xuanzhen Era and the foundation of Great Sui, using the name of the dynasty whose royal house he bore the name and who ruled from Chang'an, which Yang Guo would rename Daxidu. Great Sui, which would become known to historians as "Later Sui" and to the English as Tasuay, successfully held its borders against both Zhou and Qing attack, as well as the occasional incursion from the western nomads which the Kokonur Sultanate could not control.
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PoD - Islamic Caliphate collapsed after the death of Muhammad. It was revived a generation later, and made the great campaign to the east.

The setting seems so ridiculous, but the map is so detailed and pretty that it sells itself really convincingly. I like the oddball names. They add a certain authentic historicity to the scenario, as unexpected developments can always occur.
The setting seems so ridiculous, but the map is so detailed and pretty that it sells itself really convincingly. I like the oddball names. They add a certain authentic historicity to the scenario, as unexpected developments can always occur.
My only objection it the Greenlandic colonianisation of the OTL Danish empire. Greenland would never suport the population or industry needed to colonize any already inhabited region. Although it was certainly worth a laugh.
My only objection it the Greenlandic colonianisation of the OTL Danish empire. Greenland would never suport the population or industry needed to colonize any already inhabited region. Although it was certainly worth a laugh.

If you read the map, OTL Greenland is called "Iceland". Iceland also has a different name.

As far as I can tell, "Greenlandic" implies more about the political system of Denmark-etc.
Figured I'd start my participation here by x-posting my map from the other thread, as it got caught up a little by the end of page, end of thread, and British comedy discussion. :p

From the same world as this map and this story comes an animated map showing Svalbard in the year 2100 with the location of the first short story highlighted and given a small inset picture to go with. Hope you all like!

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