Recent content by Zach

  1. Napoleon's Victory [LONG]

    Yorel and Petike -- thank you very much for the advice and corrections. I obviously did not take French :D
  2. Napoleon's Victory [LONG]

    Don't have time yet to answer all the questions that have popped up but here is a brief update on France in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s and its efforts to democratize a bit. France The middle of the twentieth century was a period of growth, stability and a bit of indulgence for the...
  3. WI: Habsburg Austria Survives WWI?

    This reminds me of an excellent timeline that has been dead for around 3 years now but still remains entertaining, believable, and readable!
  4. Napoleon's Victory [LONG]

    Many questions and comments since my last post! I will try to answer as many as I can tonight. Yorel is pretty much correct in his response to you. Morchenko is a Russian first and a Machiavellian leader. Japan was weak and he seized an opportunity to take back Russian land -- and perhaps a...
  5. Napoleon's Victory [LONG]

    Whoa, good catch. Early morning without coffee :(
  6. Napoleon's Victory [LONG]

    Before I go out of town for the weekend, here is a brief update on Latin America during the 1940s, 1950s and early 1960s. Enjoy! :) Latin America Touched by a harsh theatre of war that had torn apart a continent, Latin America entered the era of peace with a mixed record depending on...
  7. Napoleon's Victory [LONG]

    Great catch, my mistake entirely. I will edit this ASAP. I don't think it would be appropriate for the Bonapartes to start the numbering of their monarchs from scratch. Nah, I am just editing passages that are chock-full of poorly written sentences and wording. It's a dual project -- writing...
  8. Napoleon's Victory [LONG]

    Occasionally, I would read through the first few chapters that I wrote around 2006 when my grasp of tenses was apparently nicht so gut and the passive voice was used by me at alarming intervals. I thought it may be helpful to repost the first chapter, including a more detailed POD. Here is...
  9. Napoleon's Victory [LONG]

    Thanks, Mac, and glad to see your TL is in excellent condition. Good luck in Afghanistan and I am sure we will soon be hearing stories from your computer deep in the mountains!
  10. Napoleon's Victory [LONG]

    Well, thank you everyone for the gleeful responses to this post! :) In the next week or two, you'll see updates on (in order!) Latin America, Western Europe, the British Empire and its Dominions and Russia and it's sphere of influence. Then I'll have to write some on the Far East, Middle East...
  11. Napoleon's Victory [LONG]

    The Elusive Update It is has been 22 months since the last update and before that spurt of updates in 2010 there was another period of absence. Needless to say, I am rather irregular with these updates and I apologize for the haphazard manner of writing this alternate history. I am happy to...
  12. the best movies never made

    Oh my God, I love will definitely make an appearance in the elusive chapter(s) on culture, the arts, etc.
  13. Napoleon's Victory [LONG]

    Hey everyone! It's funny that for many years before I registered with this forum I was a "lurker" -- then I made a little splash with this wonderfully fun TL . Now I am again a lurker! Just a bit of a personal update: I am now a senior in college, meaning there is a light at the tunnel for me...
  14. Map Thread VII

    I posted this in an older map thread but I thought I would show it again because, quite frankly, it makes me happy. Except that Africa border. Yuck. Basically, Napoleon won back in 1813 and there have been some wars since! :)
  15. Napoleon's Victory [LONG]

    Arkhangelsk is correct. It's basically under Russian oppression as you expect but the Armenians were most certainly subjected to some intense "Orthodoxization." One could say they are treated better in nearby Persia which owns a bit of the area. Unfortunately I will be going back up to...