Recent content by SkyEmperor

  1. No war in Iraq.

    Leaving Saddam in power would mean add another regional power to the middle east, and would provide a good counterpoint to Iran. The area's alliances would become pretty convoluted, with four~ish armed camps. 1) Moderate nations. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Quatar, etc. Way more considered about the...
  2. American colonies in Australia by 1850s

    New Zealand is a better possibilty than Austrailia itself. If New Zealand and some of the other isalnds whalers visited were settled early on, they would provide a great haven for anyone who wanted'em, especially if their is no LA purchase, and nowhere else for America to shoot off its crazy...
  3. Colonial Cannabis

    I had a similar idea once. One night, John Rolfe wakes up in the middle of the night, and decides to have a smoke. He accidently fills his pipe with hemp (which every settler was required to farm), and gets blazed. Soon the popularity of "fmoking hemp" spreads across the colonies and back to the...
  4. Black Hawk Up

    How will the raid effect foreign policy? Spain will be madder than hotcakes, but I dont see what they can do about it, although they might ask the British to reign in the Indians... I really like the way the dice are falling.
  5. Pagan nations of the Western World?

    If the gypsies had stopped moving, they could have tried to set up a Roma holy state, however, the nations around them would land like a ton of bricks. the only way for them to survive is to get a really powerful ally (like Spanish Islam) who is willing to protect them from the inevitable crusades.
  6. Black Hawk Up

    Dank stuff... I woner how easy it will be for Tecumseh to lead the new Indian Nation. they might not be all that amped on him telling them what to do, especially if he is perceived as a British puppet.
  7. Hot airships?

    you need to get the air really hot, and you need to be in an environment where your heat isnt automatically sucked into the cold air outside of the airbag. but yeah, i think it could be done, though not in a very cold area, and the burners would probably be a pain to build.
  8. The greatest military operations never undertaken

    Anything the CIA planned involving CAstro, especially dropping a lethal dose of LSD onto his radio station during an address so that he would trip out in front of the entire nation of Cuba. Or the one where the CIA trys to fake the Second Coming. So epic...
  9. NBC warfare in 19th C

    You're right. I doubt European powers would be willing to use them against eachother, for honors sake, and out of fear of retribution. On the other hand, when the darker peoples of the world start getting uppity... biological weapons would be especially terrible in parts of the world like...
  10. Great Ireland

    Dank. Bringing cattle over is good, but I think horses and bacteria would have a bigger impact. Once horses get to the Great Plains, they will revolutionize the NA's way of life. If the virgin field pandemics break out five centuries early, NA populations will be able to grow back, this...
  11. AH challenge: Christian Republic(s)

    Cuba Mid-60s: The CIA decides to take one of its more insame plans off the shelf. They circulate a rumor in Cuba that the Second Coming is near, and Castro is the Anti-Christ. Many Cubans were enraged by Castro's anti-Catholic policies. At the appointed hour of judgement the US opens all the...
  12. John Brown found insane

    Its kind of dubiuos. John Brown understood what he was doing fairly well, but he was crazier 'n a coon in a dishwasher. A Virginia judge probably wont care though. On the other hand, if a doctor found him insane, and VA hung him anyway, northerners might be angrier at the south.
  13. NBC warfare in 19th C

    During the middle ages, armies would swing rotting carcasses into enemy cities. Maybe people refine the approach a bit more. Live disease cultures arent that hard to keep alive (i think) so armies could start releasing yellow fever and typhoid in the camps of their enemies. 19th century military...
  14. "A House Divided": USA without a Civil War TL

    It's a short distance, but a short distance of malarial mountains. I really dig this TL, but I dont see where you're getting the southerners working with the Liberty Party. Noone south of the Mason Dixon line would make eye contact with William Lloyd garrisson, much less caucaus with him. But...