Recent content by Sir Isaac Brock

  1. Annoying borders that just bother me for some reason

    Except that the French colony of Canada clearly dominated both sides of the valley, as did the British during the ARW. Der.
  2. Annoying borders that just bother me for some reason

    Yes, WE (Canada) should just annex you. :D
  3. AH Challenge: get rid of a major language

    True. So just imagine that situation had persisted long enough to have benefits of modern technology. You're assuming that the means of production ITTL would be a widely diffused as IOTL, which is not necessarily the case. Luckily we don't live in a world where the French government goes...
  4. AH Challenge: get rid of a major language

    I would normally agree, but there are some important differences. Canada and Louisiana were already recaptured by France in the early 1810s, and the nascent Anglophone communities have been in decline since then. Add to that the fact that England isn't the leader of powerful globe-spanning...
  5. AH Challenge: get rid of a major language

    What about my ideas for wiping out English, Spanish, and Chinese? Sure they weren't super likely, but not impossible either. I'd have to say that if the Soviet Union was still alive today Ukrainian and Belarusian would be on their last legs, and several other Soviet languages would be in...
  6. AH Challenge: get rid of a major language

    Those are all plausible. Good work.
  7. AH Challenge: get rid of a major language

    Innovative thinking. Isn't that basically what's going on there now anyway? Those are all well outside the timefrime.
  8. AH Challenge: get rid of a major language

    Missed this part did you? Your alternative idea has promise, but in any senario where the Brits are strong enough to reconquer the US in 1812, they must have allready beat Nappy, so it's hard for him to latter show up an conquer Great Britain. Don't you think?
  9. Feudalism

    Well, you have to explain why, as nation-states emerge, the state would let these private landowners have so much power over the population, when the trend was for the state to take control of labour directly for things like the army. Also why hasn't wage labour replaced the idea of the corvée...
  10. Allied Victory in Norway, 1940

    You know what, I could be confusing this with books I've read on Swiss and Irish neutrality policies. Oops! :o
  11. Allied Victory in Norway, 1940

    Possibly against both of them AND against the allies. The Swedes had / have a very strict definition of neutrality after all.
  12. AH Challenge: get rid of a major language

    POD has to be after 1700, though. So... 1. English Nappy invades England, crushing the British Army, and proclaims himself King of England. Knowing that if England ever becomes a rival again, it will be formidable, Nappy institutes a harsh Francization campaign (also called...
  13. AH Challenge: get rid of a major language

    It's different alright, but it can never simply be called "the Swiss language" because French Italian and Romanish are spoken in Switzerland also, so it would still need the qualifier, Swiss German.
  14. Feudalism

    The tricky part is to precisely define what you mean by feudalism. Does their need to be a corvée? Can serfs own land, vote, and petition the courts? A kind of feudalism could persist whereby most land is owned by the state or wealthy landlords who employ peasants tied to the land, and there...
  15. WI the Mongols had destroyed Western Europe?

    :confused: Umm, Kiev was rebuilt. It is the captal of Ukraine today afterall. It just was never capital of a powerful Empire again. That title shifted to Moscow, since the boyars of Moscow rose to power by being the most ruthless tax collectors for the Mongols, before turning on their former...