Recent content by MJHistoryBuff

  1. Full(est) House - Constitutional Apportionment Amendment

    Hey all. I send this to Jacob directly, but he asked me to post to the main thread. I'm impressed with this thread and the amount of work going into it. It really makes you think how small changes can have big impacts over time. As a Rhode Islander, though, I will tell you that no state...
  2. United states breakup: map suggestions

    Is that color swatch in western Georgia and North Carolina representing the NA states? Does the pink represent BNA settlement as opposed to controlled territory?
  3. Northern Civil war with a twist

    If Breckenridge draws on primarily southern troops? Riots in Philadelphia, Boston, New York? More federal (but primarily southern) troops moved in. Clashes in the streets, deaths of notherners and troops? It has to provoke the north to secede, doesn't it? It doesn't matter how afraid the...
  4. Northern Civil war with a twist

    Your 'egregious DC' move would have to be something by Breckenridge done towards the 12 states that is so offensive, otherwise unhappy people are stirred to war and other northern and western states support them. I'm not sure what it is, but it probably includes accusations of a coup, arresting...
  5. United states breakup: map suggestions

    Agreed, but does a failed American experiment in democracy (if breaking up into smaller, non-monarchical units is deemed a failure- do all of them stay republics in one form or another?) change the goals of the French Revolution? Does it become less idealistic and more pragmatic coup? French...
  6. United states breakup: map suggestions

    You can see that being a flash point if New York is not part of the Rump Congress state. Both would claim it.
  7. United states breakup: map suggestions

    I think that once these states split off, the politics of confederation/federalism within the US will become subordinate to the baser 'national interests' of the states. Looking at the key issues not related to federalism will probably provide more insight onto how states will move and merge...
  8. United states breakup: map suggestions

    A New York state in this period is going to have competing land claims with Pennsylvania and New England/Vermont. I imagine it moves to (or stays with) the group of states that it believes will best help it realize it's territorial ambitions against the other. It also has competing claims with...
  9. Dreams of Liberty: A Failure at Princeton

    Enjoying this thread. Thanks for the world map. Can we get a closer look at what Europe/North Africa/Mideast look like at this point?
  10. America: My Third TL

    Thank you herricks. This is the first time I followed from beginning to end in real time. It was well thought out, well written, and very entertaining.