Recent content by Fed

  1. Map Thread XXI

    Just an image I was thinking of based on... current events. I figured it may be interesting to think of an alternate current event where Kiev is the capital of an invading Russia. The POD I came upon was the Mongols not taking over Kievan Rus, which means that Kiev and Novgorod, rather than...
  2. If You Can Keep It: A Revolutionary Timeline

    Oh, man. It's a shame that I just read this, because this is absolutely spot-on. Not too many spoilers, but this (and the Sonderbund War) are the places where Colombia finally influences the Old World - and it does so in a big way, paving the path for the world order I've teased in a few other...
  3. If You Can Keep It: A Revolutionary Timeline

    thank you! You are so kind :) I haven’t gotten around to thinking all too much of Oceania, though you could conceivably say that most of Africa is going to look like a warped version of Australia+NZ (with a lot less genocide than Oz and NZ, thank God). Thanks!! Thank you so much! Things will...
  4. Map Thread XX

    Yup! Taiping is essentially a British protectorate, although, of course, not officially. This comes from the fact that Hong Rengan was really into alliance with the Brits and spent a lot of time in Canton. The British kinda leverage that amount of trust quite a bit. Yup. Initially the Cheng...
  5. Map Thread XX

    Yeah, but by the second Opium War Britain has clear goals and objectives in China. The first one was more happenstance and relations between China and the West weren't as clearly entrenched (not saying they were entrenched in 1856 either, but more so than in 1841). This and a different approach...
  6. Graphic Thread

    Something I was working on for my timeline. I really like making these fake newspapers hehe
  7. Map Thread XX

    So, something I've been preparing for my timeline. Basically, Britain is more eager to intervene in the Taiping rebellion because it happens at the same time as a later-ocurring Opium War, and that means that China ends up falling flat on its face. Kinda like how this one looks!
  8. If You Can Keep It: A Revolutionary Timeline

    So, trying a new thing. This chapter is a lot more wide-ranging than the previous ones which dealt with 2 or 3 years in American or Colombian history. Asian and African history, in particular, will be treated this way, at least until the 1900s. There's gonna be another chapter on Northern China...
  9. If You Can Keep It: A Revolutionary Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter XXX - The Mandate Shifts - Southern China in the Qing Collapse.

    Map of the Chinese collapse between 1850 and 1900. The Chinese state would face rapid and violent collapse in the face of changing economic conditions and increased Western imperialism. While the development of internal Colombian capitalism was, at several points, somewhat rocky, it must be...
  10. Pre-Columbian knowledge confirmed: A monk in 14th-century Italy wrote about the Americas

    Columbus probably visited Ireland and Iceland in the 1470s. He coming from Spain doesn’t mean that he couldn’t have been influenced by more northern knowledge.
  11. If You Can Keep It: A Revolutionary Timeline

    The gaúchos would probably be up in arms if that were to happen, since a big part of their revolt was against cheaper beef from Argentina and Uruguay being allowed into Brazil. The Argentinians probably wouldn’t be so stoked at having more beef production in the domestic market, either, and...
  12. If You Can Keep It: A Revolutionary Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter XXIX - The Last Emperor

    In 1843, most people believed that Santander's star had waned due to his extreme arrogance and Neogranadine-centricism. However, everything went awry for the anti-Santander camp as he became the martyr of republicanism. This would once again propel Santander to preeminence amongst Colombian...
  13. Map Thread XX

    Just something I made while killing some time. In the vent of the "x countries" meme a few months ago. Don't take this too seriously :p The Time Stream Task Protection Force has detected almost infinite timelines in which humans settle the land that we know as "Iran". Collected in this memo...
  14. If You Can Keep It: A Revolutionary Timeline

    Thank you so much! That is really nice to hear. I'm glad you're liking this so far. Oooh! Those are some very good observations. We'll get to Europe pretty soon ;)
  15. If You Can Keep It: A Revolutionary Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter XXVIII - Francia, Domestic Edition

    “Francia’s rule, both to his supporters and his detractors, is undeniably radical. While opposed at every turn by the liberal, less militaristic factions of Parliament under the ever-powerful Santander, he did manage to pass many radical reforms through Senate decisions, as he packed the Senate...