Recent content by Caesar Australis

  1. Sustained tribal/clan identities in Europe?

    Scale. In non-clan systems, strong familial bonds beyond one's first cousins are typically weak, and indeed relationships with one's thirds cousins or further are typically nonexistent. Clans OTOH... well they cover pretty much the entire family tree. So their would be a familial bond and...
  2. Sustained tribal/clan identities in Europe?

    So basically all that's needed is for the Catholic Church to not exist- either through Christianity not existing or through the Catholic hierarchy not being established(let's say the Rome falls to invasions before one of the emperors converts and "nationalizes" Christianity) And through...
  3. WI Sultan Mehmed II is killed during the siege in 1453? Is Constantinople saved?

    If the Venetian forces arrived in time, and then the Ottomans temporarily withdrew due to civil war, even then Constantinople has not the slightest chance of standing on it's own two feet. But if the Venetians occupy it permanently and invest in repopulating, rebuilding and defending the city...
  4. Sustained tribal/clan identities in Europe?

    So they're an insignificant/nonexistent presence among ethnic Turks? Is that a result of Turkish/Ottoman state policy, or a just a difference in their historical development vis a vis Arabic speaking peoples? I have trouble buying the idea of development being responsible. The idea of...
  5. Sustained tribal/clan identities in Europe?

    Presently their seems to be only one European country where clans/tribes have retained their position as influential social institutions, namely Albania. By contrast in most of the Middle East tribes have retained importance. Libya for example has around 140 tribes and clans which play...
  6. Monica's baby, the ruin of Clinton - a TL

    America would have gone bankrupt if he hadn't.
  7. WI Fascist Germany goes straight for the Polish Corridor before attempting Anschluss

    The corridor was the transit route for most of Poland's imports and exports. So taxing such transit would be a valuable source of revenue for Germany.
  8. Plausibility check: slave repatriation to the Caribbean

    Where? The only real candidate is Hispaniola(unless your talking the repatriation happening after a conquest of Cuba), and there's not enough room there.
  9. Totalitarian Ideals

    Modern Iran qualifies(unless you believe the most recent election was stolen). Israel is arguably quite close and could end up all the way there given the growing power of the far-right there.
  10. AH Challenge: Meiji Ottomans

    Probable it's Turkishness would decline over the 20th century, but their will be a few factors working against that trend. For one a lot of the immigration will be from rural Anatolia as well. For another the Christian and Jewish populations of the city were wealthier on average(and probably...
  11. The Global Economy if Napoleon Triumphs

    Britain keeping overseas Dutch and French territories is pretty much a given I think. Furthermore they'll probably back the revolutions in Spanish America in a bid to open the region up to British commerce, with France backing the Spanish attempt to suppress the revolutions in exchange for...
  12. AH Challenge: Meiji Ottomans

    Was done OTL as detailed by others. In fact their army was objectively superior qualitatively speaking to the Russian one in the 1877-78 Russo-Ottoman war... defeat resulted from being outnumbered and the Bulgarian defense being led by a totally incompetent old man. Said old man was only in...
  13. What Should Be the Ideal Size of Germany?

    The borders of the German empire after Bismark+Luxembourg+ethnically German parts of Switzerland, the Netherlands and Austria Hungary(except for those ethnically German parts that would not be contiguous with the core).
  14. AHC: Colonial liberty *not* better than any in Europe

    They're more likely to spark a revolt if anything. The colonists don't have any sentimental regard for the French and Spanish after all, and in fact had some phobia towards them due to their Catholicism.
  15. Illinois Senate 2004: Ryan divorce records sealed

    Surely Ryan remaining in the race would increas Obama's incentive to have the speech and the Democratic Party's incentive to give it to him, so as to sure up that seat for the Dems?