Recent content by Breezy

  1. A History Of Resturants

    I'd like to say thank you to all of you! I wrote my entry to my novel today, and hopefully, your inputs have made it that much better quality wise.
  2. A History Of Resturants

    Hello all! I'd like to ask for a little help, I'm writing a fantasy novel, and I wanted to include a restaurant scene, however, I do not know when restaurants first developed, particularly menus, I know that ancient China had them, but I was more wondering about restaurants in the 19th century...
  3. The Faraway Kingdom

    I wonder just how far Carolina is going to expand, or if it will get crushed. Speculating is fun!
  4. The Faraway Kingdom

    Yup, what I realized near the end of my comment haha.
  5. The Faraway Kingdom

    Is it? They get workers, rents from the workers, and settlers to help tame the land, making things easier for future Swedish colonists. If Sweden is able to send them, which if not....ohhhh, I understand why its a bad idea.
  6. The Faraway Kingdom

    As always, the map is really good. Maybe its because I don't look at the map games, but your maps are great!
  7. The Faraway Kingdom

    You make really good maps just so you know.
  8. The Faraway Kingdom

    Well, all argument aside, I quite like the flag XD.
  9. The Seventies: A Decade of Darkness

    I love how Nixon used Agnew to make himself look better. I know its standard political fare, but I still find it hilarious.. And good job with using professor speaking to an audience narrative. I said that before, but its still really neat to me friend.
  10. The Seventies: A Decade of Darkness

    I'm actually really, really excited about this friend! I'm curious, if Nixon is viewed far more positively, what does he do? Don't tell me, I'm just pondering. Better Vietnam, no Watergate? Who knows! I also think the idea of a 'Professor' lectuing his 'students' (read: AH.Com) to be an awfully...
  11. How dystopian can a Ron Paul presidency get?

    Woah friend, woah. Turkey and Israel kindly disagree hehe.
  12. New World picks up Metalurgy earlier?

    Didn't the Tarascan people have metal weaponry? And I somewhat doubt platemail, Mexico is hot, full armor will do nothing but slow you down and wear you out, while your enemy is significantly cooler in padded cloth and a helmet, or perhaps a breastplate, but that's it.
  13. How Did They Fish?

    I'm imagining the transporting of material between the Dwarfen Archipelago and the mainland alongside the sale of spirits, slaves, and a myriad of other smaller enterprises will make up the economy, its just fish, like it was five hundred years ago, will make up a large part of it. Its not just...
  14. How Did They Fish?

    Really? That's.....pleasently surprising actually. Makes my life way easier friend. Thank you for the help!
  15. How Did They Fish?

    Hello friends! As the title states I'm interested in how people, particulary from the eighteen hundreds fished. Allow me to elaborate, I'm writing a fantasy story based around a Dwarf sea faring trade empire modeled on the Hanseatic League, and as such, fish will be a large commodity, and I need...