Recent content by Blind

  1. The Q-BAM Improvement and Core Thread

    The bathymetry does not lined up here.
  2. The Q-BAM Improvement and Core Thread

    Is there a Q-BAM map for Inuvialuit Settlement Region?
  3. Map Thread XX

    There is no flags for Cochinchina because it was under French control when the flags was created.
  4. The VT-BAM project

    If above is the correct map, then what does the map below showing?
  5. Netflix's "Hollywood"

    What would the world look like in 2020?
  6. Q-Bam Borderpool Improvement and Core Thread

    Some have lines, but it stopped without connecting.
  7. The VT-BAM project

    Red mean only First-level administrative country subdivisions are done? Green means Second-level administrative country subdivisions are done? Blue means Third-level administrative country subdivisions are done?
  8. Union of American Realms: A World-Building Exercise

    I am curious, how do you decided on number of votes for parties in election and the population of each realm?
  9. The VT-BAM project

    Does anyone have the most recent updated series of map?
  10. Map Thread XVIII

  11. Photos from World War Z

    What kind of program did you used to make this effect on image?