Map Thread X

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Right, you've heard of modern guerrilla warfare, yes? You've heard of hiding in caves for a decade, IEDs, and the like?

That will seem like Gandhi compared to what you've just done.


Not to mention that barring the rise of Sinn Feinn to power in the Dail, which is very unlikely, the government of Ireland has NEVER supported the actions of the IRA. Also the IRA is not resurgent, and at this point are about 150 dumbfucks with some semtex, ski masks and assault rifles, why on fucking earth would Ireland back them? Is it because they're stupid? Inherently? Is that what you're saying?
Hell, try running AutoCAD on a slow computer. :mad:

We had Autocad at my school, and our computers were vastly under-spec.

Atom, are you working from Wiki basemaps? I've found they often have multiple tracings of the borders/coastlines in one file, each with about a million nodes - that East Austria map I did a little while back had four identical tracings of every border in the basemap, for some reason. Stripping out the excess cut the file load time in half and made it much more responsive.
Mizzou is the opposite, at least in the Engineering buildings. Those computers kick ass, and AutoCAD runs perfectly. In the rest of the school... not so much.

I meant school in the Australian sense, meaning grades Prep to 12. We call tertiary education "University" or "Uni" for short, and never "school"
I was wondering when someone was going to respond. Yeah, it's going to be a map of the Seattle Metropolitan area's Bus and Rail routes, and it's going to be interactive.

...What is this magic?

I like the recent spate of maps. Nice takes on the CSA, a bit different than we normally see it.
Last time I checked, both Lebanon and Jordan were strongly anti-Israel, and have both recently been to war with it.

Lebanon? Maybe, though even Israel doesn't want to try ruling that clusterf**k of a sectarian issue (they'd much prefer a freindly puppet government which lets them root out Hezbollah and so forth from South

As for Jordan, have you payed any attention to them since 1967? Jordan, the state that pissed off most of the Arab world by preferring to deal with Israel over presenting a unified front? Jordan which blames Egypt for making them lose the West Bank, accuses Syria of supporting the PLO in Black September and actually drove the PLO out of the country in 1970 for trying to overthrow the government. Jordan, who's late King Hussein was in private and secret communications with Israel for a definitive peace pretty much from 1970 onwards? Jordan which has signed a very public peace agreement with Israel? That Jordan?
With the extremely large numbers of illegal immigrants crossing north into the United States, Mexico decides to simply give its northern portion to America.


Because nobody really wants it, the US government buys it as a "safe haven" for former illegal immigrants from Mexico.

Okay, so why would America take a densely populated part of Mexico to resettle mexican migrants? Why not just send them back to Mexico, without annexing the northern quarter? That would seem easier.

Also, what mexican government would accept this?
the other day i finished up the biomes designation on the "world flipped 90 degrees" map that i posted before. it was only ten days ago, but it seems like alot longer to me. anyway, a map key hasn't been included, but i only used colors from this map and they should, in general, be pretty self-explanatory. the only color on here that isn't from there is the mountains, which should also be pretty self-explanatory as to where they are.

remember, this map was made with the intention of it being used for a fantasy setting. this particular rendition is for the Dungeons & Dragons sessions that my friends and i will be undertaking, so it has one change separate from the other world it will be used for: the red water near the prime meridian ("Bloodpool"; formerly "Hyrcanian Sea") is a unique geographic feature, (formerly) home to a Perisa-turned-into-Russia people. the water has since been cursed into a toxic, blood-like substance which caused the natives (Hyrcanians) to leave and seek more fertile lands.

some other tidbits of information:

  • the temperate zone between the mountains and desert west of Bloodpool is specifically inhabited by gnomes, and in particular is the homeland of a player character gnome sorceress affectionately nicknamed Badger
  • the southernmost tundra of *India is inhabited by *Arabs who emigrated there long ago; these *Arabs also supply the honor guard of King Noah's court southeast of there
  • deep in the rainforests of *Africa are the ruins of Maranatlan, which will be the setting of a session i will be DM'ing ;) its mostly for an interesting setting and partly for character and setting development
  • the east-west band of *African savannah is home to number of European-esque peoples analogous to both barbarian tribes and crusader states; one people are directly analogous to the Spanish
  • the arid desert south of Bloodpool is called Kasandora, and will be a partial setting for an overarching Bloodpool campaign as well as the location of its own campaign

DnD World w-Biomes.png


the other day i finished up the biomes designation on the "world flipped 90 degrees" map that i posted before. it was only ten days ago, but it seems like alot longer to me. anyway, a map key hasn't been included, but i only used colors from this map and they should, in general, be pretty self-explanatory. the only color on here that isn't from there is the mountains, which should also be pretty self-explanatory as to where they are.

remember, this map was made with the intention of it being used for a fantasy setting. this particular rendition is for the Dungeons & Dragons sessions that my friends and i will be undertaking, so it has one change separate from the other world it will be used for: the red water near the prime meridian ("Bloodpool"; formerly "Hyrcanian Sea") is a unique geographic feature, (formerly) home to a Perisa-turned-into-Russia people. the water has since been cursed into a toxic, blood-like substance which caused the natives (Hyrcanians) to leave and seek more fertile lands.

some other tidbits of information:

  • the temperate zone between the mountains and desert west of Bloodpool is specifically inhabited by gnomes, and in particular is the homeland of a player character gnome sorceress affectionately nicknamed Badger
  • the southernmost tundra of *India is inhabited by *Arabs who emigrated there long ago; these *Arabs also supply the honor guard of King Noah's court southeast of there
  • deep in the rainforests of *Africa are the ruins of Maranatlan, which will be the setting of a session i will be DM'ing ;) its mostly for an interesting setting and partly for character and setting development
  • the east-west band of *African savannah is home to number of European-esque peoples analogous to both barbarian tribes and crusader states; one people are directly analogous to the Spanish
  • the arid desert south of Bloodpool is called Kasandora, and will be a partial setting for an overarching Bloodpool campaign as well as the location of its own campaign

Ooh, very cool! D'you think you could take a look at my FHTL world map? I'd like to get a good and accurate portrayal of what the world looks like in that time.

In other news, here's the next map in my election series: 1977, the first year that the SD/L ran as a single party.



And then the 1974 election. Despite the SDP and RLP being the two smallest parties, they were able to form the largest coalition because they had been functionally a single party for decades at this point. There were still some ideological issues that prevented a full merger, that is until 1976 when the two parties were able to come to a full agreement on merging the parties. On 28 August 1976, New England went from being ruled by a minority coalition to a single party minority government of 91 seats.

Grim scenario, but great map. What state is YE? Yosemite?
Yellowstone. After the defeat of the Union in the Civil War, the *Democratic party was ascendant, and they tried to limit the number of Western states, because they tended to vote for the various Republican party descendants. That's why there's that weird Nebraska and others.

Very nice, will be keeping a close eye out for future installments. So the British lost the Boer war in this TL? How did that happen? Is Sequoyah (I presume) still native-American run? That business about the efforts to "integrate" African americans has a somewhat sinister air about it...

The British "won" it, kind of. The Boer states remain independent, but recognize British supremacy. The British have been forced to keep more troops in the Canada than OTL because the Union has made various threatening noises ever since the British became allied to the CSA, so the Empire is more stretched out. Butterflies made it a lot more painful.

Sequoyah is a Native American state, mostly to shut them up (many still are sort of pro-CSA), and also to annoy the various Western settlers. As I said above, Washington D.C. has very little interest in supporting the Western settlers, this America is heavily dominated by moneyed interests in the East.

The African integration efforts are actually not that bad, all things considered. Because the CSA still keeps slavery, and the Union and the Confederates are quite opposed, the union makes no secret of its policy of accepting any slave that manages to cross the border. The CSA has been fairly good at stopping escaped slaves (especially now its becoming a police state anyways), but still, a fair number have escaped. The Union government was unsure what to do with them, and eventually the Bureau of Freedmen decided to settle them in various parts of the country. Mostly on shit-land other people didn't want, or in various cities, but it means that the African American population is way more spread out ATL than OTL. Most still ended up in major cities, but there are actually a fair few in places like Nebraska, or Colorado, or Nevada, usually as poor farmers, or lumberjacks, or miners; paid less than whites, but it's a different situation than OTL.

the other day i finished up the biomes designation on the "world flipped 90 degrees" map that i posted before. it was only ten days ago, but it seems like alot longer to me. anyway, a map key hasn't been included, but i only used colors from this map and they should, in general, be pretty self-explanatory. the only color on here that isn't from there is the mountains, which should also be pretty self-explanatory as to where they are.

remember, this map was made with the intention of it being used for a fantasy setting. this particular rendition is for the Dungeons & Dragons sessions that my friends and i will be undertaking, so it has one change separate from the other world it will be used for: the red water near the prime meridian ("Bloodpool"; formerly "Hyrcanian Sea") is a unique geographic feature, (formerly) home to a Perisa-turned-into-Russia people. the water has since been cursed into a toxic, blood-like substance which caused the natives (Hyrcanians) to leave and seek more fertile lands.

some other tidbits of information:

  • the temperate zone between the mountains and desert west of Bloodpool is specifically inhabited by gnomes, and in particular is the homeland of a player character gnome sorceress affectionately nicknamed Badger
  • the southernmost tundra of *India is inhabited by *Arabs who emigrated there long ago; these *Arabs also supply the honor guard of King Noah's court southeast of there
  • deep in the rainforests of *Africa are the ruins of Maranatlan, which will be the setting of a session i will be DM'ing ;) its mostly for an interesting setting and partly for character and setting development
  • the east-west band of *African savannah is home to number of European-esque peoples analogous to both barbarian tribes and crusader states; one people are directly analogous to the Spanish
  • the arid desert south of Bloodpool is called Kasandora, and will be a partial setting for an overarching Bloodpool campaign as well as the location of its own campaign
That's cool. However, I don't think you're going to get a Savannah at the equator in *Gibraltar. I think it's going to be rain forests, even with the greater elevation, and definitely rainforest further in along the *Med coast. Also, why isn't *Germany and *France rainforest?
There. Is that better?

America wouldn't annex Cuba for any reason I can forsee - annexations aren't really a thing, anymore. They certainly aren't going to annex Afghanistan. China isn't going to be able to take Taiwan without a full-scale war between them and the USA, unless you handwave a wildly more successful unification movement I can't see China annexing Mongolia without the Russians getting involved. Quebec still has mystifying borders. Israel has enough problems without adding Lebanon to the mix. Japan appears to have annexed Jeju Island from South Korea. Tasmania has no independence movement whatsoever, neither does Kangaroo Island nor Bathurst or Melville Island.

What is the point of these maps? Where's the storyline or timeline? What's the POD?

Please start from the basemap in my sig - the one you're using is awful.

There. Is that better?

No, because of the following:

1. Why/How in the Blue Fuck does Quebec have eastern Ontario, part of New Brunswick and half of Labrador?

2. Why does America have Haida Gwaii, and parts of the west coast?

3. How and Why does America have Cuba?

4. Why do the British hold French Possessions in the Caribbean?

5. Why does Israel have Lebanon? That's called national suicide for Israel.

6. Why is Denmark missing territory/why do the British have the Faroes?

7. What is up with the Korean border?

8. Why would China even want Mongolia?

9. Why is there no Lake Nicaragua?

10. Why/How is Tasmania independent?

11. Why does America seemingly own the Seychelles?

12. Why would Portugal and Spain merge?
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