Map Thread XXI

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I'm Afraid of the Internet


God, it's hard to be innocent
When the world keeps showing you it's dick
And disaster is imminent
Getting sicker and stranger with every click
I'm afraid that we've gone too far
This big machine is too broke to fix

I'm afraid of the things I saw
What happened to the Sahara nations? And Venezuela?
I'm Afraid of the Internet


God, it's hard to be innocent
When the world keeps showing you it's dick
And disaster is imminent
Getting sicker and stranger with every click
I'm afraid that we've gone too far
This big machine is too broke to fix

I'm afraid of the things I saw
Is there a reason why the UK has its own distinct network?
I'm Afraid of the Internet


God, it's hard to be innocent
When the world keeps showing you it's dick
And disaster is imminent
Getting sicker and stranger with every click
I'm afraid that we've gone too far
This big machine is too broke to fix

I'm afraid of the things I saw
Is Serbia on freedomnet or its own thing? What do Hungary and Switzerland use? Is Hungary thicker? Is it not in the EU? What’s the POD?

The Pre-Mongol World according to the Excursio studii ad Horizontes penetrare, 1223
"I was born in the kingdom of Africa during the reign of noble king Osmondo the Good, Caesar of the Orient, King of Sicily, Africa, Egypt, and Syria, protector of the Holy Sepulcher in the year of our Lord 1173 , of the Arabs 569, and of the Hebrews 4934. My father, a trader of grain, travelled much the Mediterranean, and I accompanied him. I left Africa in the year of our Lord 1188 and did not return until the writing of this treatise. I travelled to Turquia, the lands formerly of the Hellenes, where their enlightened lords and princes rule Morea, Athens, and the Isles. I left from Turquia and passed through the Golden Gates on our way to Cumania, We stopped in the great city of Byzance, former Throne of the Goths. Through the gates I went to Tamatarcha, on the edge of the lands of the Cumans. I left there in the summer of 1190 and travelled up the Danube. I first stopped at the town of the Cathars, Nicopolis in the empire of Tocurgaria. There I met a couple of Knights of the German Order, who told me of a coming expedition from Germany and Scandinavia to the lands of the heathens of the North. I passed through the Iron Gates of the Vlachs into the lands of the Uzes. Ruled by the noble and tolerant Cagans of the Ascina clan, their Holy Law permits Arian, Orthodox, Saracen Heathen and Heretic safety in their lands. After this excursion, I returned to Nicopolis and took up the cross for our universal Church with the German Order.
I left for the Baltic sea in 1195, settling with the army of the Crusaders in Culmia. In 1196 I witnessed the baptism of the Prussians at their capital of Tvangste. I fought with their king, Herkus against the rebelling Bartians. In the year of our lord 1201, i fought with the crusaders of Ruzia, Dania, and the Varegians against the Livonians. While in Riga, I met a knight from the isle of Britain, who told me the legends of the great king Arturius and his knights. I chose to follow him home from the Crusade in 1204. I landed in the city of Londinium, a great trade emporium and the greatest city of the Isles of Britain. I returned to my profession as a merchant. For 10 years I traveled the seas of western Europe as a member of the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers. I visited neary every major city in Saxonia, Germany, Spania, and Britain that had an office of the Alnesian League. I had a short dialogue with the Kaiser of Germany in the city of Aquae, he told me of his war against the Henrician heretics of Angria and the great slaughter in his attempts to pacify the province. In the year of our lord 1215 disaster struck me on a voyage to Spartaria, I was ship wrecked off the coast of Tanga and taken into slavery by the Zealots of Marrochium. I spent 3 harsh years there, until by the Grace of God I was saved during when a great coalition of the followers of the Sacristan of Sanctus Jacobus vanquished an army of the Zealot Moors, me and my fellow enslaved Christians were set free. I spent 1 year living in the March of Vandalicia until I took a galley home to Cartaghine. I found that the great empire of the Orient was no more, and that the Kings of Sicily were now solely Kings of Africa. The world I had left 32 years prior had changed in its entirety. Upon returning, I requested an audience with the sublime king Viazaslao II, the powerful though god King of Africa. I told him tales of my adventures around the known world, and received employment with the renowned geographers of Ruspe."
- Agustinu de Cartaghine
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The Pre-Mongol World according to the Excursio studii ad Horizontes penetrare, 1223
"I was born in the kingdom of Africa during the reign of noble king Osmondo the Good, Caesar of the Orient, King of Sicily, Africa, Egypt, and Syria, protector of the Holy Sepulcher in the year of our Lord 1173 , of the Arabs 569, and of the Hebrews 4934. My father, a trader of grain, travelled much the Mediterranean, and I accompanied him. I left Africa in the year of our Lord 1188 and did not return until the writing of this treatise. I travelled to Turquia, the lands formerly of the Hellenes, where their enlightened lords and princes rule Morea, Athens, and the Isles. I left from Turquia and passed through the Golden Gates on our way to Cumania, We stopped in the great city of Byzance, former Throne of the Goths. Through the gates I went to Tamatarcha, on the edge of the lands of the Cumans. I left there in the summer of 1190 and travelled up the Danube. I first stopped at the town of the Cathars, Nicopolis in the empire of Tocurgaria. There I met a couple of Knights of the German Order, who told me of a coming expedition from Germany and Scandinavia to the lands of the heathens of the North. I passed through the Iron Gates of the Vlachs into the lands of the Uzes. Ruled by the noble and tolerant Cagans of the Ascina clan, their Holy Law permits Arian, Orthodox, Saracen Heathen and Heretic safety in their lands. After this excursion, I returned to Nicopolis and took up the cross for our universal Church with the German Order.
I left for the Baltic sea in 1195, settling with the army of the Crusaders in Culmia. In 1196 I witnessed the baptism of the Prussians at their capital of Tvangste. I fought with their king, Herkus against the rebelling Bartians. In the year of our lord 1201, i fought with the crusaders of Ruzia, Dania, and the Varegians against the Livonians. While in Riga, I met a knight from the isle of Britain, who told me the legends of the great king Arturius and his knights. I chose to follow him home from the Crusade in 1204. I landed in the city of Londinium, a great trade emporium and the greatest city of the Isles of Britain. I returned to my profession as a merchant. For 10 years I traveled the seas of western Europe as a member of the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers. I visited neary every major city in Saxonia, Germany, Spania, and Britain that had an office of the Alnesian League. I had a short dialogue with the Kaiser of Germany in the city of Aquae, he told me of his war against the Henrician heretics of Angria and the great slaughter in his attempts to pacify the province. In the year of our lord 1215 disaster struck me on a voyage to Spartaria, I was ship wrecked off the coast of Tanga and taken into slavery by the Zealots of Marrochium. I spent 3 harsh years there, until by the Grace of God I was saved during when a great coalition of the followers of the Sacristan of Sanctus Jacobus vanquished an army of the Zealot Moors, me and my fellow enslaved Christians were set free. I spent 1 year living in the March of Vandalicia until I took a galley home to Cartaghine. I found that the great empire of the Orient was no more, and that the Kings of Sicily were now solely Kings of Africa. The world I had left 32 years prior had changed in its entirety. Upon returning, I requested an audience with the sublime king Viazaslao II, the powerful though god King of Africa. I told him tales of my adventures around the known world, and received employment with the renowned geographers of Ruspe."
- Agustinu de Cartaghine
Magyars in Persia? Monumentally based.
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Often people focus on the largest historical version of a nation. Not much wrong with that; the Ottoman Empire or Napoleonic France are very interesting. But for this project I'm going to collate together (anachronistically) the longest-lasting historical versions of nations. Obviously I won't be able to fit them all on one map - I'll do them in batches as it were. However, as this is the first one I'm going to just have Afghanistan on this map.
The longest enduring version of Afghanistan was the Emirate of Afghanistan which endured for 103 years, from 1823 to 1926.
(If you don't count the E of A due to it being a British protectorate for its last 30 years, the longest-living Afghan state was the Durrani Empire, which lived to be 79).
The first proper batch of this project of mine:

[see above for Afghanistan]
The Sanjak of Scutari was the longest-enduring version of Albania 434 yrs. However, as it was not independent, I have depicted the Republic of Albania on this map. It has been going for thirty years.
The Kingdom of Tlemcen was arguably the longest-enduring version of Algeria, it lasted for 319 years.
The Principality of Andorra - 743 years.
Portuguese Angola existed for 400 years. As it wasn't independent (obviously), the Kingdom of Ndongo (lived to be 70) is shown here [it was not on the basemap for the corresponding years, hence the wobbly borders].
Antigua and Barbuda, has been independent for 40 years (I'm not counting its colonial history).
The Governorate of the Rio de la Plata was the longest lasting version of Argentina (227 years). The longest enduring version is the Argentine Republic (current, and 161 years so far).
Antiquity's Kingdom of Armenia lasted 749 years.
The Commonwealth of Australia is the longest-lasting (some would say only...) version of Australia. Although it was hard to work out when it was de facto independent - either it has been around for 36 years, or 121 years.
Some would argue that the Holy Roman Empire counts as the longest-enduring version of Austria. However, I went with the Archduke of Austria (404 years).
azerbaijan under the Shaddadids lived for 248 years.
The longest living incarnation of the Bahamas was the Colony of the Bahama Islands (255 years). But the longest-enduring independent Bahamas was (and is) the Commonwealth of the Bahamas (49 years...).
Bahrain & its Dependencies (188 years).
The longest-enduring version of Bangladesh or Bengal was the Pala Empire, which lasted 411 years.
As a Colony, Barbados lived for 331 years. The oldest independent Barbados was Barbados as a monarchy (55 years). It recently became a republic, btw.
The longest-enduring version of Belarus has to be the Principality of Polotsk (410 years).
The longest-enduring version of Belgium: Kingdom of Belgium (lasted for 184 successive years).
The longest-enduring version of Belize was when it was the Crown Colony of British Honduras (111 years). Of course, that was not independent, so this map features Belize (41 years so far).
Tricky one Benin - should I go literally with Benin, or would it be more accurate to put down Dahomey? That is the longest-enduring version was the Kingdom of Benin (717 years). But it is worth claiming that modern Benin has nowt to do with the original kingdom. Modern Benin is a successor to the Kingdom of Dahomey (304 years). That is the one shown on this worlda, but I understand some folks won't like that.
Kingdom of Bhutan - it has supposedly endured for 398 years but the NextGen worlda series seems to have a discrepancy in when it became British?? Maybe I just don't fully understand its complicated history.
The longest-enduring incarnation of Bosnia was the Sanjak of Bosnia (lasted 415 years). However, this map shows the Banate of Bosnia (223 years). It was Hungarian, but from my reading it was actually de facto independent.
Final one for this batch - the Bechuanaland Protectorate lasted for 81 years. The modern era's Republic of Botswana has existed for 56 years, and is shown on the map.
The Not So American Century, Part Two



New Afrika, officially the Republic of New Afrika, is a country in North America. It is surrounded on all sides by the United States of America, with the exception of its southern coast on the Caribbean Sea. Birmingham is the economic, political and technological centre of the country, while other large cities include Huntsville, Montgomery and Jackson.

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Paleo-aboriginals migrated from Siberia to the North American mainland at least 12,000 years ago, and complex cultures soon developed. The mound builder Mississippian culture developed from around 950 AD, creating a trading network spanning the continent from the Great Lakes to the Gulf Coast. They constructed large earthworks which still stand throughout New Afrika. By the time of the arrival of European colonists in the 16th century, the descendants of the Mississippian culture living in the area of New Afrika included the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee and numerous other Iroquoian and Moskogean-speaking peoples.

Present-day New Afrika was absorbed by the Spanish Empire in the 16th century before being acquired by the French in the early 18th century and then the British in 1763. In 1783, still home mostly to Native American peoples, it became part of the United States of America. In the 19th century, New Afrika was the American states of Alabama and Mississippi and was a major producer of cotton, and widely used African American slave labor. They seceded from the Union in 1861 and were parts of the Confederacy until that state’s abolition in 1949. At this time, African Americans made up a majority of the population.

During the 19th century, the Black Nationalist movement began promoting the creation of an African American homeland in North America. The Johnson Declaration of 1917 announced the formal support of the NAACP for the establishment of a “national home for the Negro people” in a portion of the Confederacy. Although initial hopes were dashed by the Treaty of Washington in 1919, they had gained the support of Union government officials by the time of the Third American Civil War (1940-43). In 1947 the United States adopted the Reconstruction Plan for the Former Confederacy, recommending the creation of independent African American and Native American republics.

Following several rounds of communal violence between African American and white paramilitaries, New Afrika declared independence in 1948. Over half of the pre-war white population were expelled from or fled the territory New Afrika would come to control. In the decades after the declaration of independence, around 1.5 million African Americans migrated to New Afrika from the United States.

In its Basic Laws, New Afrika defines itself as an African American and democratic state, and as the nation-state of the African American people. The country has a parliamentary system, proportional representation, and universal suffrage. The prime minister serves as head of government and the National Assembly is the unicameral legislature. The president serves a mostly ceremonial role. Top economic industries in New Afrika are agriculture and forestry, notably catfish farming, sweet potatoes, cotton and pulpwood. Other industries include advanced manufacturing, utilities, transportation and health services.
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Follow up from this update: a world where the American century just never quite happened...


New Afrika, officially the Republic of New Afrika, is a country in North America. It is surrounded on all sides by the United States of America, with the exception of its southern coast on the Caribbean Sea. Birmingham is the economic, political and technological centre of the country, while other large cities include Huntsville, Montgomery and Jackson.

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Paleo-aboriginals migrated from Siberia to the North American mainland at least 12,000 years ago, and complex cultures soon developed. The mound builder Mississippian culture developed from around 950 AD, creating a trading network spanning the continent from the Great Lakes to the Gulf Coast. They constructed large earthworks which still stand throughout New Afrika. By the time of the arrival of European colonists in the 16th century, the descendants of the Mississippian culture living in the area of New Afrika included the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee and numerous other Iroquoian and Moskogean-speaking peoples.

Present-day New Afrika was absorbed by the Spanish Empire in the 16th century before being acquired by the French in the early 18th century and then the British in 1763. In 1783, still home mostly to Native American peoples, it became part of the United States of America. In the 19th century, New Afrika was the American states of Alabama and Mississippi and was a major producer of cotton, and widely used African American slave labor. They seceded from the Union in 1861 and were parts of the Confederacy until that state’s abolition in 1949. At this time, African Americans made up a majority of the population.

During the 19th century, the Black Nationalist movement began promoting the creation of an African American homeland in North America. The Johnson Declaration of 1917 announced the formal support of the NAACP for the establishment of a “national home for the Negro people” in a portion of the Confederacy. Although initial hopes were dashed by the Treaty of Washington in 1919, they had gained the support of Union government officials by the time of the Third American Civil War (1940-43). In 1947 the United States adopted the Reconstruction Plan for the Former Confederacy, recommending the creation of independent African American and Native American republics.

Following several rounds of communal violence between African American and white paramilitaries, New Afrika declared independence in 1948. Over half of the pre-war white population were expelled from or fled the territory New Afrika would come to control. In the decades after the declaration of independence, around 1.5 million African Americans migrated to New Afrika from the United States.

In its Basic Laws, New Afrika defines itself as an African American and democratic state, and as the nation-state of the African American people. The country has a parliamentary system, proportional representation, and universal suffrage. The prime minister serves as head of government and the National Assembly is the unicameral legislature. The president serves a mostly ceremonial role. Top economic industries in New Afrika are agriculture and forestry, notably catfish farming, sweet potatoes, cotton and pulpwood. Other industries include advanced manufacturing, utilities, transportation and health services.
Did a lot of African Americans move to New Afrika during the course of the 20th century?

Similarly, did a lot of White Americans move away?
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