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Oh, I have a new one. It would belong in the “bad teaching maps” thread, except it’s a table I found at Marshalls.

It’s just not... no.


all hail Baltic sealand!


...I used a list randomizer for the two hundred-something countries. I didn't choose the lists, besides some basic edits when I mixed up Montenegro and Macedonia or something like that. So, maybe, but that's not going to be the case. Sticking with the lists.

Good call, it's good to let the dice fall where they may - and this will cause consternation in the years to come, no doubt - same with Japan and China! This stuff is what I'm visiting this thread for, at the moment.

30 years after the last map. The Alaskans where already tired of rule from Moscow, cheered in the liberators from the trio of sister republics. Also, Tejas became a province of Louisiana, Ungava acended to the Union. After a revolution nearly overthrew the Mexican-friendly officials, Nicaragua "reunited" with New Spain.
all hail Baltic sealand!

I’m quite fond of the extra states in the Baltics, too. We should come up with names for them.


Denden: Populated by Danes and Swedes in equal measure after the tense peace that granted sovereignty to the land–among other compromises.

Lithulatvia: Popular location for fictional telecine villains; natives just roll their eyes every time they hear their country mentioned as the place of origin for Baddie #492935.

Lathustonia: Fanatic militants who have walled off their entire country except the border with Baltic Sealand. The light forces they maintain there are called the Coast Guard, for reasons known only to the Lathustonians.

Estland: Genetically Hungarian. Even they don’t know how.
And to give a non-Isot map:

1993, the Treaty of Casablanca ends the Nigerian War. The USSA is left with a rump puppet in the South-West while most of the nation falls into Islamist hands and the oil rich south east is given a democratic government. Meanwhile the South African Civil War rages on once more after a five year ceasefire falls apart. Officially the fighting is sparked by Government troops straying across a ceasefire line, but in reality the issue centres around the loss of German support (a scandal involving arms smuggling by German officials via Switzerland tarred every major Germany political party and a naive minor leftist party stumbled into power in the next election, relations with various white colonist regimes in Africa quickly fell apart as did those with Switzerland).

Suffering from humiliation the ruling Junta in the USSA is pushed from power and Herman Godwin edges his way into power. Unfortunately for everyone Godwin is a ruthless and paranoid hardliner who launches a crackdown on civil liberties. There is also a push for a manned mission to Mars, something the Russians have not yet begun to plan (they've had bad luck with Mars rovers), and promises Americans will set foot on Mars before the Millenium is out.

Meanwhile fears over a French collapse put everyone on bated breath when Germany pulls out of her occupation sector. Luckily the French factions are able to retain unity over calling for Switzerland to return annexed lands and a push to invest in rural portions of the country. Russian forces remain in case the USSA tries anything from Brittany.

Sadly Australia's stumbling steps towards democracy and openess are reversed following outrage that they have supplied South Africa with nuclear weapons, though the South African government has been unable to find a use for such weapons when battling against primarily guerilla campaign.
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Yeah, finally! An update to the series (I saw this together with the second update, below!)! I am absolutely loving it!

I have some questions, unrelated to politics and war, here:
Who are the powerhouses of association football? Had any World or European Cups to be delayed or called off?
Where were these events hosted? Has anything been hosted in French or English territory? Have there been olympic boycotts or similar "sports politics" like in OTL? What about the major sporting events of 2000?

Has the Y2K "problem" been detected, and solved or defused? How far is computer and internet tech advanced? What about cell phones and other modern technology?

My own 'Red America, White Russia' map series. If I'd known Beedok was going to update her series, I wouldn't have bothered!


The POD is back in 1912, when Teddy manages to become Republican nominee and beat Wilson. He takes the US into WW1 early, and enacts even more restrictive legislation on hyphenated Americans and perceived radicals. He loses in 1916 to a peace Democrat, who just so happens to be Henry Ford. Things get even worse and spiral out of control. Revolution breaks out in America and by the time of the map, the 'Blues' are on the run and crumbling before the Reds. A government in exile has established itself in Panama City, and retains control of much of the Navy which ties together the other protectorates and territories with foreign help.

The Second American Revolution motivated the Entente to do more in Russia and have helped to install a strongman military dictator to set things in order. China is collapsing and Japan has designs on the Pacific.

Europe is hammering out the new world order at Versailles, tomorrow is yet to come.

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Please continue despite Beedok updating his series! Any TL where the USA goes red, is knocked down a peg or two, or a combination both, I love! And so, I'm loving your TL, too!

Okay, let`s say Nazi-Germany was by far not that cruel to Poles in WWII and quasi only occupied it, but was approx. as same cruel to Russians/ Belarussians as in OTL. Soviet Union was a little bit stronger and Nazis surrendered a bit earlier.
Here`s a map, how GDR could look like then.
-Germany loses only Landkreise Stolp, Bütow, Lauenburg/Pomm., Netzekreis, Schneidemühl, Meseritz-Schwerin (aka West-Posen-Kreis), Frauenburg and almost all of the Upper Silesian plebiscite area to Poland.
-Most of Thuringia will be part of West Germany (US occupied area)
-Lübeck, eastern Holstein and northern half of Lauenburg goes to GDR

Poland`s eastern border would be further eastern, also and almost all of East Prussia becomes a (German-speaking) SSR within the Soviet unionView attachment 278058

Cool map, and a beautiful colour! I , however, do not understand why the Schneidemühl Landkreis was lost. If Germany "only" occupied Poland, I think the USSR would only take East Prussia away from the GDR, and maybe Gdansk and the plesbiscite areas. Is Thorn still German? Which city is named Friedrich-Engels-Stadt here, exactly?

2000: Godwin's government was rather unpopular. A decline in civil liberties and increasing paranoia about not just 'closet capitalists' but 'closet fascists' merely increased the divide between already self segregating ethnic groups. Increased quota demands led to strikes which were often put down violently. Not only that, but when workers in Mexico launched a general strike in several cities due to declining saftey conditions and increasing scarcity of resources the USSA military moved in with the Mexican military to brutally crush dissent. Other USSA aligned powers began to question if Washington recognised their sovreignt.

The rest of the world grew frightened of the USSA in a way not seen since the Red Scare of the 1930s. Madrid and New Delhi quickly declared that for all his shouting against the rest of the world being crypto-fascist it was in fact Godwin that had abandoned Communism for Fascism. Moscow and the rest of the E11 (expanded to include Korea) launched a number of sactions against the USSA in response.

Still, Godwin maintained some popular support due to increasing success in the Space Race, as a number of probes were sent to work out landing sites on Mars. In November of 1998 the manned mission to Mars was launched, with a diverse crew of 6 astronauts from every corner of the USSA. Live television broadcasts were made to the entire world throughout much of 1999, however by early August (with a few months still left in the trip) the frequency of these broadcasts dropped significantly. The USSSA (United Socialist States Space Agency) declared it a combination of the astronauts having to put more effort into excercise to combat microgravity and it taking more energy to broadcast such long distance signals. Still, the few broadcasts that did occur seemed to show the astronauts looking frailer and frailer. The truth (which many scientists in the Democratic world guessed at) was that the ship's radiation shielding had proven insufficient. Still, President Godwin refused to abort the mission, refusing to accept failure no matter how evident.

When the landing crew touched down on Mars in early December of 1999 only two crew members felt strong enough to attempt the official (televised live) first steps on Mars after a rough atmospheric entry. Unfortunately the first one out the door, Thomas Washington (of the New Africa Socialist District), had overestimated his leg strength and while carrying the flag down the landing craft's ladded tripped, and fell, smashing open his helmet onto a nearby rock. The second astronaut who'd been feeling strong enough (Camille Drapeau of Quebec) managed to climb down the ladder and attempted to drag Washington back in to safety, but in her exhausted state did not save him in time. The first man on Mars had died, and the people demanded Godwin's head. (It is worth noting that after some time to recover from the landing roughly half of the crew was able to get to work collecting samples and other important work, but the landing had taken some time to recover from.)

With mass protests in the streets Godwin was quickly arrest by members of the military and placed on trial for crimes against the nation. He was given a quick show trial before an execution. Unfortunately for all the Military and the Communist Party did not see completely eye to eye on how to advance. In the military's eyes the Party had gone from bad to worse between Irons, the Junta, and Godwin, and as such declared a military government in place (some less ideological elements of the Party supported this). The Party meanwhile (with support from some of the more ideological elements of the military) declared an emergency government based in Chicago and declared the Washington based Military Council traitors. Many of the ethnic homelands chose to side with neither, Quebec seceding mere hours after the Chicago government was declared, and soon many followed.

The rest of the world waits holding their breath and hoping a nuclear exchange does not occur. At least South Africa's civil war ended without nukes being used, so there's some hope?

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Loving this more and more! Continue as quickly as possible, please! Also loving the approach f the USSA falling in a war and not peacefully. I hope it does not go thermoclear! And let several new states arise from the USSA, please!
For questions about sports and internet, see above.

So, what did they do with the Flag laying around on Mars? Did Ms. Drapeau put it up? Did she put a Quebec flag/sign up? Did anybody else put the USSA flag up, or is it still lying around? Has it suffered any damage?

Is that a new CSA in the South? What about some Catholic fundies acquiring a nuke in the Southwest, and then going for Catholic terrorism and, later, the CS as TTLs IS/Daesh? Or what about Baptist fundies?
Also, how Islamist are TTL's Islamists, @Beedok? Is it Turkey-style dictatorship, conservative Shari'a interpretation, or an outright Wahhabist style like Saudi-Arabia writ large? Or is anybody as extreme as Da'esh? Do states in the Islamic sphere have expansionist ideas? Do Islamic-influenced states differ in their level or sort of Islamism?

EDIT: ANd what is life like in the (hugely balkanised?) Sinosphere, from China proper to the six states of Kalimantan, to several states in OTL Assam region? Are these states democratic, authoritarian, dictatorial? How developed? When should you go to the Sinosphere and when is it ill-advised?

The same questions would apply to the Indosphere. Here, you must obviously love communism, but what sort of communism? Is South Myanmar under a Juche-analogue? Or Khalistan(?) or Kashmir?
WIP: an update of that "Rome eternal" map I put up a while ago. Still a WIP, much of Africa, N. America, to do and Oceania and S. America untouched yet.

Dude. If that's actual census data, you need to learn GIS. Much, much faster -- and much easier to manipulate. :)

I use Statistical Atlas, which graphically displays demographics in various categories down to divisions such as block groups based off the American Community Survey. If anything, the longest part is probably drawing in all the little census tracts (as I've already made one with towns, using a different source).
Yeah, finally! An update to the series (I saw this together with the second update, below!)! I am absolutely loving it!
Glad you like it.
I have some questions, unrelated to politics and war, here:
Who are the powerhouses of association football? Had any World or European Cups to be delayed or called off?
Brazil is typically #1. Germany and Russia both do pretty good. 'World Cups' didn't start until 1950 in this world, but none have been cancelled. European Cups for local teams started in 1965 as an annual championship for each nation's champions (every 4 years the winners play against the Eurasian Champion team).
Where were these events hosted? Has anything been hosted in French or English territory? Have there been olympic boycotts or similar "sports politics" like in OTL? What about the major sporting events of 2000?
Germany has hosted several of them, with Poland, the Ukraine, Turkey, and Italy having each hosted a few, and smaller nations having hosted it once.
Has the Y2K "problem" been detected, and solved or defused? How far is computer and internet tech advanced? What about cell phones and other modern technology?
It was noticed, but not really seen as a big issue. 'Free World' computers are a couple years behind OTL, but the USSA is a bit ahead of the Soviet curve, but with less of an 'internet'.
Loving this more and more! Continue as quickly as possible, please! Also loving the approach f the USSA falling in a war and not peacefully. I hope it does not go thermoclear! And let several new states arise from the USSA, please!
Thanks. Wanted to keep things still a bit different from OTL.
So, what did they do with the Flag laying around on Mars? Did Ms. Drapeau put it up? Did she put a Quebec flag/sign up? Did anybody else put the USSA flag up, or is it still lying around? Has it suffered any damage?
Drapeau did indeed put up the flag of the USSA (as befitting her name). It was more or less intact.
Is that a new CSA in the South? What about some Catholic fundies acquiring a nuke in the Southwest, and then going for Catholic terrorism and, later, the CS as TTLs IS/Daesh? Or what about Baptist fundies?
It's the New Africa Republic.
As for the Southwest, there's some nasty fighting between Hispanics and non-Hispanics about California, but no one planning to steal nukes any time soon.
Also, how Islamist are TTL's Islamists, @Beedok? Is it Turkey-style dictatorship, conservative Shari'a interpretation, or an outright Wahhabist style like Saudi-Arabia writ large? Or is anybody as extreme as Da'esh? Do states in the Islamic sphere have expansionist ideas? Do Islamic-influenced states differ in their level or sort of Islamism?

The Islamists are sort of like a moderate Sunni version of Iran. Their sphere has some more hardline states (Yemen remains surprisingly secular, more there for realpolitik reasons), with Darfur pushing pretty close to Da'esh levels, and the Nigerian Sultinate not being too far behind. Cairo is having to deal with increasingly radical young clerics though (when times are good they say it is because God blesses them, when times are bad they say it is because they're not godly enough, though still find time to blame the Russians for oil exports too).
EDIT: ANd what is life like in the (hugely balkanised?) Sinosphere, from China proper to the six states of Kalimantan, to several states in OTL Assam region? Are these states democratic, authoritarian, dictatorial? How developed? When should you go to the Sinosphere and when is it ill-advised?
China proper is fairly developped, and growing more democratic. The urban centres and surrounding areas have conditions similar to South Korea in OTL, but things have been haphazard and very urban focused, meaning many rural areas are filled with subsitance farmers. Massive population movements are starting to happen as the rural farmers are getting just enough money to try moving into the cities, and the government is panicking about how to house them all. Moscow is (not so subtly) recommending democratic reform to increase rural representation.

As for states in South East Asia, there's a fair range of conditions. For Borneo all but the Western State are rich on oil, being governed either by Monarch focused constitutional monarchies or very conservative ruling coalitions. The western state is poorer, though has recently begun to shift towards trying to get into the export business with cheap manufacturing (like OTL Bangladesh, but a lot less populated).

Cambodia is rather attractive to nearby states for being more democratic and more industrialised due to close relations wiht Moscow. Singapore (and her islands) is also an attractive destination. Billed as the 'pearl of the Orient' (a title Shanghai, Bangkok, and Hong Kong all vie for) Singapore is richer and more democratic than OTL due to better off neighbours.

Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and the Malay Peninsula are all ahead of the OTL development curve by a good decade or so (after Indonesia and India fell to Communism Moscow and Europe put a lot of money into South East Asia).

The same questions would apply to the Indosphere. Here, you must obviously love communism, but what sort of communism? Is South Myanmar under a Juche-analogue? Or Khalistan(?) or Kashmir?

Burma is a bit messier. The Communist part is kind of on par with OTL Vietnam I would guess. The Ethnic States in the interior are generally fairly poor little monarchies, where some local strongman married a Thai princess. They're trying to be like OTL's Bhutan.

The Brahmaputran Confederation is similar to OTL's Thailand, with Guwahati and some nearby cities being fairly developped and a mostly poor contryside that keeps trying to elect Populist governments that the Guwahati populace keeps surrounding in the Parliament with protests and kicking out of office every few years. So not great, but it kind of works.

Bangladesh is significantly better than OTL, having caught a bigger chunk of OTL's China's 'everything is made here'. There's some environmental concerns gaining traction, but it's about as clean as OTL.

Red India (the Gangetic Worker's Republic of India) is kind of a more laid back version of OTL's PRC. They never really got to the cult of personality levels Mao had and with a wide mix of languages (even if it remains Hindi dominated) there need to be a fair bit of local autonomy. This has however prevented the rapid industrialisation OTL China saw, leaving a poorer and more Agrarian nation than China. Still, it is a dictatorship, which means corruption, work camps for political prisoners, and all that fun stuff. So like this world's South Burma or OTL's Vietnam over all, but with more languages and a bit more 'shared ownership' between the government and Russian or European companies.

The states of the Pakistani Interior are kept on a very short leash, but also see significant investment. Like India's version of Ireland and Brittany they're meant as models of how well Indian Communism works, which means lots of police keeping things orderly, but also lots of subsidies to keep things presentable.

Southern India is a grab bag. The princely states are another sort of repeat of OTL's Thailand for overall development, though with greater political stability. Goa has seen strong relations with Brazil and gets a lot of tourism from Latins wanting to see somewhere exotic with a language they can speak and 'good catholic sensibilities'. The two communist states are more industrialised and urbanised than the North, and also genrally freer, though still one party states with skeletons in the closet. Sri Lanka and The Kannadan Republic are rapidly developping areas with significant foreign investment and a strong social democratic framework resulting in similarties to OTL's Kerala.
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I use Statistical Atlas, which graphically displays demographics in various categories down to divisions such as block groups based off the American Community Survey. If anything, the longest part is probably drawing in all the little census tracts (as I've already made one with towns, using a different source).

Using Census Tract shapefiles and a program like QGIS, you can make yourself a very detailed basemap fairly quickly. It's my program of choice for mapping.
Using Census Tract shapefiles and a program like QGIS, you can make yourself a very detailed basemap fairly quickly. It's my program of choice for mapping.
As long as the programme doesn't do weird things to you like happened to most of my class when we had a course on GIS (whole chunks of their projects vanished for no apparent reason)...
The Techno Sixties

As a dawn of another new decade has begun, the now simply called Techno Sixties begun just month after January of 2160. Throughout this decade many political and technological changes were well known worldwide. This decade would become permanently known for its generation of people who grew up in this decade simply called eGens (short for the eGenerations.).

The decade is commonly believed to have begun when the world and everyone around the globe all celebrated the 180th Anniversary of the Doomsday, during the beginning of the year 2163.

As technology advanced more and more since the mid-21st century, humankind was at a "silicon age" (instead of a golden age). By the time the 2160's came around, many people in Eastern and Western society were introduced to highly advanced reality shows, advanced video game industry, and even the porn industry (no joke) went booming with high virtual reality devices for a user to wear around his or her head like a helmet, and best of all these devices were released to global public market in the 2130's, but were highly expensive for only the rich to purchase. But by the 2160's the devices for virtual reality became more cheap for an average person.

Video games were now mostly booming in popularity by virtual reality, genres such as adventure, action, warfare, historic simulation, interactive adventure, RPG's, post-apoc survival, and even horror video game genres went booming. It is debated to this day what was the "king of video games", some say it was Green Sunfranchise (a RPG game series featuring a furry cat as a main character, in a fantasy/post apoc setting), 1983 (historic simulation where the user can simulation and interact with the entire timeline from the Doomsday in 1983, to present day. The player can even alternate the history in some cases a player can have the former ANZC and UPSA go to nuclear war, or have UPSA and ANZC rise at a greatest height and then fall at some point in the simulation timeline, have Socialist Siberia conquer most of East Asia and Pacific coast of North America (even having a cold war with the ANZC, or the UPSA, or even a three sided cold war). There were many scenarios as well including one where you must make New Britain become a major power in Africa and reestablish the British monarchy, and Habsburg Monarchy refounding where the player must make Austria and Switzerland become a dominant power in post-Doomsday Europe, in order to rival the Nordic Union)). And some consider these video games the "two kings", for there huge booming sales and popularity.

However technology also advanced to the point that formerly deadly diseases would now be rendered to extinction, such as measles, common cold, influenza, and even AIDS and HIV. In fact the last person to get AIDS was a French man named Jean de Fluen who was 19 years old at the time of infection, but thanks to advanced technology in medical field, he was the last man to ever get AIDS.

By the mid-2160's the human life expectancy increased from 200 to 250 years of age for the developed world. In fact the oldest person to live was a Indian woman named Riya Malhotra who was born in 1997 and died in 2165, becoming known to be the oldest human being to ever live in history. Infant morality rates in developing nations dropped, making it no longer common for infants to die when young, thus the birth rate in many Asian and African nations and also North American nations began to drop as woman and men began to have less children.

In the developing world and developed world, teenage pregnancy was becoming more uncommon by the mid-2160's. Meaning many teenagers were beginning to use high advanced forms of birth control preventing unwanted pregnancies occurring. Originally in just Antilla alone teenage pregnancy was at 30% in 2157 and dropped to 4% by 2165.

However the 2160's also was known for its new sexual revolution as well.

Politically the Techno Sixties were very interesting, it was when the North American nations of Victoria, Canada, Dinetah, Texas, US, and Mexico all formed a union called the Northern American Alliance, with made all the nations to become stronger in sharing military power and also economically stable as well. But this would lead to the rest of the developing North American nations along the East Coast becoming more unfriendly towards them, believing it was restoration of American imperialism. Even many Antillans saw the NAA as a new rival to them, believing that the NAA was form after being jealous with Antilla's might and great power in global scale.

New Britain still shown bitterness towards Antilla as well, leading to minor naval disputes as well, at one point the VOW had to step in and declare that the South Atlantic, Indian, and Southern Ocean are international waters and are not owned by anyone in a 5 mile radius.

Antilla also elected another new supreme, an Australian woman named Taylor L. McPhillips who was native to Gold Coast. McPhillips would become well known for her liberal policies on finance, lowering crime in South America and Polynesia, lowering poverty, helping people in many parts of Brazil to have electricity and even modern tech including internet. She also is well known for bringing awareness towards the unethical technology of genengineering (genetic engineering), saying "It is unethical and inhumane to allow a fellow person to be altered just so they can be 'perfect' that is just breaking the laws of mankind itself. Because nobody is perfect!". However her policies against genengineering were good, but however a black market began to grow as the result.

Eventually the Techno Sixties came to an end to which many people call as "reset" after a new issue came into being, genengineering terrorism after the Buenos Aires Bombings that occurred on May 4th, 2171. This would end the decade culturally with a new major issue, genetically superior humans who are creating terrorist groups.

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