Star Trek: Cardassian First Contact Timeline

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Part one, The early Years
Circa 1950s: The Andorians and Vulcans remain on friendly terms, as the Weytahn crisis is settled peacefully.

Circa 1980s: An earlier and far more aggressive Reunionist Faction becomes very influential on Romulus. This partly due to a more intense study of the Debrune sites, and a greater Romulan Infiltration of Vulcan society. Vulcan space is invaded.

Circa 2010s: after 30 years of war, Vulcan itself is conquered. It's cities are ruined and plundered. Over 30 million Vulcans manage to flee, however, the vast majority are killed, or enslaved. Many outlying Vulcan colonies Join The Andorian Empire for protection. The Andorians, being on friendly terms with the Vulcans, and always willing to gain new territory, accept, however, the empire is not willing to go to war with the Romulans.

Circa 2030s: The teachings of Surak are outlawed through out The Romulan Empire. Scoutships from the first Cardassian Republic begin to explore the region of space near Sol.

Circa 2050s: WWIII on Earth. Andorian Tellarite war.

2053: WWIII leaves countless dead. The war will take a very long time to recover from.

2063: Zefram Cochrane builds the Warp drive, and tests it. No ships are in The sol system to notice.

2064: Zefram Cochrane's second flight, done this time to show off to potential buyers. This time it is noticed by a Passing Cardassian Socutship. Cardassians make first contact. This time, several important persons have come to see the warp drive, and this makes First contact far more official than just stumbling upon some simple settlement with a warp signature. The Cardassians being far more open minded than the Vulcans, have no problem with giving the humans technology. A massive cultural and technological exchange follows. The "Human Republic" is founded in North America. Although it is limited to the North-western region of North America, it will one day cover all of earth.

2070: The Human republic has grown, with Cardassian help, to cover the entire planet earth. Mining settlements are established through out the sol system.

2075: The first interstellar colony is founded on Terra Nova.

2093: First contact between the Bajorians and Humans is established through the Cardassians.

2124: Warp 5 is achieved (with a great deal of Cardassian help), the first Warp 5 ship, The Katana NX-01 is launched.

2125: Katana makes first contact with the Andorian empire. Relations are opened.

2126: First contact is made with the Vulcans by Katana on an Andorian colony world.

2127: First contact with the Xindi. Katana returns to earth. The Fury NX-02 is launched.

2129: The Katana is launched for a second mission.

2130: First contact with Sulibans is made by the Katana.

2132: First contact with the Ferengi is made by the Fury.

2133: The Victoria NX-03 is launched. The Fury returns to earth.

2134: The Katana returns to earth.

2135: The Fury is launched on its second mission.

2136: The Victoria makes first contact with the Klingon Empire. The Fury makes first contact with the Tellarites. The Katana is launched on it's third mission.

2138: The Alexander NX-04 is launched. The Victoria returns to earth.

2139: The Andorian empire declares war on Tellar. Humans and Cardassians declare neutrality. Relations between the two powers cool.

2140: The Victoria is launched on its second mission. The Katana and Fury return to earth. The Moscow NX-05 is launched.

Part 2: the expanding universe

2141: The Moscow makes first contact with the Tholians. The Fury is launched on its third mission. The Katana is refitted, and launched on its fourth mission. The London NX-06 and The Typhoon NX-07 are launched. The Alexander returns to earth.

2142: The Alexander is launched on its second mission. The London makes first contact with the Denobulans. The Typhoon makes first contact with Orion.

2143: The Moscow returns to earth. The Boston NX-08 and The Zeus NX-09 are launched. The Victoria and the Fury return to earth.

2143: The Tellarite surrender to the Andorians. Tellar is annexed into the Andorian Empire. The Alexander and the Katana return to earth. The Moscow is launched on its second mission. The Victoria is launched on its third mission. The Fury is refitted and launched on its fourth mission. The Atlantis NX-10 is launched.

2145: First contact with the Romulan Empire, when Romulan Bird of Prey attacks a human colony. The attack will be shrouded in mystery for some time.

2146: Warp 7 achieved. All NX class ships are called back to earth to be refitted.

2148: The first (originally) Warp 7 ship, The Falcon NX-1000 is launched.

2151: The Falcon Class becomes the first mass produced star ship in human history. The old NX class are retired.

2153: A war between The Klingons and Andorians begins.

2154: The Earth Romulan war begins. A second Bird of Prey Attacks a human colony. This time there are ships in orbit. Three of these Falcon Class ships prove to be more than a match for the war bird, and it is forced to flee. The Andorian Empire tells the Humans that the ship in question is Romulan, and that Romulans are in fact an offshoot race of Vulcans. The Human fleet moves into position near the Romulan Border. The Cardassians lend a great deal of support to their human allies, and as a result, The Humans fare much better than they did in the Federation timeline. The War is over before the end of the year. Where the Romulans and Human/Cardassians negotiate via Subspace Radio (The Romulans do not know that humans, in fact, know exactly who they are.) The Humans gain a larger area of Space than in the Federation timeline, and the Neutral zone is pushed deeper into Romulan Territory.

2155: The Humans and Cardassians form The Allied Union of Worlds. The Bajorians are offered membership; however they choose to remain independent. The Andorian/Klingon war ends with a Klingon Victory. The Tholians create an interphasic rift by detonating a Tri-cobalt device within the gravity well of a dead star. This rift leads to the Federation timeline's 24th century. The Tholians, knowing that the rift was to dangerous to enter, instead send out a distress call. This distress call is picked up by an Intrepid class ship on a diplomatic mission. The ship is caught in the Rift, and the crew goes insane, killing each other, just as happened to the crew of the USS Defiant. The ship is then studied by the Tholians, before a Union Ship, learning of the event, captures the ship and brings it to the Sol System. The ship is reverse engineered, and a number of technologies are gained as a result, including "Clean" Warp 9.975 engines, weapon technology, shields, and hull armour. The Bio-neural circuitry however, could not be reverse engineered. These where damaged beyond repair by the Interphasic rift, as the rift had much the same effect on the Gel packs as on the minds of the crew. Even if they where not destroyed by the rift, it is doubtful that any 22nd century Alpha Quadrant race had the technology to emulate them anyway. The logs relating to their reverse engineering describes them as "Mysterious bags containing an unknown gelatinous organic substance". The fact that the Gel-packs are damaged means that the Ship computer crashes, and all data as to The ship original is lost. The ship origin will be shrouded in mystery for a very long time. T'Vik, a half Vulcan Romulan General who was a veteran of the Earth/Romulan conflict, illegally studies the teachings of Surak. He creates the Philosophy of "Neo-Surakianism" which could basically be described as "Logic without pacifism" T'Vik's teaching basically state how the suppression of emotion, and use of logic can make one a better warrior, and help one to better serve the interests of the state. This illegal doctrine causes him to be declared "an enemy of the empire." T'Vik goes into hiding.

2156: T'Vik is forced from his hiding place on Vulcan.

2157: The Xindi Join the Union.

2158: The long process of reverse engineering is completed. The Sabre NXX-01, which utilizes these technologies, is launched. The Sabre class is at first much too expensive to mass produce.

2160: A high profile theft of a Sabre class ship by a group of Ferengis.

2165: The Ferengis successfully reverse engineered Sabre class technology. Over the course of the decade, they will sell it to the Klingons, Andorians, Bajorians, and the Neo-Surakian faction.

2166: The Sabre class goes into mass production.

2170: A fleet of Neo-Surakians attack Romulus. The fleet is made up of T'Vik's loyal troops from the war, and a number of Vulcan nationalists. Using Sabre class technology, T'Vik's fleet is able to capture the capital world, and T'Vik himself is made Praetor. The rest of the year consists of "Mopping up" campaigns against those loyal to the old government. Neo-Surakianism is legalized, and Neo-Surakian schools are opened everywhere throughout the empire. Classical Surakianism remains illegal however.

Part 3: The Gathering Storm

2171- The Tholians attempt to repeat their interphasic rift experiment ends in disaster. The rift destabilizes explosively, creating subspace ruptures and temporal disruptions throughout Tholian territory. Warp drive becomes virtually impossible to achieve within their space. It will be decades, if not centuries, before the Tholians can become a viable warp capable society again. Interphasic research is outlawed throughout explored space.
T’Vik continues to solidify his control of the Empire by implementing, on a grand scale, the cold, calculated brutality of his Neo-Surakian philosophy which has become known simply as ‘The Way’.

He abolishes the Imperial Senate, replacing it with an Imperial Council of Governors.
These Sector Governors will come from T’Vik’s inner circle of Adepts in the teachings of The Way.
The Sector Governors will each have direct control over the defense forces of their territory.
This group of philosopher/administrators will quickly morph into an, almost feudal, order of warrior aristocracy. Like the Tal Shiar, they derive their name from the ancient art of execution called Tal-Shaya. They are the Sha-Y’Rai, the ‘bringers of death’.

2172-As a precaution against overly ambitious Sha-Y’Rai, T’Vik merges the Imperial Intelligence Agency Tal Shiar into the Praetorian Guard.
This new, greatly expanded, Praetorian Guard is transformed into a covert force personally devoted and answerable to T’Vik alone.

The small, but influential, Vulcan minority within the Andorian Empire is outraged by the persecution of traditional Vulcans living in Romulan territory. They push Andoria to invade the Romulan Empire. Still recovering from the Klingon war, the Andorians decide that they are in no position to think in terms of military solutions to ‘Romulan social problems’.

Denobula joins the Union.

2173- The Andorian Empire, the Bajoran Republic and the Allied Union of Worlds negotiate a mutual defense pact called the Weytahn Accord.
Gul Trakor of the Union Starship U.S.S. Sabre foils an Orion conspiracy to assassinate the delegates.
The Union is unable to link the assassins, Orion mercenaries, to the Orion Syndicate itself.
In reality it was the Ferengi Alliance who had been behind it. The Ferengi were afraid of the potential political stability in the Alpha Quadrant that might be created by the agreement. It could cut deeply into their arms industry.

The Suliban, reduced to small groups of scattered refugees since the destruction of their home world, are aided by the Union in settling on an m-class planet, Union designation NB2323. The refugees name their new world Suliba II.

2174- The Suliban join the Union. The Klingon Empire begins a large scale build up of its forces along the Andorian and Union borders in response to the Accord.

The second class of Union vessel based on ‘Intrepid technology’, the Nairobi class, is launched.
The U.S.S. Nairobi, under the command of Gul Hoshi Sato and her half Human/ half Cardassian first officer Glinn Elloria Mayweather, leaves from the Chin’toka shipyards to begin its shakedown cruise.

2175- The U.S.S. Sabre makes 1st contact with the Sheliak Corporate.

The Sabre makes first contact with Sigma Iotia II.
An Earth History buff, Gul Trakor gives the Iotian tribal leaders, in addition to technology, an antique edition of the American Civil War book, ‘Battle Cry of Freedom’. The Iotian mistakenly believe it to be a bible to live by and soon the planet is divided between various ‘Confederate’ and “union’ factions.

2176- While making 1st contact with the planet Vendikar, the U.S.S. Nairobi almost becomes a victim of the automated war between that planet and Eminiar VII.

T’Vik proclaims himself the ‘Supreme Adept’ of The Way and Emperor of all Romulan Territories in addition to his position as Praetor. There is growing concern among the Sha-Y’Rai and the general public about T’Vik’s continuing consolidation of power.

2177- The U.S.S. Nairobi returns from its shakedown cruise.

In a peaceful coup, the Sha-Y’Rai and the Praetorian Guard place T’Vik in ‘protective isolation’.
A new government is formed. T’Vik will remain the spiritual leader of the Romulan Empire and will retain the ceremonial title of Emperor. The most powerful of the Sha-Y’Rai, Valdore will become the political leader of the Empire and is titled Praetor.

The office of Praetor becomes open exclusively to members of the Sha-Y’Rai warrior class. Only members of the bloodline of T’Vik can lead the faith.

Late 2170s thru Mid 2180s- The Klingons, impressed by the warrior culture of the Sha-Y’Rai, open a diplomatic dialogue with the Romulan Star Empire. This relationship leads to the first trade and technological exchange agreements between the two governments.

2186- The Union and the Andorian Empire move beyond the Weytahn Accord and form a genuine alliance with the signing of the Treaty of Suliba II.
The Bajorans will join later that same year.

2189- The U.S.S. Sabre NXX-01is decommissioned. It is given a place of honor in the Union Fleet Museum at Alpha Centauri.

2190- The Bajoran Republic begins to reap the benefits of its alliance with the Union and the Andorian Empire when it launches its first long range cruisers, built by a joint Bajoran and Andorian team utilizing the Union’s construction facilities.
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Part 4 The Drums of War

2238- The Union makes first contact with Betazed. The Betazoids telepathic abilities make them a potentially valuable asset.
2241- The Union colony of Cestus III is established.

2242- The first Union class starship, the U.S.S. Union NXX-1700 is launched under the command of Gul Garth.

2245- The U.S.S. Katana NXX-1701 is launched under the command of Gul Trapor and Glinn Tobin Dax.

The Union makes first contact with the Bolians. The Bolians are granted protectorate status.

2246- The Romulan and Klingon Empires, having succeeded in modernizing their militaries, begin to become more aggressive in regards to expanding their borders.

The U.S.S. Katana makes first contact with the Talarians. Gul Trapor reports that while the Talarians are a simple, uncomplicated people, they have an honorable warrior tradition and a natural cunning. They could one day become citizens of the Union.

2248-2255- The Union War (though among the Union and its allies the conflict is referred to as the Beta War)

2248- The major powers of the Beta Quadrant, the Romulans and Klingons, form a Coalition and declare war on the Union.
The Union’s decades of peace have left them complacent and unprepared. The border posts are overwhelmed within two days. The Andorians and Bajorans declare war on the Coalition.
Desperate to secure the system, the Union annexes Talarian Territories.

The Tholians, reduced to working as bounty hunters and mercenaries after the 2nd interphasic experiment , are hired in large numbers by the Coalition.

2249- The battle of Donatu V is fought between elements of the Union’s 3rd and 5th Orders and Romulan 7th,12th, and 14th attack groups. While inconclusive, it is the single bloodiest day in Union history.

2250- While most Bajoran forces are engaged along the Romulan front, the Klingon 5th assault wing launches an offensive against Bajor itself. Several of the major cities are destroyed, millions parish including the planets spiritual lead, the Kai.

2251- Bajor is rocked by a series of anti-war riots. The people blame the government and its membership in the alliance.

The Bajoran Republic withdraws from the alliance and signs a non-aggression pact with the Coalition. The relationship between the remaining members of the Alliance and Bajor will not fully recover for decades.

2252- The bulk of the Andorian Fleet is assigned to maneuver along the edge of Tholian space in an attempt to use the subspace interference in the region to mask their movements. They hope to strike targets deep in Klingon territory, but they are forced to engage Tholian assault fighters in the Tarsus system. Both sides eventually receive reinforcements and what begins as a skirmish becomes a major battle and a turning point in the war.

The battle of Tarsus IV is a decisive Coalition victory. The Andorian fleet is crippled, with over 60% looses. The Union’s 2nd order and the majority of the 1st order are virtually wiped out.
The Andorian Empire blames the Union’s unwillingness to send sufficient support for the defeat and the destruction of their fleet. Relations between the two governments begin to deteriorate.

2253- The alliance begins to use Orion mercenaries to compensate for its manpower shortage.
The Andorians and the Union stop joint operations as the rift between them worsens.

2254- The Union attempts to open talks with the coalition. They hope to obtain terms of surrender that at least gives their citizens some protection when they fall under coalition rule. The coalition refuses to talk.

2255- The war comes to an unexpected end at the battle of Axanar.
Gul Trapor leads the last remnants of the Union fleet on a suicidal mission to slow the coalition advance, only to discover that the coalition fleet is in almost as bad a shape as the alliance.
The coalition learns that propaganda is a poor substitute for fire power. By the end of the conflict, neither side is able to do much more than limp back to their home ports.

The humiliating defeat at Axanar and the death of so many Sha-Y’Rai leads to political instability on Romulus. The government is overthrown and the 1st Romulan Republic is proclaimed.
The Empress T’Lonia is executed, however most of the imperial family escape death by renouncing their claim to the throne and pledging their lives to the Republic . The Sha-Y’Rai are stripped of their authority. Imperial loyalist within the fleet battle their Republican rivals.

The 1st Republic withdraws from the Coalition and opens peace talks with the allies.

The war ends as, technically, a coalition victory, but it has drained the coalition worlds of so much manpower and resources that it is little better than defeat.

The Klingons gain ally technology and Union territory near Cardassia and Bajor.

The Union and the Andorians are forced to pay compensation to the Klingon Empire and reduce their fleets to a mere fraction of their prewar numbers.

The Tholians are given Andorian worlds along the border with the Romulans.

2256- The 1st Republic is overthrown. The Empire is restored with the crowning of the Emperor T’Vik’Dar. Most of the republican leadership is hung along the route to the Imperial Plaza.
The Sha-Y’Rai regain most of their power, but they allow the republican senate called the ‘peoples committee’ to continue. However, the Committee with only serve as a method of placating the masses with the illusion of participatory government.

2257- The Andorians end diplomatic relations with the Union.

2259- The Andorian Empire is so impoverished by the crushing weight of its war debt that it is forced to cede territory to the Klingons in exchange for food shipments.

2260- Gul Trapor of the Union ship Katana is promoted to Legate.

2260-2265- The remaining Union class starships are refitted.

2266- The U.S.S. Katana, under the command of Gul Hikaru Sulu and Glinn Nyota Uhura, is launched. Its primary mission is to patrol the Union/Klingon border.

2267- The Imperial Guard takes control of the Andorian Empire. The Guard begins organizing domestic programs that will, by the end of the decade, feed and house every citizen.

The Katana is destroyed in an attack by unknown aliens. It is later determined that the aliens where Gorn. The Katana crew survives in escape pods for weeks before being rescued. The Union class U.S.S. Lakaria is renamed the Katana-2

2268- The Katana finds an old Earth DY-100 class sleeper ship carrying fugitives from the Eugenics wars of 1990’s. They are transported to the Union biological research institute on Cardassia Prime.

2271- The Katana confronts the space probe V’Ger. The probe transcends normal space/time after merging with the Katana’s Communications Officer, Glinn Decker.

2285- The Union completes its compensation payments to the Klingon Empire.

2286- The Union fleet destroys an alien probe attacking Earth’s ecosystem. The Katana is crippled in the attack.

2287- The Katana-2 is decommissioned.

2297- The Cardassia class U.S.S. Katana NXX-1701-3 is launched under the command of Gul Winston J. Kyle.

Part 5: A New Era:
2298: After 30 years of studying the Eugenics war prisoners, The Union begins full scale Genetic modification of humans.
2301: The Katana 3 is sent on a diplomatic mission to the Andorian Empire to help heal the tension between the Union and the Andorians that has been simmering since the end of the war. The Katana 3 will never be heard from again. Its disappearance is the source of a great deal of controversy. Diplomatic relations are opened again by another ship.
2307: A small Union Shuttlecraft, the Yeager become the first ship to break the Warp 10 barrier. However, an unexpected side effect occurs, the ship's Pilot undergoes bizarre mutations, transforming into a salamander like creature
2308: A second attempt at warp 10. Once again the pilot is mutated
2309: The Betazoids join the union. The Katana NXX-1701 4 is launched under the command of Gul Demora Sulu
2310: The Union cancels it's warp 10 project in favor of Transwarp. A disagreement over trade relations with the Orions lead to the end of diplomatic relations between the Andorians and The Union.
2311: The Andorians begin an arms race with Union. Transwarp is reached by the Union Ship Zephyr.
2316: Tensions between the Andorians and the Union reach a breaking point when a Union ship is destroyed accidentally by an Andorian Attack group who where involved in training exercises near by. The Beginning of the Andorian/Union conflict.
2317: The war drags into a stalemate, both sides losing large numbers of ships. In response, The Union launches a number of new types of ship, including the first Transwarp warships, the "Fury class".
2318: The war turns in favor of the Union. The Andorians decide that the way to win is with "more, less advanced ships, instead of less, more advanced ships", and begins mass production.
2319: The war enters a stalemate once more.
2320: The war ends with the Treaty of Teller. One of the terms of the Treaty was the establishment of a "Demilitarized zone" along the Union/Andorian Border. However, with two centuries of relative peace between the two powers, the border was a mess with both having military stations and colonies as far as 17 light years into the other's space, and it was impossible to draw a clear borderline between the two powers. Thus it was that a large number of Humans became under the rule of the Andorians, and visa versa. Where as the Union tried to appease the "New citizens" so as to preserve the peace, the Andorians ruled the Union settlers with an Iron fist. This is the beginning of the "New Union" movement, who would be a constant thorn in the Andorian's side for some time. The Union Begins full scale genetic modification on Cardassians.
2321: The Klingons, seeing the weakness of the Alpha powers, invades and conquers the Bajorian system. Both the Andorians and the Union strongly protest this, however as neither wants war again any time soon, and are still to busy focusing on each other, The Klingons are allowed free reign.
2323: Keval Shran, an influential commander of the Imperial Guard, and veteran of the war with the Union, leads a bloody coup against the leadership of the Imperial Guard, which had been the undisputed rulers of the Andorian Empire since the Beta war. He and his followers blamed their "inept leadership" for the war going the way it did. Keval declares himself "Grand Regent" of the Andorian Empire.
2324: The Fury class is retired in favor of the Event Horizon Class. The Event Horizon class would be the most powerful warship class in the Alpha Quad for most of the early 24th century. Keval has many children through the use of cloning fertility technology. These, along with his natural children will be married off to the Various "Great Houses" of the Klingon Empire, and the Sha-Y’Rai. His oldest son will marry the daughter of The Romulan Emperor, T'Lonia the second. The Andorians make their first Transwarp flight.
2325: The beginning of a major shift in the politics of The Alpha/Beta Quadrants. The Andorians enter begin to ally themselves more to the Klingons. The Romulans and the Klingons have a split in interests, and the relationship between them sours. The Union makes first contact with the Tzenkethi, who prove to be very hostile. The Katana 4 is refitted.
2328: The Union Fights a war with the Tzenkethi. The war ends in a Union Victory. The Andorians perfect Warp 10.
2330: The Katana 4 is decommissioned. The Event Horizon refit class Katana NXX-1701 5 is launched under the command of Gul Rachel Garrett.
2332: As a means of Improving relations, The Andorians and The Klingons begin the "Officer Exchange Program."
2335: Diplomatic and trade relations are opened up between the Romulans and The Union. Relations between these former "Blood enemies" would improve greatly over the course of the Decade, and remain god for the rest of the Century.
2339: Romulans attack Klingons Space. Beginning of the Romulan/Klingon war.
2340: The war enters a stalemate. The Klingons are forced to pull a number of ships out of the Alpha Quadrant. The Romulans, seeing that the Klingons are over extended, begin to supply covert aid to the Bajorian resistance.
2342: The Klingons are forced to withdraw from Bajor. Although the Occupation is now over, The problems of Bajorians are far from over.
2343: The war ends with the Treaty of Vulcan. The Klingons are forced to give up a number systems along the Romulan Border. The Klingons recognize the impendence of Bajor. The Bajorians petition the Union for help, in recovering their Industry, Agriculture, and putting an end to Orion (read Ferengi) Pirates and surface raids. A large Union fleet is sent to the system; however this largely fails to keep the Pirate problem under control. The Union is deeply worried, as Bajor's proximity to Cardassia Prime makes this instability a cause of some concern.
2344: The Katana 5 vanishes. The "New Union" movement gains widespread awareness, as it sets off a nuclear devise on a major Andorian industrial planet.
2345: The Union petitions the Orion Syndicate to put an end to Pirate Problem. The Petition falls on deaf ears. In the same year, a major military maunder against the Pirates fails, when an Orion Spy leaks the plan to a number of the Pirates, and the Pirates ambush The Union Ships in near the Badlands. The "New Union" movement unleashes a genetically engineered virus that is lethal to Andorians. T’Vik’Dar dies. His Daughter, T'Lonia succeeds him. The Andorians are believed responsible.
2346: The Union has its back against the wall on the pirate issue. The Bajorians are very angry at the Union failures, and threaten to invite the Andorians instead. The Union decides the problem is one of supplies, since the Bajorian system has no industrial or military facilities, and the Surface raids are retarding their development, all the Union ships have to be sent in from elsewhere, leaving them vulnerable to Ambush by the pirates. The Union Commissions Terok Nor, a military station and Ship yard. Terok Nor would be the most formidable military station in known space, and would be able to produce and repair a large number of ships. Construction of Terok Nor begins in orbit of Bajor.

Part 6: New horizons
2347: The "New Union" Movement swells in popularity, following a massacre of human colonists by Andorian troops after a food riot.
2348: The Andorians unveil a ship that is powerful enough to rival the Event Horizon class. The Union Begins research into the creation of a new more powerful starship class. For the first time, The Union unveils a class of ship for the sole purpose of diplomacy, and exploration. The USS Discovery NXX-80000. The Discovery class is created more as a political stunt then any real interest in either exploration OR diplomacy. Exploration had been a field that had been little invested in by the union since the 22nd century. The "Discovery gambit" as historians would be best summed up in the words of the Union president, Kotan Pa'Dar in his speech before the Assembly in this year. "The Discovery, and its sisters will prove to the peoples of the Galaxy that The Union is capable of living in peace. Though we are indeed great warriors, we're also scientists, artists, and above all, explorers, just trying to understand this universe. The Discovery will dare to challenge the unknown, seek out new worlds, new civilizations, Boldly go where nobody has gone before."
2349: The Discovery class USS Katana NXX-1701 6 is launched, Under Gul Jasad, and Glinn Damar.
2351: Terok Nor is finished. Gul Jean Luc Picard and Glinn Dukat are the commanding staff. Soon after taking office, Gul Picard discovers the Bajorian Wormhole, which leads to the Gamma Quadrant. Terok Nor is moved from orbit of Bajor to the mouth of the Wormhole. The Discovery of Wormhole would have many immediate effects on Alpha Quadrant politics. For one, the Union's exploration project would change from a gesture, to an actual realistic possibility, for now there was somewhere to explore. The Orion's pirate attacks would peak in this year, as they attempted to capture Terok Nor. After these attempts failed, a new deal between the Union and the Orions was hammered out. The Union would allow the Orions a monopoly over all trade through the wormhole, in exchange; the Orions would stop all pirate activity in the Bajorian system. A third, secret condition was included; The Orions would act as a proxy through which the Union could supply the "New Union" Movement and under mind the Andorian government without having to deal with diplomatic repercussions. The Union begins research into the creation of artificial Wormholes after studying the Bajorian Wormhole. The Discovery of the Wormhole is accompanied by increased Klingon interest in the system, with Klingon Empire manuvering a large number of ships along its borders. The Bajorians react by formally joining the Union. The Andorians take objection to this, stating that the Bajorian system was an Andorian protectorate, (citing the 2346 Bajorian invitation as justification.) Terok Nor's ship yard finishes it's first ship in this year, the Discovery class Challenger.
2352: The Andorians are forced to give up there "claim" to the Bajorian system, after the Klingons make it quite clear they will NOT support it. Not wanting to anger his closest allies, Keval backs down. Also in this year, The Union tests it's first successful cloaking devise in secret inside the Badlands.
2353: An economic collapse in The Klingon Empire. This will be the beginning of a long period of unrest, violence, and civil wars known as "The Nightmare Wars". The "New Union" movement has grown in strength and violence since the Orion began covertly supplying them Union Weapons and resources. Keval is assassinated by the "New Union" movement. One of his "Sons" (clones) succeeds him as Grand Regent Keval II.
2354: The Katana 6 is sent through the wormhole to investigate the disappearance of ships, there it makes first contact with the Jem'Hadar, and is almost destroyed.
2355: Terok Nor's ship yards are working at full capacity. It produces 127 ships this year.
2356: Keval II begins a campaign of expansionism, using the excuse of "Peace keeping" The Andorians invade Klingon space, conquering several world's that once belonged to its former ally.
2357: The Romulans invade Klingon space, and ally themselves with several anti-Andorian factions.
2358: The Union begins the militarization of the Idran system, (The gamma side of the Wormhole). Construction begins on five military Stations.
2360: The Katana 6 is destroyed in a Plasma storm. There are no survivors.
Odo is discovered in the Denorios Belt. He is moved to the Union biological research institute on Cardassia Prime. There he is recognized as being intelligent.
2362: The first in a new line of small, experimental warships, the Thunder is launched by the Union. Completion of the first 2 Union stations are completed in the Idran system.
2363: The Discovery refit class USS Katana NXX-1701 7 is launched, under Gul William T. Riker, and Glinn Natasha Yar. The third and fourth Union stations in the Idran system are completed.
2364: The "New Union" movement commits it's most severe act of terrorism, and sets of a nuclear weapon on the Surface of Andoria. The fifth Union Station in The Idran system is finished.
2365: Gul Jean Luc Picard survives an assasination attempt by an Andorian operative. First contact with the Wadi.
2366: The trade crisis. The Sheliak demand an end to the Orion monopoly over Wormhole trade, and threaten to invade Union space. The Orions tell the Union that if they give the Sheliak control over the Wormhole, they will reveal to the Andorians that the Union has been suppling the "New Union" movement thorough them. First contact with the Dosi. The Katana 5 is discovered coming through a Temporal rift by The Discovery class Union starship Cardassia. This event will be studied with great interest by Union scientists over the next 50 years. Gul Rachel Garrett is taken to earth, where she receives a number of honors, before being quietly retired.
2367: The trade crisis is resolved. The Sheliak will be allowed to trade in the gamma Quad, but 25% of all profits will go to the Orions as Royalties.
2368: The Nightmare Wars end after 15 year of fighting. The Katana 7 brokers an agreement between the various Klingon factions. The Klingon Commonwealth is born. The Commonwealth is basicly a UN type body that acts as a mediation in disputeds between the various Klingon factions. The Commonwealth's desisions are final, and it keeps a military to enforce these desisions, and protect the Commonwealth from external threats. The Commonwealth will never be powerful as the Empire was, and lost considerable Territory to the Romulans and Andorians, but it is still better than the continuation of the "Nightmare Wars".
2369: The Union is able to keep back a major Jem'Hadar attack on it's Idran system stations.
2370: The Skrreea come through the Wormhole. They are settled on Bajor and become the First Gamma Quad people to join the Union.
2371: In response to growing tensions with the Andorians, and the threat of the Jem'Hadar, The Union Launches it's most ambitous ship yet in this year. It is called the Vengence NXX-160000. The Vengence class was designed "To strike terror into the hearts of the Union's enemies, and still be useful for exploration and diplomatic missions". It is a massive ship, 3428 meters long, and with 84 decks. It has 12 disruptors, 34 Phasers, 20 Torpedo tubes, Cloaking technology, and High Transwarp engines. It also has Bio-Neural Circuitry, and an Emergency medical Android. The Vengence is placed under the command of Gul Benjamin Sisko, and Glinn Kathryn Janeway. It is sent to the Badlands to test the Union's new expermental Wormhole drive. Once there it is taken to the Delta Quadrent by an entity called "The Caretaker". The Vengence losses Transwarp as a result of the damage sustianed. The Vengence makes first contact with the Talaxians, The Ocampans, and the Kazon. After retriving It's lost crew members, and a brief engagement with the Kazon, The Crew of the Vengence is able to modify the Wormhole Drive and Create a stable wormhole from Ocampa to Sol. The Ocampa become the first Delta Quad people to join the Union. The Kazon attack the Sol system. Although they are easily defeated, it shows the Union just how dangerous Wormholes can be. Research into the Creation and manipulation of Wormhole is outlawed.

Questions? Comments? Death Threats? PM me.
I just relised I left a sizable chunk out off the end of part 3. Here is the missing passage of time:
2193- Emperor T’Vik dies under mysterious circumstances. With no children to take his place, his niece T’Lonia becomes Empress.
2196- The last Sabre class starship, U.S.S. Rapier is decommissioned.

The Ferengi, obtaining considerable wealth and power in the thirty years since they stole the advanced technology of the early Sabre ships and turned it into the foundation of one of the most lucrative armament industries in history, begin to suffer from increased competition from the Orion Syndicate and the Sheliak Corporate.
2197- 98- The Hostile Take Over.
The Ferengi attempt to recapture the edge in the armament market the same way the got it in the first place, by stealing technology. However the Sheliak aren’t as forgiving as the Union. The Ferengi Alliance is liquidated by the Sheliak Fleet. With most of its assets and territory going to the Sheliak in compensation for financial damages, Ferenginar is now almost destitute. The Ferengi join the Orion Syndicate.

2205- The Nairobi class U.S.S. Bogotá makes first contact with the Trill.

2211- First successful test of a quantum torpedo by the Union at Reed Test Range, Izar. colony.

2213- Trill joins the Union.

2218- The Romulans break their relative isolation from galactic affairs when they send their most advanced vessel the Imperial Bird of Prey T’Vik on raiding mission of Union outposts. To the Romulan Empire’s horror, their ship is easily defeated while still in Bajoran territory, when a Bajoran scout ship completely out matches the T’Vik and forces the vessel to return to Romulus.

2220s thru 2230s- Both the Romulan and Klingon Empires, having become isolated and technologically backward over the last several decades, engage in a program of modernization.