WI Emperor Jovian lived longer

In 363 Emperor Julian the Apostate was killed in Battle against the Sassanids...
The army then elected at first the Praetorian Praefect Sallustius as Emperor and when he declined the Purple due to his age they elected the Commander of the Imperial Guard Jovian as Emperor...
The new Emperor concluded peace hastily with the Persians and headed back to Constantinople to secure his Throne...
He died however 4 months later by accident...
WI Jovian had reached Constantinople? would he be able to survive as Emperor from the plots of other members of the Constantinian dynasty?
Well one thing is for sure... Christian restoration was imminent (sic) as Jovian and his eventual succesors were christians... After all tradition says that Julian was killed by his own soldiers who threw a spear on him or if we believe the Legends that he was killed by St. Mercurius and St. George....