Austria beats Italy

Okay the tagline is maybe a bit misleading...
My real question is can Austria pull of a Caporetto style attack on Italy
before 1916, thereby negating Italy's capture of Gorizia. How could Austria go about attempting this? In ourtimeline there were various attacks ordered by Conrad von Hoetzendorff, but he was an absolute moron who didn't care about his soldiers' lives and threw away the best regiments of the Empire.
How about he gets tossed out on his ass after the Russians successfully beat the Austrians out of most of Galicia? Who might he be replaced with, though?
Caporetto was a kind of miracle, given the orography and hidrography of the eastern Italian border, and even Caporetto was stopped; not on Isonzo, not on Tagliamento but on Piave river.
Still this half-miracle was made possible only because a substantial German support could be diverted to Italian front. This was achievable in late 1917, since Russia had effectively gone. It would not have been possible in 1916, much less earlier.
It's not a matter of commanders (and anyway none of the Italian commanders was outstanding: a bunch of butchers, without imagination); it's a matter of strategic imperatives.
Interesting idea, though not my area (WW2) more my line.

I thought that Austria's army was under equipped before the start of WW1 ?

It would need Austria to under go a major army upgrade in weapons and equipment etc.

If I am correct then this would be possible ???


the Austrians fight a very European style of combat.
With the flashy jackets and line by line row by row soldiers.