Chaos TL (a world where Genghis Khan dies early) v0.0

You asked for it, here it is. Read it and compare [thread=32411]with the new, reworked TL[/thread] to see how and how much my TL has changed. I'm gonna post it once per century (at least as long as things don't happen too fast).

So here's the 1200s:

"Alexander Newskij and the Hanse"
1200: Ghengiz Khan defeats the Tatars, but dies shortly after. There are his sons Chagatai, Jochi, Tului, Ögädäi; the latter one is gifted, but too young.
1204: Fourth Crusade. The crusaders defeat the Byzantine Empire, plunder Constantinople and found the Latin Empire, which only has one quarter of the Byzantine lands, though. Other parts go to Venice or become independent. One of the new states is the empire of Nicaea, the ruler of wants to kick out the Western invaders. In 1261 they'll be successful, taking Constantinople back.
1240: The Russian prince (there are no czars around yet) Alexander defeats the Swedes at the Newa, acquiring the honorable Newskij. Now Russia has a place at the Baltic Sea. In the following year, he founds near the place of his victory the city of Alexandersburg. Soon ships of the new Nothern German trade alliance, the Hansa, go to the new port, trading Russian pelts and food against the products of German artisans - amongst other things, weapons too. The Hansa controlls all of Russia's external trade and doesn't want anyone to break their monopoly, which ticks off some Russians.
1242: Alexander proves again what he can, defeating the Livonian knights on the frozen Lake Peipus.
IOTL that's all he could do, but ITTL he isn't controlled by the Mongols. He wants to unite the Russian princedoms, which he achieves after 20 years of war.
1260-62: Alexander makes another war, this time against the Kumans, living south of Russia at the shores of the Black Sea. He wins, conquers Odessa and sends a ship to the new Byzantine Empire. Delegates from Constantinople visit the Russian capital of Vladimir and are received by the old grandduke. By them, the Russians learn about how Constantinople was captued by the Franks (=Western Europeans).
After 1263: Alexander's successors aren't that interested in Western Europe.
They don't have a clear line for what to do in politics: One of them helps the Byzantines to win back lost areas, others conquer the Kumans and advance to the Urals in the East. 100 years after, Russia owns all of the eastern half of Europe.
1291: Akko, the last city of the crusaders in Palestine, is taken by Aultan el-Aschraf Chalil. The time of crusades is over.
"Germany against Russia: The confrontation"

14th century:
~1300: A Russian Grand Prince about whom the later historians will say that "his name isn't worthy to be mentioned" decides because he is fascinated of the Teutonic knights and the crusades (which were ended without success a few years ago) that Russia needs an army of knights as well. The idea doesn't turn out well for Russia - there's no tradition you could build on for that, and making that many armors costs valuable resources.
1326: The Turks conquer Brussa, few kilometers before Constantinople.
1328: The Russian prince Ivan from little city of Moscow, whom his friends and foes only call "Kalita" (moneybag), makes the Hansa representatives with some bribes and acted submissiveness give Russian merchants certain privileges. Thus, he (being the boss of said merchants) can profit from the lucrative new trade with Persia and Choresm.
1337/38: Hundred-year War between England and France breaks out.
1346: English longbowmen defeat the stronger French knights surprisingly in the battle of Crecy. France fights in the defensive from now on. Uprising and inner disunity make the situation even worse.
1347: The Black Death does *not* hit Europe, and pressed by the growing population, Germany is forced to go further East. Poland which lost Pomerania and Silesia to Germany already, practically becomes a German satellite. The Teutonic Order which already rules Prussia and the Baltic, underyokes pagan Lithuania (which was somewhat bigger then) completely. The last buffer state between Germany and Russia disappeared - a confrontation has become unavoidable. The Germans don't found settlements ITTL Hungary.
1356: The Osmans conquer the first city in Europe, Gallipoli.
1360: First war between Teutonic Order and Russia breaks out. After some battles lost the Grand prince asks for peace and has to cede Pskov / Pleskau to Germany. Polish king Casimir the Great who took an important part on that victory is elected Holy Roman Emperor a few years later. This is the beginning of the everlasting alliance between Germans and Poles, held together by the enemyship against Russia.
1365: Turks make Serbia and Bulgaria tributaries.
1367: The new Grand Prince Dmitri (who's just 17 years old!) introduces the crossbow to the Russian army. The new weapon proves to be truly horrificly effective - it can pierce a knight's armor from 200 meters. The patriarch of Vladimir is horrified and forbids its use - against orthodox Christians.
1380: Dmitri defeats German armies at the Düna / Dvina and gets the honorary Dvinskoy. In the peace made, Lithuania and the Baltic go to Russia. The population crisis in Germany gets worse.
1389: Queen Margarethe of Denmark who already reigns Norway wants to conquer Sweden too. King Albrecht resists. Russia takes advantage of the situation and invades Finland. After four years, the war is over, although the Vitalian Brotherhood, the later Blatic pirates, tried to supply Stockholm with weapons and food by the sea.
1389 cont'd: The Turks defeat Serbia and its allies (Vlachia, Bosnia, Hercegovina and Albania) at the battle of Kosovo Polje. About the same time, they make the Byzantine Empire a tributary. Bosnia becomes Hungarian.


This is interesting. I don't particulary have a clue exactly *what* is different but I get a vsense of a rather different world.
The 1400s: "War, Revolution, War and Death"

~1400: Russian Grand Prince Vassili I decides to equip the Russian army with English longbows of taxus wood, which were so very useful in 100yr war. He even imports Taxus from England to get them.
~1400, too: Constantinople is besieged by the Turks. The Byzantine emperor sends envoys to Vassili and asks for help. Vassili agrees, but makes demandments: He wants that he and his successors are accepted as Czars / emperors, and the patriarch of Constantinople has to move his seat to Vladimir, to make the changed world situation clearly visible. The emperor is shocked by the demands of a barbarian upstart, so he tries to ask the west for help. But the pope and Venice thwart the attempt - Byzantium is a competitor for them, and they'd like to see the Turks destroy him. So emperor Manuel agrees to Vassili's request, and he becomes first czar. The new alliance is sealed with a marriage. Vassili mobilizes the Black Sea fleet, to help Constantinople with weapons, food and reinforcements. At the same time, he invades the princedoms of the Danube (=Romania). The war is fought on both sides ambitiously - both sides fight for their religion, and they're both seasoned to success. But finally, the Russians are the stronger ones. In about 20 years of war they conquer Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and western Asia Minor. Uprisings of the Christian population against the Turks help them. Now all the Balcans, and especially the rich Czargrad (how Constantinople is called from now on) belong to the Russian empire. Vassili I is called "the Victor" by his people, the Serbs, Bulgarians and Greeks call him "the Liberator", while the Turks only call him "the Terrible".
1400-50: Due to growing population, more and more people in Germany go into the cities. The discontent people start to doubt the myth of the "caring, all-knowing mother church". From Switzerland, the Netherlands and the free cities a new idea starts to spread: The idea of republican from of government. Religious reformators gain more and more followers.
1414: The religious reformator Jan Hus leads a successful uprising, founds a "theocracy", a republic of believers. (HR Emperor Sigismund offered him to justify himself at the council in Konstanz, but under the pressure of the street Hus decided differently. Fortunately for him - at the council, the stake waited for him.)
The emperor and the pope try to reconquer the new republic, but are defeated by the Czech army leaders Zizka, Prokop the Great and Prokop the Little. At the end, they have to accept that one of the HRE's electorates is now republican. Jan Hus governs Bohemia for a long time and even makes peace between the Czechs and the strong German minority.
1422: Jeanne d'Arc defeats the English at Orleans, thus turning the tides for France.
~1450: The new czar Vassili II dares to go to war with the HRE and lets his troops march into Poland and Prussia. Being desperate, the Germans try a new, untested weapon - the Black Powder. The Russians retreat in panic from the "fire-breathing devils", fining order only behind the border. But the Germans haven't won yet, the victory was only caused by the element of surprise, but before the war can be continued, Europe is hit by an unexpected catastrophe: 100 years later than OTL, the Black Death sweeps through Europe, introduced by caravans from Choresm. Under other circumstances, Germany and Russia would've continued the war, but now they're forced to make peace. Russia only loses some privileges in trade. But the Black Death hits Europe severely: 1453, France and England end the 100yr war. But the biggest change happens elsewhere: Spain breaks the reconquista, and because of the Black Death and the threat from Granada, they can't support the discovery of America. In its neighbor Portugal, they have to break the discovery of the way around Africa to India. About 50 years, no European country can do something important. Aragon doesn't conquer South Italy because of that.
End of century: Russia was hit first by the Black Death, but now recovered as the first country too. Czar Ivan III lets his armies march and conquers Hungary. But he wants to go even further...
"New states, new worlds"

16th century:

1500: Old czar Ivan III decides that Russia has recovered from Black Death and that there's time to settle old scores with the west. First he lets an army in Hungary march into the republic of Venice - to avenge the plundering of Constantinople in the 4th crusade. The united Russian-Greek fleet conquers the Venetian islands in the Med. Then he mobilizes the main Russian army against Germany, defeats first the Teutonic Order and then the Imperial army, conquers Poland and Prussia, and will then invade Brandenburg, Mecklenburg, Saxony, Bohemia, Austria and Northern Italy at the same time. The Russian "swarm of locusts", as the contemporary authors write, seems unstoppable. But things go different: In the conquered areas the republicans and Protestants rise and force the Russians to fight them in a guerilla war they can't win - they fight on foreign ground, and the support ways are long. First only the proceeding is hampered, then the Russians are thrown back. They have to give up all conquered areas in Germany. Their complete defeat is only prevented because the republicans have to fight the returning princes who want their lands back.

The Habsburgs flee from the Russians, cursed by the Austrians, and when the Bohemians later liberate Austria, they're greeted in joy. The mayor of Vienna becomes new head of the Austrian republic.

1503: Pope Alexander VI (the older Borgia) doesn't die since the two chalices with poisoned wine weren't switched. He can continue to reign and build up an Italian kingdom. Cesare doesn't have to leave Italy but can continue his conquests. When the Florentines send Macchiavelli to him, he keeps him as a hostage; but they get a non-aggression pact. The Florentine army is destroyed by the Russians, who try to complete the conquest of Northern Italy, but the Swiss attack their flank, and they have to retreat. The Borgias have raised another army too, defeating the remaining Russians.
Austria kicks out the Russians, who also have to leave Italy. The Austrian republicans plunder the rich, but leave the poor people alone. Italy's ready for rebirth.

1504: In northern Italy, on the ruins of the Venetian republic and the other small states, the Padanian republic is founded. Macchiavelli comes there, is asked by Venetian officials to help them build the republic (he claims), and so his rise starts. He becomes princeps (practically, dictator), wins the rule over all smaller Italian states with the help of smart politics, espionage, directed uprisings and many intrigues. He also gets Spanish South Italy, by playing off Spain, France, Germany, England and even Russia out against each other. After a first attack on Sicily fails, he has a fleet of sailing ships built - later useful for colonizing America and Africa. At the end he forces the pope to allow stationing Italian troops in the Papal states, which become an Italian province, as Rome becomes the Italian capital and the pope a prisoner in the Vatican. All of Italy (incl. Corsica, Malta and Dalmatia) is united.

After the death of Macchiavelli, there are uprisings in Italian cities; as a consequence, a clear succession order is introduced, making the office of the princeps inherited. Macchiavelli's successors keep Italy united, have a good relationship with Germany, foster arts and sciences, and keep off France and Spain. Italy doesn't become Protestant, however: Macchiavelli knew that one shouldn't confuse the little people unnecessarily, and he can make a lot of money with pilgrims coming to Rome. The Catholic church loses a lot of power, though. Instead, the national churches become more important.

1505: Ivan III dies, not without leaving a testament, including a global strategy: Russia's supposed to play Germany and France out against each other and conquer all of Europe to the Atlantic. The Russians don't listen to him: Russia stays in isolation, doesn't want to be touched by the west and its political ideas, looks into other directions: Until 1600, the Alans north of the Caucasus are defeated, and the Turks ousted from Asia Minor (despite their sultans Selim and Suleiman fighting heroically). Siberia's also conquered, which means new conflicts for Russia - with China, Choresm, Persia.

Charles V Habsburg becomes Spanish king. He tries to use his new power to regain the lost lands (Austria, Netherlands), but has no chance without American gold. He even loses the remaining Habsburg lands in South Germany. Of course he's never elected HREmperor - neither is French king Francis I, or any monarch who could become dangerous for German democracy - since the three republican electors prevent this. When foreign monarchs try to interfere in Germany, the republicans become even more popular.

1517: Martin Luther, "father of German unity", calls the Germans to rise "Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Russians". He considers the Catholic church and the princes too decadent and not decisive enough to counter this danger, so he demands a complete renovation of state and church, to create a movement that can unite Germany - which people understand as a clear commitment to republicanism. Many princedoms still continue (Luther doesn't call to direct action against them), but he unites the various reformist churches and converts the bigger part of Germany, Poland and Hungary. France which still hasn't fully recovered from 100yr War gets into deeper trouble: The new faith divides the country, there are again and again conflicts between Catholic majority and the Huguenots, which hurt the country.
Luther's ally Melanchton calls for founding universities, to further education. Every German capital will found one.

1520: Russia officially makes peace with Germany and Italy.

1522/23: Swedish uprising under Gustavus Wasa. Sweden becomes independent again, but lost Finland.

1524/25: Peasant Wars start in Franconia, Swabia and Thuringia. Luther fears that the situation could get out of control and talks the leaders of the German republics to invade those lands and to help them introducing a stable republican government, which will happen as he wishes.

1525: The Prince Wars start in Germany, when the fled princes try to reconquer their lands. The republicans will win at the end, however. The emperor has to accept the new situation - otherwise he'd risk the Empire split. Now the political situation of Germany is: The East (except Bavaria) is republican and Protestant, while the west is Catholic and either monarchist or old-fashioned republican (like the Swiss, the Dutch and the Free Cities, who like their tradition and have other ideas than the new republics).
Denmark-Norway and Sweden leave the Catholic church, similar as Henry VIII did IOTL, but introduce a different kind of Protestantism, since they don't want to associate with the German "regicides".

1533-84: In Russia, Ivan IV "the Terrible" reigns. He wants to strengthen his power in every possible aspect and ruthlessly fights all his adversaries, especially the Boyars. He also starts a secret police, the Okhrana.

1537: Henry VIII of England is allowed by the pope to be divorced (the Habsburgs weren't able to influence the pope ITTL). England thus stays Catholic, and the protestant Elizabeth never has a chance to come to power. And a certain William Shakespeare becomes a Catholic priest and writes poems praising God and plays based on diverse biblical characters.

1542: Spain conquers Granada, kicking out the Muslims from Western Europe forever.

1550-1600: France, Spain and Italy agree that they won't bear the Mediterranean piracy anymore, and ally for a big attack against the Barbary states in Northern Africa. After some hard fights they succeed in conquering North Africa and divide it: Spain gets Morocco and Oran, France the bigger part of Algeria, Italy gets Tunisia and Tripolitania (W Libya), later the Cyrenaica too. The three states found colonies in the conquered lands for their growing population.

1551: After the end of the Prince Wars, the Protestants demand a crusade against Russia to liberate the Poles and Hungarians.

1563: The crusade is a success. Poland becomes a part of the German empire, Hungary becomes independent again.

1571: Italian admiral Andrea Doria smashes the Barbary fleet, preparing the final conquest of N Africa.

1578: The young king Sebastiao of Portugal wants to start a new crusade too, attacks Morocco, but he and his whole army are destroyed in the first battle already.

1580: Philip II of Spain has Portugal conquered by the duke of Alba. The Portuguese destroy their secrets about seafaring and African geography so the Spaniards won't get them. Their colonies in Africa become a safe haven for Portuguese refugees.

1588: Mary Stuart dies, her son James becomes king of England and Scotland.

1590: The counter-reformation in Germany fails, Bavaria becomes a republic.

1592: A Danish ship (re-)discovers America. The Danes found a colony in East Canada, Markland. Until the end of the century they return several times, coming as far as Manhattan island, where they found Kristianshavn.
Straha isn't here anymore (anyone still reading?), but here's the first map (I was lazy, I admit that I didn't care very much for lands outside Europe - unless they're conquered by them, that is):

Old Chaos TL in 1600

"Between Europe and Atlantis"

1600: English discoverer Henry Hudson spies after the Danes and discovers the way to their colony Markland in America. News of a big, empty continent spreads rapidly to all European governments, who start to build fleets, to take the American East coast. Besides the Danish colonies Markland and Christiansland soon new ones are founded: New England (Great Britain), Nieuw Nederlands with the capital Nieuw Amsterdam (OTL New Jersey, Netherlands), where governor Peter Stuyvesant resides, independently from a bit later founded Waldstätten (OTL Pennsylvania, German Empire), Delaware (Sweden), Italia Nuova (OTL Virginia / Maryland), Nouvelle France (North and South Carolina) and Philippina (after King Philip III., OTL Georgia) and Florida (Spain).
The new continent that the Danes already christened Mikilyrland (Greater Ireland) and the Brits called Markland (confusing it with the Danish colony), is named Atlantis by German, Italian, Greek and Russian scholars who read their Platon, so the name sticks.
Seven or eight jealous powers on so few space - this has to lead to conflicts. Soon there's the first Atlantean War between Britain and Denmark. Britain wins and gets Markland, Denmark keeps Christiansland. Then there's a border incident between Italy and Sweden: Sweden occupied all of Chesapeake peninsula and blocks the harbors of Italia Nuova. This leads to war, and Sweden has to give three quarters of the peninsula to Italy.
In the southern colonies, soon slavery is introduced. Then, big style slave trade with Africa begins, done mostly by Spain and later Portugal.

1613: In Russia, the "time of troubles" ends with Michail of the house of Romanov ascending to the throne. The new dynasty doesn't interfere with Western Europe too; instead, until the end of the century Russia conquers the whole Middle East (Persia, Mesopotamia, Syria and the Holy Land Palestine) and a good part of Choresm (Central Asia).

1614-17: Swedish king Gustavus Adolf uses the chaotic situation and starts a war with Russia. The new czar doesn't have all things under control and has to make peace at the end and give Finland back to Sweden.

1616: Cardinal Richelieu has the pope abducted and brought to Avignon. The macchiavellist Italians name an anti-pope.

1617: In the Palatinate of the Rhine, the old elector is toppled by the republicans, and the Palatinate becomes a free state. Now, four out of seven electorates are republican.

1618: Radical hussites and Czech nationalists make uprising, planning to get Bohemia out of the empire.

1619: After the death of emperor Ludwig III (not historical) the republican states demand the empire to be abolished. Despite Cologne, Mainz and Trier (the three clerical electorates, very Catholic) protesting vehemently, an assembly of representatives of the people (two men per city / county) is made in Dresden (later becoming German capital). Germany officially declared a republic, which will be governed (like Rome) by two consuls. The representatives make the necessary reforms, write a first constitution. The rights of the Catholic church and the remaining princes are still tolerated, but not the attempt of the czechs to leave the empire. This decision leads to Civil War in Bohemia. The Catholic areas in W Germany aren't happy either. And many people in the Netherlands and Switzerland dream of complete independence too.

1622: Cardinal and Prime Minister Richelieu wants to use the difficult situation in Germany to tip the balance in France's favor. He contacts the Catholics and invades Cologne, Mainz, Trier and Belgium. The exiled elector of the Palatinate supports him too. With the pope's approval, he calls for a crusade agaisnt the Lutherans.

1623: At the elections of December 1622, the Germand made the generals Tilly and Wallenstein consuls. The two of them go to fight with France, beat it back from Germany. At the end of the year, the situation is already hopeless for france - until Tilly and Wallenstein are suddenly dropped from power. The reason for this: The radical republicans prefer mopping up the last catholic and monarchist states in Germany, and most other Germans don't wish for an expensive war. Richelieu is offered peace, which he accepts. He happily concludes: "There are some advantages, if your enemies are republicans."

1624: While his enemies Tilly and Wallenstein have to sit around idly, Richelieu forges a big anti-German coalition. Spain, Britain, Denmark and Sweden join france and already divide the booty. Spain wants the old Habsburg lands (Holland, Burgundy, Breisgau) back, France everything west of the Rhine, Denmark the coast of the German Sea, Sweden Mecklenburg and Hither Pomerania, while Britain wants the German and Dutch colonies in Atlantis.

1625: Germany's attacked from two sides. In a hurry, Tilly and Wallenstein are made consuls again - Richelieu has to find out that this is possible in a democracy too. Still, things don't look good for Germany. Especially their colonies in Atlantis are in danger, since there's ni viable contact to them via the Atlantic against the allied fleets. But the macchiavellist government in Italy doesn't wish the balance of power in Europe to fall, so they support Germany with arms and money (secretly though) and also keep the connection between Germany and its colonies in Atlantis alive.

1626-29: After the Bohemian uprising's defeated, Wallenstein goes north as fast as possiblr, to fight to Danes, Swedes and Brits, while Tilly fights the French and Spaniards. He concentrates on Denmark, kicks them out of Holstein, Schleswig and Jutland, until they have to bid for peace. But the parliament wants the head of the king, so Wallenstein takes the Hanseatic fleet and lands on the Danish islands. Copenhagen is taken, Denmark has to cede Helgoland, Schleswig-Holstein and Christiansland and also has to ally with Germany. The king is deposed, and Protestantism introduced.

1629-33: After hard fights in Northern Germany, Wallenstein decides to bring the war to the enemy. He forces Denmark to transport the German army to Norway and (still Danish) South Sweden. Gustavus Adolf has to return to Sweden, is caught in Stockholm and dies fighting. Russia uses the opportunity and takes Finland back, but stays otherwise neutral - they want to see how things will develop, before attacking Germany. Sweden gives up too and is united with Denmark and Norway to the German satellite republic Scandinavia. Wallenstein goes back to the west - it's urgent because Tilly fell against the French general Turenne.

1634-45: After Wallenstein is elected dictator (for a limited time), he goes against the French. Slowly the allies are driven back, and in the reconquered areas the republican government and the Protestant church are forced through. At the same time, the Germans drive the English back in Atlantis and conquer the capital of New England, New Plymouth (at the site of OTL Boston). then the Italians help Germany again, allow their troops under young officer Friedrich von Hohenzollern to march through Italia Nuova, so they can attack the French colonies.
Italy uses the opportunity of the time, makes war against Hungary and conquered Croatia and Bosnia.

1640: In Portugal and Catalonia uprisings happen, forcing Spain to move troops from Germany to fight them. Catalonia is suppressed only after 15 years, Portugal stays independent. Italy supported the uprisings, in their usual way.

1646: Thirty-year War ends. France has to cede several border cities (incl. Calais, Dunkirk and Boulogne) to Germany. Plus, germany gets all the colonies of its opponents except Florida and Markland. But something else is more important for Germany: The country is religiously and administratively unified, and the common fight and the victory made unity between Germans, Dutch and Swiss, just as the war against the Russians in the last century against the Russians united Germans, Poles, Czechs and Hungarians. France OTOH got nothing and lost very much. The new minister Mazarin has to rebuild the country. In Atlantis, he founds the new colony Louisiana (capital: Nouvelle Orleans), as replacement for lost Nouvelle France. He also has to replace the Huguenots who are allowed to settle in German Lorraine after the peace of Verdun, while the Catholics (incl. many Germans) go to France (cuius regio, eius religio).
Germany reorganizes the won colonies: The northern ones are united to Neudeutschland with the capital Martinsburg (named after Luther, at OTL Philadelphia's site), the southern ones are governed by new governor Friedrich Wilhelm von Hohenzollern, as Großfriedrichsland. Friedrich Wilhelm who's soon called "the Great Governor" lets many refugess immigrate (incl. Spanish Jews and French huguenots), who help trade developing and rebuild the country, and even tries fighting the slave trade.

1649: There's a lot of unhappiness in Britain, because of the lost war. The Protestants under Cromwell try an uprising, but fail to defeat the Catholic majority, and their leader is beheaded later. From now on, all Protestants caught are banned to Canada.

1650-60: There are uprising in the Pale. Britain decides they can use a victorious war to distract the population, and decides to conquer the whole island, which is done in a very brutal way.

1650-1700: European states extend their colonies in Atlantis, crossing the Appalachians: Germany settles the area between Ohio, Mississippi and the Great Lakes, Italy the area of Kentucky, Tennessee and the Nordth of Mississippi and Alabama, France the area south of it in the Mississippi Delta, Spain founds a new colony in Texas, and Britain settles Canada. All of them are also active in the Caribbean: Germany and Italy divide the biggest island of Cuba among them, France and Spain do the same with Hispaniola, and Britain takes Jamaica.

1679-82: France under Louis XIV makes war against Spain, gets some border cities, Oran and Florida.

1688: Willem of Orange is elected consul of Germany, calls for an anti-monarchist / anti-Catholic crusade against Britain. He's got pretty good chances - the government in Britain is very unpopular, and Germany now has some good harbors at the channel coast. Willem defeats James II and topples him, thinks about uniting Britain and Germany. But when he's dropped from power like Tilly and Wallenstein, he instead makes himself king of Britain. The Brits accept him too, only demand that he, being Protestant, accepts the Bill of rights, not misusing his royal power. So the "Glorious Revolution" in Catholic made the democratic idea somewhat stronger in Britain at least.

1689: In Russia, Peter the Great becomes new Czar, starts to modernize Russia again. He plans to move his armies west - he read the testament of Ivan III...

Here's the map after the war:

So I ask again: Does anyone besides Straha and his sock puppets read this at all? If no, I won't continue it - it's a hell of a work translating it...
@Constantinople: Thank you. So I will go on.

"A new, peaceful age?"

18th century:

1700: Peter I of Russia attacks Germany. Poland and Prussia become battlefields again. The hastily mobilized German army soon throws the Russians behind their borders, but has to find out that Russia doesn't want peace and that it's not easy to conquer such a huge country. For years, the various consuls and dictators organize invadings of the Baltic, the Balcans and Western Ukraine, but Peter continues to send new armies against them. The war makes Germans, Scandinavians and Western Slavs working closer together again. But it also proves that the country has become too particularist and too lazy.
The Spanish Habsburgs die out, their Austrian relatives inherit the throne.

~1700: The Spaniards make contact with the Aztecs from Texas. News about an unbelivably rich country spread to Madrid, Spain attacks the Aztecs and destroys their empire (1702-08). Lots of gold flow to Spain and make the nation feel as great as never since the Reconquista. Until 1800, the Spaniards conquer all of Central America with the Maya cities, California and the north of South Atlantis.

1701-14: After French seafarers discovered Hudson Bay, France started its new colony Quebec there. Trying to gain a foothold in North Atlantis, they clash with Britain. Italy wants to hurt France, supports Britain with gold and arms, so war breaks out. Britain soon conquers Quebec and united it with its own colony Markland, forming Canada, but Louis XIV isn't willing to make peace. He even tries landing in Britain, but William of Orange always beats him back. Only when France is almost broke and even the officers grumble about the war being futile, peace is made (although Louis XIV could've made peace 10 years earlier).

1709: Germany tries to decide the war by invading Russia. They plunder Kiev, cross the Dnepr, but find out that an army as far away from the home country is very vulnerable. Peter the Great meets their army at Poltava and defeats it. Now the hard struggling near the border begins again. Both states waste their resources, but nobody wants peace.

1720: After the Russians lost Finland in the North, Czar Peter is willing to make peace. Meanwhile both sides are happy that the war is over. Germany keeps Finland, but is so deep in debt that it has to sell its half of Cuba to Italy and its colony Großfriedrichsland (OTL Carolina and Georgia) to rich Spain.

1700-50: Britain, Italy and Germany extend their colonies in Atlantis until reaching the Rockies. Italy stops expanding west, while Germany and Britain (and Spain) are willing to go even further.

1733-35: After Spanish galleons have been robbed several times by British pirates, both states make war. It's not sure that the Spanish fleet is strong enough for an attack against Britain, but the Spaniards are smart enough to stay in the Caribbean. In the peace they get the British islands in the Caribbean, although Britain offers them to give them their last colony of Canada instead. But with the sugar grown there, the Caribbean is worthier of course.

1740: Friedrich von Hohenzollern, son of a severe officer who had to leave Großfriedrichsland after the Spaniards bought it, and great-grandson of the Great Governor, becomes German consul. The smart young man is popular among the people, because he manages to clean up the corrupt bureaucracy. He also fosters arts and science and makes other reforms, like eliminating torture. He works that much that people say the two German consuls were really Friedrich and Wilhelm von Hohenzollern. But he also reorganizes the army, because he read the history of the Teutonic Order, and dreams about conquering the Baltic lands. When he's sure that the people are behind him, he offers Russia to sell at least the southern Baltic. When Russia brusquely declines, Friedrich starts the war. The Protestant Balts welcome him as a liberator. Although some Germans want to expand the war, Friedrich stays wise and considered, keeps the war in the Baltic and finally gets it in the peace of 1742. He also introduces the potato to Germany, gives the Reich more rights (at the expense of the Länder), and even declares that homosexuality isn't a crime but "just" a disease. Most of the inner customs are abolished, leaving only two big areas, Germany and Atlantis (later, Argentinien will follow).

1741-48: France and Spain make the Great Atlantean War, which gives La Florida back to Spain. In this war, the Italian macchiavellists supported both sides again, to hurt them both. The war damages many Spanish colonies in Atlantis and hampers its expansion.

1744: Russia tries to reconquer the Baltic, but is beaten back by Friedrich. In the following year, they return to status quo of the peace of 1742.

1756: Russia allies with France against Germany. Friedrich wants to keep them from striking first by a preventive war, but the third Baltic War becomes much harder. Russia and France already make plans for after the war: Russia wants Poland, Hungary, Prussia and the Baltic, France wants Lorraine and Wallonia.

1762: After the death of Czarina Elisabeth new Czar Peter II makes peace with Friedrich whom he admires. The Six-Year War is over. To everyone's surprise Friedrich doesn't even demand a thing in the peace - because he says, stability is the most important thing for Europe, but this is impossible if all the nations swear revenge and every war creates a new one. All the witnesses are in unison that only a popular man like him can have such an opinion, which would be considered cowardice or slackness at everyone else. Even new Czarina Catherine II admits: "He is a republican, but on par with every monarch!" She doesn't want another war with Germany either, because the four wars in this century didn't help Russia in any way and held it off from expanding into Asia, where they only acquired worthless areas so far - Mongolia (nothing but Steppe), Afghanistan (mountains), and Arabia (empty desert, and the water is polluted with oil). At least, the long competitor Choresm is now defeated. After the destruction of the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina the Islam splinters into many sects.

1765: James Watt invents the steam machine in Britain.

1770: James Cook starts his first journey, founds British colonies along the coast of Braseal and Argentine. Later he'll start more journeys from there, refutes the existence of a big Southern continent, discovers Australia and claims it for Britain.

1772: Germany and Russia agree for the division of Hungary. The west (incl. Slovakia) goes to Germany, the East (Transsylvania, Banat) to Russia. Now the last smaller independent country in Europe has disappeared.

1776: The Canadians under Washington, Franklin and Jefferson rebel against backward and corrupt British rule, which suppresses non-Catholics, and gain independence with German help. But that's not the only reason why the new country stays German-friendly...
Adam Smith discovers modern economy and announces it in his book "An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations". The British government changes their economic politics following his advice, bringing Britain great wealth in the following decades. But industrialization will have other consequences too...

1781: Friedrich Schiller publishes his first book, "The new knights", about some revolters in the Peasant Wars. He becomes the greatest German author, famous for history dramas like "Wallenstein", "Martin Luther", "The History of the Revolt of the Netherlands". He's also famous for being friends with Goethe, who writes after his great success "Werther" less popular and often ununderstandable works, f.e. about an obscure medieval doctor, which few people actually understand. Schiller is revered by the Germans, OTOH; they like to see their famous history depicted in his dramas.

1783: In Great Britain, Pitt Jr. becomes Prime Minister, starts his reforms. Industrialization is fostered. As a replacement for lost Canada, Australia and New Zealand are settled. Under his leadership, Britain concentrates to gain influence in the world by expanding its industry - with success. He doesn't want to make war, following a "splendid isolation" policy instead.

1789: French Revolution. People introduce a constitution, nationalizes church property and declares the human rights. The pope leaves the country, goes to Toledo, Spain.

1790: Russia conquers and destroys Mecca and Medina.

1791: Count Mirabeau, one of the smartest people of the revolution, dies. Without him, the more radicals in the estates become stronger.

1792: The Girondists succeed with their demand for a war. France declares war on Spain, invades Catalonia.

1793: The radical Jacobins take power, guillotin the king (and later their political enemies) and make France a republic. In the French colonies in Atlantis the monarchist loyalists declare that they don't accept the Jacobin government and see themselves as the legal French government.

1794: The moderated republicans win against the Jacobins in France, Robespierre dies under the guillotine. Spain is defeated and divided into several satellite republics. Italy fears an all-powerful France, declares war. French invade Northern Italy and defeat the Italians. The macchiavellist government has a crisis.

1795: General Napolione Buonaparte from Corsica becomes new commander of the Italian army, kicks out the French from Italy again. Talking with French POWs he learns a lot about their reasonings, has the idea that Italy should be changed too. However, he doesn't think about a republic, but something else every Italian still knows: The Empire of Augustus.

1796: Napolione invades South France, allies with anti-Central government groups, which eases his advancing.

1797: France and Italy make peace. South France becomes the independent republic of Occitania, which also includes Catalonia.

1798: Italian government unwary about Napolione's uprise. Since they can't simply kill such a popular man, they decide to send him abroad, let him conquer Egypt, the last independent Muslim state around the Mediterranean. In France, the directory has to declare bankruptcy, the country falls into chaos.

1799: Unrests in France spread to Occitania, Italian satellite government toppled. Chaos threatens to spread to Italy. Napolione who already defeated Egypt returns to Italy, topples the old government, makes himself Augusto (emperor), declares new Roman empire. The Catholic church is reorganized as "Imperial-Catholic church", with himself on top. It's not the state religion anymore, but all other religions have to submit under the Augusto.
The pope in Britain declares Napolione a heretic, makes the British government declare war upon him. (The Conservative party is very pro-Catholic.)
In Germany, people are unwary about Napolione: A new emperor fighting a republic? But Napolione can calm them down: He promises that 1) the old German-Italian friendship will continue, 2) it was him who gave the Protestants in Italy and Occitania full rights and 3) New Rome has interests in the Mediterranean and South Atlantis, but not in Central Europe. This is a hint for his next targets: The Inca Empire and Russia. But he didn't tell about his biggest dream: Since the Egyptian expedition he's obsessed with finding a way to India.
Germany and New Rome make an "everlasting non-aggression pact" and a secret alliance against Britain and Russia.
In the same year, Napolione kicks out the French from Italy, reconquers Occitania and is accepted in Italia Nuova.

1800: Canada and the German and Spanish colonies have reached the Pacific. Canadians meet to their surprise Russian scouts who claimed Alyeska. Now it's proven what scientists already told: The Earth is round.
Napolione defeats France, adds it to the New Roman Empire, declares Paris the second Roman capital. Meanwhile the French are happy about the restored order. Italian troops in Atlantis conquer loyalist Louisiana and the Spanish colonies at the Atlantic coast. Morocco and Algeria are also added to the New Roman Empire. (France and Spain are in chaos and can't prevent that.)

Edit: A map of 1775, before the Canadian and the French revolution.

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"You can't stop progress"

19th century, first half:
Since 1800: Imperialism and Industrialization. Sub-saharan Africa researched for the first time, but at the moment no European state is interested in colonization. Europe contacts the independent Asian states. Canada and Britain research the Pacific area, make English its lingua franca.

German and New Roman spies steal British blueprints for machines and railroads, spreading the Industrial revolution to Europe and North Atlantis. In the following decades, a strong, underprivileged working class forms. This leads to problems esp. in Germany, because of the old voting system "every city and every county gets two representatives" still holds, giving a new industrial city like Essen the same power as a depopulated county in Mecklenburg.

1801: Napolione conquers the Caribbean islands, defeats an uprising of the slaves on Haiti. He invades Spain, makes Madrid third city of the empire, and later also conquers Portugal. He also mops up Spanish Atlantis and adds these lands to his empire. In the same year, he starts building the Suez canal with the help of Canadian engineers.
In Atlantis, the "Californian War" starts; the German länder bordering the Pacific attack Mexico and conquer North California. They don't want to go further South (too hot), so Napolione conquers all the rest.
Many opponents of Napolione flee from the lands he conquered to British south Atlantis, the last refugium.
European continent now is divided between three empires: The Protestant Germany, Orthodox Russia, imperial-Catholic New Rome.

1802: Napolione makes young Simon Bolivar a general. Then, his armies attack the Inca empire, support New Rome with enormous lots of gold. Now Napolione doesn't have to care about money anymore. Patagonia, which he isn't interested in, becomes independent state Aymaria - the only country in Atlantis never to become a European colony. Bolivar becomes vice emperor of Atlantis.
The emperor starts a secret conference with the rabbis of New Rome. He plans to train the Jews militarily, send them to Palestine, where they're supposed to uprise against the Czar, to divert Russia. They'll get Palestine as a reward. The rabbis aren't that happy - they don't believe Napolione to be the Messiah, who's supposed to lead the Jews back to Palestine - but the ordinary Jews, who were emancipated by Napolione, are interested and get trained to become soldiers.

1804: Sent by Napolione, the Italians and Germans sail down the coast of South Atlantis, destroy the British fleet, force Britain to give up South Atlantis and take it for New Rome. Napolione isn't too happy about their reports, states: "Seems like there's nothing but jungle down there!" But he finds a use for the land: Braseal becomes a penal colony, where to he sends all kinds of opponents: Political and personal enemies, papist Catholics, old-school monarchists, French and Spanish nationalists, separatists from Portugal, Basque country and Brittany, Italian republicans, resistant Muslims from North Africa, Incan nobles, and many ordinary criminals.

1805: Germany and New Rome make the treaty of Vienna, which gives Atlantis south of the tropic of Capricorn and east of the Andes to Germany, where they start the new colony of Argentinien.

1806: New Rome and Germany introduce a new calendar, regulate measures and weights. The null meridian is standardized to go through Rome.

1810: Russia moves troops to Ethiopia, forces the Coptic country to join its sphere of influence. Now the Czardom stretches over four continents. Germany and New Rome agree to stop them.
But Napolione is double-crossing the Russians: First he allowed them to use the Suez canal to transfer part of their Med fleet to the Red Sea; now he can easily defeat first the one and later the other part of their fleet.

1812: After having moved his fleet through the Suez canal, Napolione has the Jewish freedom fighters start their uprising. In a few months they conquer all of Palestine, the Lebanon, western Transjordan and SW Syria with Damascus. The New Roman fleet occupies Aden, starting the war with Russia. On the Balkan, in the Med and the Adria Russians and New Roman troops clash. Germans invade Russia, conquer Alexandersburg (OTL St Petersburg), Transsylvania, march several hundred miles into Russia.
Now Napolione's fleet has reached the mouth of the Indus, make landfall and attack the flank of Russia. The New Romans throw Russia back into the mountains of Afghanistan, start conquering India.
Meanwhile Germany wants the decision, aiming for Russian capital Vladimir. Russians retreat further and further back. In winter, the Germans are in the little city of Moscow, close to Vladimir, but can't defend themselves.

Their army freezes in the winter and has to retreat - only the wise leadership of the consuls Stein and Scharnhorst saves Germany from a catastrophe.
The three parties make the peace of Czargrad: Russia gives Aden and Djibouti to New Rome, Israel becomes independent, the Canadians buy Alyeska from Russia, but that's all. But now, new Rome has a hold on India.

1813-20: Napolione conquers India and Birma for New Rome, adding both to his empire. Indian rebels (including some princes) are banned to Braseal. The Germans don't like this development, but can't do anything, not having enough troops.

1819: Canada founds a trading post on Java, starts to control the Indies.

1820: Canada lands on Hawaii, making first contact.

1820-40: Russia conquers Manchuria, Korea, big parts of China.

1830: Revolutionary groups in Braseal revolt successfully against Napolione, declare themselves independent and proclaim the Bourbon Louis Philippe new king. Napolione can see that his empire may fall apart after his death, makes Italian count Cavour his successor.
New state Braseal starts colonizing the hinterland, makes many plantages for coffee, tobacco, sugar and esp. rubber. Many slaves are imported from Africa. The monarchy, the religion and the slavery hold the multicultural empire together.

1830-60: Industrialization swaps from German Argentinien to South Braseal. The southern provinces abolish slavery one after the other, while the Northerners keep it. The inner split starts to grow.

1831: Napolione dies, Benso di Cavour becomes new emperor. He has to decide whether he wants to save India or Braseal, and decides for India. To stabilize his empire, he proclaims the idea of the "Romanic people", an ideology setting the cultural family before the nation.

1832: Charles Babbage invents the "Analytical Engine", the first Computer.

1840: New German consul Friedrich List engages for free trade, makes a custom union with New Rome, which is joined by Britain, Canada, Israel, and later Braseal, Japan and Russia too. He improves the German railway network, strengthens central government. This year marks the height of imperialist Age.

1840-42: Opium War between New Rome and China; China has to open its borders; New Roman, Russian, German and Canadian traders now can profit from the country.

1843: Ada Lovelace invents the first programming languages.

1845: Potato crisis in Ireland, severe famine. More than a million Irish emigrate to Australia, which gets an Irish majority.

1847: George Boole discovers boolean logic, making a computer based on the dual system possible.

1848: Under Canadian leadership, protestant opponents of slavery found Liberia in west Africa, to settle liberated slaves there.
Revolts and uprisings all over Europe. In Britain, a revolution breaks out; the republic is proclaimed. British Royal family flees to New Zealand, which is renamed New Albion.
Mostly Irish Australians declare independent, proclaim the republic of Tir Tairngire. Tasmania stays Anglophone and loyalist.
German government evicts Karl Marx, who flees to Britain.
Canada occupies the British colonies in the Pacific, to "secure them".

1849: In Britain, royalist officers try a coup. Republican government arms workers to stop them. But after the royalists are put down, the workers themselves rebel and proclaim the Socialist Republic. Karl Marx writes the constitution of the new country. British business flees to Canada, Irish Catholics and nationalists to Tir Tainrgire. Karl Marx doesn't mind: "They'll build up capitalism everywhere in the world, until it's ripe to break down!"
The three great empires decide to boycott British products; Britain reacts by capturing ships of all three powers.
When Germany tries to attack the British Islands, the until then more anarchist Brits form a war council, to hold the country together.
New Albion makes an alliance with Canada against Tir Tairngire.

1850: Socialist British government starts to become interested in the computer, hoping to improve its centralized government by that way.
In Germany, the religious Pietists come to power. Due to their engagement, slavery f.e. in Braseal is fought.
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19th century, second half:

1852: Canada officially annexes Hawaii.

1854: German navy forces Japan to open for the west, after Canada was unsuccessful trying the same.
Heinrich Goebel invents the lightbulb.

1854-58: Russia tries conquering all of China north of Yangtse. The alliance made up of New Rome, Germany and Canada interferes on China's side, forces Russia to retreat. China officially stays neutral, but is at the mercy of the great powers.

1861: Abraham Lincoln becomes Chancellor of Canada, calls volunteers for fighting slavery in Braseal. Canadian diplomats use the inner division of Braseal, splitting the country. The northern states under the king fight against the southern states who made princess Maria new queen. 1865 the war ends, slavery is ended. The colonies of Braseal in Africa which were founded to provide slaves are abandoned.
Emperor Benso of New Rome dies, his successor is Ludovico Buonaparte, nephew of the first emperor (OTL Napoleon III).
Philipp Reis invents the telephone.

1862: Bismarck becomes new chancellor of Germany. He tries to hold down the Socialists, with whatever means necessary. In the following years, workers' uprisings are defeated by the German army 1864 in Denmark and 1866 in Austria and Hungary. OTOH, he also introduces social security.
Canada starts occupying Indochina.

1867: The last shogun of Japan is deposed. The new emperor starts radically reforming the country.

1869-1904: In Toronto, Thomas Alva Edison makes many important inventions, like the movie, the transistor, the typewriter (also used for computers, as keyboards), and the computer network (only for a few computers at this time, however).

1870-1900: Only because they envy the Canadians and New Romans for their big colonial empires, Germany acquires all of sub-saharan Africa. The new colonies cost a lot of money, aren't that useful, and many soldiers are killed. Plus, it damages the relations to Germany's century-long ally New Rome, after the anti-slavery line of Pietism already lead to conflicts. However, the African conquest is good for adventure stories.

1870/71: Socialist uprising in Paris. Bismarck sends New Rome troops which help to defeat it. Although they succeed after months, the price paid is high.

1873: Emperor Ludovico dies.

1873-1903: Canada completes the conquest of Indonesia.

1877: In Britain, William Thomson invents the concept of the "Thomson machine", the theoretical concept of a simple computer, which still can compute all the functions any computer could calculate. (OTL Turing machine.)

1880: The Miskito (Nicaragua) canal is finished.

1881: An uprising of the Mahdi in Sudan keeps this country independent of the three great powers, being the only one in Africa. Officially, it's considered "Chaos".

1888-1920: Nicola Tesla invents in Northern Italy the radar, the radio, the television and solar power for the New Roman government.

Since 1890: The Gold Rush brings people from everywhere in the world to Tir Tairngire.

1893/94: Russia and New Rome make an alliance. Germany feels "encircled", but can't see that this is its own fault.

1894/95: Japan defeats China, takes Taiwan.

1895-97: Braseal and New Rome fight for Guayana. Braseal wins with German support.

1898: Canada annexes the Philippines, practically rules the Pacific.

Edit: The World in 1900. Note the black "chaos" in Sudan.

The list of independent states:

Germany (brown)
New Rome (light green)
Russia (dark green)
Canada (yellow)
Socialist Britain (red)
Braseal (blue)
Israel (light blue)
Japan (purple)
New Albion (light brown)
Plus China, Tibet, Siam, Tir Tairngire.

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20th century:
1900: There are 16 states in the world (although Sudan isn't recognized as a state): Germany, Russia, New Rome (the three empires), plus Canada, Braseal, Aymaria, Great Britain, Liberia, Sudan, China, Japan, Siam, Tibet, Tir Tairngire, New Zealand and Israel.

~1900: Women's movement starts in Germany and New Rome.

1902: Gustav Weißkopf flies the first plane in German Atlantis.

1904/5: Japan defeats Russia, gets Korea and South Sachalin.

1907: Invention of the Transistor.

1910: Hermann Oberth invents Rocketry. It takes some decades until it is realized, however.

1914-18: World War between Russia and New Rome versus Germany breaks out. Israel joins New Rome; Canada officially stays neutral, but helps Germany with money and ships. And with its diplomacy it also makes Braseal, Japan, China and Siam join Germany. Socialist Britain stays neutral, hopes that the capitalist states will weaken each other.
Hindenburg and Ludendorff fight in Eastern Europe, Mackensen at the Balkans, Kluck in France, Persching in North Atlantis, Lettow-Vorbeck in Africa. The Germans advance along the Mississippi, divide Roman Atlantis in two halves.

Meanwhile its allies weren't indolent either. Japanese-Canadian-Siamese troups advanced in Burma, while the Chinese and Japanese repeatedly defeated the Russians in Manchuria. The Brasealian special units of the Amazonians (jungle fighters) defeats the New Romans and advances in Venezuela.

1917: Sigmund Freud who treats the troops at the western theater for the German government psychologically, has one private named Adolf Hitler committed to insane asylum.

1918: Weakened by uprisings (especially among the French and Muslims), the Russian and New Roman resistance breaks together, and the two empires have to make peace. Germany forces a hard peace on them, which practically destroys the empires of Russia and New Rome.

The whole Balkan, Middle East and Central Asia are cut from Russia and divided into new States. East Sibiria goes to Japan, China gets back many lost areas. The Ukraine becomes a German Protectorate. Braseal gets Venezuela. New Rome is reduced to the Italian-speaking core of Italy, Libya-Tunesia, Italia Nuova and the Andean lands of Peru and Chile. Many new states are born in Roman Atlantis, the Balkan, in North Africa and the Middle East: Louisiana, Florida, Mexico, Cuba, Bolivien (OTL Columbia); Persia, Arabia, Hejaz, Choresm, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kurdistan, Anatolia (Turkey); Morocco, Algeria; Greater Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania.

Britain uses the opportunity, transports agitators and volunteers over the Channel, with the result that France and Provence become Socialist. Iberia breaks into pieces which fight each other. The Socialist Block - until now made of Britain and Frankreich - is founded.

Germany isn't able to take over the whole colonial empires of its opponents, so it takes only the best parts: Ukraine, Baku, Persian Gulf, Egypt (for the Suez Canal), Aden, India, Nicaragua, some Caribbean Islands; plus, they take the old colony Großfriedrichsland (OTL Carolinas) back and declare Texas and western Italia Nuova as settlement areas for Germans.

Germany soon finds out that they're the only Superpower in a world they can't control. In addition, there's growing miscontent in the state, esp. among the workers. The reason: Because of the war and the destruction of the old empires, the old world economy broke down. When the happiness about victory is over, and the war economy ends, it becomes obviously that the world economy can't be rebuilt easily, leading to a depression.
The first German soldiers return home to find out they were fired - coal mining at the Ruhr isn't profitable anymore since they have the Ukraine now.

1919: Uprisings of workers and soldiers in Germany. The Westof the country (Rhineland, Ruhr, Netherlands, Hamburg, Lothringen, the satellite republic Scandinavia) secede from the Reich and joins the Socialist Block. The Finnish-Estonian Republic becomes independent.
Only the fact that Russia and Italy are at Civil War too prevents a worse fate for Germany. The government is barely able to keep things under control.
The political center of Germany moves from Europe to Atlantis, which becomes also visible by the fact that the capital moves from Dresden to Martinsburg (OTL Philadelphia).
Even the farmers rebel because (for the Ukrainian wheat) the grain prices are spoilt. Meanwhile, Russia is hit by famine.

In the Socialist Block the power shifts too: The new capital becomes Brussels (as a compromise between Brits, French and Germans). The British Pound becomes the Euro-Pound.

Many German Jews flee to Israel, because Israel fought at the side of Russia and New Rome. But the two latter also have antisemitic riots, because *they* think the Jews were traitors.
Ariel Ben-David (Leo Trotzky) becomes new military leader in Israel, defeats the Arabs and conquers Sinai and Syria. Now they have enough land for the many Jewish refugees from everywhere in the world.

The many new states becomes a problem - a big part of Earth is threatened to fall into Chaos. In Germany, different groups unite to form the Technocratic party, which wants to solve the world's problems by science and technology. (Unconsciously influenced by the centralist British government, what an irony.) In the future, they'll get many problems with dictatorial, monarchist and especially Socialist uprisings all over the world.

The Irish-Catholic church sees their chance, starts to missionarize in the new states in Atlantis and North Africa, to win back lost Terrain.

1918/19: Engineers at Werstand inc. (the equivalent of Siemens in Chaos) invent the Computer chip.

1920: Lenin loses the fight against anti-Communist groups in Russia, lacking Trotzky who could've organized the Red Army hätte. Most of his comrades are also taken out, except Stalin, who was too unsuspicious. The Civil War goes on.

1920-30: Germany gives most of its old African colonies independence, only keeps the best parts (Katanga, South Africa, Nigeria).

1922: In Italy, Mussolini comes to power. He replaces the government of the Napoleonic emperors by Fascism, a much more radical System, which subordinates practically everything to one aim: Taking revenge at the enemies who humiliated the New Rome.

The lost oil wells in Texas, Venezuela and Arabia are replaced by new ones in Algeria and Libya. Plus, Italy also builds Solar power plants there. The famiglia, a mixture of fascists, KKK and Mafia keeps the population under control (together with the imperial Catholic church), especially those who aren't reached by radio and TV. Germany is too diverted with other things, with the Italian speakers mostly busy in India.

1926: In Russia, Stalin comes to power. He appoints himself "woschdiy" (leader), starts radically Industrializing the country to replace the industry in the lost areas.
The world 1930-60

1931: Japan, which some people call "the late great power" separates Manchuria from China.

1932: Japan occupies Shanghai.

1933: Technocrats take power in Germany by a coup. Hindenburg becomes new head of state, Albert Speer minister of armaments, Hjalmar Schacht minister of finances.
The Socialist working class is supposed to be depoliticized and mellowed with the Three F (Fußball, Fernsehen, Fernreisen - soccer, TV and journeys abroad).
The Democrats still work on - in the Weltnetz, which can never be completely surveilled.
Italy makes a non-aggression pact with the Socialist Block. In Germany, they state: "Europe is surrounded." To defend it, lots of troops and resources are brought from Atlantis and Argentinien to there.

1936: Technocrats and the Military ally in Japan. In Spain and Portugal the Socialists win (with help from outside). The Iberian peninsula joins the Socialist Block. Germany fears that their power might grow further, so they support resistance leaders in Western Europe - Churchill in England, de Gaulle in France, Franco in Spain.
At least, they keep Gibraltar and can distract the Socialist Block.

1937: Japan starts open war with China.

1938: Technocratic government in Canada.

1939: Philipp Zimmermann invents an unbreakable encryption program, which is distributed for free in the Weltnetz. German Logos warn their Friends in Canada and Israel that a similar dictatorship might happen at their place too.

1939-45: War between Germany and Canada against Russia and Italy.
The war is harder for Germany than the last one - it's got to keep too many countries in the world under control, and it's got the Socialists in its back. Its old ally Japan is occupied in China, and Braseal has inner problems.

1939: Italy attacks the small states seperated from Italia Nuova after WW1 and conquers most of them back. They also invade the Balcans, to meet with the Russian troops. (They leave Morocco and Algeria alone however, so they don't have to fight on this front too.)
Russia invades the Finnish-Estonian Republic, conquers most of Ukraine back and also attacks Baku. After that, they aim for Persia and the Indian Ocean.

1940: An uprising in Mesopotamia threatens Germany to lose control over the oil wells there. In this desperate situation, they make an alliance with Israel. Now the uprising can be defeated successfully, but the situation stays critical.
After the fast successes of Italy and Russia Germany is in a great distress. Especially the European areas are caught between Russia, Italy and the Socialist Block and can barely be supported with oil and other resources.
Russian-Italian forces conquer the bigger part of Poland, Hungary and the Baltic area, threaten the industrial core of old Germany. The Germans can barely hold the long Front along Vistula, the Bohemian-Austrian eastern border and the Alps in the south. Millions of Germans, Balts, Poles, Slovaks, Hungarians and Ukrainians fled from their homes; many of them stay after the war in Germany too. The metropolitan area of Prague-Dresden becomes a Megaplex, which helps to mix up the old European people.
Italy advances in Egypt, where the Germans fight along the Nile with their back against the wall.
After Russia conquered all of Ukraine and just Crimea is left, people from Sevastopol have to be evacuated. Since Greece broke off diplomatic relationships, and Armenia, Azerbaijan and even Kurdistan were conquered by the Russians, this seems hopeless. The straits were occupied and closed by Greece too. But then, the sheer impossible is done, when they bribe the Greek province governor of Trebizond with 100 Million Talers, so he allows that the occupation troops and other refugees can be evacuated over the Black Sea and later flee to Turkey and Israel. Some time later these people will decide the battle of Baghdad for Germany and thus save the Arabian oilfields from the Russians.
All in all, Germany barely manages to hold the front. Now Italy and Russia make a mistake: They want to restore their lost empires, as great as possible or even greater. Italy attacks Mexico, Morocco and Algeria, Russia attacks Choresm. But those States don't want to be subjugated again - and so, the attackers lose useful Armies, which they could've used against Germany. Now the Fronts mostly freeze until 1943. Germany has to fill its thinned rows with foreigners - Africans, native and mixed Atlanteans, Indians and Arabs now fight in the German Army.

1941: Konrad Zuse makes a useful invention: The "Tele-computer" - now it's possible to have computers communicate like a telegraph, and more important, to write programs that can run on different computers (OTL distributed systems).

1943: Germany develops a new weapon: The nuclear bomb. On August 6th the first Bomb is dropped on Verona, Northern Italy. When Germany threatens Italy with Mussolini is toppled by the fascist council, and
Italy enters peace negotiations. The peace treaty says that Italy is divided into five independent States, which are forbidden to reunite: Core Italy in Europe, Libya-Tunesia in North Africa, Italia Nuova, Peru and Chile in Atlantis. Otherwise, the status quo ante bellum is restored. Russia OTOH wants to continue the war. Since Germany and Russiaare separated by several hundred Kilometers of Russian-occupied areas and the Russian airforce stands still strong, Stalin believes that a Russian Verona is no real danger.
He's right, yet: The Germans don't want to throw Bombon their own cities. So the war is continued for now.

1944: Combined with a new invention by Wernher von Braun, the rocket, the German nuke becomes even more powerful: The city of Minsk, despite being more than thousand kilometers behind the Front, is hit by a German nuclear rocket.
Thus, Germany turned the tide against Russia too. Now all they have to do is fighting down the last resistance and restore the pre-war order.

1945: Stalin commits suicide; End of the war. To prevent another Revenge of Russia, the country is split into about a dozen Satellite republics, which prove to be unstable with time and thus splinter into even smaller states.
Italy and Greece become Socialist. Because of the enduring fights in Russia Germany's unable to interfere and can just achieve that Serbia and Bulgaria form a buffer zone.
Canada starts to give its colonies independence but still controls them indirectly, by founding the "Commonwealth". India also demands independence. The Germans, however, use the "salami tactic", for giving the Indians independence:
At first, in 1945 the Sikhs get their own State, others follow gradually, the last bases will be left in 1974 only.
Von Braun starts the German space program.

1946: Norbert Wiener invents a useful Mobile telephone in Israel. Thanks to this, Israel gains much influence in the world and also helps to stabilize the Middle East and North Africa. This area goes through an economic boom, also thanks to the refugees from Italy and Greece, which makes the Levante rich again. This helps at least to secure Germany's southern flank.

1948: New German government leader Ludwig Erhard announces a 180° turn in politics: Centralism is dropped because it's more efficient to solve Problems at local level.

1949: Indonesia is granted independence from Canada. The new State becomes the target for many Chinese who flee from Japanese occupation. Later the country with its thousands of islands develops into a stronghold of pirates who hunt especially Japanese Ships.

1950s: Computer Networks have become cheap enough for Private persons to afford them, and are so efficient that they can transport lots of data very fast. The Märchenwelt (Virtual Reality) starts its triumph throughout the world.

1951: Japan ends the war in China declaring victory. But the Partisans will stay a big Problem in future.

1952: German Prospectors discover in Pilbara (Tir Tairngire) the biggest iron ore load of the world. Germany helps OTL West Australia to secede from the rest of the country. The new State is called Tir na nOg.

1958: Marvin Minsky programs a working Neural Network (not a perceptron, but a multi-layer one).
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From this movement, the ecology movement, the hacker movement, and the "3rd world solidarity" movements emerge later. Many young people travel through the world (India,
Tir Tairngire, Thailand, Egypt, Roman Atlantis), engage for "Humanity's Helpers".
The "Märchenwelt Bubble" bangs, stock panic.

1960: In New Italy there are bloody uprisings against the German government in Martinsburg, which unites blacks and whites there.

1961: In Tir Tairngire, John F. Kennedy comes to power. The new Taoiseach encourages the Missionary work of the Irish-Catholic church. In the Islamic countries, they aren't very successful, in East Asia not that much, but in Africa they're quite successful. Plus, Kennedy demands the return of Tir na nOg.
Generally, he uses the Irish-Catholic church as an Instrument for the fight against the poverty and the German-Japanese Imperialism.

1963: Kennedy is murdered, probably by German or Japanese agents.
Igor Mel'cuk from Ukraine writes the first translation program that works without greater human corrections.

1964: The Brasealian Socialists try to discredit the Monarchy by proving (with DNA tests), that the Dynasty founder isn't really descended from the Bourbons. This doesn't work, the Brasealians still love him. Then, they kill the whole royal family by detonating a bomb in the palace. The monarchy in Braseal is abolished, instead of it Germany forces an Integralist government onto the country. The until then living, dynamic country is forced into Stagnation by that.

1967: The 64-Bit-Problem is solved.

1968 there's another crisis: The Globalisation, pollution and the unsolved problem of the Chaos States make many young people in Germany and Canada angry. The government tries to depict them as Communist Sympathisers, which isn't true however.

1969: The first Man stands on the Moon - a great Prestige project for the Technocratic government. This becomes an inspiration for young people to celebrate "weightless Parties" (with Drugs).

1970: The Hackers Brian Kernighan (Canada), Ken Thompson (German Atlantis) and Dennis Richards (Germany, European part) have a great success in AI:
After their employer, the united German-Canadian Telephone company, stopped the Experiment MULTI-KI (which was a trial to unite the different kinds of AI in one single Program), they continue the Project on their own and call it UNI-KI. It really works, but it needs so much memory and storage, that you can't use it on PCs, but only 5 ;-) Super computers.

1972: Japan builds the first fighting robots for the war in China.

1973: The writer John Brunner publishes the "Shockwave Rider" Manifesto, demands Reforms in the Socialist Block, the eradication of scarcity and oppression and the progress to a really fair and just society.
The government suppresses his opinion, since it diverts of their aim of the Communist society, but the Manifesto is spread in the Weltnetz and influences the Hacker movement.

1975: Crisis between Germany and Japan begins. Japan demands more influence in the Pacific area, tries to bring the Commonwealth (Organization of the Pacific States, Canada's former colonial empire, founded by them) under its influence.

1980s: The Nanotech Boom. Many people become very rich, but OTOH even more lose their work. The growing indisparity of wealth leads to bigger and bigger unrest.
The Hacker Larry Wall starts to write a Programming language especially suited for AIs. The first five versions are called Topaz, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald and Perl.

1980: Richard Stallmann founds at the University of Franzensburg (OTL San Francisco) a political movement that demands the replacement of the Technocratic government (that controls
bureaucracy, Military, Police and economy) by AIs (which are controlled by the Hackers...).

Because piracy is growing worse and worse, Japan starts a "Police action" against Indonesia. The cool relations between Germany and Canada on the one hand and Japan OTOH becomes icy.

Prof. Dietrich Dörner completes his Program that Simulates human thinking.

By connecting Internet and brain-computer-interface, quasi-telepathy becomes possible for the users. While the most humans don't want to do something like this, and the States have to fight with their Bureaucracy, the hackers run for this new invention.

1991 the Swedish/Finnish Hacker Linus Torvalds manages to finish the core of the AI. Now the hackers start to write applications for their working AI. Larry Wall's new programming language Diamond helps them to achieve this.


Hackers in Germany, Canada, Japan, Israel and the Socialist Block take over the computer networks with the help of the Artificial Intelligences, declare the governments deposed and all the hierarchies not based on knowledge and competence for invalid. The bureaucracy is powerless because their computers don't want to give them data anymore, and the military and police find out that their robots are at the side of the Hackers. Stallmann declares "the Begin of the neo-Anarchist age".

1993: The present. In an AH Forum a RPGamer publishes his Alternate History, in which a Mongol prince named Temujin unites the various Mongol tribes around the year 1200 and conquers most of Eurasia together with his sons. His story is dismissed as being way too improbable and totally unrealistic. ;-)

21th century:
What happens next?
Judging from this TL, you basically did one where Genghis Khan dies early and withe the typical newbie trait of exact historical characters and not thinking through the consequence ofthe Black Death's delay meaning a longer famine, making the Scandinavians farm Markland and Vinland when they still remember them, then took a look at it and did more or less the same, but with a closer look and ATL characters instead. Am I right?
Also, I rather suspect it's original name wasn't Chaos...