L Neil Smith - now in color!

ROFL !!!

Unrepentantly un-PC, but certainly AH !!

D'uh, I got dizzy spotting AH gags...

'Lawrence of Albania' ? Yeah, right. So, why does he look like a young Shaun Connery, the classic 'Bond, James Bond' ??

Ian the Admin

Wow. That is truly one of the most awful things I've ever read. It has all the signs of transcendent awfulness - utter clumsiness, quite unintentional extreme self-parody, ridiculous name-dropping on every second page, strange ideological fantasies...

They need to rewrite the Geneva Convention to ban this.
It's a bit like watching a car accident--part of you really doesn't want to look but there's another part that's strangely attracted to it.

Nice find--I'm going to read this every time it's updated--I need a good laugh at the office on fridays....
Ugh. Even though its the most terrible thing i have ever read, i must read more, even as the bile grows in my stomach and my blood boils...
EvolvedSaurian said:
Reminds me of Worf.:D

Well, Indians and Klingons are very similar :p

And Bubba Singh? Surely it should Bubbajit Singh? :D

Seriosuly, though- that's great! It is like watching a train wreck :D
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Flocculencio said:
Well, Indians and Klingons are very similar :p

And Bubba Singh? Surely it should Bubbajit Singh? :D

Seriosuly, though- that's great! It is like watching a train wreck :D
isnt it ironic that the website is called "Big Head Press"?

I think it follows nearly All the AH cliches, along with a vast swarth of Literary ones. like this page that i am up to.:rolleyes:

It Friday, know what that means?

The latest update of our favourite:rolleyes: AH themed webcomic

"Roswell, Texas" pages 86-92

hmm. in the last pannel (92) the skiny 'barefoot lawyer':rolleyes: has his briefcase in his left hand, but finishes with it in his right.

oh, and all the crap about Disney as the Presdient of California, and the pink suited nazi, along with all the crappy "As you know bob..." dialouge...and the crappy, crappy names
Oh... My brain asplode. Walt Disney is the President of California, rewarding soldiers with film roles?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

My god, the pure, concentrated suckiness.