Flag Challenge Poll - 112

Which Do You Like Best

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Which of these do you like the most?
The European Communion (Europska Kommunion) is the leading state of the International Communionist Alliance or InterKom
It formed as the Carpathian Empire collapsed into revolution following The Great War.
Initially aiming at a Europe-wide Communionist Federation, nationalistic fervour limited it to Eastern Europe; though the Nordic Communion, Finnish People’s Republic, Communion of German Republics, did ally into what became InterKom.

The world war that broke out in 1940 continued for over 50 years, leaving no winners. The indiscriminate use of various poisonous gases on military and civilian targets dramatically reduced the population on every continent. By 1994 civil order had broken down in all nations and the deaths continued to pile up with the spread of the ‘Blue Plague’, which appears to have started in south-east Asia; although Europe was the least affected this plague still claimed millions of European victims. It was the end of the nation state, anarchy was rampant.

But there existed the secretive Resurgeration facility (“R1”), deep underground in the Alps. Conceived in 1959 by a group of international scientists and engineers who foresaw the inevitable outcome of the war, this was initially financed by Swiss interests. In the chaos of the 1980s a second facility (“R2”) was established in Anatolia. The principal aim of the Council of Resurgeration was to preserve and develop science, medicine and engineering until, after the end of the world war, the Council could venture forth and restore peace and progress to the shattered lands. As the first step, from 1996 it in effect become a new state, gradually incorporating parts of Austria, southern Germany and surrounding areas. The plan then adopted was for R1 to pacify and re-organise the west of Europe and for R2 to act similarly in the east of Europe. This was to be done as peacefully as possible – they had developed a so-called “peace gas” which was spread mainly by airplanes (fig.1), although armed force did prove necessary against a number of warlords.

While the plan worked effectively in the west, it was no so in the east. In 1999 a coup by the followers of Herman Gursel ousted the Eastern Council. Gursel wanted to create an Empire under his personal control and the pacification of east Europe was carried out ruthlessly. Personally, he was fixated on not cutting his hair and he (and his followers) wore exceptionally large helmets (fig.2) – his hairstyle caused him to be named “Hairman Gursel” and the empire he created “The Dictatorship of the Hair”. There developed a “cold war” between the east and west of Europe, neither side wishing to add a nuclear conflagration to the legacy of the world war.

From the outset the flag of the Council of Resurgeration was a simple green flag bearing the letter ‘”R” (fig.3). With the creation of the state, a green flag bearing a blue star within an outline green star set in an upper left canton was adopted (see the entry for this challenge). The Dictatorship of the Hair adopted a grey flag bearing a black eagle in the top left corner (fig.4)

By 2021 the areas controlled by R1 had been organised into areas known as “Communities”. The flag of the Communities is shown at fig.5.










After the unsuccessful attempt by Italy add Aslankrul to its empire, the Gobeithio Party seized control and aided mainly by the Soviet states built up powerful armed forces.

Seeing itself as the protector of the Africans, it took advantage of the Second European War to extend its influence across sub-Saharan Africa, creating a mixture of vassal and allied states. The Africa Mutual Strength Sphere came into being with Aslankrul as its undoubted leader.
